The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 1028 - 3/7

Arnett tried his best to stay silent for as long as he could so as not to draw attention to himself but a few pained groans inevitably escaped his lips, garnering Eurig's attention.

Eurig looked back at him with a troubled expression not because he was feeling bad for the tortured boy but because he was unsure of his true role in this whole situation.

The 'savior' had told Eurig to keep Arnett close and that when the time was right, he would somehow lead them to the promised one.

It was this 'promised one' that they were actually here for because when they would meet, he would 'set them free' somehow.

'I still don't know what that means but it's not my job to understand every little thing. The savior said that when we would meet the promised one we will know it instantly. That our very souls would let us know that he is the one, without a shadow of a doubt. But to do that we still need to complete the first part of the mission, bring Argham to its knees.'

He glanced towards the other teens that were anything but human now. Most of their transformations were complete and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow marveling at the results.

"Hmm, it looks like you three received a great gift," he spoke to the ones at the front.

The first one used to be the bulky teen and even after the transformation it reflected his old physique to a great degree. He was by far the largest of the seven at approximately 4 meters in height.

If he stood up straight his upper body would go through the roof but his build was similar to an ape so he walked on all fours. His upper body was twice as large as the lower body with some special 'attributes' like the reinforced knuckles and bony protrusions along his shoulders and head.

The previously sharp needle-like protrusions along his back were now connected with one another through a semitransparent webbing which gave it the appearance of bat-like wings but compared to the rest of his body they were far too small to allow for flight.

There were four horns approximately 1-2 inches in length on his head. Two were located below the chin and the other two where the eyebrows should have been. He had no lips or even a nose so the rows of disfigured teeth especially stood out.

His knuckles were encased in dark red embers that even melted the stone floor just by coming into contact with it.

The second one was the female with cracked skin. The skin itself held the appearance of burnt clay while the cracks revealed yellow tumors underneath that spilled out fumes and a putrid liquid.

It looked like all her flesh had melted away leaving only burnt skin behind that was stuck directly to the bones. Most of her scalp was also gone with a handful of hair sparsely decorating the dome. She looked like an old hag from some children's demented fairytale. (Imagine any proto germanic folktale witch)

Her abdomen was swollen to almost three times its original size while the area around her breasts was nothing more than bulbous warts at this point. But right in the middle of the chest was a bright yellow spot.

It squirmed and beat with an unnatural rhythm, sometimes not moving for long periods.

Her thin arms were touching the floor even when she was standing upright. Each and every nail was at least 3-4 inches in length.

When her physical transformation had seemingly been completed she suddenly reached into her own chest and pulled out the bottom six ribs as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

It sounded similar to breaking dried tree branches and since she didn't react to the pain there was no other effect.

She stuck the ribs together two at a time and vomited a yellow substance on it to fuse them together while somehow 'stretching' them to create a slightly curved walking stick. But it looked incomplete as if there was something missing from the top.

The third one didn't have nearly as many changes as the others. His arms were stretched to about four times the size of the rest of his body while his head was covered with what looked like a smooth white porcelain mask but was in fact his actual face.

There were only two holes to reveal a pair of dark blue eyes underneath. In fact most of his body was like that, covered with patches of smooth white material all over. His legs were disjointed below the knee and bent backward with another kneecap right before ending in three giant toes, each with its own elongated claw.

The remaining four were nothing special. Most of their limbs were stuck together or completely melted off. One of them looked nothing more than a blob of flesh and skin, having lost every single bone in his body but somehow still alive.

Eurig nodded muttering to himself, "Three out of seven is not bad at all.. I wasn't even expecting one but to have three reach such a level, our luck is great."

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