Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 779 – The Hidden Fog Sect’s Curse

Chapter 779 – The Hidden Fog Sect’s Curse

The dark star ice serpent slapped its tail and shot forward like an arrow. It rushed into the heavens, its momentum like a rainbow as it aimed at the blood red face!

The arena’s imprisonment was easily destroyed. When the dark star ice serpent was midway, spiritual strength boiled between the heavens and earth, gathering from all over in endless flows that frantically surrounded it.

The phantom of a dragon appeared around the dark star ice serpent. It was like a suit of armor, fully enclosing it within.

The blood red face’s eyes stared tightly at the dark star ice serpent. Its lips suddenly moved and it uttered two strange syllables. Although no one had heard these syllables before, they instantly understood what it meant.

“Dragon race.”

In the next moment, a heaven-shaking explosion erupted. The dark star ice serpent that was covered in a suit of dragon phantom armor collided with the blood red face.

The moment the two sides met, the impact of strength shattered the skies like a fragile mirror, revealing pitch black darkness beneath. Although it seemed like there was nothing there, it was actually flooded with a destructive strength, enough to twist apart any being below the Divine Dao realm.

Because the eruption occurred in the skies above Dragon City, formidable shockwaves fell downwards. It was like a million mountains crashing down together, causing the entire Dragon City to sink several meters down.

Fortunately, in this critical moment Dragon City burst out with strength that blocked the fluctuations. Otherwise the entirety of Dragon City would likely be littered with corpses right now.

But there was a place that wasn’t within the scope of the protection, and that was the arena. It seemed to exist independently from Dragon City, as if it were moved here after the construction of Dragon City and wasn’t a part of the city at all.

Thus, the cultivators still remaining in the arena became the pitiful volunteers who got the rare experience of suffering the shockwaves of power. They were like stalks of wheat in a field being swept over by a tornado. They wailed and fell to the ground, rolling about endlessly.

And these people were the ones who fared better. The worst were the cultivators who had silently fallen unconscious. Their bodies twitched and blood flowed freely from their noses and mouths.

Without exception, everyone that stayed to test their luck suffered a pitiful fate.

No, there was still one person who hadn’t fallen over…

Qin Yu looked up, his gaze deep and profound.

The other party seemed to sense his attention and he also looked up, their eyes meeting. In that instant, Qin Yu was able to determine that this seemingly ordinary cultivator had another soul hidden behind his pale face.

Was this a powerhouse from the Dark Parliament? This was the finals of the Beast King War so it wouldn’t make sense for them to be absent.

Sage darkly sighed. But since he had been exposed, as a Senator of the Dark Parliament, he needed to conduct himself with a certain level of pride and dignity.

The man slightly bowed and greeted Qin Yu. His lips moved and his voice echoed in Qin Yu’s ears. “Senator Sage greets Mister Ning Qin.”

After everything he had experienced today, Qin Yu had sufficient qualifications to be treated with respect…even if he had already decided that he would try to kill Qin Yu no matter the price.

The Dark Parliament could not allow such an uncontrollable source of danger to exist!

Qin Yu nodded, not saying anything. He looked into the skies. There, a sea of blood tumbled about, blocking everyone’s sight.

The result was going to be revealed. But he didn’t worry. With the status of the Ancient, if he decided to help then he had to have the confidence to win.

Moreover, that blood red face crossed a vast amount of space to come here and it didn’t have the advantage of this world being its home territory. It was natural for it to be defeated.

As Qin Yu thought, the deep red color in the skies began to rapidly fade away.

The dark star ice serpent’s figure appeared. The great dragon phantom armor it wore had broken to pieces and its body was covered in countless scars. But, its aura remained as powerful as ever. It howled into the skies, wantonly venting its strength.

The blood red face that crossed space to arrive here had vanished.

The outcome had been decided!

Where Radiance Temple was, Bei Qing instantly paled. There was no sign of blood in her face.

The Moonkeep Tower Master stood up and frowned. Her eyes were ice cold!

The phoenix luan had been defeated. It had actually been defeated. Things were beginning to spin out of control.

While Bei Qing was lost in a confused haze thinking about the future, the Moonkeep Tower Master had already calmed herself. She took a deep breath. Since an accident occurred, she could only utilize her last resort. Before Hu Fu opened his mouth, she would send him to the yellow springs.

Her five slender fingers opened beneath her sleeve. Space quietly split open and a pitch black jade card flew out.

The Moonkeep Tower Master pinched her fingers without hesitation. With a light sound, the jade card disintegrated into countless pieces.

On the Hidden Fog Sect’s platform, Hu Fu’s eyes flew open and he spat out a mouthful of black blood. As the blood landed on the ground, it violently corroded at the stone. A strong curse aura filled the air. Just looking at the black blood made one’s soul tremble.

