Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1458A. The Divine Nation

Chapter 1458A. The Divine Nation

Half-Saints in the Sea of Bitterness were also Saints!

There weren’t any ill intentions or mockery behind this sentence. It was simply a fact. Even Half-Saints possessed traits specific to Saints. This included strong sensory abilities.

This was the reason why the four people behind Qin Yu were nervous from the start. They had sensed a strange aura in this world that made them uneasy.

As such, they were respectful in front of Holy Light Saint, holding him in high regard.

If not for this, they would only put on a base level of respect for the puny chicken after seeing Qin Yu’s actions. This would be so no matter how strong the chicken was and how domineering he seemed.

After they heard Qin Yu’s words, a flicker of worry inevitably crossed their eyes.

Mister Ninth did not seem to have an ordinary relationship with the chicken…they hoped that things would proceed smoothly.

Thankfully, most of the believers below the altar had already left and they were the only ones left with the Holy Light Saint…the four people’s pupils shrunk. If anything went wrong, they should be able to be of help.

However, in the next instant, the actions of the Holy Light Saint scorched them from inside out like thunder and fire. All their beliefs were completely burnt to dust!

This? How can this be? Was this really it? In the end, they came to a conclusion – this powerful attribute of shamelessness required absolute talent.

“Master, my beloved and most kind master. I worked so hard for so many years, and I’ve finally met you again!”

The four people had their mouths gaping open in shock as the Holy Light Saint hopped forward enthusiastically and hugged Qin Yu’s legs. He shed tears of joy unstoppably. This was a heart-wrenching reunion that made onlookers shed tears!

Through his cries, everyone could feel the utter grief and longing he had from the separation.

This was so touching!

Qin Yu’s lips twitched. As his cultivation increased, his shamelessness was also raised to another level.

Using such a crude method to get away with what he did was an underestimation of Qin Yu’s abilities. He smirked coldly, “Is that so? Why do I feel like you are ready to turn and leave at any moment?”

The cries of Holy Light Saint grew even worse and when he raised his head, his face glistened with tears, “I thought a strong opponent came so I wanted to run away. I would rather die than forgo this reunion with Master.”

Qin Yu scoffed, “Is that so? Why do I feel that you wanted to escape after you realized that it was me?”

Cold sweat dotted his forehead but this was covered by the splendid crown made of feathers he wore. Holy Light Saint wept continuously and swore his loyalty. Qin Yu could not help sighing in amazement; why would he impose such vicious promises on himself?

In the end, Qin Yu waved his hand to cut Holy Light Saint off. If he had not done so, Holy Light Saint would have droned on about his loyalty overnight.

“Master, do you believe me? My sincerity comes from the bottom of my heart and I was really looking forward to meeting you.” He swore so firmly that he almost believed it himself.

Qin Yu scoffed coldly, “Is that so? Then why were you so eager to see me?”

Holy Light Saint answered in wonder, “Of course because I wanted to help you overcome all obstacles. I will have no regrets even if I die.”

“Is that so?”

“Master, please believe my words. I am as pure as gold!”

Qin Yu’s gaze swept across the four people behind him. They were so stunned they were as still as wood. In terms of shamelessness, the four of them were a far cry away from Holy Light Saint.

He coughed lightly to dismiss this thought. Looking at the altar below him, he turned to observe the rest of the world. He said, “It seems you were leading a good life in the time that I was gone.”

Holy Light Saint smiled brightly, “How can I compare to Master? Each living day was a moment of suffering…cough cough, I only wanted to share Master’s burdens by taking in all these creatures as believers. Perhaps they will be of use to you someday.”

Qin Yu nodded gleefully, “It seems that I really misunderstood your intentions.”

Holy Light Saint beamed with joy, “I am glad that there are no misunderstandings between us! I do not feel wronged!”

Wronged? You are really shameless!

Qin Yu scoffed to himself. Stomping down, he asked, “Is there anything going on with this altar? I heard that this was called the Divine Nation?”

He started to have cold sweat again. Holy Light Saint looked at how calm Qin Yu was and he did not sense anything amiss. However, he had an uneasy feeling in his heart.

After pondering, Holy Light Saint carefully chose his words, “Divine Nation or not, it is made up to fool the believers. After all, Master, you should also know that these foolish devotees want to believe in something grand.”

Qin Yu made an ‘oh’ sound. He continued, “I see, I thought this place would be different.”

Holy Light Saint shook his head, “Nothing, it is just an ordinary small world, similar to many others.”

Qin Yu nodded, “That is good. I don’t have to feel uneasy anymore.”

Holy Light Saint trembled slightly, “Master, what…do you mean?”

Qin Yu said, “Nothing much. I am going to use your small world.”

There was silence.

Looking at Holy Light Saint’s expression of disbelief, Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and challenged, “Didn’t you hear me? I am going to use this small world.”


Holy Light Saint fell to the ground as his knees grew weak. He finally relaxed his wings that were hugging his legs. Then, he rolled lethargically on the ground.

Qin Yu wore a look of concern and he chided, “Even if you are very excited to see me, you have to take care of yourself. How can you trip over yourself? I am still hoping that you will be able to work for me in the future.”

Tears streaked down Holy Light Saint’s face again and he felt like he had dug a hole to bury himself.

His lips quivered and he looked like he was about to say something. He raised his head and met Qin Yu’s concerned gaze. Qin Yu asked, “Do you feel that it is a pity for me to take your small world away?”

Qin Yu wore a kind look. His gaze was soft and he wore a bright smile. However, this expression felt like the look of a devil in Holy Light Saint’s eyes. Qin Yu was like a devil with a pointed tail swaying behind him as he waited for Holy Light Saint to admit it.

Shuddering, Holy Light Saint cried even harder, “Master, don’t joke around. Of course I am emotional because I…I am thankful that Master has chosen this small world. It is my honor to gift you this small world.”

At first, Holy Light Saint’s words were choppy and he spoke nervously. But towards the end, his words flowed along smoothly and they felt sincere. Not only was he more shameless, he was also much more capable.

Oh, he had to be careful in the future. He could not treat Holy Light Saint as the wild and reckless chicken overlord from back then.

If Holy Light Saint knew that Qin Yu had started to become wary of him because of his actions now, he would have wanted to slap himself for his big mouth.

He knew that this jinx was like a monkey but he still did not behave himself. He really did not know the taste of death.

Behind Qin Yu, Soaring Sky, Rice Paper, Ruan Jing, and Zhou Lei finally regained their senses. They exchanged glances with each other as they thought about what happened. They were all shocked by how many secrets Mister Ninth had.

He had made all the arrangements in this small world without a sound. Once everything was settled, he came back for his harvest, easily getting an entire small world under his control.

What? You thought that this was a coincidence? How gullible!

The Vast Brightness World was so big and there were so many small worlds in it; it was impossible to give an accurate count.

Qin Yu brought them into a certain small world without any hesitation and things unfolded along with it. How could this be a coincidence?

If I really believed it, I would be a real idiot who has a hole in my brain that is constantly being filled with water entering from my ears!

In other words, this powerful Holy Light Saint was a pawn for Mister Ninth. He just did not know it.

Such a powerful creature was merely a tool for Mister Ninth…at this moment, the respect the four people had for Qin Yu stepped up to another level. The more they thought about it, the more they respected and also feared him. They would do their best in anything Mister Ninth instructed of them in the future. They should not have any unbecoming thoughts or the consequences would be severe!

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