Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Chapter 465A – Precelestial Wood

Perhaps as if to truly verify the words of the Ancestral Monster’s remnant soul and Undying – that it wouldn’t be easy to have a supreme treasure of the heavens and earth recognize someone as master – time quietly passed with no news related to the precelestial wood at all . During this time, Qin Yu underwent a range of emotions . From hope to anticipation, from anticipation to unwillingness, now he was forced to accept the reality of the situation and his heart was filled with helplessness .

“Hah –”

After letting out a long breath, Qin Yu stood up . His heart was worried and restless and even his cultivation was affected . He decided to take some time to restore his mood .

The scenery within the Dao Arena’s top training room was undoubtedly good . He sat beneath the shade of a tree, his fingers gently tapping against the tabletop . He couldn’t help but continue contemplating the situation . For this last period of time, he had been constantly raising the price for finding precelestial wood . He had gone through every shop in Four Seasons City and even asked Kang Mingqiao for help . However, in the end he didn’t find anything .

Could it be that even though he had worked so hard up until now, he still couldn’t avoid the fate of losing the purpleback bluewing ants?

Puff –

A light sound woke Qin Yu up . He drew his fingers away from the beautiful tabletop . Looking at the crisscross of markings he had left behind in his anxious thinking, he couldn’t help but wryly smile .

Fortunately for him, he had found some harvests in this period of time . His path of metal had reached infinitely close to perfection and he could have a breakthrough at any moment . At this time, Qin Yu’s eyes flashed . He grasped his hand forward and pulled a message jade slip out from the air . His divine sense searched it and then his eyes widened with pleasant surprise .

He stood up and hurried towards the door of the training room . With a flick of his sleeve he opened it and found Kang Mingqiao standing outside . Kang Mingqiao saw Qin Yu and smiled, “It seems that this thing is extremely important to fellow daoist Qin Yu . This is an album guide sent over by the auction house . The thing you’re interested in is on the 62nd page . ”

As he spoke, he took out a jade slip .

After pouring his magic power into it, the clear projection of an image appeared in the air . Qin Yu turned directly to the 62nd page . In the dense number of objects, he found something that was extremely black and looked like withered wood . There was a brief description recorded below: Serial Number 137 . This withered branch was obtained from an unknown place . Its attributes are unknown and its effects are unknown . Placed in the light it is black and in the dark it blooms with light .

The image was small and the introduction was brief . It was clear that the auction house didn’t place much value on this object . Qin Yu stared at it for a long time before he looked up .

Kang Mingqiao smiled . “There’s something else hidden inside . ”

These words dispelled Qin Yu’s final doubts . Ecstatic joy surged up from his heart and he cupped his hands . “Thank you, Arena Steward Kang!” He didn’t know where Kang Mingqiao had obtained this information but he didn’t think he had any reason to deceive him . Moreover, ‘Placed in the light it is black and in the dark it blooms with light’ was already extremely strong evidence .

Precelestial wood!

This was precelestial wood!

He thought back to the invitation he had casually tossed into his status token and smiled . He had inadvertently obtained this auction invitation half a year ago and at the time he had sighed about how it was useless to him . Who would have expected that things would be like they were today?

Perhaps this was the mystery of life . It was so strange and fantastical that person could never imagine just where life took them or what the future would hold for them .

Five days later, the auction was held as scheduled .

As the steward of a Dao Arena, Kang Mingqiao naturally also received an invitation . But, Qin Yu didn’t go with him . Rather, he put on a black robe and entered the auction house with the status of a wandering tourist . But, it was clear that his initial heroic vigor and actions had left a strong impression on the auction house . His seat was arranged near the front . The soft was wide and comfortable . Qin Yu leaned back on it and began to meditate .

An hour later, the crowd began to quiet down . A silver-haired auctioneer stepped onto the platform and greeted everyone . He clapped his hands, “Turn off the lights . ”

Suddenly, all that was left on the giant auction stage was the central auction platform and the three crystal lamps up above . The bright lights gathered together, making it seem particularly eye-catching . The well-dressed auctioneer didn’t talk much . He dove straight into the main subject for everyone’s presence . “According to custom, the first item sold during the auction night is bound to be something good . It’s a little appetizer to whet everyone’s appetite as well as help our auction house earn some commission . ”

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd . The first auction was actually quite good . It was a treasure found in an ancient ruin . Although it was a bit broken, its power was still incredibly tyrannical .

