Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 362

Chapter 362

Chapter 362 – Sword Rain

The complete list of guards was delivered to the commander’s mansion . The ten selected Divine Soul cultivators hadn’t yet changed . After glancing through the list, Xu Jiao frowned .

The Lord Commander didn’t open his eyes . “How is it?”

Xu Jiao put down the list . “My Lord, Qin Yu’s name is on the list . ”

“Mm . ”

Xu Jiao didn’t comment further .

“Brother Xu, are you wondering whether or not I should cross out his name?”

Xu Jiao cupped his hands together . “The inn highly values Qin Yu, otherwise they wouldn’t have resisted the demands of Yuan Jingzhe so vigorously . If we leave his name on the list, the inn will surely be dissatisfied . This may affect your future path . ”

The commander nodded . “Brother Xu is correct, but if there is someone to blame, it won’t fall on my shoulders . ” He paused and continued to say, “Moreover, the inn has been in the limelight too much recently . There are some people who hope I can look for an opportunity to give them a warning . ”

Xu Jiao suddenly said, “Then that’s a pity . This junior Qin Yu is actually quite good . ”

The commander smiled . “It could only be said that his destiny is poor . ”

Xu Jiao said, “In order to avoid conflict, diverting Hong Ruo away might be an option . ”

“Mm, then I’ll have to trouble Brother Xu . ”

Xu Jiao respectfully bowed .

An hour later, Aunty Hong gave a short explanation and stepped into a transmission array, vanishing from sight .

A large customer wanted to personally negotiate prices with her . Their status wasn’t low so she had to show sufficient respect .

Then, Qin Yu received an order from the Beast Hunting Battalion .

Congcong had a worried expression . “Mister Qin, do you think it’s Yuan Jingzhe?”

Qin Yu smiled . “It is the Lord Commander’s order . I will return quickly . ”

After leaving the inn, Qin Yu quietly followed behind the messenger who brought the order and soon arrived at the gathering point .

This was a large-scale military tent . Dozens of cultivators were here . As he glanced over them, he relaxed a little . With so many people, there shouldn’t be any problems at all .

Looking at their expressions, they also had no idea why they were here .

More and more cultivators were brought over . Once a hundred had gathered, the military tent was opened from outside and Yuan Jingzhe walked in with ten Divine Soul cultivators following close behind him .

“We greet the lord!”

Qin Yu’s heart skipped a beat . He pushed away his previous assumptions; it seemed this wouldn’t be as simple as he thought .

Yuan Jingzhe said, “The reason you were all summoned here today is to be entrusted with a mission . ” Then, he simply explained the matter . The general idea was like this: some noble one from the Chu Empire had suffered a monster beast attack in the wilderness and needed the Beast Hunting Battalion to provide them with guards . After escorting them to their destination, the mission would be considered complete .

“Remember, the noble one has an extremely high status . You must obey all orders . After this mission is over, you will all be rewarded with a rich amount of points based on your performance . ”

After saying this, Yuan Jingzhe turned and left . From beginning to end, it was like he didn’t see Qin Yu at all .

Qin Yu frowned . This was because he had sensed a pair of eyes looking at him for a long time already .

Looking over, he saw an old white-haired Divine Soul cultivator . His cloudy eyes were slightly vacant .

As their gazes met, the old man seemed as if he didn’t realize anything at all, as if he had never been paying attention to Qin Yu to begin with .

The military tent was silent . Yuan Jingzhe’s explanation was simple, but there weren’t that many idiots in this world .

To mobilize ten Divine Souls and a hundred Beast Hunting Battalion Nascent Souls, this guard assignment was definitely not simple .

But even if they knew that something was wrong, they couldn’t resist an order passed down from the high-level figures of the Beast Hunting Battalion . Luckily, with ten Divine Soul powerhouse colleagues travelling alongside them, they felt a bit more at peace .

Soon, some people brought in new robes . All traces linking them to the Beast Hunting Battalion needed to be completely erased .

Qin Yu held onto his clothes . With a thought, the Demon God Armor automatically transformed into the appearance of the clothes he received, and he casually placed the clothes in his storage ring .

