Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 826A – Embryo Egg

Chapter 826A – Embryo Egg

At this moment, the little blue lamp suddenly said, “How amusing. They actually designed the opening so cleverly. The master of this tomb didn’t waste any effort when he built it.”

Qin Yu said, “What have you discovered?”

The little blue lamp said, “In the coffin beneath this ice, there is a hidden space node. You can go through it to another overlapping layer of space. If you want to enter, you would have to break the Icesoul Jade Bed.”

Qin Yu hesitated for a moment. It wasn’t that he wasn’t willing to destroy treasures, but he needed this to save the chicken overlord. If it was ruined…

The little blue lamp said, “Have you forgotten the mysteries of this mystic realm? Go ahead and destroy it. It will soon restore itself.”

“That’s right, I didn’t think of that!” Qin Yu smiled. He suddenly figured out where the ‘trailblazer’ had gone. It was clear that this other party knew the secret of the space node and had entered the overlapping layer of space, thus the reason why no one was here.

He lifted a hand and punched out. The Icesoul Jade Bed didn’t move, but the strength surging through the air had reached it like a tidal wave.

Kacha –

Kacha –

Countless cracks appeared and started to rapidly spread.

Qin Yu withdrew his hand. The Icesoul Jade Bed shattered to the ground, revealing the coffin beneath that lingered with a cold air. The coffin’s surface had no textures or decorations. It was painted in a deep black, emanating a dignified slaughter intent.

“What do we do now?”

“Simple. Push it open and lie down in it.”

Qin Yu: …

No matter how he thought about it, entering a coffin and lying down in it didn’t seem auspicious at all. But since he had already begun, there was no reason for him to give up halfway. Moreover, he wanted to know what the goal of the ‘trailblazer’ was, and what was the reason for all the complicated arrangements and traps in this tomb?

He reached out a hand. Before he touched the coffin, the little blue lamp said, “Hold on. If you directly push it like this, there are sure to be great problems.

“Now, knock on the surface of the coffin according to what I tell you. Remember that you cannot deviate in the slightest from my instructions, otherwise it will be troublesome.”

“Alright.” Qin Yu nodded. A fluctuation of consciousness entered his mind. He suddenly moved without hesitation, his actions as quick as lightning. His hands rapped against the coffin 36 times, each strike hitting a different place, almost covering the entire lid.

When the 36th palm fell, Qin Yu had returned to the first spot. There was a sudden crackling sound as the lid quietly slid open, revealing a pitch dark slit.

Qin Yu didn’t move forward. He stood where he was, as if he were waiting for something. At this time, a white bone hand reached out from the coffin. It held onto the coffin’s edge and slowly pulled down.

Following that, a skeleton with withered and decayed flesh dripping from its bones stood up from the coffin, wearing a magnificent robe. Its empty eyes looked at Qin Yu and it said in a stiff voice, “Why are you here again?”

Qin Yu had no idea how to respond. After thinking for a moment he remained silent.

Fortunately, the skeleton soon said, “Come in.”

It lay back down in the coffin, scooting to the side and leaving a spot open.

Qin Yu had an uncertain expression. But after some time, with no response from the little blue lamp, he clenched his teeth and stepped in.

“Don’t resist.”

The little blue lamp’s voice resounded in his mind. Then, the skeleton immediately hugged Qin Yu tight and the coffin lid closed shut, making everything inside fall into darkness.

What Qin Yu found unexpected was that the moment everything fell into darkness, the skeleton actually seemed to become gentle and full of elasticity.

After a brief hesitation, his palms moved and he felt something soft and smooth in his hands. There was a soft gasp as a hot and warm breath fell on his ears.

This was strange…this was clearly supposed to be a horror plot with the skeleton in the coffin, but why did it suddenly become a tale of temptation in the dark?

Qin Yu’s heart wasn’t stirred at all. Instead, he felt even more frightened and disturbed. If it weren’t for the little blue lamp warning him, he would have already responded with an attack.

A cool fragrance constantly flooded his senses. Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. Within his chest, his heart started to beat out of his control.

A flow of heat appeared. It spread through his limbs and bones, soon reaching every corner of his body. It was like a flame had ignited within him. This flame was capable of burning down a person’s logical reasoning, leaving behind nothing but instinct and desire.

