Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 865 – Level

Chapter 865 – Level

Suddenly, the stable force field began to waver.

Qin Yu was startled as he suddenly regained his senses. He found that the purple moon in his soul space and the blue sun in his dantian sea were slowly moving at a steady and stable pace…this feeling was like the rise and fall of the sun and moon!

And at this time, the fluctuations in the force field were caused by the revolution of the sun and moon. But not only did this not harm the force field itself, but as these fluctuations continued, faint traces of an aura from the outside were slowly absorbed.

This was a strength that Qin Yu had never come into contact with before. It was incomparably weak and if it weren’t for the existence of the force field he would never have sensed it.

But soon, Qin Yu’s eyes flew open and his thoughts nearly came to a halting stop! This was because he discovered the function of this strength…it was to strengthen and help promote a life form to the next level!

This…what sort of strength was this…how could such a heaven-defying strength exist in the world…

When all living beings in existence cultivated, it was in essence a process of strengthening and continuously transforming themselves. And this process increased the level of their life.

Because the so-called fairness never existed in this world to begin with. There were formidable clans and races in this world that were born with a lifespan of ten thousand years, a hundred thousand years, or even a million years. They had no need to cultivate and as long as they naturally grew to adulthood they would possess unbelievable formidable powers.

There were even some special life forms for whom life and death was simply the process of sleeping and awakening. They had never felt the horror and fear that came from facing death. They stood high and aloof, gazing down at a trillion worlds as the small and lowly life forms did their best to survive.

Qin Yu closed his eyes, crazily trying to sense this strength. But it was like dust floating in the air. Though he could see it when it passed through rays of sunlight, he couldn’t touch it when he reached out a hand. But this strength was real. Although the rate it was being absorbed was slow, it was continuous. It steadily and constantly fused into Qin Yu, increasing the level of his life.


This was absolutely insane!

Qin Yu knew better than anyone else what this meant. As long as the sun and moon force field was always effective in absorbing this strength, that as long as he lived long enough he would become a terrifying existence that could shake the world.

Without any reason, Qin Yu suddenly thought of the Solar and Lunar Stars that revolved around the great primal world in ancient times. Was there a chance that some incomparably formidable life form used these two stars as a medium to draw in the mysterious strength that existed between the heavens and earth?

As soon as this thought appeared, Qin Yu couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingle. It was like tingling electricity shocking him as it spread across his body. Especially at this time he could feel that as the blue sun and purple moon revolved, their auras started to stabilize and their ranges expanded further than before.

Although this was only an extremely small part, so small that it could be neglected, when compared to the time it took for the force field to rotate, it was more than astonishing.

If this was superimposed over the long span of years? If it was a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, a hundred thousand years, or even a million years? Perhaps the small and weak purple moon and blue sun really might grow back to a situation where they could compare with the Lunar and Solar Stars!

After a long time, Qin Yu took a deep breath and forcefully suppressed the tumbling emotions in his heart. He found that this inheritance he obtained was far more formidable than he imagined.

The mighty being from ancient times that left behind this inheritance rule and also dominated the Solar and Lunar Stars in secret must have reached an inconceivable level of strength.

But no matter how powerful that person had been, he still hadn’t managed to resist the flow of the endless river of time. In the end he fell from the skies, leaving behind only a brand mark that fused into the jade pendant embryo egg.

Qin Yu couldn’t help but imagine what sort of accident these mighty beings suffered that they would eventually perish and turn into dust and ashes. But soon, he restrained these thoughts because no matter what the truth was, he was still a far distance away from reaching that level. The disparity was far too great.

As his cultivation increased and he lived longer, his field of vision would continue to expand. This world was like a mountain hidden in the fog. Each time the fog parted, new and wonderful things would be exposed…always making sure that people were in awe of the world.

At this time, Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. He stood up and flicked his sleeve, opening the doors. Standing outside, Snowside was given a fright. She hurriedly said, “Qin Yu, there’s a strange old man that’s been squatting in a tree outside for a long time. He’s kept staring at our courtyard. He’s scaring me!”

Qin Yu’s heart chilled and he nodded in acknowledgement. Quietly, he made his way outside. As he thought, the old man squatting in a tree was Doctor Ye.

Although he had been sufficiently careful when he borrowed the strength of the rules to isolate out all perception, he still didn’t have full confidence when facing Doctor Ye, whose cultivation was unknown but was definitely terrifying.

Moreover, looking at his current appearance, he likely realized what had happened. Qin Yu’s thoughts began to race.

