Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 824 – Shadow Vortex

Chapter 824 – Shadow Vortex

As the four Alliance Elders watched Qin Yu stand in front of the sky reaching jade pendant with his eyes closed, their gazes grew increasingly bright. This was because they discovered that Qin Yu was not only closer to the jade pendant than Luo He, but the time he had managed to last for also far surpassed him.

In fact, this was around the same time as the several highest records.

While this didn’t mean that he would obtain any harvests, the chances were at least much higher!

Suddenly, a thundering bang came from the skies above the jade pendant. It wasn’t like a thunderous roar but more like a mountain crashing into the earth.

Then, the skies shattered and starlight fell down. It formed a straight beam that enveloped Qin Yu within.

Motes of starlight shone in the column of light. It was like a rainbow-hued galaxy, emitting an endlessly mysterious aura. Within it, Qin Yu was like an immortal that was being born.

His robes rustled even though there wasn’t any wind. Then he rose up from the ground, soaring a thousand feet into the air.

Hum –

Hum –

A faint trembling came from the ground. Everyone watched with wide eyes, their faces full of shock.

Because they could feel that the source of this trembling was the sky reaching jade pendant.

As if it was resonating with the starlight that fell down from above.

The four Alliance Elders flushed red with excitement. They swore that such a scene had never occurred in the recorded history of the alliance.

This was the first time that the jade pendant had reacted to an outside influence. Perhaps the person that the alliance had been waiting for had finally appeared!

Luo He paled. He stared tightly at Qin Yu’s back. After a brief moment of shock and disbelief, hatred flooded his eyes.

Qin Yu, it is you again!

Why do you destroy my plans every time? And why would this damned jade pendant resonate with you?

After a long silence, the frost in his eyes turned to viciousness. He wouldn’t stare on helplessly as Qin Yu succeeded.

This time, it is my turn to destroy your good fortune and have you regret it for the rest of your life!

Luo He lowered his head. Because of the jade pendant’s reaction, no one noticed that the shadow beneath his feet had begun to change. Like a drop of ink falling into water, his black shadow started to proliferate outwards.



Qin Yu and the little blue lamp’s consciousness both fell into silence. While they were unwilling, there was nothing they could do.

This was its choice. And in this world, no one could force it to do anything it didn’t want to do.

The starlight that fell from the skies was the compensation it gave to Qin Yu, as a way to comfort and ameliorate him after rejecting him.

Even if this was only a consolation prize, Qin Yu was still stunned as he felt the strength constantly flowing into his body from the starlight.

He couldn’t help but wonder. If he obtained its approval with the little blue lamp’s help, what kind of harvests would he receive?

He feared it was a wealth so shocking and amazing that he couldn’t even imagine it.

Perhaps he should try one more time? What if he succeeded?

As this thought appeared, the little blue lamp kicked it to the side. “Don’t waste your energy. Since it has rejected you, it won’t give you a second chance.”

After holding in its disappointment, the little blue lamp could only sigh heavily. It had no idea what sort of mind-boggling luck Qin Yu had to appear in front of this thing, but in the end they had no choice other than to give up.

How could anyone be resigned to this!

But none of that mattered. If this was a different kind of good fortune, the little blue lamp might think of some other methods.

Yet facing this thing, it decided not to use any other methods, otherwise it would be the one to regret it in the end.

The little blue lamp firmly believed this.

Qin Yu clenched his teeth. “Is there really no chance? Perhaps you can tell me the origin of this jade pendant and we can find a solution together.”

The little blue lamp said, “If you have the qualifications to know of it then you will naturally know. If you don’t have the qualifications then even if I tell you, you won’t understand.

“Give up. You and it are not destined to be. It will continue to stay here and wait for its chosen one.”

Qin Yu’s complexion paled but he believed the little blue lamp. Since it said this, it was best if he didn’t have any more greedy thoughts towards it.

