Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1296: Trouble

Chapter 1296: Trouble

In order to prevent this kind of trouble, Qin Yu decided to leave first. He did not follow elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister. Instead, he chose to take another exit to leave the Lost Garden by himself.

To Qin Yu, who had mastered the Rule System body, it was a very simple thing to do and as long as he was careful, he would not be noticed.

When he was leaving, with an expression that seemed to be smiling, Thousand Faces asked him where he was going to go. Wasn’t there only one exit from the Lost Garden? Qin Yu almost thought that she had noticed something.

He could not answer and could only chuckle dryly before turning to leave quickly.

Actually, seventh apprentice sister was right. There was only one opening in the Lost Garden to enter and exit through…but this only applied to others.

The Lost Garden’s existence was based on the innate spirit’s corpse as a foundation. Now, all its energy was gone and in Qin Yu.

Hence, whenever Qin Yu wanted to leave, he could. He could leave from anywhere he wanted.

He had thought of bringing elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister but this would require him to explain many things and it would not be easy. For example, the innate spirit or how he obtained his power today.

Qin Yu felt that the fewer people knew about the existence of the innate spirit, the better. As long as he did not admit to it, no one would be able to prove anything even if they suspected something.

Of course, when he made this decision, the most important thing was that the Spring Master was sure to come after such a huge commotion.

With the Spring Master present, elder apprentice senior and seventh apprentice sister would be safe.

There was not much time left. It would be here.

Whoosh –

Stopping, Qin Yu lifted his hand and made a slicing action. The air split without a sound and a black crack appeared. Without hesitating, he stepped into it.

Nine Heads followed him obediently.


Dragon Mountain Half-Saint’s face was pale as a faint blood color appeared in his eyes. His body trembled lightly as the veins on the back of his hand popped.

Dragon Peak, his son, the son that he had such high hopes for, had died just like that.

The numerous years of blood, sweat and energy that he had put in to groom his son just vanished like that. If not for the Saint having a strong mind, he would have gone crazy a long time ago.

What exactly happened in the Lost Garden? With Dragon Peak’s power and prudence, he actually died.

I have to find the answer!

Taking a deep breath, Dragon Mountain Half-Saint’s eyes glanced to the side. He could feel a heavy aura.

At this moment, there were numerous Saints gathered at the exit of the Lost Garden and many of them had the cold and unwelcome demeanor of strangers…from this, Dragon Mountain Half-Saint guessed that…something huge must have happened in the Lost Garden!

Was it the work of ancient creatures or…Dragon Mountain Half-Saint took a deep breath as a menacing look flashed in his eyes.

It would be bad if it was someone older and more senior than him, but if it was someone more junior…no matter what, they would die together with his son!


The entire journey he took to leave the Lost Garden was silent and peaceful, without a hint of danger. Of course, his best choice was to hurry and leave this place. The further away he was the better.

But elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister was still here.

Logically speaking, if the Spring Master was here with them, no one would dare to touch them. However, unless he saw them leave safely, he would still not feel assured.

“Do you think I should go over?” Qin Yu suddenly asked.

Nine Heads smiled brightly, “If you want to go then go ahead. From my point of view, no one would dare to touch you.”

Qin Yu nodded, “That makes sense.” He took a step forwards and waves appeared in the air. His body disappeared in the wind.

“Master, wait for me.”

A few moments later, Qin Yu and Nine Heads stepped out of the air waves. He looked ahead and his expression changed slightly.

Alas, elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister were right. Too many people died in the Lost Garden and a lot of those who had died were top cultivators in the Saint circle.

From what Qin Yu could sense, there were at least twenty Saints hidden around the area. It was obvious there were waiting for the Lost Garden to open to find out what happened.

He would stop here. After seeing elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister leave, he would leave as well. Hmm, maybe he could also try and find Cang Zhu if she was still here.


At the entrance of the Lost Garden, there were quite a number of cultivators around and most of them had shocked expressions. Their eyes kept darting to different corners.

The chief disciple of the Peach Garden and seventh apprentice sister were also here. Their expressions were extremely calm and from how they looked, no one would be able to sense anything.

The Prince of Heavenly Palace landed close by and could sense many prying eyes. He felt extremely dissatisfied. He really felt like bellowing out and ask them what they were looking at. This entire thing had nothing to do with him. If they wanted to hold someone responsible, they should look for the Peach Garden!

Of course, he only thought this but did not dare to say it. Or at least for now, he definitely did not dare.

He still had not left the Lost Garden and who knew what else these people had up their sleeves.

Xu She did not forget that it had been a very powerful woman who brought Qin Yu to the altar. She had yet to show herself.

As he thought about this, a chill ran down his spine. He quickly tried to enhance his vision and sense of smell…no, I should just close my eyes. You can all do whatever you want. I have nothing to do with this. Don’t expect me to draw any attention.

The two people from the Peach Garden who had arrived with Xu She looked extremely calm but were secretly communicating through the imprint that their junior gave them.

