Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 781B – Lifting the Curse

Chapter 781B – Lifting the Curse

Bang –

With a deep thump, space violently fluctuated and a vortex appeared. An incomparably massive eye opened up from within it.

“Why did you summon me?”

Formidable divine sense fluctuations instantly swept through the arena. When they approached Qin Yu they unexpectedly stopped. Then, that giant eye locked onto him and him alone.

The Moonkeep Tower Master was extremely respectful. She bowed on her knees and said, “Replying to the lord, this black-robed mister hopes that the curse placed on the Hidden Fog Sect can be fully lifted. I cannot accomplish it, so I ask that you adjudicate this matter.”

A cold light flashed in her eyes.

She only knew some minor details about the influence that stood behind Moonkeep Tower. But just this small part was sufficiently astonishing.

Even if this mysterious black-robed figure was strong and tyrannical, what could he do?

The Moonkeep Tower Master believed that as long as this lord behind her was willing to take action, it wouldn’t be difficult to suppress him.

You want me to summon the lord to arrive here? Fine. I will fulfill your wish and see just how much longer you can remain so arrogant!

But what followed next caused the Moonkeep Tower Master’s eyes to widen and her jaws to drop down. The giant eye in the vortex stared at Qin Yu for a moment and then said, “I agree to this matter!”

As soon as the voice fell, the vortex faded away. It seemed that the eye’s owner didn’t want to face Qin Yu.

Or to be more exact, it didn’t want to face the aura he was currently emitting.

But to agree so readily and to also leave right afterwards, no matter how anyone looked at it, these actions appeared a bit panicked and flustered.

For a time, everyone looked at Qin Yu with even more awe in their eyes.

The Moonkeep Tower Master was dumbfounded. Her complexion paled further. Luckily, she didn’t express her inner thoughts when she spoke up just now. Otherwise even if this black-robed figure killed her, that lord who stood behind her probably wouldn’t have done anything about it.

Just who was this person? The lord actually dreaded him so much!

Within an independent small world that was layered atop a main world. This was a vast space that was even able to receive the power of the sun, moon, and stars.

Dappled sunlight shined down into a massive mountain valley, illuminating a monumental palace. A number of black-robed cultivators were lined up on both sides of a long table.

In the third position from the left, an old man deep in meditation suddenly opened his eyes. One of his eyes was normal, but the other was eerily silver. He welcomed everyone’s stares and said, “An accident has occurred. When my consciousness arrived, I sensed the Dragon City Master’s aura.”

Then, he explained what had just happened.

“That is impossible! That powerful Dragon City Master was killed off hundreds of thousands of years ago. You and I are both sure of this.”

“His body is still suppressed in the ancestral land. It’s impossible for the Dragon City Master to have revived.”

“Third Elder, could your senses have been wrong?”

The Third Elder shook his head. “The Dragon City Master fought with my people many times before. In the inherited memories of the ancestors that have been passed down, the aura from them is completely the same as the one I felt today. I am sure that the aura the black-robed figure released belonged to the Dragon City Master!”

The hall fell silent. On both sides of the table, the Elders furrowed their eyebrows.

If the Third Elder was so convinced, the chances of him being mistaken were low. If that really was the aura of the Dragon City Master…did that mean he hadn’t yet completely perished?

No one dared to say anything for sure. After all, when a peerless powerhouse reached that level of strength, they possessed all sorts of inconceivable methods.

Even if his body was split apart, even if his soul was swallowed and scattered, that didn’t mean he had no chance of revival.

If the Dragon City Master had revived, a storm of blood was sure to wash over the world. It had to be known that when he fell from the skies in the past, many people had played an extremely disgraceful and dishonorable role in it.

Fortunately, even though their Mo Clan stood in opposition to the Dragon City Master, they hadn’t interfered in that battle in the past. Even if he truly had resurrected, he shouldn’t come looking for them.

Soon, the Elders made up their minds. They decided to agree to the black-robed cultivator’s request and fully lift the curse from the Hidden Fog Sect. To offend the possibly resurrected Dragon City Master over something so minor was clearly a horrible idea.

Although this was a minor loss of face, for these old fellows who had lived for countless years, face and honor were things meant to be tossed away at certain times.

