Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 622A – A Finger to Ask the Heavens

Chapter 622A – A Finger to Ask the Heavens

A god was born beneath the rules but they also surpassed the rules. With a thought the heavens and earth would move. With a turn of their hand they could summon wind and rain.

In the skies above Carp Archipelago, four doors appeared. Each one shined with dazzling golden light and emitted a horrifying pressure.

With a deep thunderous ring, the four doors started to slowly open, isolating this part of the world from the outside.

Qin Yu stuffily coughed as his complexion paled. His communication with the world’s rules had been forcefully severed at this moment.

Wei Zongyuan pointed down a finger, “Separate!”

His voice was faint and cold, without any fluctuations.

Qin Yu’s world immediately turned black and white. They split apart from each other and started to spin around at an astonishing rate.

A formidable tearing strength erupted from the black and white. It wanted to drag Qin Yu’s consciousness inside and grind it apart, thoroughly destroying it!

What Wei Zongyuan wanted to obtain was the complete Qin Yu, including his soul and body. Destroying his consciousness was the best method to do this. Only a god could accomplish it. They could pierce through the body and soul, directly attacking one’s consciousness. This was a method on a completely different level.

In chasing down Old Ghost, Qin Yu had managed to draw out a god. The danger level of this mission suddenly rose several times over.

To use a god as a grinding stone…that was truly a foolishly brave decision. In truth, if Qin Yu had a choice, he really might have thought of withdrawing.

Rumble rumble –

The spinning of the black and white colors grew faster and faster. They were like massive grinding pans that emitted a soul-piercing sound.

Qin Yu’s consciousness trembled and started to relax. His field of vision began to blur and his connection with his body was constantly weakened.

Qin Yu was well aware that if things continued like this then his consciousness would collapse and he would die forever – even if his body and soul still existed.

“Don’t panic! I still have a chance!

“Calm down and wait for the flames to appear. By detonating them, I can definitely break through the strength of this god!”

Time rewinded back to the day when Qin Yu first entered Clear Sun City. He was imprisoned beneath the net of souls, locked in the duplicate world made by the Space-time Lock.

Within that ice cold darkness, the aura of death grew increasingly strong. Qin Yu bitterly struggled. It was unknown how much time passed, but at some point a weak ‘flame’ appeared within his soul.

In a moment of inspiration, Qin Yu’s consciousness entered this weak ‘flame’ within his soul. He instantly felt that he was the center of the world, an omnipotent god that stood above the highest heavens. With this, he had torn apart the net of souls around him and Speechless had suffered a backlash as a result, dying in the end.

But what a pity, these soul ‘flames’ only lasted for an extremely short period of time before vanishing. Qin Yu carefully looked for information related to these ‘flames’ and finally found something.

The so-called soul ‘flames’ actually had a resounding name in ancient times – they were called ‘Godfire’.

When a cultivator stepped upon the road of cultivation, they cultivated magic power, the body, and the soul. In truth, these three things were progressive steps that should happen one after another.

Magic power was first, the mortal body was next, and the soul was last. Thus, in the world, there were specific methods for cultivating magic power and cultivating the body. Cultivating the soul was commonly seen as the most difficult.

When a cultivator’s strength reached a certain limit, their soul grew stronger and stronger, slowly transforming until they finally ignited their own Godfire. And within this Godfire, they would temper their own godhead, eventually becoming a god!

It was incredibly difficult for one’s soul to give birth to Godfire. So much so that it was simply impossible at the Calamity Immortal realm. But, Qin Yu had borrowed the power of the little blue lamp to truly step onto the road of cultivation. He had never once relaxed in cultivating his soul and his soul force was extremely formidable.

In addition, an even more important reason was the purple moon and Cosmic Seacross Bell in his soul space. They quietly enhanced the quality of Qin Yu’s soul in the background.

And not too long ago, Qin Yu obtained the Ancient Dao inheritance, causing his soul to experience a qualitative leap upwards. In fact, even the devil mark sealed away in his soul was helping boost the birth of the Godfire in his soul.

Thus, when death approached, Qin Yu’s struggle and insistence caused his potential to explode and ignite his Godfire ahead of time.

But his soul force was insufficient to maintain the burning of the Godfire. So even though it had ignited, it had extinguished itself almost immediately.

What Qin Yu was waiting for now was the moment that the Godfire ignited. Because at that time he could erupt with a strength approaching that of a god!

