Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 514 – The Meek True Demon Guards

Chapter 514 – The Meek True Demon Guards

Dawnperch Hotel was one of the largest and most luxurious inns in Heavenly Demon City. It had dining and entertainment in the front and lodging accommodations in the back. The magnificent buildings were constructed alongside an enchanting and scenic lake. It surrounded most of the lake and there was even a massive net cast out to ensure that a vast area of the lake remained for private use.

To accomplish this, it was clear that Dawnperch Hotel didn’t have a simple background. Duan San’er had applied to work here and his acceptance left him feeling elated. In the past, the young daughter of Old Sun who lived next door hadn’t even glanced at him before, but nowadays she was practically delivering herself into his hands. It was simply divine.

Not to mention anything else, just the generous salary and large tips were enough to leave anyone envious. Two days ago, Duan San’er had clenched his teeth and traded in his old handphone for the new Pear Brand handphone. The Sun Family daughter’s eyes had become like hooks when she saw him. After a moment of smug satisfaction, he did curse himself for his rashness.

But in these past days, as Duan San’er walked around the city, he kept his tail tightly tucked between his legs. The atmosphere in the city hadn’t been right recently. It was rumored that the True Demon Guards that protected the Holy Palace had come, so it was evident that something absolutely massive had occurred.

The grand ceremony of the Demon Ascension Gate had ended but the celebration festival had yet to be held. As he recalled the rumors he heard several days ago, Duan Sun’er shrunk his neck. He hurried along the way, only letting out a breath of relief when he entered the inn.

The front manager had an ill expression. “I didn't know that the shop would be so busy when I arrived. Couldn’t you have come quicker?”

Duan San’er apologized. In truth, the manager wasn’t a bad person. It was just as the atmosphere in the city became tense, the income of the front recreational area had dropped drastically. For the manager who valued money above all, his mood had been greatly affected for the worse.

He changed into his work clothes and neatly combed back his hair. Putting on his round black hat, Duan San’er arrived behind the counter and started working. His luck wasn’t bad. Just as he caught his breath, a guest walked into the shop. This could be considered his find, and he would receive a commission based on how much the guest spent and what services they requested.

“Welcome, dear guest. How can I help you today?” Duan San’er smiled blindingly. In fact, even though his name was a bit poor, his appearance was actually quite good. He was often said to be an attractive young man.


Little Duan was left a bit discouraged. Out of all the commissions, lodgings gave the least. But, his smile didn’t diminish. “Of course. Then I ask dear guest to please show your status token.”

The guest took out a status token from the Black Demon Sect. After confirming the information, Duan San’er said, “I wonder if guest has any requests for the type of accommodations you desire?”

“I want a quiet, separate courtyard.”

Duan San’er took a deep breath and subconsciously glanced at this guest once more. The guest wore simple black robes without any accessories. Besides his particularly bright eyes, there wasn’t anything uncommon about him.

As expected, one couldn’t judge a person by appearances. They had casually mentioned wanting their own separate courtyard. The expenses of this were far higher than a single room and at the same time the commission was also much richer.

“Guest, please wait a moment!” Duan San’er’s actions quickened and he soon found the information he wanted, “Dear guest, you are actually extremely lucky. We just happen to have a single separate courtyard left and the environment is absolutely peaceful. If you came just a little bit later, I fear it would have been gone.”

“Hold on!” Someone suddenly said, “You said there is only one separate courtyard left?”

Duan San’er looked up. He saw that the person who spoke up was a young man standing at the back of a group of people, likely his entourage. As he took notice of this young man’s clothes and accessories, the term ‘local bully’ immediately appeared in his heart. With his arrogant posture and disdainful look, anyone with a brain could tell that this wasn’t an ordinary person, so how could he dare to offend him?

“It belongs to this guest and is the last one available.”

Shi Zichi lightly said, “We want that courtyard.” He calmly flicked his sleeves. “We will offer double the price.”

Duan San’er sighed inwardly. This was really a man who didn’t care about money. However, even though he also wanted a higher commission, he still had an awkward expression because he feared creating a bad reputation for the inn.

“This…this guest...please understand…that this guest in front of you came first…”

In other words, please discuss this amongst yourselves.

Shi Zichi frowned. “Brat, if you know what’s good for you then leave on your own. If you ruin my mood, there won’t be a good ending for you!”

In front of the counter, the black-robed figure turned around, revealing a tranquil face and tranquilly furrowed eyebrows. This person was Qin Yu who had just left the small world.

“Big brother, stop being so rude!” Before the man could say anything figure, a thin and beautiful woman beside him angrily called out. She respectfully bowed, “Fellow daoist, I really do apologize for his behavior. It’s just that we have many people in our group so it would be easier for us to live in the courtyard. I see that fellow daoist is alone, so how about letting us take the courtyard and we will be responsible for the bill and choose the best upper class room available for fellow daoist. I wonder if this is an agreeable compromise?”

Shi Zichi seemed to want to say something, but he was silenced by the deadly glare from the woman. He humphed and then shut his mouth in resentment.

