Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 823B – Sky Reaching Jade Pendant

Chapter 823B – Sky Reaching Jade Pendant

A colossal jade pendant rose into the skies.

When one really stood in front of it, all descriptions paled. One could only stare at this miraculous scene, their thoughts in a haze.

It was like a waterfall that fell from the highest heavens, crashing into the earth. But in that instant, all of that tremendous force was frozen and erased.

Its surface was as smooth as a mirror, warm and transparent. The jade pendant glowed with a faint halo. Looking left to right, one couldn’t see how far it extended. Looking up, one couldn’t see where it ended.

All four Alliance Elders, whether they had been cold and aloof or friendly and inviting, had solemnly respectful expressions right now. Without needing any warning, all top ten rankers, including Qin Yu, instantly felt endless awe surge from the depths of their hearts.

As if this jade pendant was like a god. Just by standing in front of it, one felt like they were blaspheming it with their presence. It made one feel horrified and frightened.

“Everyone, please line up according to your rank. Then, stand in front of the jade pendant and tell us what you feel. And tell us the truth. Also, I apologize but the alliance cannot tell you what this jade pendant is for now. But please believe that it might be the greatest lucky chance in your life.

“So no matter what, you must do your best. Do not hold back at all…I guarantee that if you hide anything, you will regret it for the rest of your lives.”

“Number one, Luo He!”

The four Alliance Elders spread out, their expressions dignified.

Luo He took a deep breath and stepped towards the jade pendant. After several steps, he stopped. It was unknown what he did, but he closed his eyes.

Everything fell silent.

The four Alliance Elders fixed their eyes on him. At this moment, even though almost all of Qin Yu’s attention was attracted to the giant jade pendant in front of him, he felt a trace of caution coming from the Elders.

That’s right, it was caution!

They seemed to be worried that Luo He would suddenly attack and do something to damage the jade pendant.

But at this time, Qin Yu’s ability to think was nearly suppressed by his strong instincts. He didn’t think about why he thought this; nearly all rationale was tossed to the side. He just felt that when he looked at this sky reaching jade pendant, there was something inside that he wanted with all his heart.

Moments later, Luo He opened his eyes. He stared at the sky reaching jade pendant in front of him. Hesitation flashed in his eyes and then he made his way forward once again.

One step, two steps, three steps…

Luo He stopped. He seemed to be suppressing something, but in the end he couldn’t hold it in any longer. His complexion paled and he spat out a mouthful of blood. A wave of strength wrapped around him and sent him flying away.

Puff –

After he landed he spat out another mouthful of blood. Luo He looked at the jade pendant, his face full of shock!

There was a flash of nearly imperceptible disappointment in the depths of the four Alliance Elders’ eyes. They immediately composed themselves.

One of them came to Luo He’s side and helped suppress his injuries. Then, they asked him what harvests he found in front of the jade pendant.

At this time, the second ranked person started walking towards the jade pendant.

Qin Yu suddenly felt regret. He shouldn’t have hidden his strength. If he hadn’t, he would have gotten a higher ranking than sixth place and he would have already stood in front of the jade pendant.

Although he knew that this was simply a difference in order and he would be able to approach the jade pendant eventually, he still couldn’t help but feel regret!

This was an incomparably intense mood, one that nearly washed away all logical reasoning.

With Qin Yu’s intelligence and personality, this was an abnormal thought for him. But, he wasn’t aware of it at all.

As if when this jade pendant appeared in front of him, all thinking and reasoning was destroyed and it washed over his entire mind!

The second ranked person vomited blood and was sent back. He was even worse than Luo He; he wasn’t even able to move forwards before he was injured by that invisible strength.

Then the third, the fourth.

Qin Yu drew in great heaving gaps before barely managing to suppress the impatience in his heart.

Finally, the fifth ranked person failed…

That’s right, he had failed. Although Qin Yu had no idea what these people experienced when they stepped in front of the jade pendant, them spitting out blood and the look of disappointment on the Elders’ faces proved that they hadn’t succeeded.

It was Qin Yu’s turn!

Before the Alliance Elders said anything, he immediately walked forward. If his instincts didn’t tell him that he shouldn’t approach rapidly, he might have flown forward.