But this sort of waiting might not necessarily produce any result. Just because the Godfire appeared once didn’t mean it would appear a second time. Even if it really did appear, it would only be for an instant. If his consciousness was on the verge of collapse it would be difficult for him to make use of that brief opening.

If he missed this chance it would mean death!

Wei Zongyuan’s eyebrows furrowed together. This low and pathetic mortal in front of him was actually able to persist for such a long time. Moreover, for some unknown reason he could feel a faint threat coming from this person. A little hesitation appeared in his eyes before they turned sharp once more.

Wei Zongyuan lifted a hand and pointed out a second finger. Destructive fluctuations instantly erupted. He had given up on completely obtaining this mortal and decided to destroy his soul instead.

When Qin Yu inherited the Ancient Dao, it was unknown whether the ancient decided that he needed to keep it a secret or if it was for some other reason, but the ancient had sealed away the Cosmic Seacross Bell and purple moon using some unknown method. Even until this day that seal hadn’t been lifted.

So Qin Yu’s soul was in a nearly unguarded state. Facing the erasing power of a god, he had no strength to resist.

But in truth, there was another will within him. Even if it was deeply slumbering, it instinctually didn’t wish for Qin Yu’s soul to be destroyed.

Hum –

A deep blue sheen of water exploded. It was similar to the path of water but far outstripped the current level of Qin Yu’s path of water.

This was because this was also the strength of a god – it was the godhead fragment that had fused into Qin Yu’s soul, the power that was capable of summoning the sea map!

Wei Zongyuan’s eyes lit up, “Godhead!”

His path was different from others’. He could plunder and swallow the strength of other gods. It was exactly because of this reason that other gods had joined forces to suppress him in the past, eventually locking him below the God Sealing Stone. He had finally managed to free himself. But even though he seemed filled with unparalleled might, the truth was that he was currently incomparably weak.

If he could swallow this formidable godhead then he would rapidly recover his strength. He could truly occupy this mortal body and wouldn’t need to worry about suffering a backlash.

Bang –

Wei Zongyuan’s pale golden eyes suddenly turned blood red. He stared closely at Qin Yu. Or to be more exact, he stared at the godhead fragment lodged in Qin Yu’s soul.

He opened his mouth and let out a sharp cry. The sound shook with a horrifying frequency, instantly crushing the world rules, causing them to regenerate and reorganize. Then, a blood red and withered arm crept out from nothingness, grasping towards Qin Yu’s forehead.

The godhead fragment seemed to sense an incomparably intense threat. The sounds of crashing sea waves rumbled through the world. Then, the phantom of a boundless sea wrapped around Qin Yu.

The blood red withered arm fell into the sea phantom. It violently trembled for several breaths of time as it tried to push its way in. The scent of the godhead was irresistible. The fingers gently shivered as they steadily advanced forwards.

Shua –

A woman’s figure appeared in the sea. She looked at the blood red arm approaching and a soft melody came out from between her lips. It was ancient and boundless, possessing an unsurpassed honor and dignity to it, as if she were the ruler of all, controlling every life in the world.

Within the sea phantom, sea beasts began to appear. Even though they were only phantoms they released an earthshaking aura. But as these sea beasts approached the blood red arm, they were like balloons that had been pierced. They wailed in pain, rapidly shattering into nothingness.

The arm itself wasn’t strong. But, it seemed to possess an unimaginably destructive attribute towards the strength of a god. It was able to easily destroy this power.

The woman within the sea phantom wrinkled her eyebrows, revealing a thoughtful look. After several breaths of time, she gently sighed. This mortal that she was temporarily residing in possessed a speed of growth that far outstripped her imagination. She really didn’t want to help him.

But in this situation, if she didn’t help him, she would vanish into nothingness.

The woman turned around and spat out a mote of blue light. It was pure and clear, so beautiful that it left one drunk on its beauty. It flew in between Qin Yu’s eyebrows like a bolt of lightning, entering his soul space and melting into his soul.

The birth of Godfire was established upon the basis of a soul’s formidable foundation. If so, this blue light was the same as a seed of fire that ignited Qin Yu’s Godfire.

Bang –

Like a spark falling onto a barrel of oil, those golden flames that Qin Yu was painstakingly waiting for suddenly erupted.

Qin Yu opened his eyes and golden light burst forth from his pupils, submerging into the void before him. He lifted a hand and ruthlessly punched forward.

Bang –

The sea phantom collapsed, its waves tumbling and vanishing. Qin Yu’s fist collided with the blood red arm, causing it to emit an unwilling scream of pain.

Kacha –

Kacha –

The arm folded several times as it was smashed into pieces!

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