Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1310: Great Force

Chapter 1310: Great Force

Thousand Saint rubbed his forehead in pain. They obviously knew that the threat of the True Saint from the shore but he still wanted to speed up the plan. If something went wrong, Black Turtle would lose his life and Thousand Saint would be in danger too.

After all, the process of changing into a dark creature involved Thousand Saint. If he rejected the plan…he would instantly create animosity with the old turtle. He would definitely change faces.

This was the outcome if the darkness world refused to accept him.

A few breaths later, Thousand Saint spoke, “Brother Turtle, listen to me, I have no opinions on bringing things forward. But you must know that if there is outside interference during the transformation process, it would be highly dangerous.

“The hidden intruder’s identity is unknown. But the fact that he chose to appear now means that he is trying to stop you from completing the transformation…so we can plan in advance and lure him out.”

Black Turtle’s dark eyes emerged from the turtle shell, “Thousand Saint, what are you trying to say? Stop baiting me!”

Thousand Saint’s deep voice continued, “We can start the world of darkness, lure other True Saints, and create a net. Brother Turtle, you know that a True Saint cannot attack as he pleases in my world of darkness and he must pay a price. As such, I need a good enough reason to mobilize the other True Saints.” With that, a flash crossed his eyes.

Black Turtle was about to die from old age. Although there were other reasons, this turtle had lived for a long time; he was scheming and cautious. It was not easy to plot against him.

Of course, the most important thing was that Thousand Saint had sensed that there was still a lingering aura in the air.

There was silence and the air was suffocating. Thousand Saint maintained a calm expression. Everything he said was the truth. Although he had other intentions, it was still a legitimate plan. Even if Black Turtle knew about this, he wanted to live and he had no other choice.

Was anything else in the world more important than life or death? Perhaps for some people there was, but Black Turtle was not like them.

“Innate spirit!” Black Turtle’s voice was calm and he said, “Thousand Saint, what you are feeling belongs to the innate spirit.”

Thousand Saint sighed deeply and asked, “Brother Turtle, how are you sure?”

Innate spirits were a secret of the world and a kind of creature only spoken of in legends. They were born from the world and no one had actually seen them.

A look of mockery crossed Thousand Saint’s face, “As expected, the World of Darkness had its doubts earlier on.”

Thousand Saint did not doubt this. “Many people tried to think of reasons why the Lost Garden could survive till this day. The World of Darkness is the same. The phenomenal increase in strength of that young man from the Peach Garden raised many suspicions but no one had definite proof. As such, we return to the original question. Brother Turtle, how do you know that this belongs to the innate spirit?”

Black Turtle fell silent and lightly explained, “It is simple. I came from the Lost Garden and the reason why I am this strong is because I absorbed some strength from the innate spirit.”

The East Sea was ruled by a True Saint and yet the Red Peak Straits was independent. People who knew about this would feel surprised.

After all, the strength of a True Saint was terrifying. Anyone who could go against a True Saint would be famous in the Vast Brightness World. As such, Black Turtle was pretty famous in the Saint circle.

Many people had tried to guess Black Turtle’s origins and some people said that he was an ancient creature that managed to live this long. Others guessed that he was an anomaly in the world, but no one imagined that Black Turtle actually came from the Lost Garden.

“No way!” Thousand Saint exclaimed, “Brother Turtle, don’t deceive me. We know that the rules in the Lost Garden and the Vast Brightness World are not compatible. The creatures in the Lost Garden can not leave that place. How can Brother Turtle have lived till today?”

Black Turtle gave a side glance to him, “If I wanted to deceive you, I would not use such an obvious lie…you mentioned the incompatibility of rules, that affects me too.” He paused for a second, “Thousand Saint, didn’t you always want to know why my life source would be affected despite my turtle physical body and my cultivation? This is the price I have to pay for leaving Lost Garden and living in Vast Brightness World.

“As to how I pulled this off, it is related to the Catastrophic Battle previously. It caused a change in the Vast Brightness World and gave me a chance. You can choose whether to believe this or not, but with current circumstances, I don’t have any reasons to lie to you…the one who attacked me is Qin Yu from the Peach Garden!”

There was hesitation in Thousand Saint’s eyes. Although he had a lot of doubts, something was telling him that Black Turtle was not lying. With this thought, his heart suddenly beat faster. Despite being a True Saint, he felt his lips turn dry from nervousness.

The ninth disciple from the Peach Garden, Qin Yu, became so famous in the Vast Brightness World overnight. The killing of the Nether Saint by him and the Spring Master made him a sensation.

The Saint circle may seem peaceful, but there were many eyes watching Qin Yu’s movements very carefully but greedily.

The wariness was because the Nether Saint had died. The greed…hehe. A young man had gained the strength to kill a True Saint in such a short period of time. There was definitely a secret to this!

Thousand Saint was now one of the first few people to learn of this truth.

The innate spirit, the energy within an innate spirit…he did not know how Qin Yu could have absorbed this energy, but this was not the point.

Most importantly, he had to crush Qin Yu and steal this strength for himself…Qin Yu was now in the Red Peak Straits!

If Thousand Saint had some doubts before, these were swept away by a storm and he was fully determined.

There was only one thought in his mind…lure Qin Yu out and crush him!

“I will invite two other darkness True Saints into the Red Peak Straits. Brother Turtle, I hope nothing will go wrong from your side…” The darkness dissipated and Thousand Saint left. His last words seemed calm, but there was a hidden threat in them.

Within the turtle shell, the mockery in Black Turtle’s expression grew even more intense. The little rat from the World of Darkness. He had an irritating personality. Of course he wanted to take advantage of the situation and not take on too many risks. In this world, how would chances come about without risks. The more you desire, the higher the price to pay.

He threw a punch out in rage. He had guessed Qin Yu’s identity but did not say anything else. He wanted to pull forward the transformation and lure Thousand Saint to raise this matter by himself. Did Thousand Saint really think that he would not have noticed the aura from the innate spirit in the air? Could he not erase it in advance? What a joke!

Originally it was a very simple replacement, but Thousand Saint did not sense it. It was not because he was stupid but because he was too greedy that he was blinded by it. Hence, greed was the greatest crime in this world.

Black Turtle chose to leave the Lost Garden back then and this was his outcome: a pathetic individual who had to suffer numerous years of suffering.

He had to pay the price for his greed…hopefully, the three darkness True Saints would have sufficient strength to pull him through this.

His eyes were dark. Did anyone have the ability to obtain the innate spirit strength? Since he had it, it was a great force.

Now, Qin Yu from the Peach Garden had that great force!

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