Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 705 Test of Ouranos

The climb was getting harder and harder. Each step took a huge amount of effort for Shiro.

However, with the occasional rest thanks to her sword, she was able to make it up to where the monsters were.

The moment they spotted Shiro, they opened their mouths and screeched loudly.

Flinching slightly from their cries, Shiro gritted her teeth and stabbed the sword into the side of the wall.

Standing on top of her sword, she summoned her bow and started to fire arrows at the monsters.

"Oh will you SHUT! THE! F*CK! UP!" Shiro glared towards them and fired arrow after arrow.

Killing the ones that were shouting the loudest, Shiro unsummoned her weapons and started to climb up.

Sensing some danger, she grabbed Nivlim and jammed it into the side of the tower.

Grabbing onto the handle of her blade, she swung herself to the side before grabbing onto the ledge.

Narrowing her eyes, she could see a giant eagle of sorts with its claws buried in the side of the wall.

'The boy didn't mention the big ass mutated eagle that would probably kill me with one hit.' Shiro's smile twitched but her eyes shimmered slightly as she had just thought of an idea.

"Oi! Fat bird! Ya missed!" Shiro shouted out as she summoned Nivlim to her side.

Hearing her taunts, the eagle glared towards her before attempting to grab her once more.

However, this time, Shiro was prepared.

Throwing her sword at the eagle, she watched as the chain wrapped around the eagle's body.

Activating Nivlim's ability of shrinking the chain, she dragged herself onto its back.


Thrashing around in protest, the eagle tried to get Shiro off its back but failed as Shiro was grabbing onto her chains with all her strength.

"Calm down now, just help me get to the top ok?" Shiro grinned.

Wrapping the chains around its beak and neck like a leash, Shiro pulled back as hard as she could but noticed that she couldn't contest against its strength properly.

Thinking about it for a moment, a sadistic glint appeared in her eyes.

Slashing it lightly with her blade, she saw a single stack appear on its body.

'This will work!' Shiro thought with mild excitement.

While she was stacking up her sword's passive ability on the eagle's body, it was trying to throw her off with a few different attempts.

From thrashing around to crashing against the wall, it was a constant battle between the two as Shiro was too nimble for the eagle.

Slashing at the eagle constantly, Shiro could feel her fatigue catch up on her as her arm could barely move at this moment but it was worth it. After all, she had applied the maximum number of stacks on the eagle's body.

130 stacks!

Twirling her blade into a reverse grip, she consumed all of the stacks and a purple aura exploded out of her.

+25% Attack Speed, Attack Damage, Armour Penetration

+40% Soul Steal

+50% Body Reinforcement

Dragging the chains which acted like reigns, Shiro pulled back and forced the eagle to fly upwards.

Since her stacks only lasted around a minute and a half, she had to make the most of this.

While she was forcing the eagle to fly up, she summoned her bow and notched her sword onto the string like an arrow.

Pulling back as hard as she could, her bow's power also increased thanks to her 50% reinforcement of the body.


Firing her sword as an arrow, she watched it turn into a streak of purple and flew towards the top of the tower.

Seeing the sword pierce the tower in the distance, Shiro narrowed her eyes and tugged at the sword. Feeling quite a bit of resistance, she decided to risk it.

Wrapping the chains around the eagle's neck, she shrunk a part of it and started to strangle the eagle.

Activating the 40% Soul Steal, the eagle couldn't even scream as his body was reduced to ashes.

With her body now in free fall, she shrank the chain so that she could reach where her sword was.


Feeling her body being pressed down by the pressure, Shiro gritted her teeth and held on tight to the chains.

As her body was being dragged up, several monsters tried to attack her but her killing intent managed to scare them off. For those that ignored this, she would kill them with her chain thanks to the 40% soul steal.

However, she needed to get to the top before her stacks ran out. Thankfully, she was able to reach her sword.

Looking up, she could see that the top was roughly 300 meters away from her and there was no way that she could get there without the help of her stacks. Thinking about it for a moment, she wondered what kind of pressure she'll have to face at this moment should her stacks run out and climb as high as she could in the remaining few seconds of her body reinforcement.

But even when her body was reinforced, she could barely make a single meter of progress.

With that in mind, Shiro stopped and summoned the door.

Diving in before her reinforcement ended, she jumped into the tower.


"Oh my~ Ouranos, She was quite creative with her tools wouldn't you say?" Nyx laughed as she watched the old man in front of her narrow his eyes at the floating screens. Much like when she had brought Tartarus to have some tea, Ouranos was undergoing the same treatment.

A round of tea while watching Shiro cheat his tower.

"Oh don't pull that face. You have to admit that it was pretty impressive. Who would have thought that Hades' weapon would actually help her out like that. She is now at the second to last test of your trial. If she completes this one, the last one is just a boss and as it is a one on one fight, I have my bets on Shiro." Nyx said with a smug grin while drinking some tea.

"IF she completes this one." Ouranos grumbled.

"Oh shut it you old oaf. You better hope that she completes it." Nyx rolled her eyes as Ouranos was clearly displeased by the way she addressed her.

"Leaving that kind of power to a single person is rather stupid is it not? What if she turns against us? What then? I say once she gets out we should take it for ourselves so that we can deal with this problem." Ouranos suggested when the lights around them suddenly extinguished.

"Oi. It was this thinking that had your children overthrow you in the past. How's the balls doing? Oh wait, they were cut off and turned into Aphrodite weren't they? You touch a single hair on Shiro and I'll do much worse to you than what Cronus did before." Nyx warned as Ouranos frowned slightly before crossing his arms and nodded his head.

Seeing this, Nyx smiled and returned the light.

"See? Just behave yourself and watch the things play out. So long as you don't go against Shiro or piss her off with your actions, she won't kill you." Nyx smiled.

"Are you telling me to bow down to a mortal?"

"Pft she aint mortal no longer. You forget she has obtained a spot in the hall of divine so she's essentially a demi god now at tier 5." Nyx laughed.

Usually, one would only get a spot when they reach tier 7 but Shiro had actually obtained the spot two tiers ahead of time.

"Plus, aren't you curious about what she'll become later? The administrators even created a special rank for her after all." Nyx shrugged before narrowing her eyes.

Her smile faded away and her aura changed from the casual one to a serious one.

"The time of us god is over Ouranos. Either bow down now or be killed by her. It's your choice. In this new world, there's no need for gods like you, Cronus or Zeus."

Hearing this, Ouranos stayed silent before disappearing from his spot.

Shaking her head, Nyx played around with a teacup before glancing towards the screens once more.


Rolling against what seems to be the ground, Shiro glanced around her and saw that she was in the centre of a giant floating island with quite a few columns pointing towards the sky.

There were large statues along with buildings surrounding her as she saw a notification on her system interface.

[Test of Ouranos – Floor 200]

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