One step, two steps, three steps…seven steps, eight steps, nine steps…13 steps, 14 steps, 15 steps…

The originally expressionless Alliance Elders stirred. Their eyes started to light up.

This was a surprise dark horse!

Was he hiding his strength? Or did he have a withstanding capacity that surpassed others when facing the jade pendant? But none of that mattered. What mattered was that there was a chance.

Even if this chance was infinitesimal, to the point where the alliance hadn’t been able to grasp it even after spending hundreds of thousands of years.

But as long as this chance existed, they would continue trying and would never give up!

16th step.

Qin Yu felt his limits arrive. The air surrounding him was like a thick swamp, desperately wrapping around him as it tried to grind him into dust. Or, it was like the maw of a great beast, one full of teeth and trying to tear him to shreds!

Within his chest, his two hearts wildly beat. Feeling the burning in his lungs, Qin Yu knew he couldn’t continue any further.

He let out a deep breath, looking at the jade pendant in front of him with unwillingness in his eyes. He was so close…just a few more steps and he would be there. But, these steps were an insurmountable gap.

Hum –

A shaking strength arrived without warning. It crashed into his mind, diving straight to his soul.

Qin Yu closed his eyes. He could feel his consciousness being drawn out from his body and arriving at a strange and bizarre world.

Starfall Archipelago, Beast Trainer Alliance Headquarters.

President Beech Daogasi opened his eyes. His expression was calm and unhurried, the display that a superior should have on at all times. But, the three vice-presidents across from him could sense the heavy dignity in his eyes.

“President, how come your uneasy feeling hasn’t disappeared yet?” A vice-president suddenly asked.

Daogasi slowly nodded. “Yes, not only has it not vanished, it has become even more intense.” He paused and looked over the three. “Everyone, my intuition tells me that the alliance will soon welcome a great chance.”

The three vice-presidents felt a chill race through their hearts.

Because President Daogasi had a variation bloodline, his intuition and foresight far surpassed others’. And in the long span of years, his intuition had repeatedly proven to be true.

Another vice-president had an ugly complexion. “Could it be that the ship attacks by the giant sea beasts mean that it is about to take action?”

“We’ve already gone through the heaviest screening. For this purpose, we didn’t even hesitate to sacrifice the lives of 13 excellent beast trainers. And during the transmission, there were two other auxiliary tests, all of which turned out fine…could it be that we were still lacking?”

“The chosen ten people have entered the mystic realm. With four Alliance Elders there, any changes will be detected. Even if that thing in the sea wants to wage war with us, I fear it won’t have a chance. After all, the world of the mystic realm is completely different from our own.”

Beech Daogasi was silent. He understood what the three vice-presidents were saying yet he still couldn’t eliminate the disturbance in his heart. But, there was one thing he was sure of. The rules of the mystic realm and prime world were different. Unless one became an existence that stood above the rules, it was impossible to send strength there.

He hoped there wouldn’t be an accident!


In truth, as they feared, there was a strength that surpassed endless space and time. What it wanted to do was intrude into this mystic realm.

The source of this strength came from the little blue lamp!

When Qin Yu stepped into the alliance’s mystic realm, it had detected something through their connection. It was left shaken beyond belief.

With the level on which the little blue lamp existed, it had never been so shocked, even when Qin Yu had touched the path of time…this was truly a bout of good fortune. Even the little blue lamp was filled with disbelief.

When Qin Yu stepped in front of the jade pendant, it was no longer confused. While it still couldn’t figure out why this was happening, the truth was laid bare in front of it.

It couldn’t bother caring about why this thing would be here. After determining what the jade pendant was, the little blue lamp only had one thought.

Obtain it!

It had to help Qin Yu obtain it!

Even if it was discovered by the Heavenly Dao, it would still do everything in its power.

Thus, the little blue lamp moved with all of its power. This was not just because it had the ambition to obtain it no matter what, but also because the rules of the world in which it existed had long since changed. In a situation where it didn’t have permission, if it wanted to force its way in it would have to expend a mind-boggling amount of power.

It had to do its best!

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