Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Chapter 471A – Not Even A Place Left to Live

Xu Sheng’s hidden fears had turned into reality . He didn’t know why, but the sect’s investigations into Grandmaster Yao’s whereabouts suddenly turned intense and the interrogations occurring within the dungeon became drastically more brutal . As one of the stewards, even though he was the youngest, he still had the right to participate in the interrogations . As it happened, Xu Sheng’s heart grew increasingly heavy .

Although he knew that secretly obstructing the interrogation process and deliberately misinterpreting the interrogation information were extremely dangerous actions, he had no other choice .

While he didn’t know the reason why, it seemed that the sect held Grandmaster Yao in high regard . Once they found out he had disappeared without a trace, there was no way he would escape the anger that would crash down upon him .

If one walked down the riverside for long enough, there would eventually be a time when one’s shoes got wet . Xu Sheng was incredibly discreet and his actions were clean and quiet, but half a month later, his dungeon chamber was still viciously kicked open .

The one leading the group was the chief of the dungeon stewards . His old face was taut and tense as he waved his hand and shouted, “Take him!”

Xu Sheng’s heart plummeted but he put on an expression of shocked anger . “Old man, what is the meaning of this? I have always been respectful and obedient towards you . If there is anything that I did wrong, point it out for me and I will change!”

The steward leader grinned, revealing a mouth with missing yellow teeth . “You have always been a smart boy . I originally thought that I wouldn’t be able to suppress you anymore after a hundred years, but I never imagined you would be so stupid . “He paused, his filthy yellow eyes revealing a mocking look . “We are all people of the same occupation . When you meddled with the interrogation, while others might not be able to see it, you weren’t able to hide the truth from our eyes .

“Don’t struggle and don’t try to resist . You should be well aware that I would be happy to see you fall and be killed right here . ”

Xu Sheng clenched his jaws . “Fine! I admit that I deserve my punishment today, but I have always been loyal and devoted to the sect . I won’t allow you to freely slander me!”

No matter how scared he was, no matter how frightened he was about what might happen, as long as there wasn’t conclusive evidence he couldn’t reveal anything . He had worked in this dungeon long enough and had seen and heard enough things that he shouldn’t have . He certainly knew the best choice to make .

To confess and find lenience…? Haha, anyone who believed that would be a fool!

Xu Sheng’s steward robes were torn off and he was tossed deep into the dungeon . His interrogation soon began . There was no place that wouldn’t take this chance to kick someone while they were down . In particular the Black Demon Sect’s dungeon; this place was filled with dirtiness and evil to begin with .

The steward leader was a cautious person and his eyesight was incredibly sharp and sinister . If he hadn’t absolutely determined that there was no way for Xu Sheng to ever rise back up then he wouldn’t have completely disregarded any sense of civility . In this case, there wasn’t any need to have scruples either .

Where there were people, there were the countless variations of relationships . This was a phrase that was completely unnecessary to say . During these years when Xu Sheng climbed up to become a steward, he had offended many people and most of the time had even taken advantage of them . Now, it was time for their retribution .

Xu Sheng tasted the interrogation techniques of the dungeon for the next several days . Besides a pale complexion, his body was actually still intact and relatively whole . At the very least, one couldn’t see any severe injuries on the surface . However, anyone that understood the interrogation process knew that the unseen methods of punishment were the most horrifying .

Xu Sheng wasn’t someone who could suffer endless amounts of hardship . But, he feared death even more . He knew that once he broke down and spoke, he wouldn’t see the sun of the next day . So no matter how excruciating the torture methods were, he clenched his teeth and persisted . Yet, he also knew that while he might be able to endure this for three to five days, there would eventually come a time when he collapsed . As a skilled expert in this profession, he didn’t doubt this at all .

There were people in the dungeon being tortured at this moment . There hadn’t yet been any useful confessions and the Chief Elder’s patience was coming to an end . The Sect Master had explicitly reminded him that no accidents could happen to Yao Bin . If there were any delays in the Sect Master’s hidden danger being relieved, then he feared he wouldn’t be able to take responsibility for that .

Outside of Grandmaster Yao’s palace, a group of cold and callous cultivators appeared . They wore black robes with a skull embroidered on them, indicating that their background was from the sect’s Punishment Division .

