Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 801 Surprise Guest

Resting for the night, Shiro woke up rather early in the morning. Though with how it looked outside, it was hard to tell if it was day or night since it doesn't change. It looked just the same as when she arrived in this place.

"Morning." A voice called out as she stepped out of her room. Glancing to the side, she saw Nan Tian giving her a small wave.

"Mn, morning. How was your rest?" Shiro asked while giving her body a stretch.

"It was pretty good. The bed's here are rather comfy." Nan Tian smiled as Shiro nodded her head.

"So what are the plans today then?" He asked curiously.

"Well gramps said that he wanted to help me deal with the whole energy thing so we're going to a pocket dimension; a day out here is around a month or so in there I think. Not sure though since he didn't tell me the details." Shiro said as Nan Tian raised his eyebrow.

"Oh? Does he have access to a private dungeon or something similar?" Nan Tian asked curiously.

"Mn something of the sort. Apparently, it was an additional benefit from working with Hades." Shiro shrugged as Nan Tian nodded.

"Interesting. Perhaps I should try to make the most of my time here too. Seeing as how you can keep your True Spirit Nature activated permanently in this realm, I should see if there's a secret to the energy here or something. After reaching tier 6, things like this are rather important." Nan Tian smiled.

"Mn true, if you ask my mum, I'm sure she wouldn't mind helping you out. I do have a question for you though. You focus on using light and you can compress it down into a laser right?" Shiro asked.

"Mn I can. Why do you ask?" Nan Tian nodded his head with mild confusion.

"Well if you can compress it to be as thin as a wire, you can thread them into a net and attack your enemies with a net that can cut them or rather, melt them upon contact." Shiro smiled.

"After reaching Tier 6, your main focus isn't power but rather technique and use of your chosen element. For something rather powerful and diverse like light, you need to be more creative."

Hearing this, Nan Tian nodded his head as he summoned an orb of light before trying to compress it down. As the orb continued to shrink, Shiro noticed that it was becoming rather unstable.

"Stop." Shiro called out.

"What is it?" Nan Tian asked as he stopped compressing the orb.

"Mn… The orb is too unstable. Maybe you should work on stability rather than compressing. We know you're good at compressing but it's too unstable." Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Dismissing the orb, Nan Tian nodded his head.

"I have been struggling with the stability of my element but I've been working on it in my free time. Even though I don't have the element of fire, light does get quite volatile once I begin to condense it." He sighed as Shiro smacked him on the back.

"Just keep trying. Light is similar to fire. They can be both calm and volatile. Since I don't focus on the light element, it's up to you to find out the properties yourself. Since tier 7 is the realm of Demi Gods, you need to discover your own path to divinity I suppose. Though, with what gramps had said, once I get a better understanding of divine energy, there's the chance that I can give you some small insights as well as help you come in contact with divine energy much sooner." Shiro grinned as Nan Tian nodded his head with a small smile.

"Hais, I'm tier 6 but you're already a Demi God at tier 5." Nan Tian sighed.

"Pft, don't compare yourself with me ah. I've already lived through two other lives with the first reaching Tier 6 and the second studying the crap out of magic." Shiro chuckled as Nan Tian shrugged.

"And yet your third life is the most ridiculous of all. Where do I even begin with your achievements?" Nan Tian smiled helplessly.

"Who knows."

Talking for a little while, they saw Mio walking towards what seemed to be the main hall.

"Mum!" Shiro called out as Mio glanced back and saw Shiro.

"Did you have a good rest?" Mio asked while giving her a hug.

"Mn I did. Where is Gramps? I want to ask him more about the whole pocket dimension thing." Shiro asked.

"Your grandfather is talking to your grandmother right now. We can get some breakfast first." Mio smiled.

"Mn. Can I ask a question mum?" Shiro asked after nodding her head.

"Go on."

"Why do you seem… absent-minded?" Shiro asked as her mother was more outgoing when they were on 'Earth' but after they entered this realm, she seemed to be rather reserved.

"Mn I guess I'm just missing your father." Mio sighed while stroking Shiro's hair.

"Can't you go back and visit him?" Shiro asked.

"I can but I won't be able to come back to this realm for a long time since there is a cooldown of sorts for activating the key again. If I left, you wouldn't be able to get out for a while." Mio shook her head.

"I see… Well I'm sure dad misses you just as much." Shiro reassured with a smile.

Seeing this, Mio smiled and lifted Shiro up.

"Aw seeing you like this reminds me of when you used to comfort me years ago." Mio grinned as Shiro blushed in embarrassment. After all, she was a grown woman who's being lifted up like a child.


"Can you let me down." Shiro asked with a blush.

Nodding her head, Mio let Shiro down before stretching her body a little.

"Perhaps I need to work out or something to clear my mind." Mio said as Shiro thought about it for a moment.

"Mum, when I'm training with gramps maybe you can train with Nan Tian. You're one of the most offensive fighters that I've seen so maybe you can help him get used to combat with someone who fights offensively like you." Shiro suggested as Mio raised her eyebrow.

"That could be helpful." Mio admitted.

"There aren't many people who are as aggressive as you or your daughter but it would be good practice." Nan Tian nodded his head.

"Plus, you can also tell her some secrets about tier 6 no? Who knows, maybe mum can reach a new tier while you're training." Shiro smiled.

Discussing some plans, they agreed with Mio helping Nan Tian train while he would try to tell her about how to reach tier 6.

Arriving at the dining hall, they had some breakfast before a messenger found them.

The message was rather simple as it could be condensed down to the two elders waiting for their arrival in the main hall.

Quickly finishing their meal, they made their way to the main hall. Pushing open the door, they saw Kalus and Sitril sitting on the throne and waiting with a smile.

"Shiro, your granny gave us permission." Kalus grinned while giving her a thumbs up.

However, when he said this, Sitril frowned and glared at him.

"Who are you calling granny? Anyways, it's like what he said, you can go but there is a time limit since the different dimensions are becoming unstable with the new age around the corner. You can stay in there for around two days without a problem but anything past that and there's a chance for something to go wrong. We also have a rather important guest with us today." Sitril smiled as Shiro tilted her head.

Sensing a surge of energy besides them, Shiro recognised it to be divine energy.

Seeing a familiar figure appear, Shiro's smile turned to a grin.

"Didn't think I'd see you again so soon." She laughed as Hades smiled and shrugged his shoulder.

"Neither did I. I'm more surprised to find out that you're a Demi God now and that you're actually the granddaughter of two old friends of mine." Hades chuckled. The only reason he could appear here rather easily was because this is technically his realm in some regards so the system restrictions were a bit looser.

"Well I didn't think you'd know my grandparents either. Anyways, what brings you here?" Shiro asked as Hades thought about it for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Since you're working on using divine energy, your grandfather had asked me for a favour and that favour is helping you out with this task." Hades smiled as he was going to be her teacher for the next two days in the pocket dimension.

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