Many cultivators bid on it and the atmosphere of the auction house soon heated up .

Item after item was sent up to the auction stage . After a round of contention these items found new masters . During this process, time slowly flowed .

The auction house took a scattered approach to auctioning off items . They mixed in a number of common treasures between the precious ones in order to sell them at the highest possible price .

The bidding for serial number 137 began four hours after the auction started . The auctioneer was all smiles as he looked at the withered wood that was placed on the crystal platform . With a look of acclaim, he said, “Dear guests, there is something I need to tell you about this item in order to better estimate its value and avoid any unnecessary confusion . ”

After a pause he continued to say, “Two days ago, my auction house received an honored guest . Although they hid their status, I was still able to determine that this person was an extremely revered existence . This mysterious honored guest put forth an extremely exaggerated price in order to purchase this piece of wood with unknown attributes and unknown effects ahead of time . But in the end, in order to maintain the principle of fairness, we refused this honored guest and put it up for auction so that all guests will have the chance to fight for it .

“Just because it is unknown doesn’t mean it is useless . Perhaps beneath this ordinary surface there is a hidden beauty and splendor that none of us can imagine . This mysterious withered wood is dark beneath the light and shines with light in the dark . This item has a starting price of 80,000 spirit stones and each increase can be no less than 1000 . Let the bidding begin!”

One couldn’t help but acknowledge that this auctioneer was skilled in stirring up the attention of others . Many guests that had no interest to begin with suddenly straightened themselves, their eyes flashing with light .

This auction house had always had a good reputation and they wouldn’t make up a story like this . If someone was willing to pay a massive sum for this item before the auction began, there was sure to be something extraordinary about it . 80,000 spirit stones couldn’t be considered too little, but to those who had the qualifications to join this auction, it wasn’t anything at all . It could be interesting to give things a try .

“80,000 spirit stones!” The one who spoke was a female cultivator who sat near the front of the individual guests . Her face was young and naïve and there was still baby fat on her cheeks . Her eyes were lively and smart . Although she didn’t display any arrogance, she revealed a sense of natural elegance . She clearly didn’t have a common background,

Of course, if one couldn’t make these things out, the two icy cold guards with intimidating auras that flanked her were the best evidence .

But as mentioned before, those that were eligible to participate in today’s auction were all rich, and the rich usually had considerable backgrounds . Although this female cultivator’s background wasn’t average, she couldn’t frighten anyone here either .

“100,000 . ” The person who spoke this time was also a female cultivator . Except, this person was in a specially formed, semi-enclosed VIP box seat .

The young female cultivator tapped her face . “200,000 . I want that branch . ”

“You want? Just what do you want? This big sister isn’t a man, and even if I was, I couldn’t bear your bold style . I want that thing too . 300,000 . ” There was a charming laugh from the VIP box seat . Such arrogant words had many men gulping .

The young female cultivator blushed red . She opened her mouth and wanted to argue back but she simply couldn’t find the words to say and she almost cried out loud . The eyes of the two guards beside her flashed with an ominous light and they started to stand up . However, as soon as they tried, they both stuffily coughed and revealed shocked expressions . They looked towards the VIP box seat with a deep sense of dread in their eyes .

A guard lowered his head and whispered something . The young female cultivator bit her lip and said, “500,000 . ”

A hearty laughter rang out, filled with a carefree attitude . “Why should two beautiful women come to blows over a mere withered branch? Wouldn’t it be better if I take it away instead?”

After a short pause he put forth a bid, “600,000 . ”

The auction house fell silent . Many people stared at these three sides, a strange look in their eyes . Although this withered branch was strange, 600,000 spirit stones was no longer a small amount . If it was just to satisfy their own curiosity, this didn’t make any sense .

As for that last fellow who put forth a bid of 600,000, his goal clearly wasn’t the withered branch itself . Rather, he just wanted to arouse the interest of those two young misses . To spend money in the face of beauty, such behavior couldn’t be considered fresh in any auction house . Those people that did such a thing were often profligate young masters with great backgrounds .