The dungeon was a place for detaining and interrogating individuals . As for the Punishment Division, they were a group of wild dogs that were responsible for capturing those who violated the rules of the sect . When they targeted someone, no one was able to escape .

“On the order of the Chief Elder, we are here to investigate the dwelling of Grandmaster Yao Bin . If anyone tries to stop us, execute them!” There was an icy cold shout . The leader of the Punishment Division cultivators waved his hand forward .

Numerous black-robed figures rushed into the hall like a tide . Tuba and Tutou tried to stop them, but this time their attempts at playing dumb had no effect at all .

Tutou’s eyes flushed red . Just as he was about to go all-out, he was stopped by Tuba . He could see that Tuba was slowly shaking his head .

The two of them were quickly captured and tied down . There was soon a conclusion to the search: Yao Bin was not in the sect!

A single stone stirred up a thousand overlapping waves . Although the Chief Elder had an ill premonition to begin with, when he learned the truth his complexion still paled .

Tuba and Tutou were tossed into the dungeon and tortured together with Xu Sheng . Those that had received Qin Yu’s protection were also drawn in .

Compared to Xu Sheng who stubbornly didn’t speak, after Tuba entered the dungeon, he started to confess on his own initiative before he was even tortured . He said with a helpless expression, “My family’s Grandmaster Yao has some private affairs that he doesn’t want others to know about, so he decided to secretly leave the sect . However, the grandmaster said that he would return before the Demon Ascension Gate, so he will definitely return soon . ”

This result was soon delivered to the Chief Elder . The Chief Elder didn’t dare to make arbitrary judgments on his own, so he brought this information into the restricted zone .

The Black Demon Sect Master was a dignified middle-aged man who had a noble and grand air about him . “This matter seems highly possible . ”

The Chief Elder nodded . “I also think so . Yao Bin has no reason to flee the sect . ” He paused for a moment and said, “How do we handle the people in the dungeon?”

Tie Qianqiu smiled . “Regardless of whether Yao Bin betrayed the sect or not, it is his wrong that he left . First detain those two barbarians in the dungeon . They can be released when he returns . ”

There was no need to say anything else . If Qin Yu didn’t return, there was no need for them to live on .

The Chief Elder hesitated for a moment . “Sect Master, there are some people who have already started eyeing Yao Bin’s possessions . Since it’s likely he will return soon, should we stop them?”

“No need . Since he made a mistake, he should be prepared to accept the punishment . ”

The Chief Elder bowed and excused himself . Tie Qianqiu lightly coughed and blood energy tumbled in his chest . A red blush appeared on his face . He took out a white handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth .

He used a little bit of strength in his fingers and the handkerchief was crushed to pieces that scattered to the ground . “Demon Ascension Gate…” He whispered, a cold intent in his eyes .

When Xu Sheng was let down from the torture rack, his complexion was incredibly ugly . This was because if Tuba was able to think of a way, he had also thought of it countless times .

That’s right, this excuse might be able to guarantee them temporary safety, but the key issue was that the opening of the Demon Ascension Gate was imminent . If Grandmaster Yao didn’t return by then…they would all be done for .

“Are you insane!?” After being tossed on a mat of stinking grass, Xu Sheng struggled to look up, his face full of anger .

Tuba lightly said, “You should understand that if you continued to undergo torture, even if you didn’t die you would have been completely crippled . ”

Xu Sheng clenched his teeth . “I would rather be crippled than dead!”

“We won’t die . ” Tuba looked up, his gaze incomparably calm . “The grandmaster will definitely return before the opening of the Demon Ascension Gate . ”

Xu Sheng didn’t know where this confidence came from . All he needed to know was that over two months had passed from the original date of return . Perhaps the Grandmaster Yao that they were all looking forward to returning had suffered some tragic accident…after all, in the Land of Divinity and Demons, anything was possible!

Tuba’s lips curled up . This callous giant suddenly smiled, giving off a perturbingly gentle expression . “Don’t worry . You did well this time . When the grandmaster returns, he will surely reward you . ”

For some unknown reason, Xu Sheng suddenly felt much more calm and stable . He let out a long breath and cursed several times beneath his breath . Then, his head touched the ground and he instantly fell asleep .

Tuba took out a pill, opened Xu Sheng’s mouth, and placed it inside .