“Protect the Sect Master!”

Several Hidden Fog Sect Elders were shocked and startled. Because of the dark star ice serpent’s victory, they were all laughing with joy. But before their expressions even disappeared, they froze in place.

Because they didn’t know the specific attributes of this curse, no one dared to touch Hu Fu’s body. They could only close surround him, sweeping their eyes about like hawks as they tried to find who had attempted to secretly murder the Sect Master.

Beneath his black robes, Qin Yu’s eyes flashed. He glanced at the Moonkeep Tower Master. Because his perception had temporarily melded together with the arena’s, he had detected something.

As he thought, there were other reasons for why Hu Fu didn’t hesitate to gamble his life so that the Hidden Fog Sect could become the leader of this year’s Beast King War. And, the other involved party was Moonkeep Tower.

The dark star ice serpent had won, leading to the Moonkeep Tower Master trying to take Hu Fu’s life. It seemed that things weren’t as simple as they appeared to be.

But even though this woman was ruthless and decisive in her actions, Hu Fu had been prepared ahead of time. Perhaps things wouldn’t go as she wanted them to.

Hu Fu violently coughed, vomiting more black blood. He waved his hands, preventing his disciples from supporting him. The curse in his body was not only inherited, but it had a powerful contagious ability. Anyone touched by the cursed blood would be infected with it.

Hu Fu’s field of vision flashed black. He clenched his teeth and clung onto the final trace of consciousness in his mind. He had finally reached the end; he couldn’t allow himself to drop down right now. All of the previous Sect Masters, the hopes and dreams of the countless seniors of the older generation, everything they wished for would be realized by his hand today!

Hu –

Hu –

He panted for breath. His throat burned and a tearing pain spread out from his chest. But Hu Fu only laughed out loud. As he thought, the preparations made by the previous generations were useful; he had somehow managed to survive. Although he would die soon, it was enough to complete his task.

His incomparably weak heart suddenly started to beat vigorously. Ruddiness appeared on his pale face.

Then, he rapidly became younger. In just a few breaths of time, he was restored to his original appearance. His back was straight and his eyes were piercing. But, the aura of decay around Hu Fu’s body not only didn’t weaken, it became even stronger!

He was like a freshly unearthed corpse that had been buried deep underground for countless years. Although he seemed alive and vibrant on the outside, the truth was that the insides had completely rotted away.

“Sect Master, your aura…” An Elder mumbled, dumbfounded.

Hu Fu smiled. “My condition is good. I’ve never felt so good…today, I will break apart the imprisonment on my Hidden Fog Sect’s lineage; I will shatter the curse shackles on our inheritance.”

Then, he stepped forward and cupped his hands together, bowing deeply. “Mister, the Hidden Fog Sect will always remember the graciousness you showed us. As long as my Hidden Fog Sect still stands, you may freely command us!”

Qin Yu turned around. He lightly said, “You don’t have much time left. If you have a dying wish, go and do it. Don’t delay.”

Hu Fu respectfully said, “Yes. I thank mister for your forgiveness.”

But he secretly sighed inwardly.

He originally hoped to use this chance to create a line between the Hidden Fog Sect and mister. But it was clear that mister didn’t want to have too much involvement with them.

Luckily, there was still this trip to Dragon City. The Hidden Fog Sect could still take advantage of his reputation. If people tried to target them in the future, they would have more scruples to consider.

The dark star ice serpent flew down from the skies. The moment it landed, it fell into a deep slumber.

The dragon soul’s voice echoed in Qin Yu’s ears. “I have completed what I promised you…and, I left behind some strength in this little kid’s body. Perhaps he might be able to serve my master in the future.”

As the dragon soul’s voice fell, its form dispersed. This was only an avatar to begin with, and it could vanish with just a thought from its main body.

The dark star ice serpent’s aura rapidly diminished. But, its breathing stabilized and it hadn’t suffered any fatal injuries.

With the experience of being possessed by the dragon soul today and also the strength that the dragon soul left behind, once the dark star ice serpent woke up it would surely have a great harvest.

The black flames that wrapped around the phoenix luan had vanished. The area where the spirit beast had been was now completely barren.

In order to summon that powerful existence from the abyss and have it cross space to arrive here, the phoenix luan had paid with everything it had. If it was victorious, it might have been able to live a bit longer. But since the blood red face had been routed the phoenix luan suffered a backlash. Its soul and body had been incinerated to ashes in the void.

One side was sleeping, one side was dead; the result of the battle was obvious.

Rumble rumble –

All of the damage in the massive arena was quickly repaired. Then, the Hidden Fog Sect’s platform rapidly extended and rose up to the center of the arena. Countless cultivators watched with wide eyes.

This was the glory that the leader deserved to enjoy!

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