Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 719 - Swing Swing

Chapter 719 - Swing Swing

In order to prevent Yun Die from experiencing any accidents, the teacher and disciple discussed the situation and decided that they would remain on the laboratory grounds for the time being without coming out. At the same time, under the pretext of conducting experiments, they asked the Hidden Fog Sect to clear out the surrounding area and also send a large number of cultivators to guard it.

All sorts of defensive array formations were opened up. Since the Hidden Fog Sect was bearing the costs, Qin Yu naturally didn’t need to care about anything.

Of course, after learning that Mister Ning Qin was a ‘Grand Expert’, the Hidden Fog Sect was even more respectful. They certainly wouldn’t turn down such a ‘small request’.

At the same time, a gift was delivered to Qin Yu through Rong Wei. According to the Hidden Fog Sect, this was only the most basic reward for having asked a Grand Expert to help. After the Beast King War was over, the Hidden Fog Sect would give him a truly great reward.

This clearly meant something.

Since Qin Yu accepted the gift, he would naturally return a response. He asked Rong Wei to convey a message back to the Hidden Fog Sect. His promise remained the same, but he asked that the Hidden Fog Sect remember their side of the deal too.

After winning the Beast King War, one of the rewards would be his – that jade piece was the key for healing his soul injuries. He absolutely could not lose it.

Regarding this, the Hidden Fog Sect’s high level figures maintained a consistent manner. They asked Mister Ning Qin to rest assured.

What nonsense. You are a Grand Expert! Even if we have eaten the guts and ambition of a leopard, we still wouldn’t dare to go back on a promise.

All sides were happy with how things were.

Inside the laboratory, it wasn’t as busy as everyone outside imagined. Qin Yu sat down cross-legged and he hadn’t even moved half a step away from the testing platform. Of course, the equipment had been replaced, as the most basic camouflage still needed to be done.

When the little blue lamp finished purifying materials, they were handed to Rong Wei to mix. These were clearly the actions of a lazy bum, but Mister Rong was moved to the point of being a mess, with tears streaming down his face.

Mister Ning Qin treats me well!

So Qin Yu spent most of his time healing his bodily injuries. The dark star ice serpent could only use around half of the spiritual objects listed in the treatment plan that Yun Die gave to the Hidden Fog Sect. The remaining precious spiritual objects were given for him to use. Many of them were things that vitalized and strengthened the mortal body.

Although the strength of his mortal body had reached a bottleneck due to the annihilating power of space within him, there was still an effect; it just wasn’t too obvious.

Until he figured out a way to expel the annihilating power of space, he would help himself as much as he could, even if it were only a little. Perhaps it might prove helpful when he needed to preserve his life at some critical moment.

Suddenly, Qin Yu’s eyes flew open. His lips curved up in a smile. “You’ve finally woken up!” Within his soul space, the purple moon that had been silent for a long time started to shine with a dark brilliance.

Then another mote of light flew out, growing larger and larger until it turned into the Cosmic Seacross Bell. But, on its surface, it was stained by a bit of purple. Although it was still damaged, it seemed much more realistic.

“Ah! Qin Yu, we haven’t seen each other for a short period of time and yet you’ve ended up in such a miserable state!” Meimei cried out in alarm. Then, with a flash of light, a cute and lovable little girl wearing a purple skirt appeared.

Qin Yu’s withered soul opened its eyes, revealing a helpless expression. “After you fell into a deep sleep, many stories occurred. I won’t be able to explain them for the time being.”

Meimei waved her hand, “Then don’t bother. I’m hungry, very very very hungry! Helping you this time was a great loss to me!” As she complained, she glared at Qin Yu, “You have to find something delicious for me to eat, right?”

Qin Yu bitterly smiled. Of course he knew what sort of food this little girl was referring to. But where was he going to find it?

Purple moonlight gathered together, condensing into the outline of Purple Moon. Her figure was translucent, as if even a faint gust of wind could blow her away. She softly said, “Meimei!”

Even though the little girl was dissatisfied, she still obediently shut up.