Everyone started to tidy up their things . The ten Divine Souls were the first to leave the tent, silently waiting .

A caravan of speedcars came flying forth . The Lord Commander personally came to see everyone off . “Noble one, be careful along the way . The people of my Beast Hunting Battalion will surely keep you safe . ”

A woman’s faint voice responded, “Thank you, commander . ”

The glass window rose up and the troop left the battalion, entering into an especially built transmission array .

120 people and a speedcar were surprisingly able to fit within . Following a flash of light, everyone vanished from sight .

The Lord Commander turned around and walked away . When he returned to his office, he hesitated for a moment and took out a jade slip . After branding some information on it, he crushed it into pieces .

Although handphones were convenient, there was always the possibility that information could be leaked . So when it came to particularly secret matters, there were people who still preferred to use old-fashioned signaling jade slips .

Sighing, the commander leaned back in his chair, a look of weariness crossing his face .

Although he didn’t want to be involved, as long as he lived in this world there would always be times when he had no choice .

He hoped he wouldn’t provoke some disaster .

In the wilderness, there was a bright surge of light as the troop of cultivators appeared .

After a brief pause the troop started to move in the direction that was bathed in sunlight . The ten Divine Souls solemnly marched forwards, the troop quiet and serene .

But soon, many Beast Hunting Battalion cultivators started to develop ugly complexions .

This was because at this time, the direction the troop was headed in was deep into the wilderness .

If this noble one from the Chu Empire was truly in danger, then rushing to the city would be the best choice .

Something was off!

A constrained atmosphere started to spread amongst the troop . Everyone raised their guards .

The first day continued smoothly .

When night came, the troop set up camp . Qin Yu was assigned to stand watch . The flickering flames emitted a faint warmth in the icy cold darkness .

Of course, the wood used to stoke the fire was some sort of black lumber . After igniting it, it released an acrid aura that intensely stimulated monster beasts . There was no need to worry about them while the fire was lit .

Halfway through the night, when it was about time to change shifts, there was a slight sound . Qin Yu frowned and turned his head . He saw the glass window of the speedcar fall halfway down to reveal a woman’s face .

Within the dark night only illuminated by the dim flames, it should have been impossible to clearly see her face . But, Qin Yu’s five senses were outstanding to begin with, so he could see her even in the low light . She was a very beautiful girl, one who still had a bit of immaturity in her features . Perhaps it was because of the dim lighting, but there seemed to be a bit of confusion and fear in her face .

Qin Yu was surprised . This was the Chu Empire’s noble one?

There was the sound of footsteps . People had arrived to switch shifts . The glass slowly slid up, covering up the face .

Qin Yu turned and left . He huddled into his military sleeping bag and closed his eyes .

On the second day, the weather was poor . A cultivator skilled in judging the weather estimated that it would rain hard at around noontime .

Not only were some people not worried, they were even overjoyed . This was because the rainwater would wash away their traces, erasing their smell and so on .

As expected, rain poured down around noon . He pulled on his hood and the cold rain fell over his body, flowing down his robes . It couldn’t penetrate his clothing at all .

But soon, everyone’s complexions were no longer relaxed . This was because the downpour of rain grew increasingly heavy . It was like the heavens had been split open and some vast sea up in the skies was falling down on them .

The curtain of rain became a waterfall, covering everyone’s line of sight and leaving everything a vast whiteness .

Qin Yu wrinkled his eyebrows . He looked up with some difficulty and saw a figure approaching him from the left .

Looking at his robes, he was clearly someone of a higher level . The white wisps of hair coming out from below his hat caused Qin Yu to narrow his eyes .

They both slowed down . With one in front and one behind, they both fell behind the troop .

The law-enforcing Divine Soul cultivator responsible for making sure that no one tried to run away seemed to not notice this at all . He flew towards the front end of the troop .

Thus, in the boundless curtain of water, there were only two people left .

Qin Yu stopped and turned around . “Yuan Jingzhe?”

The cloudy eyes were somewhat surprised . “You seem quite confident in yourself . ”

Qin Yu lightly said, “You should know that for me, a Divine Soul cultivator isn’t someone I can’t kill . ”

Zheng Hai smiled . “But I’m still here . ” He reached out a hand, allowing the heavy rain to soak his palm . “What great rain!”