At this time, a loud crash resounded in his world of consciousness. Qin Yu had no idea what was happening but he could feel that the formidable strength coming from the starlight was rapidly fading away. Finally, it even vanished.

The projection of the little blue lamp’s consciousness suddenly had a strange complexion. It looked at Qin Yu and said, “There’s been a change in the outside world. You should leave immediately…the process of the starlight gift was interrupted. For you, this isn’t bad or good.”

Qin Yu’s eyes lit up. “What do you mean? Tell me.”

The little blue lamp said, “Your consolation prize was ruined by others. Then strictly speaking, you were not completely rejected. That’s right, it’s just like you think. Perhaps after this, you will have another chance to try.

“But now you should leave here first, or more troubles will occur.”


In front of the jade pendant, the shadow that spread over the ground began to rapidly spin, like the projection of a massive vortex.

Then, with a loud roar, countless giant beast phantoms drilled out. Their were some that were over a thousand feet in size and some that were over tens of thousands of feet in size. They all rushed towards the jade pendant.

Qin Yu, who was floating in the air in front of the jade pendant, was clearly in the way.

Qin Yu’s eyes opened. Before his consciousness had fully taken control over his body, the powerful muscle instincts of his physical body had already reacted when facing danger.

Qin Yu tapped his feet and his body sank like a boulder, avoiding the jaws of a giant beast phantom that was biting at him. As for what happened after that, he didn’t need to bother himself with it.

The four Alliance Elders ran in front of him at nearly the same time. Without hesitation, they shielded Qin Yu. “Hurry and leave!”

The entire alliance had waited 100,000 years and now they had finally found someone who could cause a reaction from the jade pendant. They couldn’t allow him to be injured.

Bang –

Bang –

The four Alliance Elders fully unleashed their cultivation. A boundless aura erupted from their bodies and wove together. Like a giant grinding disc, it roared and rumbled as it spun, blocking all the giant beast phantoms outside.

Qin Yu immediately guessed the reason why the four Alliance Elders were protecting him. Of course, he wouldn’t explain what had happened. While the four Alliance Elders were shielding him, he flickered and landed on the ground and immediately shot away from the battlefield.

He looked ahead. As if sensing an outside threat, the smooth surface of the sky reaching jade began to shimmer with light. It was thin and clear, like the light of a billion stars spilling down from the clear skies.

Hou –

Another loud roar came from the shadow vortex on the ground. Qin Yu’s heart shrank as pain gripped at his mind. He turned and saw a giant shadow tentacle reach out from the vortex and ruthlessly whip at him.

Rumble rumble –

Wherever it went, air roared. Several giant beast phantoms weren’t able to avoid in time and were directly destroyed, dispersing into nothingness.

The four Alliance Elders obviously knew how fierce it was. Their complexions changed and they hurriedly retreated. The shadow tentacle slammed into the jade pendant as fast as lightning. A heaven-shaking eruption occurred and a terrifying impact swept outwards.

Qin Yu didn’t think that even after escaping the battlefield he would still be affected. He cursed inwardly as he only had enough time to defensively lift his arms. In the next moment he was sent flying away as if he had been struck by a great hammer.

He tumbled on the ground several times as the impact strength was unloaded from his body. He shook his aching arms, his mind shaken.

After fusing with the Ancient’s heart, his mortal body had continued to transform. There was also the gift of starlight that helped rapidly strengthen his body. But even with all of that, he barely blocked the shockwaves from the attack.

If the impact had been stronger or if he had been closer, he feared his bones would have been broken and his muscles torn.

Pained howls and cries could be heard from all around. Most of the top ten rankers who had entered the mystic realm with anticipation and hope were now poured all over the ground, mournful sounds coming from their throats.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn’t find Luo He. Where had he gone? Qin Yu certainly didn’t believe he had been butchered and eaten up by the giant beast phantoms coming from the shadow vortex.

Even if most of the people here died, Luo He would likely be fine…in fact, Qin Yu couldn’t help but suspect that the sudden appearance of the shadow vortex was related to Luo He.

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