Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 703 – Dark Parliament

Chapter 703 – Dark Parliament

Although Zhou Li wasn’t a powerful figure, Yun Die was still curious about her. To be able to change teacher’s mind and have him personally come to greet her, that in itself was an inconceivable thought.

Others might believe this was because of Miss Feng Qing’s face, but Yun Die didn’t believe it at all. With teacher’s status, even if he had to face the mysterious Pavilion Master he could still remain calm.

The fundamental reason must be on Zhou Li’s body. It was just that she didn’t seem to know anything about it.

Yun Die’s thoughts turned and she carefully looked over Zhou Li. Zhou Li was a clean and trim young girl. She was tall and slim and there was a bit of stubbornness in her eyes, but she still couldn’t figure out why her teacher would treat her with such high regards.

There was the sound of footsteps. Yun Die quickly stood up and bowed, “Teacher, you’ve come.”

Zhou Li had already stood up. The atmosphere seemed to become thick and viscous, making it hard for her to breathe. She lowered her head.

“Mm.” A calm voice sounded out. Then, the footsteps drew closer and took a seat on a sofa across from her. A black robe entered her line of sight.

“Teacher, this is Miss Feng Qing’s maid, Miss Zhou Li. She came here upon orders to congratulate teacher.” Yun Die said.

It was up to her to break the ice.

“Zhou…Zhou Li greets Mister Ning Qin!” As soon as her voice left her mouth she was given a fright. Her voice was hoarse and dry, as if she had been thirsty for a long time.

“There is no need to be so courteous. Rise.”

Qin Yu looked at Zhou Li. Her appearance hadn’t changed from before, but after becoming a cultivator, her demeanor was now completely different. When she wore a properly fitting dress, unless someone was familiar with her, it would be impossible to identify her as the young miss who had herded sheep on the mountain.

Yun Die kept her head lowered and stood to the side. When teacher paused momentarily just now, that hadn’t escaped her carefully observing eyes. This girl indeed had a certain history with her teacher, but for some reason Zhou Li knew nothing about it.

“Thank you Mister Ning Qin.”

Perhaps because Qin Yu’s warm attitude had melted away a bit of her nervousness, Zhou Li looked up. What she saw was a young yet ordinary face.

So the grandmaster looked like this. It was different from what she had imagined, and much more ordinary than expected.

She quickly restrained her thoughts. Zhou Li secretly warned herself that she was being far too insolent, to actually have such disrespectful thoughts toward Mister Ning Qin.

“Mister’s strength is unfathomably high. My family’s miss has nothing but the deepest admiration for you, especially since you obtained a high-grade heaven-step mission evaluation on your first try. She ordered me to come here and deliver this gift to you as congratulations.”

As she spoke, light flashed in her hands and she took out a jade box, opening it with both hands.

Yun Die stepped forward and received the jade box, placing it in front of Qin Yu. After a brief hesitation, he casually opened it. A pure and flawless white jade appeared in front of him. It quietly lay on a bed of soft silk, emitting a faint shimmer.

Within his soul space, the Chain of Stars that wrapped around his soul gently trembled. Motes of starlight flew out.

Qin Yu’s heart was shaken, even though he maintained a calm and unaffected appearance. He reached out and picked up the jade. It was cool to the touch.

The Chain of Stars trembled more and more and released an aura of longing. Qin Yu paused for a moment. Then, he released it a little. A cool energy immediately gushed out from the jade and was instantly absorbed by the Chain of Stars. Vast amounts of starlight gushed out and submerged his soul.

This is…

His fingers unconsciously clenched together. Qin Yu took a deep breath and looked up, “Miss Zhou Li, does Miss Feng Qing have any other message?”

Zhou Li shook her head, “There isn’t. The miss only ordered me to give this jade box to Mister Ning Qin as a congratulatory gift.”

Ning Qin’s heart stirred. It seemed that Feng Qing didn’t know the function of this jade piece. His thoughts raced and he smiled, saying, “Please pass on a message to Miss Feng Qing for her. Tell her that I very much like this gift of hers, and I wonder if she has any similar jade pieces. I am willing to purchase them at a high price.”

“This…” Zhou Li’s eyes widened. She had no idea what to say. This was originally only a simple handing over of a present, so how did it become a business transaction?

Qin Yu smiled. “Miss Zhou Li, there is no need to be so anxious. All you need to do is pass on my message and allow Miss Feng Qing to deal with the rest.”

With Feng Qing’s intelligence, she would clearly understand his meaning.

Zhou Li respectfully bowed. She said, “If it’s like that, I will immediately return and pass on this message for Mister Ning Qin. Goodbye.”

Qin Yu nodded, “Yun Die, help me send her back.”

“Yes, teacher.” Yun Die reached out a hand, “Miss Zhou Li, please!”

In an ancient great hall, the reliefs on the wall were covered with countless cracks. Every crack exuded the passing of the years.

Simple bronze torches were inserted diagonally into the stone walls. They blazed with flickering flames, but they weren’t able to disperse the darkness. The hall was still cold and gloomy, and even the air seemed particularly heavy.

