Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 573 – Yellow Springs Fog

Chapter 573 – Yellow Springs Fog

Shua –

Qin Yu opened his eyes. A sharp light flashed in his pupils. As he stood up, his bones began to crackle as a formidable strength raced through his flesh and blood.

Adversity really was able to stimulate a person’s potential. Although he hadn’t trained, whether it was his cultivation or body, both had strengthened by a certain degree.

The thorn forest might be safe, but he actually couldn’t stay here for too long. After being hunted down by the decayed corpse, Qin Yu’s desire for victory grew even stronger.

The Sea of Purgatory’s Water Marid was his no matter what!

However, after losing the help of his True Demon Guards, this mission had become much more difficult. He needed to alter his plan or look for other opportunities.

He lowered his head, looking at the black armor he wore. After thinking for a moment, his thoughts stirred and the armor vanished.

His armor was originally transformed from the Little Saint Robe, and now it had shifted into simple black robes. Of course, Qin Yu didn’t forget to change his appearance. He was the Demonic Path’s current Holy Son…every influence in the Land of Divinity and Demons with any amount of strength should have information pertaining to him.

The identity of a True Demon Guard was good for concealing himself within a group, but when he was alone it made him far more conspicuous.

After completing all of this, Qin Yu stepped forward and shot up into the skies. Once he determined his current direction, he soared straight into the depths of the Sea of Purgatory.

After being chased by the decayed corpse, perhaps all of Qin Yu’s bad luck had been temporarily exhausted. For the next two days he experienced a strange and rare calm.

As if all of the terrifying life forms within the Sea of Purgatory had vanished.

Although he didn’t know the reason, Qin Yu didn’t waste this opportunity. With nearly no rest, he continuously travelled for two days, passing through the vast region. During this time, he met several waves of cultivators. But, thanks to the Cosmic Seacross Bell, he was able to discover them first and thus avoid them.

The so-called depths of the Sea of Purgatory had no clear border delineating where it began. It was only called a forbidden zone because of the strength of the terrifying life forms living there. Qin Yu carefully looked through a map and determined he was at the edge of the forbidden zone. If he continued onwards a bit longer, he would be able to enter.

It was just that the Water Marid was tyrannically strong and lived deep within the forbidden zone. He estimated that he would need to travel for an additional two or three days before he would arrive.

Suddenly, a cold chill surrounded him, as if he had entered a world of snow and ice. Qin Yu stopped. He looked back to see a boundless ash gray fog behind him. Unexpectedly, he couldn’t even see the road he took to come here.

His complexion sank, but he didn’t panic. The tranquility of these past two days didn’t cause him to forget that this was the extremely dangerous Sea of Purgatory.

It seemed that his good luck had been used up.

A bitter smile lifted his lips. After hesitating for a moment he flicked his sleeves and a buried stone rose up out of the earth, howling forward and crashing into the boundless fog.

In an instant, the stone sank into the fog. Then, there was nothing but silence.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought. At this time, he heard the sound of breaking air. Several cultivators rapidly flew towards him.

“Fellow daoist, you must not touch that fog!”

The person in the front shouted out.

Qin Yu turned and looked at them.

Hu –

The group of four landed on the ground. As they saw Qin Yu safe and well, they all relaxed.

The cultivator in the front was a middle-aged man with white hair at his temples. He was cautious and didn’t approach, instead standing several steps away. “Greetings, fellow daoist. We are the same as you; we are also cultivators that have been stranded here.”

Qin Yu swept his eyes over them. He didn’t immediately respond.

The man smiled. “We understand. It’s natural for fellow daoist to be cautious. Then, please allow me to explain first. The fog behind you is called Yellow Springs.”

“Yellow Springs!”

Undying’s voice suddenly appeared in Qin Yu’s mind. He sounded particularly serious.

After several breaths of time, Undying continued, “These people aren’t wrong. That is indeed the Yellow Springs.”

In the next moment, information related to this fog appeared in Qin Yu’s mind.

The Yellow Springs Fog, also known as the lost fog. Anything that touched it – whether it was a living being or some inanimate object – would be instantly sucked in. As for where those things that touched it went, no one knew, because up until today there had been no one who had emerged alive after touching the fog.

Because of this, the fog was called the Yellow Springs. Entering it was like stepping into the yellow springs: all life and vitality was extinguished!

Seeing Qin Yu’s dignified expression, the middle-aged cultivator said, “It looks like fellow daoist is well-learned and experienced. Since you know how fierce the Yellow Springs Fog is, there is no need to talk about it too much.” His expression was solemn and respectful, “We arrived here earlier than fellow daoist and have approximately investigated how this place was formed. If fellow daoist would like, you are free to return to our camp with us to discuss how to escape from here.”

Qin Yu had no reason to reject this proposition. He nodded, “Then I’ll have to trouble you all.”

The several people immediately smiled. “Fellow daoist will soon understand that the only way we can win is by joining forces. Helping us is the same as helping yourself, so there is no need to be so wary.”

After that, the several people led the way. Qin Yu followed behind, keeping a certain distance between them.

The middle-aged cultivator and the others didn’t reveal any dissatisfaction at how cautious Qin Yu was being. If they were in his place, they likely would have done the same.

The group traveled in silence. Luckily, the camp wasn’t too far away so they soon arrived.

Although they said it was a camp, it was just a simply-constructed stone building. Seeing the people return, several cultivators from the camp emerged to welcome them.

Looking around, there were about ten people in total. Their auras weren’t weak.

Qin Yu wasn’t surprised by this. Those with the courage to come to the edge of the forbidden zone and even arrive here smoothly had to be especially strong.

To his surprise, the leader of this makeshift troop was actually a beautiful young woman.

No, simply calling her beautiful wasn’t sufficient to describe her. To be more precise, she was graceful and elegant, and this was expressed in her every movement and action. Even an idiot could tell she came from a considerable background.

She came out last, as if she were dealing with something. Her cheeks were slightly pale and her smile was kind and sincere. When everyone greeted her, a bit of the indifference in their eyes faded away. It seemed they had a good connection with each other.

“My name is Sang Zhu. I am temporarily leading this troop in breaking free from our current predicament. I welcome you in joining us.”

With just a sentence, she established her status. Qin Yu’s heart stirred as everyone watched him.

Sang Zhu was friendly and her voice was calm. But, he couldn’t help but give birth to some other ideas.

This woman, she seemed to highly value being in the dominant position…why was that?

People were like this. Once they had an idea, they would scrutinize things much more carefully. Looking at the smiling Sang Zhu, Qin Yu was a little more cautious.

“Fellow daoist Sang Zhu, it’s good to meet you. I am Xun Feng.”

This was clearly a made up name.

Sang Zhu was a bit startled. Her eyes sparkled and she laughed, saying, “It’s nice to meet you too, fellow daoist Xun Feng. Because there are constantly new people accidentally rushing into this place, I wrote a detailed explanation of our current situation in a jade slip. If there is anything you don’t understand, then you can just ask me.”

Qin Yu sensed the jade slip and determined that nothing was wrong before expressing his gratitude and taking it. He searched it with his divine sense.

A moment later, he opened his eyes, his complexion dignified. As he thought, he really did use up his good luck…

He spoke inwardly with Undying and determined that the information in this jade slip wasn’t lies. Next he took a deep breath and said, “Then, I’ll have to rely on fellow daoist Sang Zhu.”

Sang Zhu smiled. “Helping others is helping myself. There is no need for fellow daoist to say that.” Her actions were calm and carefree. She waved a hand. “Fellow daoist, please rest first. We are not in a hurry right now.”

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