Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 618 - Devil Mark

Chapter 618 - Devil Mark

Once Qin Yu returned to the Demonic Path’s Holy Land small world, he went directly to the Holy Palace. He sent everyone away and immediately went into seclusion.

Although he had no idea what the Netherworld Lotus was, if it could cause the Dao Arena Master to become so worried then he wouldn’t belittle it. But, reality proved that he underestimated the horror of the Netherworld Lotus.

The Holy Palace was known as the most precious treasure beneath the heavens. Its might was without match and by borrowing its strength he could easily destroy the Netherworld Lotus. But, the blossomed Netherworld Lotus had fused into one with his soul. To destroy it would also mean the demise of Qin Yu’s soul.

This was a dilemma without a solution!

Qin Yu tried all methods to separate his soul from it, but all of his efforts were defeated. After a month, he had no choice but to emerge from seclusion.

The wellbeing of the Holy Monarch concerned the safety of the entire Demonic Path. So, there was no way for Qin Yu to conceal his injuries. The high level cultivators of the Demonic Path soon found out about the matter of the Netherworld Lotus.

After they confirmed this matter, the high level Demonic Path figures were sent into an uproar. As mortal enemies of the Immortal Sect, they understood exactly how terrifying the Netherworld Lotus was. Once it was implanted in the soul and flowered, that meant absolute death!

While some people might be dissatisfied with Qin Yu, he was still the Holy Monarch and he represented the dignity of the entire Demonic Path. If he were to die, the entire Demonic Path would be shamed.

At the same time, the entire Demonic Path’s information network began to move. Every tiny tendril was completely activated to search for a treatment for the Holy Monarch. On the other hand, the Demonic Path’s originally reserved offensive strategies were completely overturned. They launched an unprecedented onslaught against the Immortal Sect.

Small nations controlled by both sides immediately went to war with each other. The terror of these wars was mind-boggling. In just a single day, there could be over a million casualties.

On the border frontier of the Zhao and Qi Empire, armies were transferred over. The horrifying shadow of war had finally and truly arrived now!

Qin Yu sat in a grand hall. He occasionally coughed, an abnormal flush coming over his face now and then.

You Qi looked at him with an intense expression, worry and panic in her eyes. She couldn’t imagine what her world would be like if Qin Yu were to die.

Perhaps she would go insane!

Some feelings were like seeds covered in dust. If there was no chance, they would never germinate.

When You Qi entered the sealed Holy Palace in the past and faced endless fear and oppression, in her lowest ebb Qin Yu had appeared in front of her. He had been radiant and heroic. Moreover, as the Demonic Path’s Holy Son, he possessed a revered status.

That seed buried in her heart had slowly started to take root and grow. In a normal situation, You Qi would never have revealed her feelings, because she knew how Qin Yu felt towards Ning Ling.

But the experience in the Immortal Sect’s world had caused You Qi to let go of all her shackles. She fervently hoped to embrace this man and heal all the trauma he suffered.

Sensing You Qi’s gaze, Qin Yu turned around. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

You Qi nodded with effort, forcefully suppressing her teary eyes. She said, “I know. Your Majesty, rest assured and heal yourself. Everything will be fine.”

She had already looked up all the information she could related to the Netherworld Lotus and knew what this all meant. Still, she was willing to believe in miracles.

Because for Qin Yu to arrive here today, that in itself was a legend.

He would surely be able to live on.

But the reality was that even with the suppressive strength of the Holy Palace, the Netherworld Lotus continuously drew strength from his soul to grow. And as it grew it became stronger and stronger, absorbing even more strength from his soul at an increasingly rapid pace.

Qin Yu knew that he had to deal with this as soon as possible. The longer he dragged it on for the more disadvantageous it would become for him.

Finally, after gathering the wisdom of the entire Demonic Path, he found a possible solution.

The Demon Envoy placed a little stone statue on the table. It was a devil the size of a palm. Its eyes were red and two long fangs jutted out from its mouth.

“Your Majesty, this devil statue comes from the Demon Realm. It contains a soul mark left behind from the death of a formidable devil. You can refine this devil statue and then relying on that devil’s soul mark, you might be able to suppress the Netherworld Lotus.

“But this plan also has immense hidden dangers. The devil’s soul mark has extremely powerful attributes of invasion and resistance. Once you refine it, it will appear in your soul. At that time the devil’s soul mark will try to seize your body. If you cannot resist it…”

He didn’t finish his words but the meaning was already clear.

Qin Yu nodded. “I understand. Prepare the ceremony. I will refine this statue.”

The Demon Envoy drew in a deep breath. “Your Majesty, I hope that everything goes smoothly!”

Although there were risks, he couldn’t stop this because it was the only chance for Qin Yu to continue living.

