Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 626B - It’s You

Chapter 626B - It’s You

After flying far away, Qin Yu came to a stop. He already understood that the outermost edges of the Sealed Stone World seemed to be free of pressure, but it was actually one of the most dangerous places to be. Anyone that wanted to steal stone beads could fly out from the stone ‘nebula’ and encounter a newcomer with some luck.

The best method was to enter that stone ‘nebula’ as soon as possible. That provided the greatest chance of safety.

With a thought, You Qi appeared in front of him. Qin Yu said, “I am immediately going to start cultivating. Do you want to wait here for me or would you like to follow me?”

You Qi succinctly stated, “I will follow you!” The difference between her cultivation and Qin Yu’s was far too great. If she wanted to stay with him forever, she needed to diligently follow close behind as much as she could.

Qin Yu nodded. “Alright. But remember not to force yourself. If anything seems wrong I will immediately shift you into the duplicate world.”

The sealed stones could not be duplicated. Thus, the duplicated world was confined to a small and narrow space. It could be used to hide or go into seclusion, but could not be moved.

The two each chose a sealed stone. After approaching within a hundred feet, they sat down cross-legged.

You Qi soon stopped cultivating. She hurriedly stood up and withdrew from the suppression range, panting and sweating all over. She looked up at the still motionless and closed-eyed Qin Yu, her eyes filled with expectant hope.

He had to succeed!

At this time, Qin Yu suddenly opened his eyes. He stood up and walked forward, arriving in front of the sealed stone he chose. Then, he placed a hand above it.

A warmth gushed out, fusing directly into his mind. Qin Yu could clearly feel his own will being enhanced.

This was a feeling beyond description. It was illusionary and yet existed in reality, leaving one’s mind wallowing in addiction.

After a long time, Qin Yu let out a long breath. A smile came across his face.

Only now did You Qi dare to speak up. “Qin Yu, how is it?”

Qin Yu turned around and said, “I have already obtained the approval of this sealed stone. Now, the outermost sealed stones won’t suppress me.”

You Qi’s eyes brightened. “Then you…”

Qin Yu nodded. “I have had great harvests. The suppression of the sealed stones can not only temper the will, but after obtaining their approval you can also be granted a gift…that should be the aura of the person who left their immortal will upon these stones. It is capable of directly intensifying one’s will.”

He looked ahead at the ‘nebula’ of stones that stretched out as far as his eyes could see and a heat rose up in his chest.

The deeper into the sealed stone ‘nebula’, the larger the stones became and the stronger the inherent will contained within them. If he really could arrive at the end someday…

He took a deep breath and suppressed his surging thoughts. He said, “You Qi, I must continue cultivating.”

You Qi quickly said, “Don’t worry about me; you keep doing what you’ve been doing!”

Qin Yu nodded. He walked several hundred feet forward and chose a slightly larger sealed stone. Then, he sat down in front of it.

Looking at his back, You Qi had a proud expression on her face. Before entering the Sealed Stone World, she had specifically looked up information related to this land. Although the inherent will contained in the outermost sealed stones wasn’t too strong, this proved how great Qin Yu’s strength was.

However, finding such a formidable man really did place a considerable amount of pressure on her. She pursed her lips in thought. Then, she took a deep breath and walked back into the scope of the suppression of will, closing her eyes and beginning to cultivate once more.

One could barely feel the passing of time in the quiet Sealed Stone World. Before they noticed it, three months passed in the blink of an eye.

The sealed stone in front of Qin Yu was originally half the height of a person but now it was several dozen feet tall. The color seemed to be deeper and a halo of light occasionally flashed on its surface.

You Qi had no choice but to enter the Space-time Lock’s duplicate world two months ago. Her withstanding capacity simply couldn’t compare to Qin Yu’s and once the two people were too far away from each other, there was the possibility that an accident could occur.

Luckily, You Qi didn’t mind this at all. This left Qin Yu feeling comforted. She could also cultivate within the duplicate world so passing time wasn’t a problem for her.

At the start, Qin Yu would frequently enter the duplicate world to see her. But later on he was driven out by You Qi and ordered to focus his concentration on cultivating.

In any case, whenever Qin Yu moved he needed to temporarily put away the duplicate world and they would naturally see each other at those times.

Shua –

His eyes opened and a crystalline light flashed in his pupils. He stood up and let out a gentle breath.

He had spent four days here and finally obtained the approval of this sealed stone. He took several steps forward and arrived in front of this sealed stone that was several dozen feet tall.

He placed a hand atop it, carefully sensing the warmth flowing into his body. After a long time he opened his eyes. He turned around and looked towards the outermost edge of the sealed stones that he could no longer see. As he recalled the three month long period of time when his will constantly grew stronger, he couldn’t help but smile.

During these three months, the devil mark’s backlash had occurred several times but had been resisted by him. Although it was still dangerous, it was much easier than it had been before.

The devil mark also seemed to realize that Qin Yu’s will was growing stronger. It now seemed to be saving its strength. Almost a month had passed since the last backlash had occurred and there wasn’t any sign of movement.