“Yo, you brat, if you didn’t come out soon I would have run out of patience and rushed in to take a look myself! Just what were you doing in there?” Doctor Ye’s eyes fell on Qin Yu. Although Qin Yu looked the same and his aura was the same, there were some inexplicable changes to him.

As he thought this his eyes grew increasingly bright. They were like white daggers, trying to pierce through Qin Yu and see into his secrets.

Qin Yu bowed and revealed a panic-stricken expression. “Doctor Ye, there seems to be a problem with the stone that the Stronghold Master gave me. There is a terrifying being inside that I accidentally let loose.”

He immediately explained the appearance of the curse lie form. Of course, he embellished and erased some parts of the story so that he didn’t expose anything he didn’t want to.

Doctor Ye’s expression changed. “Curse life form!” His eyes immediately turned swift and fierce and his face sank with earnestness. “Qin Yu, are you sure that you didn’t make a mistake?”

As he spoke he quietly activated a secret art. He confirmed that Qin Yu’s soul and even his soul had a lingering curse aura around it.

Although it was thin, he still recognized it. Doctor Ye furrowed his eyebrows together and shouted, “The Cursed Eye!”

Qin Yu cried out loud, an anxious expression on his face, “That’s right, that’s right, it said that it was the direct descendant of the Cursed Eye I and said that if I killed it I would be marked by the Cursed Eye…Doctor Ye, what is going on?”

Doctor Ye’s figure moved and he hopped into the courtyard. He said, “Compared to that, I am even more curious why you are still alive. Although it seems a bit cold and callous to say that, it’s the truth. With your strength it should be impossible for you to resist the slaughter of a curse life form. Concerning this, I think you must give me a reasonable explanation, Qin Yu.”

Qin Yu revealed a hesitant look. But as he sensed a dense coldness coming from Doctor Ye, his complexion paled and he said, “I’ll speak, I’ll speak. Many years ago I accidentally picked up a black skull. Through it, I was able to contact another world, and a powerful existence called the Lord of the Black Skull who lived there. We signed a transaction contract together.”

“The Lord of the Black Skull?” Doctor Ye thought for a moment but couldn’t recall anything concerning this name. “So you’re saying you drew strength from the Lord of the Black Skull to kill this curse life form?”

Qin Yu nodded, “Yes, that’s what happened!”

“Humph! Qin Yu, you actually dare to deceive me…if it’s as you say and this existence was able to span space and time to arrive here with its projection and still easily slay the curse life form, then the terror of its true strength is far beyond your comprehension. This existence would sign a contract with you? I fear that the moment you communicated with it, it would have swallowed you without hesitation!”

Qin Yu quietly thought that this old fellow was much sharper than he seemed. If he hadn’t been prepared earlier then the Lord of the Black Skull really might have done that. “You’re right. The Lord of the Black Skull was indeed mad in the past. It asked me where I came from…it seemed that the black skull was extremely precious to it. But after it rage was over, it simply left behind a sentence that I could summon its projection and then it left.”

Doctor Ye’s eyes flashed. Could it be a passive summoning contract? Or was the black skull that Qin Yu spoke of the medium that the Lord of the Black Skull used to sign a contract with a powerhouse? And for some reason this boy had unknowingly obtained it?

Although this sort of matter was rare, in the eyes of the experienced Doctor Ye, there was still a chance it could occur.

Of course, what mattered more was that Qin Yu’s excuse perfectly explained everything he sensed…for instance, the curse lie form, or the projection that crossed space and time…right now, Qin Yu looked as if he was being earnest without hiding anything.

That’s right, this old fellow had already sensed the fluctuations but hadn’t revealed anything at all. Rather, he was waiting for Qin Yu to give an explanation on his own initiative. If this explanation didn’t satisfy him then he would have immediately struck Qin Yu dead where he stood…this was crucial to the miss’s figure and he couldn’t allow any hidden dangers to exist.

But now, it seems that there was no problem with Qin Yu. He was just a relatively lucky young cultivator.

“Curse life form…that’s a bit interesting.” Doctor Ye looked at Qin Yu. He knew that Qin Yu was still hiding some things, but everyone had secrets and it wasn’t like he needed to get to the bottom of this. He muttered, “Qin Yu, you are a smart boy. I hope you stay just as smart.”

He turned and walked away. As he did, his eyebrows furrowed together and a dignified light filled his eyes.

Snowside looked at Qin Yu with worry. “Qin Yu….”

“I’m fine.” Qin Yu calmly said, taking a deep breath.

Snowside started to speak but hesitated. She simply nodded.

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