But today, there were far more profligate young masters in the crowd than expected . Another voice rang out from a VIP box seat . “Brother Zhang, how can you obtain a treasure that two beautiful women are competing over with a mere 600,000 spirit stones? How about we round out the number – one million . ”

“Just a million spirit stones, how far can you possibly go?” A third profligate young master chimed in . “Two million; if you want to play then let’s double up and have fun!”

Beneath his black robes, Qin Yu’s face darkened . This sudden competition had ruined his plans . He originally wanted to win the bid on the precelestial wood without standing out at all . Before this, he had even purchased two minor items at prices that were neither too low nor too high .

But no matter how great his plans were, they were completely torn apart in the face of this bunch of competing young bastards . He couldn’t help but glance at the young and naïve female cultivator sitting up front . Although he knew he had no right to complain about her actions, if it weren’t for this little girl speaking up, the situation wouldn’t have devolved into such a state .

Today, it would be difficult not to attract attention!

From that half-concealed VIP box seat, an extremely pretty face appeared . She covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes seeming to have countless tiny hooks hidden within them . “Fellow young masters are so appreciative that I really am finding it hard to keep my heart at peace . I really want that thing, hah, so what do I do?”

“Haha! Simple, I will win the bid and give it to Miss Zhou!” A fourth profligate young master joined the fray . “I will double it again to 4 million . I’ve been playing this kind of game ever since I was young, and not once have I ever been defeated . ”

His tone was aggressive and overbearing!

Qin Yu cursed this person inwardly . As he expected, with his appearance, the first three profligates were angered .

“To make something so vulgar like randomly doubling the bid seem like something righteous, you really are a rare and wonderful creature . ” A person suddenly said, his face full of smiles . “5 million spirit stones . Miss Mu, I will win this item for you . ”

The young female cultivator’s face immediately blushed a rosy red and her eyes filled with shyness . She turned and glanced at the VIP box seat the voice just came from, her timid and bashful appearance causing the hearts of those who looked at her to itch .

Qin Yu’s face darkened . Wait, how was this timid and bashful? She was clearly a little enchantress with a well-honed skill set . It was only that her outer appearance and demeanor was entirely different from that of Miss Zhou . Although they seemed different, their hearts were actually the same .

Today, these two enchantresses must have intentionally colluded to cause this mess . It’s fine if you want to stir up some contest, but why choose my item to do it with? Qin Yu’s eyes were ice cold . If looks could kill, he would have already dismembered these two enchantresses and their group of overly emotional peacocks!

As Qin Yu developed murderous thoughts, the price of the precelestial wood broke through the 10 million mark . To these profligates, spirit stones didn’t matter too much . Moreover, in today’s situation no one was willing to lower their head first .

Qin Yu took a deep breath and suppressed the growing rage in his heart . He indifferently watched their competition .

This was not the time to make his move . These types of young masters cared about face the most . It would be fine for him to wait for their battle to come to an end before he started competing .

Because at that time, he would only need to face one person .

Everyone was left dumbfounded . They watched on with wide eyes as the bidding price of this withered branch of unknown origin and effect suddenly inflated like a balloon . Even those people who originally had some interest had completely suppressed their thoughts of bidding for it .

This group of bastard profligates, they were just fighting out of jealousy now . Anyone that tried to compete with them in such a state would just be an idiot!

“88 million spirit stones!” That fellow with the heroic demeanor who liked to double the price suddenly spoke up . The entire auction house fell silent .

At this moment, anyone who dared to double it again would really be formidable .

The other three profligates seemed to fall quiet . Although they wanted to use this chance to obtain more attention from these beautiful women, with the price approaching 100 million spirit stones, even for them this was an amount that they couldn’t easily use .

Moreover, what they wanted to do today was to only get acquainted with Zhou Fenghuang and Mu Qingluan and express their sincerity with their actions . If they really wanted to marry these two enchantresses and bring them back home, that would depend entirely on their performance in the Demon Ascension Gate as well as the efforts of their families .

