Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 691A – Ash Line Grass Discovered

Chapter 691A – Ash Line Grass Discovered

It was impossible to guess what she was thinking from her expression. Feng Qing nodded and said, “Soon, Sky Declaring Pavilion will conduct a large-scale hiring meeting for beast trainers. If you tell me your individual information and beast trainer rank, I will help you complete your registration. Like this, you will be able to enter Sky Declaring Pavilion through normal processes and you will not arouse any suspicions.”

“Name, Ning Qing. Blue Sea realm cultivation. Beast trainer rank…mm, Silver Moon, higher order.”

Feng Qing fiercely looked up, surprise in her eyes. Beast trainers were divided into three sections: Manifold Stars, Silver Moon, and Great Sun. These three were also further divided into orders of lower, middle, and higher.

A Silver Moon higher order could politely be called a grandmaster.

With the immense strength of a Divine Dao being and the long years for which they lived, it wasn’t impossible for them to become higher order Silver Moon beast trainers just by casually experiencing it. But, what was that ‘mm’ at the end? Could it be that Qin Yu still had something hidden in reserve that could be considered even stronger?

But these doubts could only be hidden in her heart. Feng Qing was smart enough to not delve further. “There are still over ten days until the beast trainer invitational. In the meantime, would you like me to make further arrangements for you?”

Qin Yu said, “No need. Just give me the address. I will head there at the appointed time.”

Feng Qing spoke some more, also detailing where the beast trainer invitational would be held. After Qin Yu recorded it, he stood up and said, “Miss Feng Qing, we shall bid our farewells here then.”

He stepped out. Without turning his head, he said, “About my situation, don’t let Zhou Li know. I don’t want to cause further complications.”

Feng Qing respectfully nodded. When she lifted her head, Qin Yu had already left. “This person, is his soul injured so he can’t move his divine sense?”

If this was true, his injuries were far heavier than she first guessed.

Zhou Li knew when Qin Yu left. It was already the evening of the second day and he still hadn’t returned. Was it because of her attitude? For something so minor, he had missed out on his chance of meeting Miss Feng Qing, a noble one who had the possibility of changing his future life and destiny. How stupid of him!

Someone with such a weak heart would be doomed to live a lifetime of mediocrity without any achievements.

Across from her, Feng Qing’s eyes flashed. But still, she couldn’t suppress her confusion and puzzlement. “Zhou Li, is he really your fiancé?”

In Zhou Li’s mind, this doubtful tone had an entirely different meaning. Her face flushed red and she utterly denied it. “No! It’s just…I received some benevolence from him once. It’s because I was forced by my elders that I temporarily agreed…but, I absolutely will never be with him!”

She couldn’t take a liking to such a man with no prospects or skills.

“Ah…so it’s like that…” Feng Qing muttered beneath her breath. When she looked at Zhou Li, there was a strange look in her eyes.

Feng Qing was an intelligent woman. She soon guessed what had happened. The reason for this connection between Zhou Li and Qin Yu must be because the Zhou Family had given a great deal of help to Qin Yu when he was injured. And because of this, he looked after them closely.

To think that a Divine Dao being was actually so pathetic and unbearable in the eyes of Zhou Li, Feng Qing couldn’t help but wryly smile. It was true when they said those blessed with good fortune never realized they were fortunate…in the future, if Zhou Li learned the truth of all this, what sort of expression would she have?

With the speed of the purpleback bluewing ants, even with Qin Yu carefully concealing his whereabouts, he still smoothly returned to Wali Village in two days. Without accident, this would be his last time here. Saying goodbye to the old couple was one reason for returning, but bringing away the chicken overlord who still hadn’t woken up was another.

“Ahh. Ahh.” The granny waggled her fingers, a worried look on her face. Ever since Qin Yu left, she hadn’t been able to get a good night’s rest.

The old man was also feeling anxious but he tried hard to maintain a calm demeanor. He nodded at Qin Yu and said, “It must have been a difficult trip for you.”

He was even more satisfied with Qin Yu. Without knowing whether it was fortune or woe, he followed an immortal out on a trip. This alone was sufficient proof of the quality of Qin Yu’s character. If A’li could end up with this young fellow, it would be her good fortune!

Qin Yu smiled. He said, “Old sir, granny, you have no need to worry. The reason the immortals called me over was because A’li has had a splendid performance so far and was noticed by an even more formidable influence. She will become one of the close assistants of a certain young lady. You two can rest assured that this is a good thing. A’li will surely have great achievements in the future and she will definitely be filial towards the two of you.”

