Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 681B – The Foggy Mountain Valley and the Blood Flame Fruit Tree

Chapter 681B – The Foggy Mountain Valley and the Blood Flame Fruit Tree

With Big Pig personally digging, it was impossible for the beehive to hide their belongings. Besides barrels of honey, there were also various precious treasures.

Qin Yu even discovered a ring with a simple style. It was pitch black in color and completely common-looking. After inquiring with the queen bee about its use, a strange look crossed Qin Yu’s face. He placed the ring tightly on his finger.

Ring of Liars. After using a drop of blood to make it recognize an owner, it could change according to the cultivator’s thoughts and release an aura of varying levels – to put it succinctly, if a first-level cultivator fantasized that they were a second-level, they could release the aura of a second-level cultivator. If they fantasized they were a third-level cultivator, the logic was the same.

Of course, the Ring of Liars required that the cultivator’s fantasy be complete and accurate in order for the illusion to be realistic. To Qin Yu, this condition didn’t matter. He had temporarily lost his cultivation but his boundary still existed. At a critical moment, this powerless ring used for bluffing might be able to display an unexpected effect.

After plundering from all around and making sure he hadn’t missed anything, Big Pig cheerfully hummed and used a tusk to rip open a spatial crack and store the harvests within.

This caused Qin Yu to discover that this fellow had been hiding a special ability – space controller. According to Big Pig, this was an ability he obtained after accepting the king’s inheritance of the pig race. He possessed an independent storage space that he could freely open and close anywhere.

“Space controller?” Qin Yu mumbled beneath his breath. When he looked at Big Pig, his eyes were dark and quiet. Big Pig’s legs began to shake as an inexplicable sense of restlessness rose in his heart.

The harvests from the beehive were astonishing. In particular, Qin Yu’s smile was even brighter after he appraised the honey. It actually had the dual effects of nourishing the body and soul.

Although the effects were weak, the quantity of it couldn’t be ignored. In particular, after being purified by the little blue lamp, the color of the honey became almost like liquid amber. By taking one sip, one could clearly feel small flows of heat travelling through one’s body before finally disappearing between the eyes.

Lying down in his room in the Zhou Family’s courtyard, the images passed to him by the queen bee constantly replayed in his mind. He could see the mountain valley covered in fog as well as the blood flame fruit tree growing there.

The queen bee shouldn’t have been lying. Then, if he could obtain the blood flame fruit, he could rely on its potent effects to restore a portion of his bodily strength.

With the might of Qin Yu’s Ancient race body, he could directly face a Calamity Immortal. Even if it was only a portion of that strength, it would be enough to protect himself.

He took a deep breath and suppressed these thoughts. “There’s no need to hurry. I’m recovering my strength every day. If I wait some time before going to take the blood flame fruit, the chances of success will be even higher!”

Ever since the beehive had discovered the secret within the mountain valley, no one had picked it even until now. This proved that it wouldn’t be taken anytime soon. Qin Yu had more than enough time to prepare.

After finishing herding the next day, Qin Yu placed a bottle of honey that had yet to be purified by the little blue lamp on the table. “My luck was good today and I found a beehive. The honey inside has a very good flavor. Granny, you should try it with the old sir.”

The potency of the purified honey was too strong. The blood vitality of the two elderly people was too weak and they might not be able to withstand it. Qin Yu was well aware of the concept of too much of a good thing.

The old granny laughed and accepted it. She casually made a few hand gestures.

“The old sir went out to help others work again?” Qin Yu revealed a helpless look.

Ever since A’li left, Old Man Zhou had worked even harder than before. With his excellent craftsmanship skills, he soon became known as a skilled carpenter in the surrounding villages…perhaps beneath all of this, there was a certain intention of saving as much as possible to compensate Qin Yu with.

“You should tell that old man that someone of his age should be resting more often. There isn’t any need for him to work so hard!”

The old granny ‘ahh’ed’ and waggled her fingers. She said that this time the old man had left the mountains to go to Kun City 300 miles away. He was going to work for a wealthy family so he would definitely be able to make a great deal of money.

Speaking to here, the old granny had a proud expression.

Five days passed. When Qin Yu was herding the sheep back to the village, he found that there were rows of people gathered outside the Zhou Family courtyard. They were all shouting with sad and unwilling expressions on their faces.

