Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 473 Dominik

A few moments earlier, Yin and Silvia were eating in the cafeteria happily.

"Say say, Silvi, don't you think mum has gotten a lot kinder now that she has little bro?" Yin asked with a happy smile.

"Hm… perhaps. She did also spend time with Miss Kuromi so maybe she matured after experiencing having a big sister." Silvia smiled while ordering some more food for Yin.

"Mn. Though speaking of little bro, don't you think he's just the cutest?" Yin asked with happiness in her voice.

"Seems like you really like him." Silvia chuckled.

"I do. Because out of everyone here, I'm the smallest. Even after entering B class, I'm still like a mini version of mum. However, now that little bro is here, he's smaller than me and I can pamper him properly." Yin replied while eating some food.

"But don't you have your little sister Lisa?"

"Hmm… That's different since Lisa is bigger than me. While I am the big sis, it's kind of odd for me to pamper her." Yin tilted her head.

"Well… size doesn't matter. Maybe Lisa also needs some pampering from her big sis every now and again. Remember, while you are the smallest out of our group, excluding Attie, you are Shiro's eldest daughter." Silvia reminded with a smile.

"And since you're the oldest daughter, you have to set an example. So even though Lisa is bigger than you, you can still pamper her."

"I see… Ok, I'll make sure to give her some food later too." Yin smiled.

"Haha, Yin, pampering doesn't mean giving them food. It means giving them some attention and love." Silvia chuckled at Yin's response.

"I mean, I value food over most things except for mum and you lot. So if I give Attie and Lisa my favourite food, doesn't it tell them that they're more important than food is to me?" Yin tilted her head.

"Hmm… I suppose that's one way to put it." Silvia nodded her head since her logic was technically correct. For Yin, who loved food ever since she was a little bird, giving someone else her food was quite a large sign of recognition.

While they were talking to each other, a party sitting on a nearby table watched as the amount of food Yin ate continued to increase.

"Oi, don't you think she's overdoing it a bit?" One of the members asked.

"Mn, she must be loaded to be able to afford all of that food." Another member nodded his head.

One of the younger members couldn't help but feel annoyed at Yin's actions of overeating since he had struggled for food ever since he was small.

Getting a loaf of bread would be a miracle, never mind a huge feast such as the one Yin was eating all by herself right now.

"Don't think about it Samuel. Everyone onto themselves. If she has the money to pay for all of this food, then it is her problem not ours." A man shook his head. He was the leader of their party and he knew that the boy in front of him was rather… 'delicate' when it comes to food. Whenever he sees someone wasting food or overeating, he would feel compelled to 'correct' their actions.

After all, despite the fact that they can now earn money easily due to the dungeons, food was now very expensive. And the more unfortunate kids had to risk their lives day in day out in the dungeons just to afford a small meal.

"But Dom!"

"No buts. Samuel, did you forget about how much trouble you had caused us with this habit of yours? I'm not saying it's bad but rather than forcing your ideals on others, wouldn't it be better for you to put more effort in and help the people in need yourself?" Dominik replied with a sigh.

"I- F*ck! You know I can't save everyone so the best I can do is try to remind those I can see!" Samuel raged since he knew that trying to save everyone would be useless. There were simply too many to keep his eye on.

"You can do it if you want but just keep the party out of this. From what I know, that girl seemed to have connections to the angel that the church is trying to recruit or something. Don't piss her off too much and stick with a reminder ok?" Dominic waved his hand lazily.

"Tch, fine." Samuel nodded and stood up.

Walking over to Yin, he was about to call out to her when he saw her order some more food.

"Excuse me miss." He called out after taking a moment to calm himself.

"Mn? What do you want?" Yin turned around and had an uninterested expression on her face. She wasn't exactly happy about having her food time being interrupted by someone she didn't know.

"I just want to tell you that you shouldn't overeat if you're already full. There are tons of people out there who are starving." Samuel said while gesturing to the sheer amount of empty plates that was still on the table despite the waitress' taking some away.

"Ha? What does me overeating have to do with someone who's starving across the world? Does me not eating magically give them food?" Yin replied with annoyance since she worked hard to get this food herself. Shiro hadn't given her any pocket money so all that she was using to buy all this was her share of the earnings made from the dungeon runs.

'Who does this ridiculous guy think he is? Even if I stop eating now, it doesn't mean the restaurant will stop selling food.' Yin thought to herself.

"Well it doesn't but it's the thought that counts." Samuel frowned.

"In that case then I hope that they are able to get some food ok? Are you happy now?" Yin rolled her eyes before focusing back on her food.

Before Samuel could rage, Silvia called out to him.

"Please don't make a scene that may disturb others. Each to their own ok? Yin here has a passive skill making it so that she's never full." She said, trying to pacify the situation.

"That's no excuse for her to be wasting food like this and overeating. If she can't feel full then she shouldn't even bother trying to eat this much. Eating enough to get through the day should be fine." Samuel replied seriously.

"Listen here you little sh*t. I for one, treasure food and don't waste it. What I eat is what I earned. I don't need some dumb f*ck coming up to me and telling me to think about the millions of people I don't even know nor give a sh*t about. Sure, it's sad but what does me not eating do for them ah?" Yin stood up in a rage since the fact that this idiot had the audacity to say that she was wasting food.

To her, Yin, food was glorious and as long as you eat everything, none of it is wasted.

"You-!" Gritting his teeth, Samuel didn't expect this girl to react so explosively as he could feel his own rage take over him.

"I'm saying you shouldn't eat so much you greedy idiot!" He shouted back as his mana started to flare in accordance to his emotions.

'Ah f*ck sake. Sh*t's going to get messy.' Both Dominik and Silvia thought at the same time and stood up.

Seeing that he was clearly wanting to pick a fight with her over the value of food, Yin didn't back down and flared her own mana.

"What? You want to pick a fight with me?" Yin taunted since she wasn't afraid to fight someone.

Before things could get out of hand, a heavy pressure descended into the area as a portal of sorts opened up in the ceiling.

"Yin, what's going on." Shiro called out with a frown.

Landing gently on the ground, she snapped her fingers as a wave of mana pulsed out, dispelling their auras and any spells they had prepared.

Seeing a white haired beauty that wore a simple one piece dress appear out of nowhere and pacify the situation in such a forceful way, Dominik knew that this woman was not to be underestimated.

Feeling her oppressive aura closely, Samuel felt sweat drip down his head as he could not even speak.

"Shiro." Silvia called out as she stood up.


"You see, Yin and this boy here had a small… disagreement about her eating habits and things got a bit heated." Silvia explained with an apologetic smile.


"Oh for god sake. I wasn't even able to lay on the bed after a shower to rush here in case of danger and it turns out it's because of Yin's habits?" Shiro massaged her eyes.

"Unfortunately yes."

"Ah if you don't mind me interfering, it's mostly my party member's fault. He's just rather 'delicate' with topics in regards to food." Dominik called out apologetically as Shiro glanced over at his direction. 

The man had unkempt black hair and wore a rather plain set of clothes that consisted of a long black trench coat, a grey shirt and some black pants.

[Dominik – LVL 130 Dragon Master] 

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