The granny let out a long breath of relief. She clasped her hands together, joy filling every wrinkle of her face. In this world, true Buddhism existed. An ascetic monk once journeyed to Wali Village and rendered help to the villagers. After that day, the old granny had become a firm believer in Buddhism.

The old man was obstinate. He humphed and said, “A girl should be careful and try not to show off too much. She should diligently learn some skills from the immortals; what is she stirring up attention for?”

He waved his hand. “Let’s not talk about her. Old woman, you go kill a chicken. I’ll go into the village and get some wine. Young Qin has worked hard enough. Tonight the two of us will drink well.”

The granny smiled and nodded. She turned to go and grab a chicken.

Qin Yu held back the old man and lifted a round bamboo wine barrel. “You can stay here. I’ll go and get the wine.”

When Qin Yu returned with the wine, the granny still hadn’t started chopping the chicken. When she saw Qin Yu she quickly waved her hands.

The old man lightly coughed and helplessly said, “The old woman is saying that the chicken in your room hasn’t woken up in several days. It’s most likely not going to last much longer. Since it’s sleeping, she thinks it’s best to kill it now and eat it. It won’t taste any good if it dies.”

Qin Yu almost burst out laughing. If the chicken overlord knew that he had almost been chopped up and cooked, his expression would definitely be interesting. He suppressed himself and made up a story, saying that he had grown up with this chicken and thus had extremely good relations with him. The granny seemed to praise Qin Yu and pat his shoulder.

The old man put on a stern face. “It’s just a feathered beast. Even if you have some friendship with it, you shouldn’t be so rigid!”

Dinner was rich and sumptuous. The old man made an exception and drank a few more cups of wine than usual. When his face was flushed red, he pulled Qin Yu close to him and said that he should marry A’li sooner and have several kids. When Qin Yu heard this a cold chill swept over him and he hurriedly excused himself back to his room to rest.

For the next several days, Qin Yu stayed at home. After herding the black-horned sheep, he would follow the old man to study woodworking.

Although Old Man Zhou didn’t say anything, from his occasional smug smile and times he stroked his beard, it was clear that he was satisfied with Qin Yu’s learning speed. Afterwards, Qin Yu became the main worker and was occasionally directed by Old Man Zhou. Old Man Zhou sat back in his chair and drank, looking happy with what he saw.

“Young Qin, this set of furniture you crafted is well done. In carving out the patterns, you have already surpassed me in this aspect!”

“I’m lucky that you were teaching me.”

Even though Old Man Zhou knew that Qin Yu was talking nonsense, he still laughed happily. Qin Yu walked over and picked up a cup of tea, drinking it in one gulp. “Old sir, is this the last work that you need to complete?”

Old Man Zhou nodded. “Yes. After this I will be able to rest for several days.”

Qin Yu smiled and put down the teacup. He thought earnestly about what to say for some time, but he had underestimated the insight of an old person. The sudden silence caused Old Man Zhou to furrow his eyebrows together. His lips moved and he asked, “Young Qin, do you plan on leaving?”

Qin Yu was startled. He then sighed and nodded, “Yes.” He wanted to explain himself, but he was interrupted by the old man. “There’s no need to say anything. If you must leave, you surely have your reasons for doing so.”

Old Man Zhou let out a light breath. “Youth is your capital. While you are young, it’s also good to take advantage of these years to explore the world. But you have to remember. In the outside world, people have dark and dangerous hearts. Don’t allow yourself to enter risky situations. After all, it's impossible for good luck to accompany you everywhere.”

Qin Yu bowed respectfully. “Thank you for the reminder. I will definitely be careful.”

“Don’t forget. If there is ever a day when you feel tired, then return to Wali Village. Whether I and the old woman are here or not, this place will always be your home. There will always be a bowl of rice and a warm bed here for you.”

Qin Yu’s heart warmed. “Old sir, I will remember your words!” Not wanting to ruin the mood, he changed the topic. He jokingly said, “Remember, you and granny have to take the pills that I left behind, one per month. The longer you live, the younger you might become; you even might be able to live longer and even give A’li another family member.”

“You scoundrel! Get away from me!”

When the sun rose the next day, the skies were dim and foggy. Qin Yu left the Zhou Family. Glancing once at the courtyard, he turned and walked away.

To him, the ordinary and warm mortal life was in itself a form of luxury. It was time for it to finish!

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