Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 580B – Nine Furnaces

Chapter 580B – Nine Furnaces

The youth clenched his jaws, a look of incomparable hatred in his eyes. If it hadn’t been for that boy’s meddling, his body would have transformed into its complete and intact state. Although he might not have been able to compete against these undying freaks, preserving his life actually wouldn’t have been so difficult.

And if he carefully planned things out, he might have been able to obtain a cup of soup from this great fortune. But now, the congenital flaw from his disturbed awakening had caused his strength to become unstable. He had been caught by this old ghost and could only surrender to his orders.

This delicate and pretty youth was the manifestation of the evil hell spirit that had run away on that day. Now that he saw his blood enemy once more, it was natural for his eyes to turn red.

“Akasi, you seem to recognize those two little children in the mountain phantom.” A deep voice spread out from beneath the tattered black robes. Two red lights fell upon his body.

The evil hell spirit’s title, in the common language of devils, was Akasi. Right now Akasi fell to his knees and respectfully said, “Replying to you, my most revered and honored master, one of those within the mountain phantom is responsible for my current condition. If master can give them to me, then I, Akasi, am willing to contribute all of my talent and skills to help master struggle for the Great Dao!”

The black-robed figure cackled, “Akasi, you sly little fellow, the underground oven is about to open imminently. If I were to lose any strength here, I fear I wouldn’t be able to control you.”

Although he was laughing, the air seemed to become thick and viscous, as if it would turn solid at any moment.

The evil hell spirit revealed a terrified expression. “A base and lowly worm like me would never dare to harm my great and mighty master. You have no need to worry about me.”

Following that, words were passed into the black-robed figure’s ears through a sound transmission. It was unknown what the evil hell spirit said, but the black-robed figure’s terrifying aura immediately vanished, not a single bit of it remaining.

Two red eyes fell onto the mountain phantom, as if considering something.

The decayed corpse suddenly spoke up. “They are mine.”

Calm and tranquil, there was a formidable self-confidence in every word he said.

The black-robed figure turned around, his tone deep and rumbling, “Cangwu, you want to become my enemy?”

The decayed corpse was without expression. “They are mine.”

His repeated words represented his undeniable truth!

The black-robed figure was silent for a long time. Then, he coldly snorted and brought the evil hell spirit away.

Avoiding didn’t represent dread. However, the oven was about to open, and it was a good fortune that everyone here had been waiting countless years for. If he were to break past that mountain phantom he might not lose too much strength. But if he were to engage in a battle with the decayed corpse, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The black-robed figure knew of the decayed corpse’s personality. He was the type that kept true to his word and never retreated. Rather than taking such a risk for such a small reward, he could only choose to give up. Still, an ominous light surged in his eyes.

This was a fusion of ice and fire. Moreover, it was so perfect that it reached a source level, even obtaining the protection of the world.

With their strength, breaking through it wouldn’t be too difficult. The true worry came from the backlash that would come from the world.

It had to be known that these people should have been dead. Although they were still living, it was because they were both utilizing loopholes in the rules.

Once they were sensed by the world’s will, no one knew how grave the consequences would be.

If the decayed corpse’s injuries weren’t great, then he would naturally consider the greater picture. But if there was a chance…hum hum! The black-robed figure didn’t mind seizing his body.

He had been drooling over this body that had passed through countless years without fully rotting away for a long time already.

Within the steam and mist, Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes. His aura began to revolve and he was immediately shocked. His injuries had somehow been completely restored. Not only was his body healed, but the damage to his soul from the godhead’s backlash had been healed.

What had happened?

He looked up and the image of a beautiful figure entered his eyes. His heart skipped a beat and his eyes subconsciously flew open.

It was only when the other party opened her indifferent eyes that he regained his composure. He awkwardly coughed and lowered his head.

But, his heart was still racing in his chest, residual palpitations still being released. Within his mind he was constantly replaying the scene he saw. A flow of heat surged through his body and downwards...

Qin Yu quickly restrained his thoughts. Luckily he didn’t shame himself, though his expression stiffened.

“Thank you,” Shen Yuanyin said, her voice still as cold as before.

Qin Yu waved his hand. “There is no need…” As he finished speaking he blinked his eyes and continued, “Ah…in truth…I have no idea what happened…”

His injuries had recovered. And when he saw how the blood had returned to Shen Yuanyin’s face, she clearly was feeling much better.

Shen Yuanyin had a faint expression. “It was you who saved me. I will repay this favor in the future.”