Qin Yu was silent for a moment. He nodded, “Alright.”

Duan San’er hurriedly opened the rooms and handed over the room cards and status cards with both hands. “Dear guests, please take these. After arriving in the back, someone will naturally bring you to your room.”

Qin Yu turned and left.

Shi Zichi unhappily said, “Little sister, with so many people here, can’t you save some face for me? How can you let that boy just take advantage of us like that?”

Shi Qingqing humphed. “Heavenly Demon City is in a tense situation right now. Before coming here, father told us not to provoke anyone. Big brother, you had best be more honest during our stay here, otherwise I will report you to father.”

As she spoke, she looked at Qin Yu’s back. Her beautiful eyebrows wrinkled together, revealing a bit of hesitation. Although this person seemed ordinary, for some unknown reason she felt that it was best not to provoke him.

Shi Zichi had an embarrassed expression. To be a big brother who was still bossed around by his little sister even when they were outside, there was nothing glorious about that at all. He wickedly glared at Duan San’er who was suppressing his laughter and said, “What are you looking at? Hurry up!”

The manager’s old face piled up with folds. “You damned fool, can you not do anything right? You actually dare to neglect these honored guests? Get out of the way! I will personally receive them myself.”

Duan San’er was filled with unhappiness but he didn’t dare to talk back. He put on a glum expression and walked away. But when he saw Qin Yu move towards the rear inn, his eyes brightened and he hurried to catch up.

This was a young lord with a considerable amount of spirit stones. If he served him, perhaps he might make some profit. He had just lost a great commission, so he should be looking for ways to make up for it. Thinking of this, Duan San’er’s pace quickened and he nearly sprinted over.

“Guest, I will deliver you to your room.”

Qin Yu nodded, not saying anything.

Duan San’er walked ahead. He bowed respectfully, leading the way with a dazzling smile.

After entering the rear inn, as the young servant specially responsible for leading the way saw Duan San’er come, his complexion became particularly ugly.

But as the servant saw that there was only Qin Yu behind him, he simply cursed below his breath and pretended he didn’t see anything.

This guest was alone and didn’t seem to have many resources around him. If so, it was best not to stir up trouble because of this. He might as well let this boy benefit this time!

Duan San’er relaxed. He secretly thought, ‘Brat, you really are mistaken this time.’

“Dear guest, we have arrived. This is your room. There is a fixed-line within. If you have need of anything, simply dial the general desk number listed in the manual and we will do our very best to serve you.”

Duan San’er’s smile was incomparably sincere.

Unfortunately, Qin Yu’s mind was full of other thoughts so he never discovered Duan San’er’s earnest care. He nodded thoughtlessly and walked through the door.

Bang –

The door closed behind him.

This…this…didn’t seem too right…

Duan San’er was bewildered. His mouth moved repeatedly, but in the end he didn’t say anything. His expression became crestfallen and he left dispirited.

When the servant at the rear inn saw his expression, he coldly sneered.

This young master’s golden fire eyes are amazing and have never misread anything. It seems you wasted your time here, hah, that’s wonderful to see.

The young servant smiled in greeting. Duan San’er flushed red with embarrassment and nodded before hurrying away.

After the manager received some more spirit stones, his mood had taken a turn for the better. As for Duan San’er, he nearly ran his legs off returning to the front and he soon tossed this sorrow into the back of his mind.

By the time he remembered this incident again, it was the next day. The manager had assigned Duan San’er to make sure everything was ready and prepared for the upcoming health inspection; to describe it more honestly, it was to keep cleaning.

As he lifted a cleaning rag, his back aching, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him. When he imagined the floor he just cleaned becoming dirty again, his face nearly turned blue.

But here, guests were god. He stood up, ready to squeeze out a smile and welcome these new visitors. But when he turned around, he froze in place.

These newcomers were covered in black scaled armor, and even their faces were tightly covered. The only thing exposed on their entire bodies were their eyes.

The floor had been stepped black and brown by them, but Duan San’er wasn’t in the mood to care about such things. All he heard was a loud humming sound in his mind.

Faint traces of slaughter energy wandered about them like snakes. Some of it drilled through his clothes, causing a yin chill to shoot straight through his heart.

Duan San’er’s teeth began to chatter and his body wavered. Who were these people that their auras were so horrifying?

Mom, I want to cry!

As Duan San’er almost cried, a group of cultivators walked by. The one leading them was Shi Zichi. This young master of the Shi Family seemed to be in a poor mood. His expression was dim and cloudy as he hurried along the way, and when he heard the footsteps an impatient expression came over his face.

But when he clearly saw who had come, his face suddenly stiffened and his pupils shrank. His eyes shook with awe.

True Demon Guards!

Shi Qingqing grabbed onto her big brother and dragged him to the side. When he finally regained his composure, they hurriedly bowed.

These were the True Demon Guards that protected the Holy Palace. Their loyalty was to the Demonic Path’s Holy Lord. They had an incomparably venerated status and also a vast degree of authority.

