I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 271 Curing Adrian

3:15 P.M

'Tap! Tap!' Tap!'

2 people could be seen walking side-by-side, as they hurriedly made way through the busy hallway.


"Nurse Paul...has the patient arrived yet?"

"Not yet Doctor Landon!" Said the 21 year old male nurse.

"What about the theater and equipments?..... have they been prepped?"

"They are on it right now as we speak Doctor."

"Good!.... please call in Doctor Lincoln right away, and bring me the patient's lab reports immediately."

"Yes Doctor Landon!"



Landon was currently at the hospital, prepping for Adrain's surgery.

And how did he drag the old man there?


On the same day that the treaty had been finalized, and his missions dished out..... Landon had requested for Santa's entire gang to go for checkup.

He couldn't just tell Adrian that he had predicted the dude to have Appendicitis... hence he could only come up with this checkup excuse.


Everyone had gone through the checkout process, to verify if they had any 'known' illnesses within their bodies.

One should know that the workers in Baymard could only identify what they knew so far.... so anything else, would be too hard for them to solve.


Like Landon had said, there were over thousands of medical procedures that existed back on earth..... and the system had just given him a few.

One should know that the combination of both surgical and non-surgical procedures that exist back on earth..... is roughly close to 500 thousand.


Now, with the addition of 10 more surgical procedures as Landon's previous reward... Baymard would only be able to treat 15 major surgical procedures and 37 non-surgical procedures (like the flu, fever, chickenpox, rashes, and so on).

Hence these checkups were only on those that the system had given him.


Anyway, after Landon had dragged everyone to go for checkup..... they had immediately realized that Adrain had an internal injury, while the rest just had little problems (like lack of nutrients and so on)

And as for the entire checkup process, the hospital staff had done these through a series of medical examinations.


Tests like blood pressure, urine tests and so on... were all done on them..... except blood tests.

And that was because those ones needed a computerized analyzer that would be able to count all the white blood cells, red blood cells and so on..... within the patient's blood.

A healthy person had a specific number of red blood cells, white blood cells and so on... so knowing the total number the patient has, will tell whether they're sick or not.

There were millions of cells within one blood sample, so how could one count them without the analyzer?

Sure... they could do it the old fashion way by doing numerous calculations, titrating, using graphs and so on.

But Landon didn't want to do that right now.

That would definitely be done in the future.


"Doctor Landon..... here are the patient's files." Nurse Paul said, as he quickly passed on a grey file towards Landon.

"Thank you Nurse Paul"

Landon looked at the file in his hands, and gently nodded his head as he read through.

"Doctor Lincoln.... when performing the patient's physical examination a few days back, what did you find out?"


As Lincoln spoke, Landon listened very intently.


Typically, the first test carried would be a physical examination.

Wearing medical gloves, the doctor would gently apply pressure on certain painful areas... so as to depict where the inflamed internal injuries were.

Of course during this stage, doctors would always look for any hard bolus'... or any stiffening of the muscles from the patient, when they touched certain areas.

Apart from this, the would do several other physical tests to check reflexes, take temperature and so on.

And when they were done, they would write their findings.... and later send the patient to do Urine testing!


Looking at urine testing, it was done only by the hospital's clinical lab technicians.

And the testing itself was divided into 3 main sections: Visual, Dipstick and Microscopic.

For the Visual part, they had to examine the urine's experience.... whether it was clear, too yellowish, Brownish/bloody and so on.

Of course all those things showed different difficiences in itself.


From there, they would move on to the Dipstick examination.

In essence, Dipsticks were thin plastick sticks... that had chemical strips attached to one of its ends.

So once they place the strips into the urine, the strips would change colors... showing excess or deficiencies of certain elements.


At this stage, the clinical lab technicians would check for several things.... like Acidity, concentration, sugar, ketones and so on.

In short, there were a lot.

And different colors showed whether one had too much of certain things within their bodies..... leading to complicated health issues.


For example: high pH (Acidity), indicates that one had a kidney or urinary tract disorder that needs to be looked at immediately.

Anyway, the urine could tell them a lot.

And after the Dipstick test, they would move follow up with Microscopic tests.


Here, they'd place several drops on the microscope at high resolutions.... and make their observations.

They looked at each cell type's shape, sizes and quantity within that single drop.

Basically, If they saw too many white blood cells, and almost none of the other cells swimming around..... then this showed that the patient had an infection somewhere in their body.

Likewise..... if there were too many red blood cells, then this was a sign of kidney disease or a blood disorder

They also checked for moving bacteria or yeast, Casts and even Crystals.


In short, there were too many things that went on during Urine analysis.... and not enough technicians around yet.


If they were back on earth, this urine testing could've been done with a computerized analyzer.... that would've tested everything within a minute.

But here, each lab technician took about 1 hour to do all 3 checks... as well as properly note down the results too.

And even with 150 lab technicians working on a single shift, there was still too much work to be done.


One should know that with a population over 97,000 citizens..... at least 800 people come in daily within each shift.

This was the only hospital, so duh..... it would be busy as hell.

Sure, there were work clinics around..... but those didn't do checkups and so on.

Those solved work related injuries, first aid and so on.

Those ones were there to relieve the patient's pain, before sending them to the main hospital.

So of course, the lab technicians were always busy doing urine analysis, saliva analysis and many more.



Your deductions from the medical tests were indeed correct.

And now, for your last question.

Based on your analogy..... What do you think was the reason, for why I decided to use that new Scanning Machine on the patient."


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