Perhaps it was waiting for the perfect opportunity.

“The revolution hasn’t succeeded yet, all comrades still need to work hard…”

Qin Yu muttered to himself. Although he was puzzled by these sudden words from the Dao Arena Master, he understood the general meaning behind them. It was that he had yet to succeed in his goal, and he wished for everyone else to double their efforts.

With a thought, Qin Yu’s figure vanished and he entered the duplicate world.

The duplicate world was only several dozen feet in size. When You Qi sensed Qin Yu arrive her eyelids moved and she opened her eyes. She revealed an incomparably bright smile towards him.

Qin Yu suddenly felt guilty. She had to remain in this duplicate world alone, a place that was deathly silent without any movement at all. He had once experienced such boring and dry cultivating moments before so he was well aware of how it was.

“I’m sorry…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by You Qi who had walked over. She hugged Qin Yu, “Don’t ever apologize to me. To be together with you is the happiest time of my life.”

Qin Yu took a deep breath, inhaling the fragrance from her body. After several breaths of silence he suddenly said, “Shen Yuanyin is very likely Ning Ling. She has her own difficulties so she cannot acknowledge me right now.”

He had to clarify some things even if it made him appear heartless.

You Qi lifted her head, “I know.”

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together, “You…”

You Qi reached out a hand and smoothed his eyebrows apart. “In the past, I didn’t want to nor was I able to leap in, but since Ning Ling gave me the opportunity she will need to accept the consequences of what happened.”

She wrinkled her nose. “You can forget leaving me. Don’t even think about it!”

Feeling her sincerity, Qin Yu felt his heart warm up. He hugged her tight.

“Okay, that’s enough. Stop fussing over such things. We don’t even know if we will be able to leave this place. If we’re stranded here forever, Ning Ling will regret it for the rest of her life!”

Qin Yu smiled, “Don’t worry, we can definitely leave this place.”

Shua –

The duplicate space vanished. Qin Yu appeared, holding onto You Qi and resisting the surrounding impact of will. “We should continue.”

At this time, Qin Yu’s complexion changed. He lifted a hand and thrust backwards. Ripples appeared in the void as a figure was shaken out.

“What sharp sense!” This person’s voice was hoarse and wrapped up in a pall of black fog. One could only see a pair of yellow and brown eyes, cold and strange.

Qin Yu frostily said, “Who are you? Why did you sneak attack us?”

The black fog figure cackled. “Simple. I’m curious as to how you managed to travel through the sealed stone tempering and obtained their approval so quickly.”

Qin Yu’s expression turned even colder. “You have been following us?”

The black fog figure didn’t deny this. “I originally wanted to grab onto this woman to threaten you, but now it seems I won’t have the chance.

“Brat, let me warn you of something. The Sealed Stone World is far more dangerous than you think. By carrying such luggage with you, you will suffer an accident sooner or later.”

Shua –

The black fog figure flew away, soon vanishing amongst the numerous sealed stones.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows together. He never expected that this mysterious person would leave so quickly and even toss down some final words that seemed like a warning.

This black fog person, just who was he?

You Qi bit her lips. She suddenly said, “Qin Yu, no matter who he is, his words weren’t wrong. My decision to follow you really did drag you down.

“You don’t have to comfort me; I am well aware of my situation…Qin Yu, I remember that you have some space with you that can contain living beings. It would be better if you let me stay there instead…”

“No!” Qin Yu shouted out. When he looked at her, his expression softened. “The space you are speaking about is a special status token. Although it possesses formidable defensive capabilities it cannot withstand the impact of will from the outside. Unless I…Unless I seal it off completely…”

You Qi’s eyes brightened. “Then seal it off!”

Qin Yu earnestly said, “You don’t understand. Completely sealing off the token’s space would make it so that one cannot see the outside world and all light would disappear. It would become an endless night within. If you stay inside, you will withstand a suffering ten times, even a hundred times more agonizing than staying within the duplicate world.”

You Qi said, “I can.” A smile crossed her lips. “You seem to have been underestimating me all this time. In the past when I was trapped in the sealed Holy Palace, the fear and pressure I withstood was far more than you understand. But I still managed to survive well. Moreover, at least now I know that you are outside and with me.

“Qin Yu, I know this is a distressing decision, but me entering the token’s space will be the best choice for the both of us. Don’t hesitate anymore.”

Qin Yu looked at her. After a long time he let out a long breath. He flipped his hand and took out a jade slip. He placed a strand of his divine sense inside it and gave it to You Qi.

“If you can’t withstand it anymore, just crush this, alright?”

You Qi received the jade slip. “Don’t worry, I understand. Now, send me inside.”

Qin Yu flicked his sleeves and You Qi vanished from sight. The space of the Saint Son Token was like a window that was slowly being closed until all light vanished.

In the pitch black darkness, You Qi took a deep breath, “As the future Empress of the Holy Palace…first off, how can I still be afraid of the dark? This is the best chance for me to overcome my mental flaws…come on, you can do it!”

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