Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 866 - Assassin

Chapter 866 - Assassin

Great King City.

In a chamber within the City Lord Mansion, Sophia’s eyes flew open. She coughed as blood leaked out from the corners of her lips. In the next moment, large purple bruises appeared on her snow-white body, intertwining into the face of a grotesque ghost.

The ghost face fiercely struggled as if it wanted to break free from her flesh and blood. Ghastly shrieks and howls filled the quiet chamber.

Curse backlash!

Her eyes flashed with startled anger. Sophia raised a front hoof and placed it between her eyebrows. A mark instantly appeared, releasing a rainbow-hued light. As the light flashed it instantly spread across her body, covering her entirely within.

The ghost face angrily roared but it was finally suppressed, hidden within her flesh and blood.

Hu –

Hu –

Sophia gasped for breath in great heaving gulps. Due to the simultaneous feelings of anger and fear, her face was pale white.

The curse life form had been killed!

This was the only possible reason for her to suffer such a terrifying backlash. It had to be known that the curse life form was a life-saving tool the High Ancestor had gifted her when she came of age. It had been the direct descendant of the Cursed Eye and had great potential for growth.

Now that it had been killed, the Cursed Eye would never let this go. Just now she had borrowed her life mark to barely suppress the outbreak of the backlash. But, this measure was simply a stopgap; it wouldn’t last forever.

Unless she returned as soon as possible and asked the High Ancestor for help, once this backlash erupted again her body simply wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“Damn it!”

Sophia clenched her jaws. Originally everything had been in her control and she even grasped the perfect turning point to win. But in an instant the situation had thoroughly deteriorated and she fell into an absolute disadvantage.

That hateful woman, how did she accomplish this? Sophia was well aware of how terrifying a curse life form was. Even in their normal state it was difficult to contend with them, much less now.

Was that woman hiding other methods? No, that shouldn’t be it. The information she obtained hadn’t mentioned anything regarding this.

Don’t panic!

Sophia steadied her breathing. She thought for a moment and her eyes began to glimmer. Just how terrifying was a curse life form? Even if that woman managed to kill it, there was no way she could have done so unscathed.

In other words, the woman was now at her weakest state. The more Sophia dragged things out the more disadvantageous it would be for her. Moreover, the curse backlash could only be suppressed temporarily. She needed to defeat her opponent in the shortest period of time to win.

It was time for a change of plans!

Sophia’s eyes flashed.

“Curse life form!” The muscled and sturdy Stronghold Master still wore a light pink dress. It hug tight to her body in a strange way. When she heard Doctor Ye’s explanation her eyebrows furrowed together and a trace of slaughter intent appeared on her ferocious face.

“Doctor Ye, are you sure?”

Doctor Ye said, “I have discovered the aura of the Cursed Eye on Qin Yu. In addition to what I sensed before, he hasn’t lied in this aspect.”

The Stronghold Master sighed. “As I thought, the information that I’ve never been able to confirm was true. She had a curse life form protecting her all this time.”

Doctor Ye laughed, “Hehe, but now it is dead. My eyesight wasn’t wrong. This boy Qin Yu is a talented person. He even managed to eliminate such a terrifying existence!”

He paused for a moment before continuing to say, “When having a curse life form’s protection, in order to avoid having the curse corrode away at your body, it is necessary to sign a contract. I fear that one in Great King City isn’t feeling so well right now.”

He had a fully gloating expression.

“Doctor Ye, things aren’t this simple.” The Stronghold Master stood up and walked to the window. “If she has suffered a curse backlash as you said then she won’t sit there and wait for death. She’ll likely make a move soon.”

Doctor Ye coldly sneered, “So what? Could miss be afraid of her?”

“I am not afraid of her, but our luck this time is bad. They have a comprehensive advantage in every aspect. If we meet them head-on…I fear it will be troublesome for us. I’m afraid we won’t be able to make use of our previous preparations.”

Doctor Ye frowned. “That is a fact. Miss isn’t prepared yet?”

The Stronghold Master nodded, “I’m still a little bit away. But if the situation is critical then I could still force myself to use it. Everything will depend on what she does now.”

Sophia personally invited a top noble from the imperial city. He was from the direct bloodline of the Aurora Clan and he was the third-place successor, Olas. Because of this, the entire City Lord Mansion fell busy as they worked around the clock.

A series of exquisite dishes were constantly delivered to the gorgeously decorated banquet hall. The City Lord and Mister Olas happily chatted with each other.

The banquet continued for six hours. After finishing, the City Lord invited Mister Olas to her private study so that they could further discuss matters.

Since this involved confidential matters, the many obam nobles that accompanied them respectfully bowed and withdrew.

Soon after, Sophia and Mister Olas who were supposedly discussing secret news were lying down on bed, their bodies folded together as they panted.

The blushing City Lord seemed to sense something. She hugged onto Mister Olas even tighter, passionately crying out loud.

Olas wildly accelerated. Then, with a deep roar, he completed another outpouring of his firepower. With a happy and comfortable expression he lazily slumped onto the soft and beautiful body beneath him.

Of course, this beautiful body was based on the standards of the obam race.