“The Sun Family is worthy of being known as undefeatable in terms of wealth . As a means of expressing my admiration, I will give that withered wood to you . ”

“When it comes to spirit stones, I really cannot compare to Brother Sun . I only hope that during the Demon Ascension Gate, you can also have the same energy and bravado as you’ve shown today . ”

“I heard that during this selection of the Demon Ascension Gate, many dazzling characters have appeared, even those with a powerful demonic bloodline . Sun Zifu, I hope you aren’t beaten into the ground by others and ruin the honor and dignity of juniors from noble families . ”

Sun Zifu was that profligate young master who liked to double up and had declared he had never lost in a bidding war before . He laughed loudly and said, “The three of you don’t need to worry about me . I naturally have the confidence that I can smoothly enter the Demonic Path . Today, I must thank you three for allowing me to obtain this treasure . I will arrange a banquet at the Drunken Fairy Winehouse tonight . Fellow brothers must surely attend . ”

The three young masters coughed once before no longer speaking .

Chapter 465B – Precelestial Wood

Sun Zifu exposed a blinding smile . He picked up a cup in front of him and took a deep drink, feeling fully refreshed .

“Young master, are you sure you didn’t spend too much? I know that our family has numerous spirit stones, but today is not the proper occasion and I fear Miss Zhou and Miss Mu might not necessarily appreciate your kindness . ” A bowing old servant spoke as he smiled . His face was like a chrysanthemum flower in full bloom .

“What does an old thing like you understand? Today, I have to be overbearing and spend as many spirit stones as I can . You should know that what our Sun Family has the most of is spirit stones . Don’t you understand the concept of hiding your weaknesses and enhancing your strengths? If I want to move those two little enchantresses, the only thing I can rely on is our sparkling spirit stones!” A sharp light flashed in Sun Zifu’s eyes . “As for whether or not those two little enchantresses acknowledge me, I don’t care about that at all, because this wasn’t about them to begin with . ”

The old fellow had a face full of praise . “Young master is wise and omnipotent . This old servant cannot keep up to your wits . As long as news of this spreads out to the Zhou Family and Mu Family, they will know of our sincerity! Ah, young master is truly young master, your methods are perfect!”

Sun Zifu kicked him . “Stop flattering me . ” Although he said this, a little happy smile clearly lit up his face .

On the auction stage, the silver-haired auctioneer had a face full of smiles . While a bid of almost a hundred million spirit stones was high, he had seen many amazing scenes before so he wasn’t too shocked by this . He smiled and said, “Young Master Sun has bid 88 million spirit stones . Are there any other guests who wish to bid? If not, then this mysterious withered wood will belong to Young Master Sun . ”

In the VIP box seat, the old servant cried out with smug satisfaction, “Hurry and announce the result . With my young master bidding, who dares to fight with us!”

A disgusting stench of flattery flowed out .

The smile of the silver-haired auctioneer didn’t change . He nodded, about to announce the result . But at this time another young voice spoke up . “100 million spirit stones . ”

The auction house fell silent once more .

The silver-haired auctioneer swallowed back down the words he was about to say . He raised one finger . “This honored guest has bid 100 million! Everyone, this is the first time that someone has bid 100 million spirit stones! Please let us all remember this exciting moment! Is there anyone willing to bid a higher price?”

Sun Zifu coldly snorted and his eyes turned ferocious . The old servant bowed and said, “This old servant will immediately investigate that person’s status . To dare to compete with young master, that person has no idea of death or danger!”

“There’s no time . Take it first and talk later!” Sun Zifu laid down the wine cup . He leaned back in his chair and calmly said, “200 million . ”

Since he said he would double the bid, he would double it until the end .

“210 million . ” Another voice said without hesitation .

Sun Zifu’s lips witched . “420 million!” He clenched his fists, his nails digging into the flesh of his palm . This was already his limit . If this other party increased the bid anymore, he could only slap his own face and give up .

That bastard!

Over 400 million spirit stones, that was enough to form several mountains of spirit stones . Just which bastard was this? This person clearly knew he came from the Demonic Path’s noble Sun Family and yet he still dared to interfere .

Things wouldn’t end here!

A bloodthirsty light shined in profligate Sun’s eyes .

Within the auction house, another person was also angered; it was the one who was just about to make a bid for the precelestial wood – Qin Yu . As the voice of the new bidder rose up, he looked around and found the person who had bid . As he did, his pupils shrank a little .

Qi Cheng!

