Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 823 The Strongest Flying Fortress

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Shiro asked while glancing at the mana portal that had opened up beneath them.

"Mn, we haven't entered yet since we don't know what's on the other side. Plus, I haven't read anything about a place known as the beyond so it's a complete mystery for me." Nan Tian nodded with a serious expression.

"Me too. In all my time of research, I haven't heard of anything that could link to this portal leading to the 'beyond'. Do you have an idea Shiro?" Isilia asked since Shiro was essentially a computer. Everything she had seen is stored away.

"Hm…Let me check." Shiro furrowed her brows.

Closing her eyes, she tried to remember anything that has to do with beyond but her search yielded no beneficial results.

"I've got nothing either. Let me see if I can send something over then." Shiro furrowed her brows.

Snapping her fingers, a drone appeared in front of her.

Controlling it, she had it fly down into the portal.

But the moment it got close, a whip of mana shattered it apart instantly.

"That's concerning." Shiro frowned.

"Maybe we should mark this place down and explore it later. We've got more important matters such as making the city and moving the anchor." Isilia reminded as Shiro agreed with her.

Even though she might have messed around with the anchor, moving to a different place with a portal was not a choice she could make on a whim. There was the chance that they could just be barred from coming back so it was rather risky to hop in without thought. Plus, she was not able to scout out the portal at all.

"Hmm… I can wait a few months for my skill to come off cooldown and ask the system about the beyond. By then, the new age would have started but it should be fine. We should focus on the matter at hand." Shiro said after a moment of thought.

"Let's make a mark here first then so that we can return when we need to. While we're here, do we also want to look around for a bit to see if we can get anything useful?" Nan Tian asked since this is a city. While it is destroyed, there's a chance that something useful might be scattered around.

"I think we can do that since we're not exactly traveling to a different place entirely." Isilia smiled.

Nodding her head, Shiro waved her hand and created a mark in the corner where the portal wouldn't destroy it immediately.

"I'll send my nanobots around so that they can search too. Should we stay 1 hour maximum and then we go back?" Shiro asked.

After coming to an agreement, Shiro stepped out of the castle and snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, thousands of tiny drones started to form in the air as Shiro activated them all and had them search the city. While this was happening, both Nan Tian and Isilia decided to manually look around for a bit while Shiro's drones did their thing.

Searching for an hour, they unfortunately couldn't find anything that was useful since most of the things have already been plundered. The most precious thing in this strange world within the mountain was probably the materials scattered around the place such as the floating rocks or the river of mana. Even now, her nanobot drones near the entrance have been harvesting the vials endlessly as it seemed to continuously replenish thanks to the density.

During this time, they had also tried to find the source of the mana but unfortunately, they couldn't find anything as the tracks seemed to halt within this city. There was a good chance that the source was in the 'beyond' but they didn't want to take that risk.

Once the search was over, Shiro opened up a portal back to the top of the mountain.

"Right then, the plan now is to make the best flying fortress I can, hopefully it's self-sustaining, and I can move the anchor to the spirit capital where everyone can change locations. Plus, I'm also thinking of making the mana potions exclusive to the city, With the rate of which the mana is replenishing here, the flow of completely pure mana potions shouldn't run out anytime soon." Shiro smiled as Nan Tian raised his eyebrow before nodding her head.

With how things are going to be, they'll need to have a strong army since there were only so many people around. If they could cultivate a strong army, they'll be able to carry out more tasks during the new age. Plus, depending on what happens, they might even be able to make an elite unit where Shiro can bestow her skills onto them so that they can carry out the more important tasks.

In terms of standing, they'd be lower than Lyrica and the others.

Plus, with how her nanobots work, she could easily create thousands of training capsules, drones as well as training manuals with techniques for her army. Efficiency wise, no one could defeat Shiro when it came to manually cultivating an army.

"Anyways, we got a few days to burn so let's rest for now." Shiro smiled as she created another house. This time it was slightly bigger so that it could accommodate everyone.

"Eh? You're not making the city now?" Isilia asked curiously.

"Nope. I'm going to wait until my demi god form comes off cooldown that way I can generate more divine energy. Once that happens, I can create a much stronger flying fortress." Shiro grinned since she had been formulating a few blueprints in her mind that took advantage of the properties with divine energy.

Quite a few of the blueprints couldn't be accomplished but with the addition of divine energy, it will be sorted easily. Plus, the anchor also generated divine energy for her so she had plenty to spare so long as she entered demi god form while being near her anchor. After two more days of waiting, she'd have the most powerful city she can construct. Plus, she also needed some time to test out if she could actually make the entire thing work with a few experiments.

Seeing as there wasn't much else to do, the three of them decided to rest at the house for two days as Isilia helped Shiro experiment with a few of her ideas. While the two were experimenting, Nan Tian was making new spells so that he could make the most out of this free time.

With Shiro being near the divine anchor during these two days, she didn't struggle for divine energy as she was able to finalise quite a few of the blueprints she had in mind.

As for Isilia, she was shocked at the versatility of divine energy since what Shiro was doing shouldn't be possible with just mana.

On the second day, the moment her skill refreshed, the three of them stood outside of the house as she cleared it away since it was no longer needed.

Taking a deep breath, Shiro visualised how the city would look and wondered if she should merge it with the mountain and move it away with her or just leave it here for now.

Since the mountain had that strange space within it, there's a chance that it could be ruined if she's not careful.

If she didn't know about this, she would have taken the mountain with her since it was too precious.

"Are you two ready?" Shiro smiled.

Seeing the two nod their heads, Shiro grinned before activating her skill.

Once again, a pillar of light shot into the sky as mana clouds swarmed towards the light. With her body now overflowing with divine energy along with her divinity, Shiro soared into the sky and pushed her palms out.


Expanding out in an instant, stacks upon stacks of tier 7 magic circles were created as swarms of nanobots appeared in the air and blocked out the sky from sight.

Waving her hand, the anchor flew up towards the centre of the swarm as the nanobots converged towards it.

Clasping her hands together, another tier 7 magic circle appeared beneath her as thousands of her strongest guns started to form around the outer edges of the city that was currently being built.

Whenever her mana started to get low, Shiro would instantly drink one of the mana potions that brought her mana back to full since constructing something of this scale, even with divine energy and her mana regeneration, was outside of her capabilities since everything would collapse the moment she ran out of mana.

Watching this happen, Isilia couldn't help but imagine that this could be similar to how the gods created worlds. Watching Shiro mesh the nanobots together to form intricate parts was miraculous as millions of pieces were being formed every second.

Seeing the mana that she was using Isilia couldn't help but pity a certain spirit that was trying to keep her body from collapsing since she was basically working in overdrive with the amount of mana she was constantly regenerating with the potions.

With thousands of hidden weapons as well as connected platforms, their headquarters for the new age had been completed.

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