Tutou had a somewhat pained expression on his face . “That is…that is a good item the grandmaster gave us . Why are you letting him eat it?”

Tuba lightly said, “Whether Xu Sheng did all this to protect himself or for some other reason, his performance this time is enough to obtain the grandmaster’s approval . So, I had to save him . ”

Tutou had a look that said otherwise . But, he knew that he wasn’t as smart as Tuba so he didn’t speak further about it . Then he shook his head and a look of worry appeared . “Tuba, do you think the grandmaster will return?”

Tuba’s eyes were bright . “Trust me, the grandmaster will definitely return!”

Chapter 471B – Not Even A Place Left to Live

In fact, by the time Qin Yu returned to the Black Demon Sect, nine months had passed since he departed . As he looked at the entrance of the Black Demon Sect, he let out a breath and smiled .

Although he didn’t have much of a favorable impression towards this place, for a long upcoming period of time he would only be able to use the identity of ‘Yao Bin’ to wander through the world .

He quickly changed into a new set of black robes . Then, his figure flickered and he soon approached the entrance . When his status token was being confirmed, several Black Demon Sect cultivators all had strange expressions .

“Capture him!”

With loud shouts, two Black Demon Sect cultivators suddenly attacked . But before they could reach Qin Yu they were sent shaken and flying away, blood gushing out from their mouths and noses .

A guard roared in anger, “Yao Bin betrayed the sect and violated the set’s rules . All of his followers are to be jailed . You dare to resist?”

Qin Yu fell silent for a moment . He reached up a hand and pulled back his robe to reveal a young and inexperienced face . If someone were here who had known Qin Yu for a long time, they would discover that this was his appearance from before he obtained the little blue lamp .

As Qin Yu journeyed through the world and his cultivation increased as well as his Demon Body being promoted, his appearance had also undergone countless tiny adjustments . His looks had become firm, resolute, and even handsome . He was completely different from how he was at the beginning . Even if someone who had seen Qin Yu stood right here, they wouldn’t recognize that they were the same person .

Qin Yu’s expression was light . His ice cold eyes covered the Black Demon Sect cultivators . “Who said that I betrayed the sect?”

Ignoring the shocked guards, Qin Yu walked straight into the Black Demon Sect . Although his footsteps didn’t seem quick, it only took him a few moments to vanish from sight .

After passing a feeding pen, Qin Yu stopped . He looked up at a figure on the ground that was being stomped on .

“Xu Sheng, oh Steward Xu, when I was in the dungeon I really had a good time with you watching over me . Did you ever imagine there would be a day when you would fall into my hands?” The arrogant young master who was stepping on this person’s face while wearing thigh high leather boots was a thin and dark-skinned cultivator . He lifted a bucket of sewage in his hands . “Aren’t you hungry? I just saw you stealing something to eat just now . If you were hungry, why didn’t you say so earlier? I will let you eat all you want . There is no need to thank me . ”

The bucket of sewage and the putrid mess drenched Xu Sheng’s entire head . The dark-skinned cultivator and several people around him started to laugh together .

Bang –

The bucket was thrown to the side . The dark-skinned cultivator ruthlessly slapped Xu Sheng’s face several times . He bent down and said, “Tsk tsk . Steward Xu, how can you be so wasteful when eating? You should know that this feeding pen helps supply meat for the entire sect . What they hate the most is this kind of wasteful action . Men, go and grab a spoon . Shovel up this food from the ground and feed it to our good friend Steward Xu here . ”

Xu Sheng lifted his head from the sewage and mud . He looked up, wiping his face . “This brother, at that time I was just following orders when I did what I did . Since I was merely carrying out orders given to me, don’t you think you can show some compassion and let me go this time?”

The dark-skinned cultivator laughed . “Steward Xu doesn’t have much time left, so we might as well play a bit more now or we won’t be able to in the future . What are you all doing? Hurry up! Steward Xu must be starving by now!”

“Wait!” Xu Sheng shook his head . “During my years in the dungeon, I still managed to save up some wealth . Besides everything that was already taken away, I still have some hidden around . If I tell you where it is hidden, can you forgive me today?”

The dark-skinned cultivator’s eyes brightened . “Fine! But I’m warning you, you’d better not be playing with me…” After he spoke he turned around to avoid the stench .

