Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 818B – Luo He

Chapter 818B – Luo He

The finals were to begin in five days. Before that, Luo He was the most dazzling existence in the entire Starfall Archipelago. Countless people tried to visit him and ask for an audience, but only a handful of people managed to achieve their goals.

East Han came from a high and noble birth. His fourth place ranking proved how strong he was, thus he naturally had the qualifications to be close to Luo He.

Both sides met each other several times. Beyond everyone’s expectations, the normally cold and aloof East Han got along well with the other and they became almost like friends.

The 46th ranked Su Hongyi followed East Han as his little sister. She was naturally beautiful and in addition to her lovable personality, she quickly integrated into his circles.

Third ranked, seventh ranked, ninth ranked, 13th ranked…no matter which one of these stood out, they were characters that were being chased by all influences.

Su Hongyi felt very good sitting among them. She wasn’t someone who cared much about vanity, but was there any woman who could be completely free of such a vice?

After another banquet, Su Hongyi parted ways with East Han and returned to the courtyard she was assigned. She slowly regained her composure.

She turned and walked to the courtyard doors across the path. She knocked and said, “Open up, open up, I’m back!”

There was the sound of hurried footsteps. With a creaking sound, the courtyard doors opened from within to reveal Xue Yueyue’s veiled face. Before Su Hongyi could say anything, Xue Yueyue cried out loud and placed her hands against her chest, “Su Hongyi, have you gone crazy again!?”

“Hehe, we haven’t seen each other for two days and yet you are even more lovely than before! Do you have any secret recipes to exchange with me?” Su Hongyi chuckled and squeezed her way through with a smirk, giving Xue Yueyue a fright. “My beloved concubine Qingqing, I’ve come! How come you aren’t coming out to receive me?”

Because of an accident, the Xue Sisters met Su Hongyi. Even though they hadn’t met long ago, they had a very good relationship.

Su Hongyi liked to come over to chat whenever something came up. Although the Xue Sisters had their own problems and didn’t talk much, Su Hongyi was a carefree blabbermouth.

For instance, when she met a disgusting man at the primaries, she told the two sisters all about it.

Today’s experience was something worth bragging about, so how could she hold it in? She immediately pulled the sisters over and started spinning her story. Occasionally she would clasp her hands together and look up into the skies, a look of joy and love on her face.

Su Hongyi’s advantage was that she would say whatever was on her mind without deliberately showing off. Yet, it seemed even more sincere this way.

The Xue Sisters glanced at each other. Could this be such a coincidence?

After a brief hesitation, Xue Qingqing said, “Hongyi, could we trouble you to recommend us to Mister Luo He?”

“Ah…about this…” Su Hongyi furrowed her eyebrows together.

“Forget it if it makes things awkward for you.”

“Haha, I fooled both of you! Of course I don’t have that much face, but if Big Brother East speaks up for me then there shouldn’t be a problem. Just wait for my good news!”

Before the finals, Qin Yu was prodded by Dorelis to take her out to relax and have fun. The reason she gave was that she had been far too bored these past several days. If Qin Yu didn’t agree, she would do something major.

Seeing her lean back against the bed and pull her robes until she revealed a pale shoulder, Qin Yu’s complexion changed and he quickly walked out.

Dorelis’ smug laugh sounded out behind him. The more they stayed together, the more satisfied she was with this ‘big puppet’ of hers.

In order to prevent the massive numbers of beast trainers stirring up trouble, the Beast Trainer Alliance established all sorts of fun amusements and events.

Throughout the main street, there was a good number of people walking around. As Qin Yu stood at the side and waited for Dorelis to buy some candy, he noticed two and a half familiar figures.

The reason it was two and a half was because two of them were the Xue Sisters; he had recognized them from their backs. As for the other one dressed in red clothes, it was the extremely fierce girl he encountered in the primaries.

How did these three people end up together?

While Qin Yu saw them, the three women didn’t see him. The three women met up and started talking in a low voice before they walked over to a club venue.

This sort of clubhouse that integrated various types of entertainment and enjoyment could only be entered by people with a certain level of status.

Su Hongyi met the qualifications to enter, but it wasn’t enough if she wanted to bring others in.

However, she had East Han’s meeting card. After flashing it at the entrance, the alliance cultivators standing guard fell to the side.