That’s right, this was the disciple that Chu Taidou favored the most . He heard that after Chu Taidou died, all of his properties were quietly swallowed up . But even so, with Qi Cheng’s status and background, there was no reason for him to throw hundreds of millions of spirit stones around at today’s auction . Moreover, his actions today would offend the Sun Family as well as draw attention to himself . This would make him seem like an attractive piece of fat, one that many people would want to eat up .

But Qi Cheng has chosen this moment to make his move . With an incomparably overbearing attitude, he had tossed out an outrageous amount of spirit stones . The auction house had even already dispatched cultivators to confirm the situation with him . This was a normal convention of auction houses . Otherwise, if someone bid a mind-boggling sum but was unable to pay up in the end, this would make the auction house into a laughingstock .

Looking at the stunned face of the auction house cultivator and the respectful bow afterwards, it was clear the result had been confirmed and there was no problem .

“430 million . ” Qi Cheng appeared calm, but his emotions were surging in his heart . In his dreams he had imagined possessing unsurpassed power and wealth countless times, becoming the focal point of all eyes . And today, this dream of his had finally come true .

Feeling the shock and awe from the eyes all around him, Qi Cheng was immensely satisfied . Although he knew speaking in such a high-handed tone didn’t bring him any advantages, he also knew that as long as he had the backing of the Immortal Sect, no one could harm him if he didn’t violate any taboos .

Tonight, he was the center of the world!

In the VIP box seat, Sun Zifu crushed the wine cup in his hands . The red wine pooled on the rug below . Rage flashed in his eyes but he soon composed himself .

“Since you want it that much, I’ll give it to you . ”

The flattering old servant’s eyes were cold . “This old servant will help young master take it back . ”

“440 million spirit stones!” Another voice rang out . Sun Zifu looked up, his eyes shaking .

The entire auction house fell silent for a brief moment . Then, there was a tide of alarmed cries .

Qi Cheng himself wasn’t anything, but as Chu Taidou’s disciple, he often intersected with many high level individuals . In other words, many people in this auction house recognized him . When he first put forth his bid, he had drawn countless eyes . Many of them were cold and filled with greed, shocked by the wealth left behind by Chu Taidou .

As for the reasons for his actions, they attributed it to his head being drowned by wealth and him trying to get the attention from the young misses of the Zhou Family and Mu Family . This was a laughable thought, but with another person bidding, their earlier assumptions were shattered . There might be one person stupid enough to spend hundreds of millions of spirit stones to gain the attention of beautiful women, but there definitely wouldn’t be two of them .

Qi Cheng’s eyes brightened . A smile lifted his lips . He stood up and said, “Qin Yu, you finally made your move . ”

The hearts of countless cultivators skipped a beat . Their originally questioning eyes revealed surprise .

A black-robed figure was silent for several breaths of time . Then, he lifted a hand and drew back his hood . Qin Yu’s calm face appeared . “Qi Cheng, I am actually quite curious how you knew it was me . ”

Qi Cheng smiled brightly . “I’m sorry, but I refuse to answer you . Today I must fight for my dead teacher . This withered wood – you won’t win it . ”

Qin Yu took a deep breath . “700 million spirit stones . ”

Qi Cheng held his hands behind his back . “800 million . ”

Kang Mingqiao’s voice spread out from a VIP box seat . “Fellow daoist Qin Yu, if you need, the Dao Arena can lend you spirit stones . ”

Qi Cheng laughed . “Today, no matter how much Qin Yu bids, I will bid 100 million more than him!”

Kang Mingqiao sneered . “Junior, you are being too reckless . ”

Qi Cheng bowed . “Arena Steward Kang can try . ”

The common-looking Qi Cheng had suddenly risen up and seized all of Chu Taidou’s properties . Moreover, he hadn’t suffered any troubles during this process at all . And today, he didn’t shy away but directly called out Qin Yu, even earning the resentment of Kang Mingqiao…no one was an idiot, in particular these people possessed a great deal of wealth and a great deal of authority .

Looking at the high-spirited and arrogant Qi Cheng, many people could see a colossus standing behind him .

In his VIP box seat, Sun Zifu shivered . “Stop everything right now . ”

Whether it was Qin Yu or Qi Cheng who had likely been chosen by the Immortal Sect, neither of them were good to provoke .