“Ahh!” A pitiful scream rang through the air .

Soon after that, Xu Sheng was kicked backwards . He smashed into the wooden fence . He violently coughed, slapping the ground and laughing like a wolf . “This grandpa is right here! If you have the courage then come and kill me!”

The dark-skinned cultivator clutched his wound tightly . Blood dripped down from between his fingers and his body shivered with anger . “Hit him! Beat him to death!”

Xu Sheng coughed, spewing out bloody froth . However, there was relief in his eyes . If he died here today, it would at least be better than returning to the dungeon .

The Demon Ascension Gate would soon open and there was still no news from Grandmaster Yao . Xu Sheng had held faith for several bitter months, but at this moment all of his faith loudly collapsed .

“That damned dog Tuba, I can’t believe I was blind enough to believe lies…” Xu Sheng looked at the several people rushing towards him and cursed them in his heart . He closed his eyes .

But the violent barrage of fists and feet didn’t arrive . With the sound of several heavy objects landing on the ground, Xu Sheng struggled to open up a seam in his swollen eyes . As he saw the figure in front of him, he froze in place .

Qin Yu looked at the extremely pitiful and distressed Xu Sheng and could almost see the emotions surging in his heart . After a moment of silence he smiled and said, “I’m sorry, I came back late . ”

Through the purple light in his soul, Xu Sheng had already realized Qin Yu’s identity . He cried out loud and burst into tears . Within his dripping tears, there was a hint of icy cold ruthlessness .

The dark-skinned cultivator sensed that something was wrong and turned to run away . But before he could get far, a bucket of sewage smashed into his back, sending him tumbling to the ground .

Qin Yu turned around . “How do you want to handle this person?”

Xu Sheng’s laugh was uglier than his cry . “There is no need for grandmaster to worry . Just leave him to me . ”

The dark-skinned cultivator was twitching on the ground . When he heard these words he violently shook and directly fainted where he was .

Qin Yu smiled . “If you want to take revenge, you should live on first . ” He flicked his sleeves and an endless current of water appeared from thin air . Xu Sheng was tossed within . Although his scrubbed appearance was still pitiful, he had at least wiped off all the dirt and sewage from his body .

A palm struck his chest . Xu Sheng snorted and then bent over and vomited mouthful after mouthful . Black blood mixed with blood clots soon piled up on the ground .

After he stopped vomiting, Xu Sheng’s aura was as thin and pale as threads of silk . But, his face was actually much ruddier than before .

Qin Yu fed him several pills and nodded . “You won’t die . Rest for some time and you’ll be bursting with energy again . ”

Xu Sheng struggled to bow . “Thank you, grandmaster . ”

“Even if you don’t say it, I would have already guessed that this happened to you because of me . Once I process everything, I will be sure to compensate you . Alright, now tell me what the current situation is . ”

Through Xu Sheng, Qin Yu learned that Tuba and Tutou were still locked in the dungeon . Although they had suffered a bit, their lives were safe for now . As for his dwelling, his alchemy room, the medicine garden given to him by the sect, as well as the spirit plant materials he obtained during this time, they had all been carved up and taken by others .

The situation was much better than he expected; at least no one had died . Moreover, in Qin Yu’s eyes, this was a great opportunity for him . With the Demon Ascension Gate about to open, this was just the right time to drum up support for himself and increase his own momentum .

Then, he would use these people as the stepping stone to increase his reputation . He was confident that he could do this .

There was naturally a reason that he had been delayed for so long on his way back .

On the way back, his path of metal had reached perfection . Qin Yu had once experienced a backlash of the Demon Body and wouldn’t allow himself to make the same mistake again .

As a result, he forcefully suppressed his cultivation . Then, he went on a journey looking around for sufficient demon blood to promote his Demon Body to the next level . In addition to that, he also spent some time stabilizing his Blue Sea realm . That was the reason why he had delayed all the way until now .

When he was at the Divine Soul realm he could already fight with Blue Seas if he went all out . Qin Yu had now reached Blue Sea, so was there much else to say about his strength?

He lightly said, “You can rest first . I am going to take a look and see just who wouldn’t even leave me a place to live . ”

Whoosh –

Qin Yu’s figure flew up into the skies, soon vanishing from sight .

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