Keyboard Immortal

Chapter 254: Losing Money Instead Of Being Paid

Chapter 254: Losing Money Instead Of Being Paid

“I am Immortal Abode’s Qiu Honglei! Did the young master forget so quickly?” Qiu Honglei gave him a pouting look.

“You’re just a courtesan, but you are so concerned with Duke Chu’s family matters. You’ve already analyzed everything in such detail. This doesn’t seem like what a brothel girl would do at all?” Zu An sneered.

Qiu Honglei released a sigh. “Wasn’t the young master hollering to those other men that you were going to treat me a bit more gently not too long ago?”

Zu An: “……”

No matter how thick his skin was, he still felt extremely embarrassed when she heard her say this.

“I only said that just now to get them worked up, I was just kidding haha…” Zu An could no longer keep his composure, justifying himself in embarrassment.

“But I already chose to meet you alone tonight! If you say this type of thing, then my reputation is already ruined. I’m already no longer a pure girl in their eyes.” Qiu Honglei sounded more and more broken hearted the more she spoke. A tear trickled out emotionally from the corner of her eye.

Zu An really had to give it to her, this woman’s charm was too strong. Even though he was fully aware that she was acting, he still couldn’t completely control his emotions.

Qiu Honglei sobbed while saying, “Even though Honglei chose… chose you today, I am not a heartless girl… of course I need to ask about your family situation! I have to ask if your wife is well disposed to envy, if her parents will tolerate me.”

“That’s why I wanted confirmation from the young master! I was trying to set my resolution just now, I didn’t expect to be misunderstood by the young master…”

“After spending these years in a place of romance, I’ve already listened to the blood and tears of too many seniors. If it wasn’t a heartless story, then it was a home with a violent man, a lifetime of potential happiness in ruins.”

“Honglei doesn’t wish to repeat their tragedy…”

Her performance seemed completely real, completely like that of a young lady who was worried about her future. Even the coldest of hearts would melt under her tears.

It was just a pity that Zu An wasn’t an ordinary person. His viewpoint had always been rather different. “From the lady’s intentions, you plan to entrust your entire life to me?”

“If the young master does not dislike my poor self and young miss Chu’s family doesn’t mind either, then I… of course I am willing.” Qiu Honglei lowered her head in a bashful manner, a tinge of redness gradually appearing by her neck.

Zu An said with a sigh as he looked at this incomparably tender and beautiful woman, “If this figure of yours is considered poor, then I fear that everyone in the world is ugly.”

Only then did Qiu Honglei’s tears turn to laughter. “The young master must be joking. You must not say these things to young miss Chu in the future! Honglei doesn’t want to be hated so soon after committing myself to you.”

She completely immersed herself in this role, as if she was about to become a concubine.

“Don’t worry, Chuyan told me herself that she doesn’t mind if I look for other girls.” Zu An repeated, “You don’t have to worry if she will accept you either. In our family, if I tell her to go east, she won’t dare to go west.”

Qiu Honglei inwardly curled her lips. Who would ever believe that?

“But there is one other problemsome area.” Zu An had a conflicted expression on his face.

“What is it?” Qiu Honglei said out of curiosity. Could it be the Chu clan’s madam?

Indeed, if I was Brightmoon Duke, I wouldn’t want my daughter’s husband to have a concubine. What kind of dignity would the Chu clan have left if this happened?

Zu An sized her up and down. This type of gaze immediately made Qiu Honglei’s heart speed up a bit.

“What is the young master looking at?”

“You really are too pretty. This type of face, this type of physique, calling it devastatingly beautiful isn’t even going too far.”

The corners of Hong QIulei’s lips curled up slightly. This fellow finally noticed my charm. “As long as it pleases the young master. However, you still haven’t spoken about the other issue.”

“This is precisely the issue…” Zu An said. “You are too pretty and even Brightmoon City’s most famous courtesan. How can Immortal Abode possibly be willing to let you go?”

Qiu Honglei released a breath of relief. “The young master needs not worry. My agreement with Immortal Abode is not a normal contract. We agreed to part without any hard feelings, that they won’t trouble me as long as I pay them a promised sum.”

“But the redemption price will definitely be quite expensive for a star like you! You know that I am but a drafted son-in-law. I really don’t have any money…” Zu An was full of embarrassment as he spoke of his greatest sore spot.

Qiu Honglei: “……”

Like hell I’ll believe you!

Who in Brightmoon City doesn’t know that you won 7.5 million silvers from Silverhook Casino? Later on, you even won another million or so from another gamble during the clan competition. You don’t have money?!

You have successfully trolled Qiu Honglei for +256 Rage!