“Since you came, why leave? Stay here and accompany me. Isn’t that an even better choice?” A husky whisper spread in his ears.

“Reply to me! Do you choose me or do you want to leave!?

“Why won’t you respond to me? Are you worried that once you speak, you won’t be able to stop yourself from staying? If you keep on remaining silent, then I’ll take that as your tacit approval.

“Are you really leaving? Why? Am I not beautiful enough? But you haven’t really seen me, you haven’t given me a chance to prove myself. How about it?”

The flames in his body grew higher and hotter. Qin Yu could feel his heart beating like a great drum. His body temperature rose but his eyes remained faint and calm, like a peaceful lake beneath a layer of ice, without a single fluctuation at all.

“Stay! Stay!

“Why won’t you say anything? Speak!

“I hate your silence! I want you to stay, stay behind and accompany me!”

The woman’s voice became sharp and grating. She used more and more strength in the darkness, wildly grasping at Qin Yu. The soft and warm feeling soon turned into chains that bound him.

She was like a rope that was desperately trying to crush him. But facing all of this, he was as still and emotionless as a plank of wood.

Whether it was the temptation from before or the craziness now, Qin Yu didn’t respond. He was like a bystander watching from afar.

After an unknown length of time, Qin Yu could hear the woman’s unwilling scream.

The little blue lamp lightly said, “We’ve arrived.”

Shua –

Qin Yu opened his eyes. He was peacefully lying down in the coffin. Besides himself, there was only a darkness so thick that he couldn’t see his fingers in it.

Faintly, from this darkness, he seemed to sense a pair of eyes filled with unwillingness, stubbornly staring at him.

Qin Yu frowned and closed his eyes once again. This feeling of being glared at was shielded outside.

Bang –

There were movements outside.

Luo He stood in a large tomb. This environment was almost exactly the same as the other space. The only difference was that there was an extra black stone chair here.

Right now, the figure sitting on this stone chair had been imprisoned and lifted into the air by an invisible force. Their eyes were wide and full of startled anger.

“This is impossible. In this space, you can actually utilize a strength that is even greater than mine!?” Yun Yueming furiously struggled, but all of his efforts were futile.

Luo He held his hands behind his back, his eyes cold. “In this world, nothing is impossible. But I really must thank you. If you weren’t an Alliance Elder and your selfishness wasn’t so great, even hoping to be revived after your death, how could I have locked onto it?”

Yun Yueming’s eyes flew open. “Who are you? Just who are you?”

Luo He lightly said, “I am nothing but a lonely ghost that has already died and yet stubbornly refuses to return to ashes. There is no need for you to know too much. In order to express my thanks towards you, I will be quick and won’t let you suffer too much pain.”

“Ahhh!” Yun Yueming cried out in pain. His soul began to burn. In the dark gray flames, his soul figure rapidly melted away.

But as this happened, an embryo egg phantom appeared. It was thin and translucent, as if formed from intertwined smoke. It seemed like a single puff of air was enough to blow it away.

Luo He’s eyes began to shine. His face flushed red with excitement. He stared at this embryo egg, as if he saw all his future hopes and dreams in it.

This was indeed his final chance. If he succeeded then all the pain he experienced, all that he lost, would become nothing but the fog of the past.

He would be reborn anew and receive an even greater strength than before. Or if he failed…he would be sent beyond redemption and lose everything!

“I won’t fail, I won’t fail!”

He looked up, his eyes locking onto the embryo egg phantom. Luo He reached out a hand. His movements were slow and steady, as if he were worried he would disperse the phantom if he used a little bit more strength.

His five fingers grasped forward. But at this moment he stuffily coughed and all the blood drained from his face.

At the same time, the lines within his palm started to turn black. They were like black river waters as they gathered towards the center, condensing into a fathomless pitch black hole.

Sensing the aura of the embryo egg, the edges of the black hole started to creep and crawl, eventually swallowing all the flesh and blood of his palm. His five fingers were even invaded by the darkness and turned a dark metal color. They were like five iron needles embedded in space, fixed inside the black hole.

Then, black light spewed out from the black hole, weaving into a net that covered the embryo egg phantom.

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