Purple Moon continued to say, “Qin Yu, we do indeed need to supplement our strength. If possible, I hope you can make haste…”

Her voice suddenly came to a halting stop and her eyes widened. She looked at Qin Yu’s soul, a strange look in her eyes.

Meimei cheered out loud, “Yay! I knew that Qin Yu was a human-shaped food finder! Wherever he is, there is something to eat!

“One…two…three…wow, there are three big meals and they all smell nice! I’m sure they taste delicious!

“Mine, mine, all mine!”

Purple Moon was expressionless, “I will take one.”

Hum –

Quietly, the phantom of a dark blue sun appeared. Although it didn’t speak, it clearly indicated its stance.

Meimei put on a long face. After whining and crying for a long time, she finally nodded her head unwillingly. “Qin Yu, you need to try hard! You need to lure in ten more meals like today’s food. No, I wouldn’t even mind if it was a hundred!”

Qin Yu’s eyes were closed in the laboratory. He was motionless, as if he were immersed in his cultivation.

At this time, the shadows spread out from the equipment on the testing platform began to extend and bubble up like boiling water. The shadows flowed to the ground and poured into something like an invisible mold, rapidly forming three figures.

There was one woman and two children. They looked at Qin Yu, unconstrained bloodthirst and greed in their bright red eyes.

“Mother, he looks so delicious. I’m so hungry!” A little boy sucked on his fingers, constantly swinging the woman’s arm.

The other child nodded, “That’s right, that’s right, I’m so hungry!”

The woman had a gentle appearance and a doting expression, “You two little freeloaders, you have to bear it for the time being. We must complete master’s orders before we can enjoy our blood food.”

The two children revealed looks of fear. It was clear they were afraid of this so-called master. They loudly said, “Mother, then let’s get started!”

When they spoke, they didn’t conceal any of their words. They stood out in the open as if they didn’t fear that they would be seen or heard.

The woman smiled, “Good.”

She licked her lips. She was also hungry. Luckily, this human was overflowing with blood energy. He should be enough for the three of them to eat their fill.

She pulled the two children over and arrived by Qin Yu’s side. Then, holding hands, they surrounded Qin Yu.

“Swing, swing, swing to grandma’s bridge. Grandma’s not home now there’s nowhere to eat.”

“Swing, swing, swing to grandma’s bridge, there’s nowhere to eat and I’m hungry.”

“Swing, swing, swing to grandma’s bridge, please be nice and be my meal.”

“Swing, swing, swing to grandma’s bridge, if you don’t say anything then that means you agree.”

The young children cheerfully sang a song. They pulled on their mother’s hands, constantly swinging around Qin Yu. Slowly, faint traces of blood red light appeared. It was like a blood red web, slowly sneaking into his body.

At this time, Qin Yu’s eyes flew open. His surroundings were quiet and peaceful, but he could sense the tumbling yin chill around him.

On his back, hairs rose for the first time.

There was a flash of blue light in the back of Qin Yu’s eyes. Then, he saw the blood net as well as the woman and the young children.


Purple Moon shouted with dissatisfaction.

“Hehe, I was just playing around and seeing how brave Qin Yu is. Fine, I don’t want to play anymore, I’m hungry, too hungry!” As Meimei spoke, she sounded as if she were drooling.

A young child came to a stop. “Mother, I think that this person can see us.” The song came to a sudden halt. Six blood red eyes stared at Qin Yu. Indeed, they could see themselves reflected in his pupils.

Roar –

The woman and young children blew apart and three horrifying figures ran out. They were ten feet tall and seemed to be composed of countless pieces of flesh stitched together. At this time, they opened their large and bloody mouths, exposing the rows of teeth inside as they viciously bit down.

But in the next moment, these three figures sent out panic-stricken screams. A large invisible hand seemed to grab onto them, making them lose all strength to resist.

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

The three figures rapidly shrank. They turned into three dots of blood that submerged between Qin Yu’s eyebrows.

The laboratory returned to quiet. The yin chill in the air retreated like a tide, as if nothing had happened at all.

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