The old servant’s smile turned ugly as he tried to cry, “There isn’t enough time…”

Before his voice fell, two figures rushed out from the shadows of the auction house, their cold blades flashing as they thrust at Qi Cheng .

Bang –

A tyrannical aura erupted from near Qi Cheng . There was a thin and sickly-looking old man sitting beside him . Before he moved, his presence was as weak as air . But once he took action, he was like a great sun, his tyrannical aura sweeping out in all directions . The bright aura shattered those two cold blades and continued forward, breaking apart the two assassins .

Then a strange force acted on every piece of flesh and bone, crushing them into powder . In the space of a breath, those two living assassins thoroughly vanished .

The thin old man slowly sat back down . His tyrannical aura was restrained and his weak and common-looking appearance returned . But, no one would dare to underestimate him again .

This was an eighth level Blue Sea super powerhouse . Even when placed amongst the Land of Divinity and Demons, he could be called an existence that ruled over his own domain . But today, he willingly stood behind Qi Cheng like a prop . From this alone, many people were able to confirm their earlier guesses .

Sun Zifu let out a sigh of relief . It was good those two had died how they did . Although it wasn’t easy for his family to raise deathsworn guards, to avoid any more trouble was already the best possible result . He glared at the old servant, “This matter has caused my belly to ache . Just pretend it never happened!”

Qi Cheng’s smile became even more carefree . “It seems there are some people that want to kill me . But, it doesn’t matter . If anyone wants to kill me, they can go ahead and try . ” He looked up, his gaze frosty . “Today, let us complete our bidding first . Qin Yu, do you want to increase the price? If not, that mysterious withered wood will belong to me . ”

Qin Yu took a deep breath and turned away . He knew that Qi Cheng was trying to force him to attack . Although he really did want to smash open Qi Cheng’s face, it was what he wanted .

As for why the Immortal Sect didn’t hesitate to pay the price to prevent him from obtaining the precelestial wood, could that be just from their hostility towards him?

…Or had they sensed something?

Qin Yu’s heart shrank . He started to think about whether he had been negligent or not . But, there was clearly only one Monster Raising Mystic Art in the world, and no one should have information concerning the Soul Summoning Bell .

Qin Yu took a deep breath and suppressed all of these thoughts . With things having come to this point, there was no longer any meaning in considering them . The precelestial wood was in Qi Cheng’s hands…he couldn’t make a move in the auction house, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do something after he left .

However, if he could think of this, so could the Immortal Sect . Qi Cheng was merely bait to lure him to attack, and once he did he would lose the protection of the Dao Arena Master .

What should he do? Should he give up? Or risk it all?

At this moment, a thought fluctuation was transmitted into his mind . “I originally thought you knew, but now it seems that you never did . If you have time, come here as soon as possible . ”

The thought transmission came from the little blue lamp . Qin Yu’s heart quickened . If it spoke, it should be something vital . He tried to ask back, but there was no response .

Qin Yu entered the Dao Arena and closed the doors to the training room . He sat down cross-legged and his divine sense passed through the sealed dimension ring to enter the small world in the vast distant nothingness .

The leaves of the Star Cutting Grass danced about in excitement, cutting open small tears in space . Only when it saw Qin Yu seeming distressed trying to avoid them did it honestly calm down and let down a leaf to lift him into the medicine field .

Soon, the Star Cutting Grass stopped and a spirit plant bathed in darkness appeared in front of Qin Yu . This spirit plant had two extremely beautiful branches and even the night-like darkness couldn’t cover up its dazzling dream-like textures .

Qin Yu’s eyes widened . “This…this…”

“Precelestial wood . ” The little blue lamp’s thought fluctuations came again . “Several months ago you tossed in a root . Do you remember?”

Qin Yu’s complexion turned strange .

“That’s right, that root was the spirit root of the precelestial wood . ”

At this moment, Qin Yu nearly choked on his emotions . He felt nothing but the greatest gratitude towards the dead Chu Taidou .

What a good person!

Wait a moment…two precelestial woods…

Qin Yu’s eyes flashed . After several breaths of time, his lips curved up in a smile . He muttered to himself, “I’m rich…I’m rich…this time, I really will become rich…”

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