It was just that at this time, Mister Olas who was still immersed in a drowsy ecstasy didn’t notice the ice cold look in the City Lord’s eyes.

She lifted a hand. A front hoof rapidly transformed, turning into the palm of a human woman. It was fair and clear, soft and exquisite, as if it had never been tainted with smoke or fire. Then, it slammed onto Olas’ body.

Bang –

Like an exploding balloon, fresh blood spewed out, mixed with fragments of organs. The mixture landed on the City Lord’s body. Mister Olas’ eyes flew open. He groaned twice before falling silent forever.

“AHh! There’s an assassin!”

The City Lord’s screams resounded throughout her study.

Sophia easily rid herself of all possible doubt.

Although she had gotten dressed by the time everyone arrived, with her flushed face and her messy body, it wasn’t difficult to guess what had been happening.

Of course, the more important evidence came from Mister Olas. He was lying naked on the bed with a strange smell floating in the air.

Because Mister Olas was an important figure, even with Sophia’s status she still had to undergo a thorough inspection. But the truth remained that they had intimate relations and the proof remained within her body.

So, when Sophia said it was a human assassin that had did this, the imperial city’s Aurora Family agreed with this after thinking about it.

What was more, there was a delicate shining handprint on the back of the dead Mister Olas. This killing blow surely came from a human woman.

And finally, the nobles who came urgently from the capital soon reached an agreement with all other parties in Great King City: the one who killed Mister Olas was the same human who had broken into the City Lord Mansion not too long ago and killed the steward Dorafi.

In response to this matter, the City Lord Mansion began a massive investigation. After some time they found some clues. Although they had no idea who this assassin was or who instructed them, they could approximately make out his location – the mountain range not too far away, the Little Sweet Mountains!

In truth, the Little Sweet Mountains weren’t small at all. So, this name was in actuality not too appropriate. Its appearance was a mountain range that ran from north to south for over 100,000 miles. It was covered in over 100,000 peaks with endless rivers spanning through it. It could definitely be regarded as an independent state.

There were over a trillion lives living in this state. Besides the various monster beasts that were the majority, there were also the surviving humans who had run away to escape the pursuit of the obam.

Of course, there were also some obam villages here, but those who lived here often had tragic pasts that caused them to flee their home and into the deep mountains. Once discovered by other obam, they often had fates more miserable than the humans.

When the dire intentions of Great King City started to spread out, this news soon swept through the Little Sweet Mountains at an astonishing pace – a human assassin had killed the noble from the imperial city, leading to retaliation from the obam race! Unless they handed over the murderer, they would use cataclysmic methods to cleanse every human out of the mountains!

Nine Nether Peak was located deep within the Little Sweet Mountains. Before this news reached them, the Stronghold Master learned of it through some unknown channel.

Doctor Ye was silent for a long time. Then he coldly sneered, “That young lady from the Bolie Family, in order to win she’s willing to go to any length…before, I once heard that the Boli Family isn’t a pure human bloodline but is mixed with barbarian blood. I didn’t believe it before, but now it seems that its true!”

He naturally understood who killed Olas.

The Stronghold Master had a calm expression. “It is impossible for things to be dismissed when a top obam noble is slain. Although Nine Nether Peak is hidden deep within the Little Sweet Mountains, we will be dragged in sooner or later. Once we are discovered, she will gather all her strength to attack Nine Nether Peak.”

Doctor Ye was silent for a moment. His frowned tightened for a time before loosening.” Miss, there is no need to worry; I am here. No matter how many troops those obam send out, I will force them all to stay forever!”

There was a sharp look in his eyes.

“Old Ye!” The Stronghold Master glared at him, a bit of charming anger in her eyes. Unfortunately, with her current image it was somewhat unappetizing. “Me pulling you here as in fact already violating the rules. If you are discovered, then directly being determined as losing is a possibility.”

Doctor Ye’s complexion changed. “I almost forgot. I cannot expose myself. Then, what can we do…” He clenched his teeth and indignantly said, “Now that I think of it, it is all that boy Qin Yu’s fault. Why did he eliminate that curse life form for? Provoking trouble for himself is one thing, but he even pushed that Bolie girl into a desperate situation. We can only fight to the death with what we have. If we only had a little more time then with young miss’s preparations we would have easily won!”

The Stronghold Master revealed a helpless expression. “Old Ye, aren’t you the one that recommended Qin Yu?” Seeing his awkward expression she didn’t mention it again. “Alright, let’s get down to business. Although the situation is a bit difficult, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any cards we can play.”

“Right now, the entire array formation hasn’t been completed. But, if we pay a price it is still usable. I only hope it can force the obam back.”

The Stronghold Master’s eyes lit up. “Old Ye, never forget that as things are, time is on our side. If we can last long enough then we might be able to win without any needless confrontation.”

Old Ye revealed a hesitant look. “Miss is correct, but once the great array formation is forcefully activated you will be stuck here. You won’t be able to take one step away from Nine Nether Peak.”

The Stronghold Master smiled. “If we don’t do anything we will be found sooner or later. If that’s the case it’s better to bet it all…and, I have confidence in my array formation. They won’t be able to break through easily.”

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