Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1443: Darkness Ruler in the Palace

Chapter 1443: Darkness Ruler in the Palace

The mysterious being seemed to have made up its mind on staying and lingering shamelessly. Qin Yu had no choice.

The only good thing was that Qin Yu had realized this and was able to be prepared so that he would not be flustered when the time came.

Of course, this was just a way to console himself. Because until now he still was not sure what its goal was.

This was something that made him feel uneasy.

Looking at the pretty eyes blinking at him, Qin Yu resisted punching it.

“Qin Yu ah, you don’t have to be too moved. I am always nice to the people I like. Don’t worry, I will be just behind you. Whenever you cannot handle it, you can just call on me. I will settle it nicely for you.”

It opened up the conversation!

Qin Yu gritted his teeth. Moved? More like angered. But getting angry was useless. Since he had decided to bear with it, he would not delay any longer. He breathed deeply to regulate his emotions. Looking coldly at it, Qin Yu stepped into the palace. Without him needing to use his hands, the palace doors opened silently. The inside was completely empty, with nothing blocking his view.

It was obvious that Qin Yu could just step in if he wanted.

Earlier on, it was the darkness puppets that seemed easy to deal with. If Qin Yu did not make that deal with the mysterious being, it would have been extremely difficult. Even if he could forcefully kill them, he would have wasted a lot of energy.

The second obstacle was the ring-like mountain. He had to transform his aura in order to pass successfully. In this world, probably only Qin Yu was able to use the innate spirit energy to change his aura. So compared to the darkness puppets, this was actually harder.

So as Qin Yu stood in front of the palace and saw how the door opened silently, he had a weird feeling and could not help but frown.

This…was too easy…

The palace was probably like the ring-like mountain; they were both built to restrict the Darkness Ruler. And with Qin Yu’s aura being similar to the Darkness Ruler’s now, it was possible that it recognized him and allowed him to enter.

But somehow, he felt that something was off. As he stared at the opened door, the mixture of unease grew more intense.

Time was of the essence and of course Qin Yu could not delay for too long at this point. Since he was not sure what was going on in the palace, the best way would be to ask someone who was in there.

Eye of Eternal Night was here!

Standing outside the palace, although his trace was not obvious, Qin Yu was able to clearly detect his aura.

“Eye of Eternal Night, can I enter the palace?” He spoke in a low voice that resounded into the palace, echoing against the walls.

Over time, the sound eventually quietened but he did not get any response. Qin Yu frowned as his eyes lit up.

“Qin Yu, I will give you a piece of advice for free. This palace is very dangerous. I advise you not to enter.” A warm and caring voice floated into his head. “If you get hurt, my heart will ache for you. Why don’t you leave this to me. I will finish everything very quickly.”

Qin Yu looked solemn as he remained silent. He ignored what he said as he looked across the palace. He suddenly punched out. An intense dark aura surged into the palace from the door and caused the air to shake.

Since this palace was to restrict the Darkness Ruler, then after taking that hit, it would have to react. That’s right. This was very risky but it was better than stepping in without any idea.

Qin Yu’s assumption was right. As the dark aura filled the palace, the palace trembled slightly.

Lines of writings appeared on the clean and pristine walls of the palace and emitted an intense suppressing power.

With a grunt, a figure appeared in the palace. It was the Darkness Ruler who had previously escaped.

Now, his missing bottom half seemed to have recovered fully. But upon closer inspection, one would realize that it slightly resembled an illusion. It looked a bit misty and numerous veins were slowly gathering.

Alas, the Darkness Ruler was not easily defeated. In such a short time, he was able to settle his injury and repair his body.

If he was given more time, this Darkness Ruler would be able to return back to normal. But after Eye of Eternal Night’s attack, it should have been more certain. Why was this critical damage so easily repaired?

Qin Yu’s pupils shrank as he noticed that the Darkness Ruler was wearing a crown. It was completely black and seemed to blend in with the darkness by the side. It was only because Qin Yu knew the Path of Darkness and observed carefully that he was able to detect it.

The crown was extremely luxurious and gave an ancient and threatening feeling. It seemed like a real crown worn by a monarch. In the middle of the crown, there was a black gem embedded within it.

Eye of Eternal Night!