Seeing Qin Yu return, the crowd parted ways, revealing an ox cart parked in front of the courtyard doors. Old Man Zhou was lying atop it.

His face was covered with black gas and living creatures seemed to wriggle beneath his flesh. His aura was weak and he had clearly reached the point of exhaustion.

The old granny lay prone to the side, crying her lungs out.

Qin Yu soon figured out the story from the mouths of others. Moments ago, the steward of the Liu Family that had requested Old Man Zhou to do some work for them had brought the ox cart here with several people. They said that he hadn’t listened to the warnings and had ventured off into a forbidden zone within the Liu Family grounds, and was then bitten by some poisonous creature. After rattling off this explanation, they tossed some money over and swaggered away.

Looking at Old Man Zhou’s appearance, Qin Yu’s heart was icy cold. He cupped his hands together at everyone, “I’ve caused all of you to be frightened. My family’s old sir isn’t feeling well right now, so I won’t be greeting you.”

As everyone cried out in alarm, Qin Yu lifted Old Man Zhou up and walked into the courtyard.

After placing the old man on his bed, Qin Yu said to the old granny, “Don’t worry. I’ve learned methods to deal with poisons so I won’t be contaminated by them. Granny, can you boil some hot water for me? I will need to use it soon.”

The dazed granny seemed to have grasped a final thread of hope. She hurriedly turned around and rushed away.

Qin Yu lifted a hand. With his Great Dao finger that had been formed by poison, he touched the old man’s body.

Black gas gushed out, drilling into his fingertip. The old man’s expression became much better.

However, Qin Yu didn’t relax. This was because the true reason the old man fell unconscious wasn’t this poison gas, but because of a yin chill strength that had occupied his body.

Although he hadn’t done a thorough inspection yet, if he wasn’t mistaken then this should be the strength of a curse!

This curse strength wasn’t strong. However, the old man’s body was weak and frail with age, and with the Liu Family’s delay in addition, it had seeped into his bones already. If it couldn’t be erased, he could die at any moment.

“Kun City, Liu Family!”

Qin Yu’s eyes were ice cold. But, he knew that the most important task at hand right now was to save the old man’s life.

With a kick to Big Pig, Qin Yu took out a bottle of strengthened honey from the spatial crack and fed some of it to the old man. A bit of color returned to the old man’s pale face and his breath became much stronger and more stable. However, this was only a surface appearance.

Taking the astonishingly potent purified honey was in itself a type of injury to the old man. But with the old man’s condition, Qin Yu had no other choice. He could only use this plan to lengthen his life right now.

When the old man’s aura stabilized, Qin Yu inspected him and let out a breath of relief.

With the support of the honey, the curse strength’s corrosive powers had temporarily relaxed. If things continued like this, Old Man Zhou would be able to last for several more days.

But this plan could only be used once. Otherwise, the old man’s body wouldn’t be able to take it anymore and he would directly die.

The old granny had finished boiling the water. She pushed open the door and rushed in. When she saw the old man with a much better appearance than before, she cried out in surprise, almost thinking it was an illusion. She pulled Qin Yu over and loudly ‘ahh’ed’ him in a questioning tone.

Qin Yu quickly said, “Granny, there is no need to worry. The old man is relatively fine. It’s just that the residual poison is still lingering so he’ll be sleeping for a few days. I can cure him, but I am lacking a type of medicinal herb. I need to go into the mountains to search for it. Just stay here and take care of him; I will be back as soon as possible.”

Concealing the current situation was the best choice. Qin Yu didn’t delay. He gathered some things and headed out.

At this time, the sun was falling down over the western horizon. A sunset flow filled the skies. Seeing Qin Yu walk deep into the mountains without any sign of turning back, the villagers that hadn’t yet left all revealed shocked expressions.

This surname Qin, was he tired of living? Didn’t he know that no one dared to enter the mountains at night?

Several youths that once had the thought of ‘teaching’ Qin Yu all revealed looks of shame. If they were compared to this man who walked fearlessly into the mountains, then it was true that they didn’t deserve A’li.

When Qin Yu crossed the threshold of the pastures, the skies were already dark. Big Pig suddenly said, “Master, are you sure about this? That place is deep in the mountains and there are sure to be dangers upon dangers there. Is this all worth it for an average person?”

“It is!”

Qin Yu said decisively. The ant swarm howled forth, picking up him and Big Pig. As Big Pig howled out in sorrow, they flew into the mountains.

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