This was because in these past years, the throne of the Holy Lord had been empty, so the True Demon Guards had doggedly kept guard around Holy Palace and their prestige and momentum was slowly forgotten by the common people.

But anyone with some background knew never to provoke these True Demon Guards. To do so was no different from seeking death.

And the most aggrieved aspect was that if someone died, their death would be in vain because no one would take revenge for them. This was because theoretically speaking, besides the Holy Lord, no one in the Demonic Path had the qualifications to punish the True Demon Guards.

When the group of black-armored True Demon Guards walked past, Shi Zichi looked up at them, envy thick in his eyes. One of his life’s greatest desires and most fervent wishes was to join the ranks of the True Demon Guards. But as time passed, this hope seemed increasingly slim.

As he was imagining what these True Demon Guards had come here to do, he suddenly saw them come to a stop in front of a five storied building.

This seemed to be the lodging area of single guests. Did these True Demon Guards come here to capture someone today?

Shi Zichi’s eyes brightened. But what he saw afterwards almost caused his eyes to fall out of his head. He watched as one of these ferocious and ruthless True Demon Guards flowing with infernal energy all around them suddenly stepped out and restrained their aura. They even gave off a meek feeling.

Meek…yes, that was right, it was meekness!

Shi Zichi was dumbfounded. He felt as if he had seen a group of wild tigers transform into a bunch of huddled bunnies in the span of a single moment. Could someone please tell him what was happening?

A True Demon Guard walked forward and respectfully bowed. “May I inquire as to whether fellow daoist Yao Bin is here?”

Within the building of single guest rooms, there was a flurry of activity as shadows flickered behind curtains. Everyone widened their eyes, wanting to know who it was.

Duan San’er had a startled expression. He suddenly remembered something. Yao Bin…this name was familiar…he looked up to a corner of the third floor.

It was him…

At this moment, the door was pushed open from within. Qin Yu stepped out and calmly looked down below. “I am Yao Bin. Is there some matter?”

The True Demon Guard cupped his hands together. “I came here upon orders. I hope that fellow daoist Yao Bin can take a quick walk with us to determine some things.”

Qin Yu hesitated for a moment and nodded, “Alright.”

Qin Yu had already expected today’s situation to occur. The reason he stayed in Heavenly Demon City after leaving the small world was to wait for this moment. Qin Yu needed to join the Demonic Path so he had to pass this hurdle. Fortunately, he had made sufficient preparations and there shouldn’t be any problems.

He walked downstairs. The squad of True Demon Guards bowed once more and gestured with their hands.

Qin Yu walked forward with the True Demon Guards following behind. Although there was no difference from when he arrived, he seemed to have become an entirely different person in everyone’s eyes.

True Demon Guards…these were True Demon Guards…yet they were being so respectful to him…

Shi Zichi’s mouth fell open. At the same time, a deep feeling of rejoice appeared in his heart.

He thanked his little sister for stopping him that day, otherwise if he really offended this person, he wouldn’t even know how he died!

Shi Qingqing’s eyes widened. Although she felt that Qin Yu wasn’t a common person, she never expected he would have such a great background.

Even the True Demon Guards were so courteous to him. There was no way he could be of ordinary status.

After all, the True Demon Guards were special. To some extent, there was no restriction in how they needed to act.

In truth, there were more details to the story, but this was to be mentioned in the future. There wasn’t much to say here.

After walking out a little, Qin Yu suddenly stopped and turned, saying, “I will return soon. There is no need to close the room for me. Keep it open.”

Duan San’er was stunned. Only after several moments did he respond. His face flushed red and he was too excited to speak. He could only nod his head.

Hey, such a great person actually talked to me!

Qin Yu smiled and turned to leave.

Outside Dawnperch Hotel, there was a speedcar brought by the True Demon Guards. Qin Yu sat inside, leaning back against the soft leather seat and closing his eyes in meditation.

Two True Demon Guards sat across from him. As they looked Qin Yu up and down, they often revealed surprise.

If it weren’t for that person from the Zhao Family personally endorsing this individual, it was hard to imagine that such a common-looking youth would possess such incredible power.

The speedcar moved forwards at a fast pace. The car itself had been modified by array formations so there was no bumpiness at all. They soon reached their destination.

Qin Yu stepped out. As he saw the signboard of the Heavenly Demon City Lord Mansion, his pupils shrank.

What a terrifying aura!

The current City Lord Mansion was like an unfathomable abyss. Seven auras shot up into the skies, making one feel awe as if they stood in front of towering mountains.

But at this moment, what Qin Yu found most inconceivable was an eighth aura. This aura was weak, like a flickering candlelight. But, it gave off an unimaginably terrifying feeling.

As if the merest tremble could cause this entire world to descend into purgatory!

“Fellow daoist Yao Bin, please.” A True Demon Guard led the way.

Qin Yu let out a long breath. He nodded and followed behind, his steps smooth and steady as he walked into the City Lord Mansion.

This was a test he needed to undergo. Only by smoothly passing would he become a part of the Demonic Path.

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