Pa –

In their ancestral land, a jade talisman that hung in the air shattered. This represented that the curse which had enslaved the Hidden Fog Sect for tens of thousands of years had finally disappeared.

A breeze blew in, setting off a series of loud tinkling sounds. Looking around, countless jade talismans hung from the ceiling of the cave, connected with red threads. The number of them was too large to count.


Qin Yu lightly said, “The curse had been lifted.”

In his current state, he could clearly feel the change in the aura of the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators. The gloominess from before had disappeared.

Hu Fu relaxed. He shivered and bowed his head. Then, unable to withstand the weakness in his body anymore, he closed his eyes forever.

There was a smile of gratitude on his face…teacher, this disciple didn’t disappoint your expectations. I did it!

“Sect Master!”

With sorrowful cries, the Hidden Fog Sect people came over. Their eyes were red and wet with tears.

They clenched their jaws. They looked up towards Moonkeep Tower’s platform, killing intent rising in them.

Although they now knew that there was another influence standing behind Moonkeep Tower, they could still hate them. This was all they could do for Sect Master Hu Fu right now.

The Moonkeep Tower Master was uneasy. She could ignore the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators, but Qin Yu’s attitude would determine their life and death.

She took a deep breath and tentatively asked, “My lord, I wonder if we may leave now?”

Qin Yu waved his hand.

The Moonkeep Tower Master was overjoyed. After she bowed she quickly led the cultivators behind her away. She was afraid he would change his mind.

The Hidden Fog Sect didn’t stop them. What they needed to do right now was to bring Sect Master Hu Fu’s corpse back to the sect and ensure that he was buried with peace and dignity.

An Elder bowed. “Mister, as Sect Master Hu Fu said, I will carve your benevolence into my heart!”

All of the Hidden Fog Sect cultivators fell to their knees and bowed. Then, they brought Hu Fu’s corpse away. The atmosphere was solemn and desolate.

After watching them leave, Qin Yu flicked his sleeves. “The Beast King War has finished. It’s time that everyone leaves.”

No one dared to oppose him. The watching cultivators bowed and left.

Soon, the giant arena was empty. The only ones that remained were Qin Yu and his disciple, as well as the Sage-controlled puppet.

Qin Yu looked down. His eyes were sharp and oppressive. “Now, I believe we should solve the problems between us, Senator Sage.”

The Sage-controlled puppet bowed. “Please speak.”

Qin Yu lifted a finger. “At the Hidden Fog Sect, we both reached an agreement. The ownership of the Chaotic Sky Chronicle would be determined by the result of the Beast King War. Although the process was unpleasant at times, I won. Senator Sage, there is no need to deny it, but some things previously happened to me that I believe the Dark Parliament was responsible for. While I have no concrete evidence, I trust my own intuition.

“I can pretend that these unpleasant things never happened. The Dark Parliament only needs to abide by the agreement of the bet we made. In the future, you will no longer try to move against my disciple or her future descendants. As long as Senator Sage agrees, this matter will be finished here. You and me can treat each other as never having met before, and our paths will never intersect again.”

Sage thought for a moment. Then he said, “I deeply admire your open-mindedness and generosity. According to any reasonable truth, you have already made concessions. The Dark Parliament should abide by the terms of the agreement as you said. But concerning this matter, it isn’t something I can decide alone. I hope you can give me some time.”

Qin Yu lightly said, “Then you may convene a meeting of the Dark Parliament’s Senators right now. I will wait here for your reply.”

Sage cupped his hands together. “Then I ask you to wait a moment.” He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes. The puppet cultivator fell into a deep sleep.

Yun Die was grateful. “Teacher, thank you.”

Qin Yu waved dismissively, not saying anything. He looked at the Sage-controlled puppet, a thoughtful look in his eyes. When he borrowed the strength of the Ancient, helping the Hidden Fog Sect was only one part of the reason for it. Another reason was that he wanted to frighten and deter the Dark Parliament with his strength so that he could avoid any conflict with them.

The Ancient’s consciousness was with him and he believed that even if the Dark Parliament tried to kill him, he could defend himself. Still, he didn’t want to use too much of the Ancient’s strength.

He hoped that the Dark Parliament would retreat. Otherwise, if he wanted to leave Dragon City today, he feared it would be extremely troublesome.

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