Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 741A – Great Storms

Chapter 741A – Great Storms

Flesh withered away, turning into flying ash. The light layer of blood that flowed across the surface of the statue seemed as if it would dissipate in the next moment, meaning that all of his efforts tonight would be for naught. The medium for using witchcraft had a limit to its numbers of uses; it couldn’t last forever.

But witchcraft powers were secretive and terrifying. While they could kill others invisibly, there were also great hidden dangers present within them. For instance, if someone used witchcraft against someone and was unable to harm them, it would create a massive backlash instead.

Although there were methods to reduce the backlash, the losses this would cause to the Witchcraft Sect Master were far too heavy. So since he had started tonight, he couldn’t give up halfway.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the tumbling anger and rage in his chest. The Witchcraft Sect Master turned to Little Ancestor and said, “Continue to offer the sacrificial blood!”

Little Ancestor trembled and horror appeared in his eyes, but he didn’t dare to refuse. He nodded and stood up with difficulty.

The Witchcraft Sect Master coldly coughed. With a wave of his sleeve, boundless strength gushed out from the void and drew him over. The wound that had just healed on his palm was torn open once more.

The palm fell down and the wound stuck to the statue. A horrifying swallowing sound was immediately heard. Little Ancestor shivered and his face distorted with pain. He lowered his head, concealing the hatred that surged deep in his eyes.

In the back, the Witchcraft Sect Master’s expression darkened. After today, even if he managed to supplement it, Little Ancestor’s source vitality would forever be lacking, and it would likely affect his lifespan. If this was the case then his subsequent plans would be affected; he would need to adjust them.

How hateful!

When this witchcraft was used, it had always gone smoothly. He had tested it several times before on immensely talented individuals and each time he had easily killed the target. He never thought that this person he met today would repeatedly ruin his plans. The Witchcraft Sect Master felt some regret, but he felt even more brutality and anger. He vowed to himself that once this witchcraft was complete he would have this person suffering the worst torment in existence, so much so that his soul would wither away in howling sorrow.

Gulp –

Gulp –

The statue’s terrifying swallowing sound echoed through the underground chamber. Compared to the first time it was much quieter and there was a minor interval between each noise. It was clear that the rate of blood flow was insufficient.

The Witchcraft Sect Master thrust out a head. Little Ancestor stuffily coughed. His worn out and tired heart suddenly began to beat rapidly as his face flushed red.

The statue’s swallowing sounds immediately turned violent. The blood red light that had faintly dissipated on its surface stabilized.

Little Ancestor bore all of this in silence, with no show of resistance. However, the hatred in his eyes grew increasingly thick!

When the statue stopped swallowing blood, Little Ancestor slumped to the ground and his body spasmed and twitched. He had turned thin and emaciated with little wrinkles covering his face. He seemed to have aged dozens of years.

The Witchcraft Sect Master swept him to the side. When he stood in front of the statue his eyes were dark and profound. Light surged in his pupils like waves in the dark night, capable of swallowing and submerging all.

Regardless of what it was, he wouldn’t allow himself to be defeated three times in a row. No matter who you are, no matter what methods you have, in just a few moments I will make sure you fall into a life or death crisis!

He lifted a hand and placed a finger between the statue’s eyebrows. The Witchcraft Sect Master directly connected to the statue, using himself to supply it strength.

With this, he would succeed no matter what!

Hum –

The statue faintly trembled as if it were cheering out. A formidable plundering strength erupted from it, as heavy as a collapsing mountain. The strength in the Witchcraft Sect Master’s body burst forth like a broken dam, crazily rushing out.

But his expression remained calm and steady. When the witchcraft drew out enough power it would naturally slow down and stop.

However, the strength that the witchcraft extracted was far more than the Witchcraft Sect Master expected. After several breaths of time, the wild plundering strength still showed no signs of slowing down.

As the Witchcraft Sect Master furrowed his eyebrows in surprise, the swallowing strength coming from the statue finally started to weaken and die down.

He relaxed, overjoyed. As he thought, he had provided too little strength before. The Witchcraft Sect Master glanced over. He could see flesh and blood wildly growing over the surface of the statue’s face, rapidly condensing into a man’s appearance.

But when the skin began to grow, an indication that the witchcraft was almost complete, a mask suddenly appeared and covered the statue’s face.

This mask was pure black in color as if it were formed of the darkest night. Although one could see the facial features beneath, it actually gave off an unclear feeling. At this time, the mask’s eyes were closed, completely blocking all outside spying methods!

The Witchcraft Sect Master was stunned. Then, he cursed out loud, all sorts of vulgar and coarse words spilling out from between his lips. All of the previous cool he showed as a Sect Master had disappeared.