Qin Yu took out a transmission jade slip and sent a message to the Dao Arena Master about the Demonic Path’s countermeasures.

Solitary Westgate quickly responded. “This plan might work, but the key problem is that the devil mark is extremely terrifying. If you do not have a firm will, you will suffer the fate of having your body seized.”

Qin Yu replied, “I have no other choice. But I believe I will succeed.”

Knowing that the Holy Monarch’s condition wasn’t the best, the Demonic Path began to rapidly move. The necessary ceremony and other arrangements needed to refine the statue were completed in the shortest length of time possible.

Two days later, after testing that the ceremony was fine, Qin Yu stepped into an array diagram that was overflowing with blood.

He sat down cross-legged. The devil statue in front of him floated upon on its own volition. As the array formation was activated, the temperature of the blood began to rise.

The smell of blood suddenly increased. Faint traces of blood fog ascended where it was rapidly absorbed by the devil statue.

The statue’s eyes grew increasingly red until it turned the color of fresh blood, so bright and vivid it seemed it would flow out.

Hum –

Hum –

The statue lightly trembled and small cracks began to appear. Then, with a sharp scream, it exploded into pieces.

In the next moment a blood red light shot out and instantly flew in between Qin Yu’s eyebrows.

Within his soul space, Qin Yu’s soul suddenly opened its eyes. Its face twitched in pain.

Between the soul’s eyebrows, it was like the area was being melted away. The skin sunk in to reveal the clear face of a devil.

It opened its mouth, wildly laughing. It seemed as if it were congratulating itself for obtaining freedom and also obtaining such a wonderful soul.

The devil mark’s backlash erupted for the first time. Within the array diagram, Qin Yu roared out loud like an injured beast. The blood in his body instantly reversed and his heart began to wildly beat within his chest, reaching the fastest speed possible. It seemed as if his heart would blow up at any moment.

At the base of his beck, blue veins stuck out. Qin Yu stabbed his hands into the array diagram. As he roared, countless cracks began to spread outwards.

After a long time, Qin Yu let out a deep breath. His tense body relaxed and his robes were drenched with a cold sweat.

In this brief period of time, he seemed to suffer a sea of torture. He finally understood the horrors of the devil mark. His mind had been bombarded with tumultuous attacks just now, each one difficult to resist. If he had made even a single mistake, his will would have thoroughly collapsed.

He closed his eyes and opened them after a long time. Although there was weariness in his eyes, there was also a hint of joy.

The growth of the Netherworld Lotus had been suppressed!

He rested for some time before leaving the chamber. When the Demon Envoy and the others waiting outside sensed his condition, their faces lit up with happiness.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty for the successful refining!”

Qin Yu directly said, “The devil mark’s backlash is terrifying. I have no idea how long I will be able to last, but no matter what, I must thank you all.”

He suddenly changed the topic. “I now have another question. How long do I need to endure in order to fuse together with the Netherworld Lotus and the devil mark?”

That’s right, the ultimate effect of this plan was for Qin Yu to eventually absorb both. If he really could accomplish this then the tribulation he was experiencing would become a stroke of good fortune instead.

The Demon Envoy’s face stiffened. After several breaths of silence he said, “Your Majesty, you need to last for at least ten years.”

To a Calamity Immortal cultivator, ten years was but a moment.

But in these ten years, there was a chance that the backlash of the devil mark could erupt at any moment.

The Demonic Path had existed since ancient times. This wasn’t the only devil mark that had come into their possession.

To some degree, this so-called devil mark could be called a seed containing the soul strength of a formidable devil.

When placed into a new soul, the devil mark would be activated and it would seize the consciousness of the soul’s owner, eventually replacing them and obtaining a new life.

But from another point of view, the devil mark was also an extremely ‘beneficial’ item. As long as a person could fully absorb it they could then use it for themselves.

Within the history of the Demonic Path, there had been more than one or two people who had attempted to refine a devil mark. But in the end they had all failed.

In the ancient texts of the Demonic Path, there were detailed records pertaining to the devil mark. As the devil mark’s integration with the soul grew higher, the strength of the backlash would become increasingly strong, until it would completely replace the consciousness of the soul’s original master.

Qin Yu slowly nodded. Billowing heat surged in his chest. He needed to reach the Great Dao realm, and in order to do that he had to survive.

The second devil mark backlash happened ten days after the original refinement.

The third time was 21 days later.

The fourth time was 30 days later.

The fifth time was 42 days later.

Each time was worse than the last. Qin Yu forcefully withstood them and after careful calculation, finally came up with a general rule for them.

The devil mark’s backlash would erupt about once every ten days. During this period of time, he shouldn’t be in too much trouble. As long as he was careful then his plan would succeed!

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