This guy had clearly been chasing the Darkness Ruler. How did he end up like this? No wonder there was no response. He had been completely defeated.

And the reason why the Darkness Ruler was able to recover so quickly has something to do with the fact that he managed to defeat Eye of Eternal Night…he had most likely taken away his power!

Thinking about how Eye of Eternal Night had swallowed the Ruler’s bottom half, he was sure of this.

The situation had worsened and Qin Yu frowned, looking extremely serious.

Initially, he had planned to work together with Eye of Eternal Night to defeat the Darkness Ruler. But now, the tide had turned and his helper had turned to prey.

Qin Yu’s first thought was to leave the World of Darkness as fast as possible. From how the Darkness Ruler hardly ever came out previously, he knew that the Darkness Ruler was facing severe restrictions from the palace.

But as soon as he had these thoughts, he immediately suppressed them. Firstly, Qin Yu was not confident that he would be able to leave through the ring-like mountain. Secondly…once the Darkness Ruler was able to successfully swallow Eye of Eternal Night, his power would increase drastically. He would be able to plug the gap that he was missing and become a true force equivalent to a Ruler.

When the time came, Qin Yu would be in trouble. After suffering so much, the Darkness Ruler would definitely chase him down.

Qin Yu knew that the Darkness Ruler would not leave him alone.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yu gritted his teeth. He was about to summon the Sun Moon Illusion and request the Ruler’s help.

The reason was ample. Eye of Eternal Night was once your subordinate. I am powerless to help him but I cannot just watch him die like this.

On the other hand, you were the one that arranged for Eye of Eternal Night to help me enter the West Desolate. You have to be responsible for how things turned out.

Yes, just like that!

Qin Yu had his mind set. But at this moment, a gentle voice could be heard, “Qin Yu, are you sure you want to call on the pretty sister you have? She is indeed powerful enough to deal with the troubles you face. But don’t forget where you are. That pretty sister can forget about staying hidden from the West Desolate.”

Qin Yu was startled as he glanced at the eyes floating beside him. He was surprised at how much it knew, and what it said made a lot of sense.

Although he had not interacted with her much, he could sense that that woman was not willing to come into contact with the West Desolate.

Moreover, she was preparing something now. If he spoilt her plan…sss, the outcome would be disastrous!

His hands which were semi-lifted to call upon the Ruler froze and he slowly put them down. Maybe summoning the Ruler was not the best choice.

Then what should he do?

Just as Qin Yu was thinking, the Darkness Ruler laughed lightly and said slowly, “Mister Nine, you are smarter than I thought. You actually forced me to appear using this method.”

Pausing, he sounded a lot happier, “It is a pity that Eye of Eternal Night was not as cautious as you. Hence, he has now been defeated by me.”

He pointed to the black crown on his head and the gem embedded in it. “Anyhow eating was a very dumb move and I am paying for it. But I never thought that Eye of Eternal would do the same thing.”

Qin Yu seemed to come to a realization. What he meant was that when Eye of Eternal Night swallowed the Darkness Ruler’s bottom half, the Darkness Ruler had already started planning. And this was how Eye of Eternal Night ended up suppressed!

The Darkness Ruler was scheming, shrewd, and downright horrifying. Instinct told Qin Yu that his assumptions were most likely right.

Seeing Qin Yu’s overcast mood, but how he remained silent, the Darkness Ruler chuckled as he continued to speak in a soft dark voice, “Why are you not coming in?”

Qin Yu frowned, “I don’t want to, so I won’t enter.”

The Darkness Ruler nodded, “You have a very keen sense when it comes to detecting danger. I wanted to lure you in and use you to escape but I guess that is not happening.”

He seemed to sigh with regret and slight disappointment showed. He did not intend to hide his intentions at all.

Qin Yu’s expression changed as he thought of how he successfully crossed the ring-like mountain and reached this silent palace in front of him. His eyes grew angry and he finally realized why he had been feeling uneasy.

His aura now was similar to the Darkness Ruler’s. This meant that to the palace, there was no difference in restricting either of them.

Once Qin Yu entered the palace, the Darkness Ruler would have the chance to escape from here and Qin Yu would take his place!

But why did he tell Qin Yu this?

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