I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 954 - The Great King's Rage

Chapter 954 - The Great King's Rage

Everyone felt their hearts sink, as the silence only made their worries grow even more.

Everyone stayed vigilant, as they didn't know whether Eli had set a trap for their gangs or not.

Because if he did try to use this to deal with one of them, then the results might be very catastrophic.

Of course, there were a few people who weren't all that scared, like Quick Eyes.

But, he was still as sharp and open-eyed as possible because this junior was a slippery one.

Who knew if he would set him up?

And even though everyone's gaze remained on the trembling prisoner, they could still feel Eli's murderous gaze glancing at them.

The rage that Eli felt swell up within him was so great that he truly wanted to go on a killing spree.

His expression turned brisk and business-like as he coldly squinted his eyes and observed them one by one.

"Over time, maybe I've given some of you the impression that I'm soft.

Or maybe, some of you just wanted to test the waters with this last incident.

Well, whatever the case might be... Congratulations! You have my full attention!"

Everyone gulped down their saliva as they listened to Eli's cold and authoritative voice.



Who would dare think that the Great King was soft?

They shook their heads and smile bitterly, as they felt bad for whoever had a hand in the incident some time ago.

To summarize it all, someone had caused a few of Eli's generals to get locked up in the Quiet/White room as punishment.

And, they would only be out after a month, max.

This might seem like nothing to many, but to them, as gang leaders who were fighting for power here, it was an undeniable setback for Eli.


As the Great King, his generals had different rules and duties while in here.

So if their posts were empty or vacant, then several things and rules would get loose.

Someone was trying to shake the balance of power, and Eli didn't like it!

His generals were his most trusted eyes and ears here.

So with a few of them gone, he had to look for replacements and make other arrangements hurriedly.

Of course, there would always be people who could do the same job.

But they wouldn't do it to the same degree as those who he had entrusted in the first place.

And because of their predicted sloppiness, several other gangs would be able to get away with things they previously couldn't.

Spies would be freer to carry out their activities, and enemies would scheme and aim at him even more now that he was somewhat weakened.

Eli's only joy was that even though his generals were set up, they didn't fully play along with the enemy.

So they were sent to the Quiet/White room and more The Hole.


Say what you like, but the Whole was indeed a place that frightened all, including Eli, Quick Eyes and everyone else.

And why were they scared of it?

Because of its ability.

That's right.

The Hole had an ability that scared the life out of those who wanted power.

8 out of 10 that went into the Hole, came out changed and didn't want anything to do with their gangs.

Quick Eye has lost a few, Connor and lost a few.

Almost every gang has a few.

And the most annoying thing was that when they came out, they would tremble, start praying for forgiveness, read the Baymardian Bible and volunteer for some charity work in Prison and try as much as possible to change their lives.

Screw that!

To Eli and the rest, these people had turned into wimps.

Stupid, foolish, weaklings!

It was like their brains were filled with water, because nothing the gang leaders said penetrated their heads.

No matter how these people got bullied, hit or suppressed into taking orders from the gangs, these people didn't bulge.

They even started saying things like: 'What would it benefit a man to gain the whole world if his soul gets lost in the process?'

Everyone was taken aback by them.

What sort of sh**ty sentence was that?


A vast majority of those who came out of the Hole started doing and saying crazy things and even begging for forgiveness for the innocent people they had killed throughout their lives.

They adamantly chose to turn their lives around and become stupid morons.

So they distanced themselves from their gangs, sat alone in the cafeterias, alongside others who changed and did their best to live peaceful lives.

For them, they were serving their retribution for all the wrongs they did... Which scared the life out of the gang leaders.

In fact, this year, 5 of these changed prisoners disappeared from the sector, leaving the gang leaders in shock and confusion.

Where did they go?

Of course, only the guards knew that these 5 prisoners had been set free.

They were amongst the first batch of prisoners to ever set foot in the prison years back.

At that time, they were in one of the Assassin gangs.

But, after going to the Hole that same year, they changed.

And after observing throughout the years, their sentences had been cut short with one condition.

After leaving, they were to work here in Baymard for a while, where they can keep an eye on them and ensure that these people truly wouldn't revert to their old selves once out.

Of course, apart from their paid work, they had to do Community services too.

Prisons were there to reform people for the better.

So if they could change, then that was great.

Of course, those who they left in Prison didn't know about their new life.

But all this made the gang leaders even more crazed.

They ended up losing their forces and getting the scale of power reshuffled time and time.

Everything was a complete mess.


Just what exactly went on in the Hole?

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