Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 925 Entering Tokyo

As the demonstration continued, Shiro started to note down the key figures that impressed her the most. While their control over souls couldn't compare to her, whose true spirit nature was linked to souls, it was definitely impressive.

Some of them were even able to leave a mark on the ancient terror's soul despite how powerful he was.

Soon, there was only one participant left.

Clashing his fists together, a gold and red flame lit up on his fists as he entered a stance and narrowed his eyes at the ancient terror.

'Oh? His flames have purification properties.' Shiro raised her eyebrow as she immediately recognised the flame to be one that was focused on exorcising ghosts rather than destructive power. It burns and purifies evil natured souls while not damaging the surroundings.

Of course, the impact of each blow is enhanced so a barrier is needed if she wants to contain the destruction caused to just this room.

Flexing her finger, a barrier was created around the room.

"You may start." Shiro smiled as the man nodded and dashed towards the ancient terror.

Yawning slightly, the ancient terror only watched the man approach before raising his hand to block his attack.


Blocking the strike, the ancient terror was a little surprised to see his hand get blown back from the force.


Shifting his shoulder, he braced himself for the next strike.


Since he was prepared for this strike, the impact didn't send his body back but he smirked from the force.

Cracking his neck, he narrowed his eyes.

"Hey you're pretty good at massages. Why don't you be my private massager from now on?" The ancient terror taunted as the man only frowned but didn't say anything self.

Stomping down, he crouched into a horse stance and slammed his palm that radiated with this golden fire against the ancient terror's stomach.

Suddenly, fire exploded out of the ancient terror's back as Shiro waved her hand and contained the flames before it could hit anyone. While it didn't do any damage to the surroundings, it would still hurt someone.

Without giving the beast in front of him a chance to react, he followed up the palm strike with a punch to the jaw using his other hand.

Forcing the ancient terror to stumble back a little, the man narrowed his eyes as the flames spread to his arms.

Gritting his teeth, his physique seemed to grow a little as he stomped down and unleashed a flurry of blows against the ancient terror's body.

Each hit that struck against the body would leave a burn mark on his soul as it seemed to flicker.

"Oi tyrant woman, can I retaliate?" The ancient terror asked as Shiro raised her eyebrow.

Glancing towards the man, she wondered if she should let them duke it out.

"You've already passed but if you want to fight this idiot properly, you can I guess. I'll heal you up so don't worry about the injuries. But let me warn you, there's a 95% chance that you'll get ko'd in one hit." Shiro warned but the man only shook his head.

"It's ok, I wish to fight him." He replied as he prepared himself.

{Aiya… the man is asking to be killed.} Nimue face palmed.

{Poor man.} Attie nodded by the side.

Iziuel didn't say anything as she only shook her head silently and hoped that he wouldn't get traumatised. The ancient terror only looked like a puppy because it was Shiro who kept him under control. But if Shiro allowed him to do whatever he wanted, he would turn back to being a menace.

"Well you heard him, you can fight back." Shiro shrugged.

Hearing that he could retaliate, the ancient terror only laughed as a malevolent aura exploded out of him.

Feeling the malevolent aura, the man wanted to take a step back but fought against this thought and held his ground.

Twisting his body, he kicked towards the ancient terror who caught it easily with his hand.

"I'll show you why even gods have trouble with me." He grinned.

Suddenly, a crushing pressure bore down on the man as he immediately threw up a mouthful of blood.

"Disable him and I'll disable you." Shiro warned as chains appeared around him.

"Yes yes, I'll stop now." The ancient terror laughed and let go of the leg. Stepping back, he watched as the man forced himself back on his feet while wiping away the blood.

Closing his eyes, fire erupted out of his body and the injuries to his soul were healed in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Shiro with a new impression since the ancient terror was more fearsome than what he had initially expected. For someone to exert such soul pressure, he couldn't imagine what he was like when he still had his physical body.

'For her to be able to command this beast like it's a pet… her powers must be unfathomable.' He thought to himself as he returned to his seat.

Going through the list that she had compiled, she called out the eight that she had picked and dismissed the rest.

Within the eight, there were 5 that could deal a decent amount of damage while the other three were more utility based. The first of the three could read souls for information, the second could give ghosts orders that are easy to follow but could not override their nature. At most it'll be asking ghosts to go somewhere but that was helpful in itself. As for the last person, they were able to mask their presence completely from ghosts and beings in a soul state. Of course, the camouflage through sight was a little weaker but its primary job was to hide from the other senses.

When performed in front of the ancient terror, he could tell that she was there through his eyes but couldn't sense her at all so that ability would be very helpful.

"Right then, since everyone has been gathered, let's make our way to the city. I'll be giving you some communication devices, potions amongst other things so that we can keep in contact. Remember, our first priority is to save the people instead of killing ghosts. Fight if you have to when backed into a corner but don't force it. If you are in danger and I cannot teleport to you, you can pray to me and I have a skill which lets me lend you some of my power. That should be able to help you get through the danger you meet but it's not guaranteed since we're not sure if my powers are limited in this city, understood?" Shiro explained as they all nodded.

Handing out the earpieces and a box of nanobots, Shiro had Lyrica fetch them some potion from the storage.

"What are these boxes?" One of the fighters asked.

"It's a very versatile tool. If you need anything, just tell me and I'll make it for you. For example, if you need a weapon, I can make you something decent." Shiro explained as she snapped her finger. Suddenly, the box of nanobots started to shake before turning into a sword that had several skills embedded into it.

"Wait, it can be anything I want?" He asked in surprise as Shiro nodded her head.

"Just tell me and I'll see if I can make it."

Testing out the box of nanobots some more, the adventurers were surprised at how versatile it was and if they could arm everyone up with something like this, they could find the right tools in the wild. However, the problem with this is that Shiro had to be the one to make it since they didn't know the blueprints off by heart.

If lots of requests come in at once, even Shiro would struggle at distributing the right commands to the right boxes.

Leading them to the hanger, Shiro opened the doors and looked down at the city.

"We'll be jumping down now. We'll stick as a main group first and depending on what happens, I'll split us up ok? Always keep in contact since we don't know when we could possibly be separated. There are ghosts that mimic voices too so be careful of that." Shiro warned before jumping down.

Following behind her, all of them jumped down after her.

As she was free falling, Shiro narrowed her eyes as she could barely make out a few ghosts that were roaming around. Their levels averaged around the 300's to 400's with one or two at the peak of tier 5.

'Most of the people here are around the average level so we should be fine. Lyrica is talented so she can skip levels and I can deal with any tier 6's that we might come across. We should be fine here.' Shiro thought to herself.

Landing on the ground, Shiro furrowed her brows before setting up a few drones to scout.

Entering the miasma, Shiro immediately noticed that her senses were blocked as she couldn't sense anything past 2 meters by relying on her mana.

'Troublesome.' She thought to herself but shook her head.

At least her senses regarding souls were fine and she could already sense a few human souls not too far away.

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