Qin Yu looked at the three people entering. When he was about to look away, several people passed by him and their conversation carelessly entered his ears…

Luo He…

In an occasion that occurred after the semi-finals, Qin Yu had seen this person once from afar. At a glance, he recognized Luo He as the middle-aged man surrounded by a crowd that he saw on his first day here.

Both sides had never met each other and this person’s aura was also strange. But for some unknown reason, Qin Yu didn’t have a good feeling about him.

Or to be more exact, if this person were to bring his supposedly handsome face close to him, Qin Yu would definitely give him a ruthless slap.

There was no other reason. This was pure dislike and loathing.

Those people just now had said that Luo He was planning to hold a banquet at the club…

The Xue Sisters were entering now…did they come here for him?

With the information Qin Yu grasped, this seemed more likely. For better or worse, they knew each other and had overcome adversity together. The sisters had even called him Big Brother Qin. Should he warn them?

But on that day, he had left them with an appearance that made it seem he was afraid to touch them. What would it mean for him to approach them now?

As Qin Yu was wavering, someone patted his shoulder. “Hey! You’ve got to be careful if you’re staring at beautiful women. Your eyes are about to pop out!”

Dorelis licked the candy stick in her hands and looked at him with interest.

Qin Yu glared at her. “If you’ve bought it then leave. You’re already so old yet you’re eating something like that.”

“I enjoy it, so what do you care?” Dorelis giggled. Her eyes turned and she said, “Let’s go. I want to rest, so let’s go there!”

As she spoke she walked straight forward.

Yue Die was also holding a candy stick in her hands. Hearing Qin Yu’s words, her heart was in a tangle. She couldn’t keep eating this candy stick, but she couldn’t throw it away either…

Qin Yu looked at her, “Just eat it!”

He turned and followed behind. Looking at Dorelis’ back, he wondered whether she had noticed something or if she was just messing around like usual.

Without surprise, Dorelis had stopped in front of the clubhouse. Although she was beautiful to the point of leaving one’s knees weak, the alliance cultivators at the door didn’t dare to let her in. None of them wanted to risk their livelihoods.

Without turning her head, Dorelis panted in indignation. “Qin Yu, hurry and let me in!”

The eyes of one of the guards brightened. “May I ask if you are the 89th ranked Mister Qin Yu?”

Seeing Qin Yu nod, the guard was all smiles. “Mister, are you here to attend the banquet hosted by Mister Luo He on the eighth floor? If so, then please go in and speak to Mister Luo He. If you do, you can bring all of your companions in.”

Although his words were polite, if one thought about it, the guard was saying that no one here besides Qin Yu had the qualifications to enter.

Qin Yu shrugged his shoulders. “Look, I can’t bring anyone in either. Let’s leave.”

Dorelis clenched her teeth. “No. I want to go in. Qin Yu, you had better figure out a way!”

Standing to the side, Senior Lin who was quiet to the point of being a shadow suddenly said, “I have a way.”

He took out a card. When the entrance guard saw it his complexion immediately changed. He respectfully bowed and allowed the group of four inside.

When the four of them walked in, the entrance guard immediately contacted the workers inside, “A heaven-step club card guest has arrived. Hurry and greet them.”

After walking out from the elevator, a stewardess was waiting outside with a bright smile. “I didn’t know that such honored guests arrived. It really has been embarrassing on our part.”

Qin Yu glanced at Senior Lin, not surprised by what happened. With his status, it was natural for him to be able to do this.

Although the stewardess knew that Senior Lin was the one holding the card, she had been working for enough years that her eyes had become fierce and fire-bright. She could immediately tell that Qin Yu was the core figure of the group. Her smile brightened.

“Dear guests, may I ask if there is any way I can assist you today?”

Before Qin Yu said anything, Dorelis said, “I heard you are holding a banquet on the eighth floor. Can we go?”

The stewardess glanced at her and her heart chilled. She discovered that she still needed to cultivate her eyesight some more.

Through Dorelis’ behavior and actions, one could see at a glance that she was a peak character. That sort of carefree and relaxed temperament was something impossible to disguise. She respectfully said, “Reporting to young miss, Mister Luo He and others are holding a banquet on the eighth floor today. Their intention is to make friends from all around. Today, several groups of guests in the club have already gone to join in on the festivities. I’m sure that the four of you will definitely be welcome.”

“Then let’s go to the eighth floor!”

Seeing Qin Yu’s expressionless face, the stewardess said, “Of course.”

She personally led the way. After entering the elevator, the four were brought to the banquet hall on the eighth floor.

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