Elder apprentice brother was calm, “Seventh apprentice sister, why must we damage Qin Yu’s reputation; we can just find a reason to push the blame.”

Thousand Faces said, “Elder apprentice brother, do you really think it would be so easy to push the blame for this entire thing?”

Elder apprentice brother was silent.

“See, you knew it. That giant snake corpse is not normal and so many people died, including Western Mountain’s Nine Heads and Nether Ye Xing. We have to give them an explanation.”

Elder apprentice brother sighed, “Our junior brother is extremely smart, how can he not know what you are thinking, I am only worried…”

He was cut off by Thousand Faces, “It is precisely because he is smart that you don’t have to worry. You and I both saw how he killed Dragon Peak. He must have had some good harvests. As a person who has benefitted from the Lost Garden, so what if he takes a bit of blame?” She paused before continuing, “At most, after he repays us, I will say fewer things so that he won’t suffer so much.”

Elder apprentice brother was silent.

Thousand Faces was not in a great mood, “Okay fine, I know you feel bad. I will apologize to junior-apprentice brother after this okay? I will be the bad person, and you can be the justified and honest senior.”

Elder apprentice brother chuckled bitterly, “You know that is not what I meant…” He then paused and let out a sigh, “Forget it, there is no point talking about all of this now. I just hope that this can all pass quickly, and the less trouble, the better.”

Crack –

Crack –

A soft cracking sound could be heard and everyone near the entrance lifted their heads. They looked up at the dome above them. A black hole appeared in the air above.

The entrance had opened.


“Let’s go!”

“Let’s return!”

Whoosh –

Whoosh –

Everyone rushed towards the sky and disappeared into the black hole.

The air distorted and a shadow appeared. The person had an extremely strong Saint aura that swept over the entire area.


The first two cultivators burst into smiles as they rushed out of the Lost Garden.

“Hmph! Tell me, what exactly happened? Why did your senior die!”

The both of them subconsciously turned their heads and glanced behind.

The Saint sneered, “What are you both hesitating for? Tell me everything you know. I will settle it for you!”

“Master, on one of the days in the Lost Garden, there was a sudden and strong divine sense that pointed towards a heaven-holding mountain in the Lost Garden. Our cultivation levels were not high enough and we met with some trouble midway. We had no choice but to give up.

“Senior continued on and he must have entered the mountain. We don’t know what happened but a horrifying aura was emitted from inside the mountain. The mountain’s peak exploded and a head floated up into the sky as if it was looking down at the world with horrifying eyes.

“We don’t exactly know what happened, but almost all the cultivators who entered the mountain died. Only the the Peach Garden disciples and the Prince of Heavenly Palace managed to escape.”

They answered and described everything that happened.

The Saint’s expression changed slightly. The Peach Garden and Heavenly Palace…they were both powerful Holy Lands and as a Half-Saint, he could not create trouble with them. But very soon, he caught the crucial point in what the two disciples were saying, “So you are saying that only the Peach Garden disciples and the Prince of Heavenly Palace came out completely unharmed?”

The two cultivators rushed to answer, “That’s right.”

The Saint swiped his sleeves and an invisible power surged outward, pulling the two disciples behind him. A sinister look filled his eyes. This issue would not pass over so quickly; he had to patiently wait.

The Peach Garden, Heavenly Palace. Hehe, so what if they were powerful? From what he knew, many young cultivators from the Saint circle were lost and this incident had caused huge damage. They had to give an explanation.

At the same time, many similar questions were being asked all around them. All the Saints who briefly understood what was going on felt something – today, they had to find out!

When elder apprentice brother and seventh apprentice sister walked out of the black hole, they could immediately sense the strong intimidating looks on them.


Alas, trouble had come.

Elder apprentice brother stepped forwards and waved his hands, “Greetings, various Saints.”

After a few moments of silence, a cold voice sounded, “I don’t need your greetings, I just want to know what exactly happened in the mountain. How could my group be almost completely wiped out?”

“That’s right, since you both managed to escape unscathed, you should be able to answer our questions.”

“Tell us.”

The air was thick with a horrifying pressure as if it was going to freeze and create a formless prison.

Having already suffered heavy injuries, the pressure caused elder apprentice brother to sigh as blood appeared at the corners of his lips. He reached out to hold Thousand Faces and shook his head. He said lowly, “I understand how all of you are feeling right now. However, as cultivators we face the risk of death and this is all the heavens’ fate. I can promise that all the cultivators who died today had nothing to do with the Peach Garden!”

“You are lying!” A furious shout could be heard. A cultivator who had just exited the Lost Garden looked extremely furious, “I am a disciple of Western Mountain. My senior Nine Heads entered the mountain and we were communicating with him in order to provide support should anything go wrong. Although we did not see what happened in the middle, after the mountain peak exploded, we saw everything. It was the Peach Garden’s disciple, Qin Yu, who used strange methods to take control of our senior, Nine Heads. He then killed Nine Heads’ partner, a cultivator named Dragon Peak!”

The crowd burst into an uproar.

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