However, she didn’t show this on the surface. Instead, she said with an embarrassed expression, “The young master doesn’t need to worry. Honglei has also saved up a bit of hidden money. It should be enough for me to free myself.”

“Then that’s great!”

Zu An roared with laughter. But he was frowning inside.

This woman wanted to marry him even if she lost money!

Even though I really am too handsome, my face too suave, money’s in the bank… even though I am a publicly known lady killer, this is Qiu Honglei we are talking about!

You are the most popular courtesan within a thousand miles! With a hook of your finger, you can make endless men tread through flames for your sake, a well known virgin slayer! Would you really give up money instead of taking money to be with a man?

Who would believe you?!

Wait, could it be that she really did unknowingly fall for my suave greatness?

His mind continuously wavered back and forth. This was also the case for Qiu Honglei.

This man before was different from other men. He wasn’t anything like those dumb pigs who seemed astute on the surface.

Because of her previous lesson, she also realized that she was a bit overhasty. She didn’t dare to continue to ask about Chu clan’s matters.

She instead brought the conversation back to romance. “Let’s not talk about these ordinary affairs for now. Honglei has always been a bit curious about something. Just how did the young man create a song like ‘The Smiling, Proud Wanderer?’”

“Oh, I uh… seemed to have heard someone play it by my ears while dreaming. Then, I knew how to play it.” Zu An randomly found an excuse. It wasn’t that he wanted to feign a nobleman, but rather because he didn’t truly dare claim that he made this song.

He only remembered these few songs. If someone asked him to make another song, what was he supposed to do?

That was why he had to let go of this false reputation to prevent things from getting out of hand. If that happened, he would only fall even harder.

Qiu Honglei couldn’t help but say with a sigh, “I’ve seen from books before that some people’s talents come from the heavens, but I never believed it. Only when I’ve met the young master did I realize that there really were people like this in the world.”

Zu An: “……”

Please take me off this pedestal! I really need to remain low-profile here…

“Oh, by the way, the song you played before clearly reflected your true emotions. Who were you thinking about when you played that song?” Zu An couldn’t stand being flattered like this. He hurriedly changed the topic.

“The young master does not need to worry at all, that was merely an artistic piece. Honglei has never had anyone on her thoughts before. The young master… is the first one.” A trace of bashfulness appeared between Qiu Honglei’s brows as she spoke. This really would make endless men go crazy.

Zu An chuckled. It was fine if he just casually listened, but if he really might get hurt badly if he treated her words seriously. All of those girls would be laughing behind his back at that point.

“Is that story about your parents in the past?”


A sharp noise sounded. The cup in Qiu Honglei’s hands accidentally fell onto the table, the smile on her face already vanishing without a trace.

Only after a long time passed did she say with a long sigh. “Even if I deny it, I fear that the young master won’t believe me.”

“Just what happened between those two back then? Your parents really passed away?” Zu An asked in curiosity. He picked up some things from Leng Shuangyue earlier, but she didn’t know too much.

Qiu Honglei took a deep breath, completely changing her previous sweet smile. Her voice was the coldest it had ever been. “I do not wish to talk about their matters.”

As soon as she spoke these words, she felt a bit of regret. I’ve probably offended him deeply now.

She finally made it this far. Ruining things at the end like this really was regretful.

It’s all my fault for not being able to let go of the things from the past.

Who would have expected that Zu An would laugh instead. “I wonder if the lady knows that your current appearance is much more real, much more beautiful.”

Qiu Honglei had a complex expression on her face. “The young master truly isn’t anything like the rumors.”

Zu An reached out a hand. “Let’s introduce ourselves again. I am Zu An, you can call me Ah Zu.”

Qiu Honglei stared blankly. Even though she didn’t know what kind of greeting this was, she subconsciously reached out her hand. The two lightly shook hands. “I am Qiu Honglei, you can call me Honglei.”

She was even a bit shocked that she would take the initiative to make physical contact with a man. Perhaps it was his clear expression just now, perhaps it was that split second when she was touched.

The two of them basked in this moment of tranquility. Suddenly, there was noise coming from outside.

Then, there was a scream of alarm, as well as the wanton laughter of men.

Qiu Honglei’s brows furrowed. She tapped on the cabin walls, asking the boatman outside, “What happened?”

“Young miss, there are bandits… ah!”

A noise sounded. He clearly already fell into the water.

Immediately afterwards, the small boat rocked back and forth, as if many people jumped on it.

“This boat smells so good. Who knows, it might have a beauty inside.”

“If there is a girl, who’s first?”

“Why not go together?”

Wretched and vulgar voices sounded one after another.

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