In the end, Qin Yu’s willpower was sufficiently strong. After taking several breaths of time to adjust himself, he had mostly calmed down. When he saw that she didn’t want to speak much more, he nodded and said, “Alright.”

Shen Yuanyin stood up. “Since you have woken up, restrain your aura and lift the barrier.”

Qin Yu then discovered that a boundless extreme cold and extreme heat atmosphere had developed around them with the two of them at the center, forming a half-red half-white barrier.

Sensing a bit, he was secretly startled. The might of this barrier was astonishing, far surpassing his imagination.

Although he and Shen Yuanyin weren’t weak, this was far from their current level…there were clearly additional questions.

Perhaps this was the reason Shen Yuanyin didn’t wish to speak too much.

Qin Yu’s thoughts raced. He soon gave up any thoughts of using it. No matter how incredibly strong this barrier was, he had to get out.

If so, there wasn’t a need to care too much. He thought of other aspects and said, “Aren’t you going to leave?”

The current Sea of Purgatory was a true purgatory in every sense of the word. Even a Calamity Immortal almighty being would need to tentatively walk through here now.

If he didn’t leave, then was he supposed to stay behind and wait for death?

Shen Yuanyin was without expression, “It has nothing to do with you.”

Looking at her faint expression, a raging fervor suddenly ignited in Qin Yu’s heart.

“Nothing to do with me? I was the one who saved you and now I am supposed to just watch on helplessly as you lead yourself to your own death? What ridiculous nonsense! Don’t forget that you still owe me a life-saving favor! If you die, who is going to repay me! Do you think I am the type of nice person that does favors without seeking repayment? Then I’m sorry to say that I must disappoint you, because I’m not!”

His words were callous and aggressive, without giving any room for argument. But, Shen Yuanyin’s eyes actually relaxed a little.

She was silent for a long time. She lightly said, “I need something from the Sea of Purgatory. Otherwise, even if I manage to escape here, all that awaits me is death.

Qin Yu frowned, staring at her without saying anything.

Shen Yuanyin lifted a hand. An ice cold aura scattered, releasing the self-blocking and shielding of her body and allowing Qin Yu to understand her real situation.

Her aura was shaking and her foundation was on the edge of collapse…this woman was speaking honestly.

Qin Yu’s lips moved. “You have no other choice.”

Shen Yuanyin lowered her head. She restrained her aura once more, “If I did, I wouldn’t have stayed here.” She looked up, her eyes calm and without any waves. “I owe you a favor. If I die, then I can only be in your debt forever.”

Qin Yu’s emotions surged. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t suppress it. He was also puzzled by his own actions and thoughts. He wasn’t some blindly good person, so when did he become so concerned with the affairs of others?

Was this woman’s life or death really that important to him?

After several breaths of silence, Qin Yu nodded. “I won’t stop you. But, I ask you to wait here a bit. Once I leave the Sea of Purgatory, the barrier will naturally disperse.”

Shen Yuanyin nodded, “Alright.”

Qin Yu flicked his sleeves. Nine four-legged furnaces appeared on the ground. Each one was pitch black in color and had faces of giant demons rearing their heads up and roaring into the skies.

As the Holy Palace’s Holy Son, his safety was of utmost importance. Naturally, sufficient preparations were made for him. These nine giant demon furnaces were given to him to use when he was in a hopeless situation.

By using his blood essence to galvanize the power of the nine furnaces, he could cause them to resonate with the nine mysterious demon statues within the Demonic Path’s Holy Land small world. Borrowing their mystic strength, he could pierce through the void, connecting them. Although shattering Ying Capital’s great array formation would be too difficult, it could at least open up a small tear through which Qin Yu could flee out.

With a flick of his sleeves, the nine furnaces were arranged in sequence. Qin Yu bit his fingertip and his feet moved like the wind. His finger fell down multiple times, leaving behind a dark red bloodstain on each furnace.

“Nine furnaces, open!”

With a loud shout, the blood red fingerprints on the nine furnaces began to spread outwards, like a drop of blood falling into a pool of water.

Faint blood runes spread over the nine furnaces. They violently rumbled and their lids burst open. A blood red light shot out.

Bang –

Space violently trembled and ripples appeared before collapsing inward.

But the space within the Sea of Purgatory was different from the space outside. After space collapsed, there was unexpectedly another layer behind it.

It was like two worlds were folded atop each other. The first layer easily broke apart, but the second layer was actually incredibly tough.

This was because this second layer of space was supported by Ying Capital’s great array. Even if a Calamity Immortal were to attack, they would find it hard to shake!

Hum –

Hum –

Fierce fluctuations began to spread outwards!

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