You bastard, since you had a treasure that could shield your aura, why didn’t you activate it before? Just when I saw the dawn of victory, you decided to slap me with a big stick!

This was unrelated to how deeply one could hide their emotions. No matter who was put in his position, they would find this completely unbearable!

If Qin Yu stood in front of the Witchcraft Sect Master at this moment he would definitely be torn to pieces and then smashed to bits. Unfortunately, the Witchcraft Sect Master had no such opportunity. So, no matter how unbearable he found this he could only clench his teeth and recognize reality.

Looking at the black mask and its closed eyes, the Witchcraft Sect Master’s face turned red. So what if you have a treasure to protect yourself? Let’s see how long it will last!

The terror of witchcraft wasn’t something that could be blocked with a mere treasure. If this person thought he could stop him with just this, he was too naïve!

The Witchcraft Sect Master stimulated his inner strength, blasting it all into the statue. He wanted to raise a wave so high and deadly that it would crush all resistance before it.

The black fog in Qin Yu’s laboratory wildly tumbled about. Figures were often outlined in the darkness, from heavily armored devils, to fierce and horrifying malicious ghosts, to skeletons that flew around everything; they all recklessly rushed about as they howled.

Ding –

Ding –

The clear sound of a bell constantly rang out. It came from the little worn out bell that floated above Qin Yu’s head. It constantly produced sounds as it was struck by the wild strength all around it.

Suddenly, cool purple moonlight sprinkled down and a crescent purple moon quietly appeared, hanging to the left of the small bell. Then, the phantom of a blue sun arrived on the opposite side. The rays of light came from a sun but they had no temperature at all. All that came from them was an endless chill.

The sun and moon reflected and enhanced each other. The terrifying impact that came from the outside was immediately counterbalanced. Faint traces of black fog continuously melted away and flowed into the sun and moon phantoms at a speed visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye.

“Big sisters, I can still endure it, there is no need for you two to help!” Meimei almost cried out loud.

Although she had followed by Qin Yu’s side and experienced the good luck of sitting in her seat and having good food delivered to her, who knew if there would be a third time?

Seeing the largest wave of food arrive, Meimei wanted to capture this opportunity to ‘line her bags’ with as much food as she could. Then, she could slowly enjoy it later…

But as a result, these two big sisters had made their move, giving her no chance to do anything. Their eyesight was truly vicious; they had grasped the prime opportunity!

Luckily for her, she was the one who had manifested the ‘mask’. As the one who did this, she would be able to capture an extra portion. Even if Purple Moon and Blue Sun ate faster than she did, she shouldn’t suffer too great a loss.

Kacha –

A small cracking sound spread to the Witchcraft Sect Master’s ears. His eyes brightened as a fierce smile lit up his face.

As expected, in the face of witchcraft, any treasure that concealed one’s aura was simply trash.

The first had already appeared. Would the second one be far away?

When a great dam collapsed, although it might begin with a small hole, it would break down faster and faster as time went on! This was something he had learned throughout his long years of cultivating.

But what happened afterwards proved that not only would our ears and eyes deceive us sometimes, but so too would our experiences. The Witchcraft Sect Master’s complexion paled and he gently shivered. Even if his body was made from steel he still couldn’t withstand such an extraction of power.

As for the black mask on the statue’s face, there was still only a single crack. It was on the cheek of the left side, small and utterly common-looking.

The expected second crack still hadn’t appeared. It was like the wild plundering strength coming from the statue was completely wasted.

This shocked and angered the Witchcraft Sect Master. To his amazement, he discovered that he was losing control of the situation. If this continued then who knew how much strength he would need to use up before this damned mask broke apart? But if he chose to give up now, he would have to pay a steep price.

Moreover, with things having reached this point, if he gave up now he would have to pay an especially great price on top of what he had already lost!

Caught in this dilemma, the Witchcraft Sect Master was at a loss for what to do. But then, he heard a cracking sound. This sound was like heavenly music to his ears.

He looked up. A crack had appeared on the right cheek of the mask. Its position just happened to be on the exact opposite side of the first crack.

The Witchcraft Sect Master’s eyes brightened. He absolutely did not believe this was a coincidence. There had to be a profound meaning behind the positions of these cracks.

He had seen similar magic tools before. These tools had several key nodes, and although they appeared indestructible when attacked, they still suffered from damage. Once the nodes were broken, the magic tool would soon be destroyed.

At this time perhaps he had broken a second node. As long as he lasted a bit long, he might see the light of victory.

This sort of understanding greatly strengthened the Witchcraft Sect Master’s confidence. It gradually calmed down and settled his anxious heart.

The position the third crack appeared in would be critical. If it appeared where he thought it would, then that meant his hypothesis was correct. Otherwise, he would immediately give up. He would rather withstand the backlash from the failed witchcraft than continue like this.

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