Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 668 – Origin of the Devil

Chapter 668 – Origin of the Devil

“Ahh! With my source of darkness, I summon the origin of the devil!” The Devil Overlord screeched, his eyes instantly turning blood red.

No matter what happened, he wasn’t willing to die like this. Even if his soul perished he still wanted to drag Qin Yu into the grave with him.

A devil head condensed in the void. It emitted a loud roar and opened its great mouth. Then, it sucked in deeply. Babasa’s body instantly withered away.

It was like he was a dried corpse that had been sealed in a coffin for thousands of years. His skin was like dead bark and there was no vitality left in his gaze.

But, his pair of eyes still stared stubbornly at Qin Yu. He wanted to see Qin Yu fall into eternal hell, just like himself.

After plundering all of Babasa’s strength, the devil head’s appearance started to rapidly change. Between its horns, a section of its forehead began to bulge. Then a third horn drilled out.

It was pitch black in color, as if it were condensed from the deepest darkness of the world. Just from looking at it, one felt an inexhaustible sense of fear appear from the depths of one’s heart.

“The flavor of food, it is so wonderful…I haven’t experienced this world for such a long time.”

A low and hollow sound came out from the devil head’s mouth. It wasn’t too violent, but it contained a strange strength that shook the world.

This shaking caused invisible fluctuations that pushed the devil head’s voice out, causing it to instantly spread over the entire Immortal Sect world.

Mountains toppled and crushed stones scattered everywhere. A beast leapt through the cracks amongst the landslides, its powerful limbs capable of spanning hundreds of miles with every jump.

Every breath it took carried with it the sounds of wind and thunder. Every time it touched the earth the ground would collapse under its strength.

But even such a strange and powerful beast was filled with complete panic and dread, scurrying away like a stray dog.

Suddenly, the strange beast turned its head and looked at the empty void behind it. Its eyes widened, revealing endless fear.

Its tyrannical body suddenly froze. Like a stone, it fell to the ground. Its eyes were still wide open with fear, proving that it was still alive and conscious. But, it simply couldn’t resist what was happening to its body.

Its bright and clear fur began to rapidly darken. After losing all its l.u.s.ter, it started to wither away and turn yellow, black, and then finally disintegrate into pieces.

The mottled skin below was revealed below as well as the rapidly drying flesh and blood. In the blink of an eye, this formidable strange beast had turned into a dried corpse.

The city walls were high and towering, and the buildings inside were magnificently structured, soaring high into the heavens. With a single glance, one could see that this was a prosperous city.

But now, the city was in ruins everywhere. Great cracks had ripped through the earth and a suppressive strength crashed down from the heavens, leaving everything in chaotic rubble.

In the ruins, the Immortal Sect cultivators cried out in pain and agony. The arrogance and confidence in their eyes had completely disappeared. All that was left was fear.

Why did things become like this?

The incomparably formidable Immortal Sect that looked down upon the world with disdain and fallen into such a state today.

Old heavens, please let this nightmare pass a little faster. Please let us wake up!

Suddenly, a low and deep voice came from the horizon. The Immortal Sect cultivators that were trapped in pain and fear finally obtained freedom.

They all slumped to the ground like blocks of stone or pieces of wood, completely drained of all vitality.

Rivers were severed. The cracks that raced through the earth suddenly split into countless branches. Large fish were wrapped up by the waters as they furiously swam forward.

They had no idea what lay ahead. They only instinctively wished to avoid the terrifying aura that was coming up from behind.

Suddenly, the clear river water turned murky and unclear. The furiously swimming fish sank to the riverbed, looking like pieces of bark that were tossed into the river.

On both sides of the rivers, the ancient trees darkened. Their branches and leaves turned yellow and it looked as if they had been scorched by an inferno, all of their life force gone.

This sight almost simultaneously occurred in all corners of the Immortal Sect world.

When the Origin of the Devil arrived, it meant that all life in this world, and even this world itself, would welcome death!

Beneath the three-horned devil head, a massive body began to condense. It was like a true devil had appeared in the world.

Its breath was able to easily corrode the world, causing the rules to collapse and be destroyed. A black fog lingered around its body, as if it had emerged from the nine nether hells.

Looking at Qin Yu, the Origin of the Devil smiled. “Low and humble ant, to express my thanks to you, I will take your strength so that you will become a part of me. You will be forever imprisoned in this great abyssal body in eternal perpetuity.”

With it as the center, darkness started to spread everywhere. Wherever the darkness passed, everything was destroyed, turning into an endless night.

In the inexhaustible nothingness, crossing a limitless space, a condensed world was slowly growing. Despite its incomplete state, it still emanated an aura that looked down upon the highest heavens.

Without a doubt, once this world was complete, it would surely be of a shockingly high rank!

Looking deep past the barrier of the world, in the blue skies and white clouds, one could see a massive green leaf gently swinging about. It was as delicate as willow branches, but it constantly emitted a sharp aura that shook the mind.

Suddenly, the leaf seemed to feel something. It instantly tightened like a sharp sword emerging from a sheath. A terrifying aura instantly passed through the vast skies.

A spatial crack appeared. From here, all the way to the end of one’s light of sight, crossing a great distance, arriving at a glorious divine palace.

The divine palace was gold in color, as if it were a golden sun placed atop the earth. It shined with a light so dazzling that one couldn’t look straight at it.

The spatial crack vanished beneath the golden light. After several breaths of time, a deep voice came from the glorious divine palace.

“Star Cutting Grass, I know your feelings, but I cannot help in today’s situation. Otherwise, not only will I not be able to rescue him, but both you and me, and even this world, will be completely ruined.”

Shua –

Another crack came from the distance.

“That’s right. If I lose Qin Yu, the chances of finding another appropriate successor will be impossibly low. Even so, this is the only choice I can make. I cannot change it.”

Shua –

A third crack.

The divine palace was silent for a long time. Then, the voice slowly said, “The Origin of the Devil is born from the abyss. Even if it is only a projection, it has the strength to easily annihilate a god. Qin Yu is doomed to not escape this calamity. I promise you that if there comes a day when my strength is restored, I will descend upon the abyss and slay a trillion trillion lives there. I will bring down infinite destruction to seek revenge for the death of Qin Yu!”

The three cracks dispersed. Beneath the great sun in the skies, the winds that passed through the shade of the Star Cutting Grass seemed to become mournful and sorrowful, as if it were sobbing.

In the center of the divine palace, a figure was faintly visible. It lowered its head and said in a soft voice, “This is the path you chose. I am truly sorry, but I cannot help you…”

But before its voice fell, the figure looked up. Although it was blurry, one could clearly see the shock in the figure’s widened eyes.

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