The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 79 - Agreement

The distance between the Poison Quarry and Fortuna city was several hundred thousand kilometers. It took Hao Xuan almost an entire week along with other Mad Saints to make this journey on their mounts which were capable of covering hundreds of kilometers an hour.

Yet it took Jin Wang a little above 4 hours until the Fortuna City was already in sight. With his massive Winged Dragon Horse he went straight towards the Red Legion headquarters but was stopped by the city's protective barrier. Taking out his identity token he held it up high and a ray of yellow light shot out towards the barrier, opening a hole big enough for his mount to fly through.

To not draw attention he was flying at an altitude of 600 meters. It took another 5minutes until he could see the military compound and once reaching it he stored the Dragon Horse away, falling straight down.

Falling from a height of 600 meters, although wouldn't be dangerous for a Spirit realm cultivator, it would make quite an impact. Yet when he was less than three meters away from the ground, an invisible force propelled him upwards with enough force to cancel out his momentum and he landed as lightly as a feather.

He was in front of a small villa with a single guard outside. The guard was not taken aback even a bit by Jin Wang's sudden appearance and only glanced at him once. Jin smiled at the guard and walked past him towards the door.

The guard still did nothing and just stood in his place like a statue.


He knocked on the door and stepped back. A few seconds later the door was opened by a pretty maid. She greeted Jin Wang with nothing but a strange look in her eyes and simply led him towards a courtyard where an elderly man was sitting under a tree with a book in his hands.

Before the maid could say anything the elder's voice came from behind the book, "What brings you here?"

The maid bowed towards the elder's direction and silently left. Jin Wang casually walked towards the old man and sat down on the chair opposite to him.

"I agree to your terms, on one condition," he said nonchalantly. The elder put down the book and Jin Wang could finally see his four eyes. Yes, this was the leader of the Red Legion, the Demon of Mei, Great General Li Jing.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" the general asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I found something interesting," was the only response he got. There was silence for about 2-3 minutes.

"Alright, as long as its nothing too overbearing, I accept," the general said after thinking it through.

"Haha, its nothing like that. One of your little leaders was in charge of the unit I was in. I'm sure you're aware," Jin Wang said breaking out into laughter.

"Ninth, Yes."

"He fought Jia's hidden prince head-on and is in a bad condition. I need you to help him," when the general heard his demand his brows furrowed to the extreme. He had known Jin Wang for several years and not once did he do something that was not completely selfish. So he couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

"No reason. He's just very entertaining to watch," Jin Wang replied with a grin.

"Even if it is one of the nine, you know I can't easily take action right? My every move is being monitored. And at this time, it would not be easy for me to take action," he said after a moment of silence.

Jin Wang broke out into a peal of even louder laughter.

"Old man, don't give me that shit. I know very well how much you care for those prying eyes. Its because you've been keeping such a low profile that they have forgotten the rivers of blood that flowed wherever you went," Jin Wang looked like he had heard the funniest of jokes.

"The Nine Earths, the Ten Heavens and everything in-between. There are a myriad of wonders out there, enough to say it is endless, yet so limited in the overall scheme of things that it might as well not exist. It is truly...dispiriting. I have seen too much and experienced too little," Jin Wang had a rare expression on his face, one with a mix of melancholy and sadness. General Li still said nothing and continued watching the leaves slowly fall.

"Did you remember anything?" he asked after a while.

"It is not remembrance. It- ... forget it. You wouldn't understand even if I explained. Somethings are better left unsaid," Jin Wang shook his head and sighed.

"Why him?" the General asked once again.

"Because I'm bored. Is that not enough of a reason? I feel like he can show me something different," he said with a smile.

There was silence yet again...

"Fine. But you must stay true to your words," the general looked at Jin Wang and finally said.

"Have I ever lied to you?"

"More times than I can remember," the general said with a displeased look.

"Hahahaha, fine fine. I promise. But I will not serve the Mei Clan. A person of my own choosing," Jin Wang said looking towards the sky. It had started snowing. He held out his hand, catching a snowflake before melting.

"This is your people in this world," he mumbled.

"Explain what happened," general Li ignored his rambling and closed his book. Jin Wang told him everything that happened in the last few days and about General Shu as well.

"It is good that they are alright. I must pay a visit to the Jia Royal city when I have time," a bloody glint passed through his eyes. He then took out his identity token and threw it towards Jin Wang.

"Go to the research division and see if they have something to help Hao Xuan, if not I'll go to that witch," he said picking the book back up.

Jin Wang left as silently as he came and went to the military's research division. It was a bunker built several miles into the ground with the latest tech. With the general's identity token he had access to every single thing. After looking through most of the things he went back the next day and returned the token to General Li.

"They don't have anything to counter Qi poisoning, not on such short notice."


"Fine, let us go," the General shook his hand and a small boat appeared in his palm. He threw it up in the air and it enlarged to 15 meters.. They both got on and with a single tap of the general's foot, the boat almost tore through space itself and warped towards the Poison Quarry.

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