Before his voice fell, Zheng Hai stepped forwards . The curtain of rain within a thousand feet suddenly froze .

His figure vanished . In the next moment he emerged from the rain, his hand thrusting out .

Qin Yu’s pupils shrink . He lifted his palm horizontally to block . His arm shook and the ground beneath his feet cracked open .

The raindrops on their two bodies were immediately smashed apart, turned into a dense mist .

Zheng Hai had a look of acclaim on his face . “No wonder Xu Younian died beneath your hands . Who would have expected that you with your Nascent Soul cultivation would possess such potent combat strength? If we were to directly fight each other, I might not be your match . But today there is a heavy rain, and my strength is related to rain . ”

Before his voice fell, Zheng Hai’s figure vanished once more .

Qin Yu’s feet quickly moved, avoiding a strike to his chest by the width of a hair .

Zheng Hai had a calm expression . “It’s useless . This curtain of rain is my world . Where do you think you can run to?”

He stepped out from the curtain of rain and reappeared, his palm falling down once more .

Qin Yu didn’t dodge nor did he evade; he welcomed the strike .

Zheng Hai’s eyes brightened . His palm struck Qin Yu’s chest and at the same time, a fist heavily struck his body .

Bang –

All raindrops within 500 feet were instantly smashed into mist!

Zheng Hai’s complexion was pale but a smile lit up his face . “You want to trade wound for wound? That is the wrong choice . ”

Qin Yu revealed a bloody smile . Receiving the might of a Divine Soul’s palm didn’t leave him any better off . But at this time, his expression didn’t change . He lightly said, “What I am trading for is a life . ”

Zheng Hai frowned .

His form instantly started to fade . He wanted to blend into the curtain of rain but the two were too close at this time . Before his figure could vanish, a translucent finger flew out from between Qin Yu’s eyebrows and entered his body .

Dao arts, Boundless Blue Finger!

Zheng Hai’s body shook and his eyes widened in shock and fear .

In the next moment, all of the light in his eyes disappeared and he fell face down into the mud .

With my wound, I’ll trade for your life!

The curtain of rain within the surrounding 1000 feet was restored to normal . However, a loud rumbling sound entered Qin Yu’s ears, causing his complexion to change .

Without any hesitation, he exploded forwards .

This wasn’t to flee, but to catch up to the troop and get as close as he could to that speedcar .

Several Divine Soul cultivators glanced at him with a stunned expression .

But they had no time to think further about this . This was because the raindrops falling from the vault of heaven suddenly extended and elongated, turning into translucent water swords .

A sword rain was falling from the skies . These weren’t the lyrics to some beautiful song; it was the prelude to a harvesting of life .

With roars of panic, endless waves of magic power erupted, smashing apart those water swords .

But the rain falling down from the skies was endless and boundless . Some people finally couldn’t support themselves and the rain swords pierced through their heads . Blood instantly gushed out .

Once the death began, there was no longer any stopping it . The original 100 Beast Hunting Battalion Nascent Soul cultivators started being cut down at a rapid pace .

And at this time, the person who attacked still hadn’t appeared .

“Controlling the rules…” A Divine Soul cultivator paled .

This was the might of the Blue Sea .

And with the ability to change the rules in such a wide range, it was likely they were at the Revered Blue Sea level .

Against such a terrifying existence, no matter how many Divine Soul cultivators there were, it was simply seeking death .

“Protect the noble one and flee!”

The troop instantly accelerated . No one cared for those that had fallen . They could only pray that this formidable existence would care about their status enough to not directly attack them . Then, once they broke free from this curtain of rain, perhaps there might be a slim chance of survival .

Qin Yu kept his head low and raced forwards . The power of the Five Elements surged within his body as he broke apart all the water swords that approached him . He followed closely behind the speedcar .

The terrifying powerhouse that caused this curtain of rain to fall likely had one goal: the noble one within the speedcar . But at the same time, that noble one likely had the strongest life-maintaining methods .

Only by staying close to the speedcar could he resist the power of a Blue Sea!

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