I'm the King Of Technology

Chapter 1399 - A Double-Edged Sword

Chapter 1399 – A Double-Edged Sword

“Move! Move! Move!”

~Din. Din. Din. Din.~

Like a well-fueled unit, the many teams stretched out, covering as much land as they could with very stealthy moves. 

Lieutenant Yan, who was the leader of the Blue Moon Battalion, was taking a few men the size of a squad towards the Poison Lily Brigade. 

It should be noted that a Brigade consisted of 3,000~5,000 soldiers. 

And within the brigade, one could have various battalions formed within the. 

Again, a Battalion had 400 men with 3 rifle companies, a combat support company, and a headquarters company. 

That said, a Company was a gathering of 130~150 soldiers. 

A company was made up of platoons.

And in turn, a platoon was made up of 5 squads.

The chain of order was always like this, never getting broken. 

Lieutenant Yan was the leader of the Blue moon Battalion within the Black Scorpion Brigade.

He commanded 400 men. 

However, they couldn’t very well travel out in such large numbers.

Thus, they broke out into various squads consisting of 10 people.

Some squads were air force units; some were ground teams, some would keep a lookout. 

Of course, he left his second in command back at headquarters to control and protect the area while he made his way to capture and take control of the Control center within the Black Scorpion brigade.

The other ground units were also moving towards the other brigades, led by his capable sergeants. 


Lieutenant Yan propped himself behind a tree, steadying his breathing while listening again to the sounds all around him. 

His unit also glanced at him, seeing the look in his eyes and understanding their situation. 

He heard something, didn’t he. 

The trees were resulting, nature was singing, and nothing bizarre seemed to echo within their ears. 

However, just when Yan thought he heard it wrong, a very frail puddle-tapping sound echoed out again.


Yan raised his hands, communicating with his team.


The enemy was trying to surround them as stealthy as they could. 

Yan’s eyes shine with a vicious light. 

Even if he used his father to climb the tree, the enemy would hear it. 

Well, then… This leaves them with no choice!

Yan nodded at his team, reaching for his pockets as fast as he could. 


A deafening sound echoed out, followed by a lightning light. 


The other side was flabbergasted because all this while, Yan’s unit had acted as though they didn’t realize their presence. 

That’s right. 

Yan had revealed himself a couple of times just to make them lower their guard. 

And now, with many eyes on them, one could imagine the blinding disarray of chaos going through their minds. 

Bang. Bang. Bang!

Yan and his team were quick to fire shots, taking down any they saw. 

“You are dead!… Dead men tell no tales.”


The entire scene would’ve been bloody if this was a real battle. 

However, not everyone in the enemy team died. 

Some had frightening intuition, fleeing the scene the moment their bodies knew they were at a disadvantage.

That’s right. 

Not everyone looked when the stun grenade went off. 

They were quick to realize their standing, fleeing as fast as they could. 


“Lieutenant Yan, so far, we’ve been able to gather 6 blue flags!” A soldier said, handing in the flags before standing at attention beside Yan. 

Blue flags? 

They must be from the Blue Tarantula Brigade! 

No time to waste. Their actions were too loud and showy. Enemy Air Force units might send their drones over.

Yan quickly issued out his command: “Everyone, give me a good performance! Let’s go!”

“Yes! Guaranteed excellence!” The soldiers stated, regaining their extreme vigilance. 

With their weapons at hand, they continued marching on, while Yan took out his communicating to give his report. 

“This is Blue Moon Unit 01! We are closing in on the Poison Lily Brigade. In total, 63 enemy flags acquired. No members lost. Proceed entry in 25 minutes.”

[Copy that BM-U-01. Your backup unit is 30 minutes away, heading towards target Brigade from the East.]

That’s right. 

Each infiltration unit had another 1~4 other backup units with the same mission target, just in case the main unit git taken out by the enemy. 

Already, one of his backup units was more or less close to the target brigade like himself. 

So he had 2 options. 

They could either infiltrate the brigade together or do it separately.

Both cases had their advantages and disadvantages.

If they went in together, they would be larger in number. And if they got captured or killed, they would have lost 2 whole units for naught.

It was best to go in separately from different entrance points and meet up at the control center.


“How far are the other backup teams?”

[U-01-BT-03 is estimated to arrive in 40 minutes if they don’t get taken out. And BT-04 is 44 minutes away. However, both backup units have lost at least 30% of their members.]

The voice said. 

Each unit had 10~12 members. 

“How about the backup team BT-02?”

[They’ve lost 2 members. Now 9 in total.] 

Not bad…

Yan was feeding the stakes.

“Individual infiltration!”

[Copy that. Air Force drones are scanning the brigade terrain. Over!]


Yan dropped his communicator, thinking how easier it was with these military drones in place.


They were even better than the air gorges using hot air balloons to roam around enemy terrain. 

They flew faster, could descend to lower heights, and pick up information they might have missed. 

Of course, with so many years of doing these competitions, old veterans like himself knew her every control center within every brigade was. 

What he was focusing on was what the enemy was doing. 

Did they have ambush units waiting for them? 

What was their security like? 

Similarly, with drones now being a thing, the enemy would also use drones to check their perimeters.

So this was undoubtedly a double-edged sword. 

Nonetheless, Yan was confident in his plan. 

“17 minutes more!”

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