Suddenly, strong winds whipped up, sweeping away the flames on a long tract of bronze torches. The flames gathered together in the wind, condensing into a tall figure.

This figure was entirely covered in black robes. The only thing one could see was a pair of eyes formed from raging flames. These flames were clearly hot enough that they could burn down a forest, but they actually gave off a terrifyingly cold feeling, one so icy that it could freeze the soul.

He stretched out his hand and his five open fingers grasped at the void. “Summon the Parliament.” A low and deep voice echoed out. It was hoarse and scratchy, like metal rubbing against stone.

Without any sound, a round table rose up from the ground, surrounded by seven stone chairs.

Hu –

Strong gales appeared one after another and more and more bronze torches had their flames whisked away and condensed into figures of varying size and form. All of them had long robes covering them.

“Sage, my important experiment has reached a critical moment and yet you suddenly initiated a summoning at this time. Without something unexpected, it has likely failed. Because of this, you had best give me a satisfactory answer.” A young girl’s voice sounded out. It was like the clear and sweet voice of a seven or eight year old girl. But, what was strange was that there were no emotions in it, only an intensity that penetrated into the heart.

Another figure spoke up, “Oriole is correct. There is an agreement between us. Unless there is an emergency, no one is to initiate a summons when the others aren’t prepared…Sage, you have broken your promise.”

The others didn’t speak, but their faint and ice cold looks already expressed their attitudes.

The Sage’s flaming eyes were without any fluctuation. He slowly looked around. Without answering the question first, he asked, “Jasmine, why hasn’t Morning Star arrived yet?”

He looked at a slender figure standing near the round table.

“I haven’t heard from him for a long time already. Perhaps Morning Star is carrying out some experiment. You should all be aware of his personality. He’s the type that appears and disappears randomly and without warning.” Jasmine’s voice sounded like that of a young lady. It was a little stiff though, indicating that this wasn’t her true voice.

Sage nodded, “If that’s the case, only the six of us Senators will attend the meeting this time.” He waved his hand, “Oriole, Limitless, you need not worry, I will naturally give an explanation for today’s matter.”

After a pause, Sage’s deep voice rose up once more. “Everyone, I believe I have discovered that thing’s whereabouts.”

The hall fell deathly silent. The only thing one could hear was the sound of beating flames from the torches. Although that thing’s name wasn’t mentioned, everyone knew what Sage was referring to.

Oriole’s tender voice spoke up first, “Sage, you must be responsible for your words!” Although she spoke harshly, her tone was filled with anticipation.

Sage’s expression was calm, “Of course.” He took out five jade slips. “This is a complete collection of evidence that I have processed after making a discovery and also carrying out an investigation. Look through it and you will understand whether it is true or fake yourself.”

No one spoke again. They each picked up a jade slip and probed it with their divine sense.

After a long time, the five people laid down the jade slips. Although they remained silent, their shivering bodies of flame proved how excited they were.

“I never thought that thing would be at Sky Declaring Pavilion. That remnant knows how to find an umbrella to protect herself.” Limitless slowly said.

“I have a question. Sage, are you determining this from a mere treatment plan? Perhaps that Mister Ning Qin is an incomparable beast trainer we have never come into contact with before.”

One of the other members of the Parliament, Moon Shadow, spoke in a soft voice. Even though his figure was formed from flames, he still gave off an ethereal feeling. Even if his body was nearby, he still felt as if he was separated by a long distance.

Sage nodded, “I’ve already considered Senator Moon Shadow’s worries and have explained my thoughts in the jade slip. Perhaps it wasn’t specific enough, so I will say it again.”

He raised a finger. “First, is this treatment plan. It has distinctive characteristics: that is to strengthen the body and revitalize the soul. Although there are many similar treatment plans, everyone shouldn’t forget that only the recorded plans have an extraordinary effect of turning decay into a miracle.

“Next is the final outcome of the Wonder beast. Everyone has already seen it. Unless one is a Great Sun step grand expert boundary beast trainer, it is impossible to achieve species creation. Do you believe that an incomparably honored grand expert exists that we do not know about? Thus, the only possibility is that girl made up the flaws in the treatment plan, leading to this final result.”

Sage knocked the table. “This Mister Ning Qin suddenly received Yun Die as a disciple. It is likely because he discovered some marvelous abilities from her body. So, after confirming this, I impatiently summoned all of you…there isn’t much time left here.”

Moon Shadow nodded, “I have no problem.”

Sage lightly said, “Then let’s begin a vote. Should we try and take Yun Die?”

“I agree!”

“I agree!”

The vote passed unanimously.

Sage stood up. He placed both hands on the table, “Then, I ask my fellow Senators to mobilize your strength to achieve our goal. But, I hope that you can restrain your innermost excitement and desire. Sky Declaring Pavilion possesses a formidable strength and I have no desire to hear news of one of my fellow Senators being exposed. This would be an enormous loss to the Dark Parliament.”

Hu –

A gust of wind blew past. The six figures dispersed, changing back into flames that returned to the torches.

The round table and stone chairs sank back down into the ground. The great hall’s gloomy and silent atmosphere returned.

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