Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1149A. Undying Body

Chapter 1149A. Undying Body

Of course, if he wanted to kill Qin Yu, this alone wasn’t enough. Because the two True Kings in front of him wouldn’t watch on and do nothing as he was eliminated.

Although these two True Kings might wish that they could dismember Qin Yu and then fry him in oil, they were now all grasshoppers on the same rope. If they wanted to survive they had to join forces.

So to kill Qin Yu, he had to trap the two True Kings so that they couldn’t aid him.

Bang –

A deep thunderous rumbling erupted again and again. It was so dense and intense that it even covered up the sound of cracking space. The shattered space crazily collapsed inwards and compressed; this was where the loud explosions had come from.

It was like a prison formed from the void. It wasn’t that strong and it couldn’t resist the power of a True King, and it could be torn apart in a single blow.

But what if two layers of space were overlapped together? If that wasn’t enough, what about three layers? And if three layers wasn’t enough, there could be four, forty, four hundred, or even more!

The powerful forces produced from countless layers of space being compressed together were able to produce a prison-like effect.

Of course, unless the compressed space could be superimposed infinitely, it would eventually be smashed by a True King sooner or later. But what Old Turtle wanted was not to imprison these two True Kings. He just wanted them to be unable to help Qin Yu until Qin Yu died.

Once Qin Yu died, he could restore the might of the abyss’ will. Then, these two True Kings would be fish on the chopping block. He could cook and eat them however he wanted.

Of course, this was a bit of a stretch. A True King was a True King and none of them were easy to deal with! But eating them in the end would be no problem at all.

So Qin Yu’s life and death was the key here…he had to die, die fast and soon!

Old Turtle hated his main body the most, because the abyss’ will unexpectedly desired for him to take his own life and fade away into nothing!

It was simply unforgivable!

But now, for the first time Old Turtle fervently prayed that his main body could hear his pleas and turn his wish into reality.

Qin Yu, hurry and die! Hurry up and die!

Strictly speaking, this could be considered as praying to himself. Although it was laughable, when the target was locked onto the abyss itself, it was impossible for anyone to laugh.

Qin Yu frowned, a dignified light in his eyes. Right now, he could clearly feel that the destructive power released from the shattered space was increasing.

This was a serious issue, because no one’s strength was truly infinite. No matter how astonishing the base number was, in a situation where there was no supplement, there would eventually come a time when it was exhausted.

Qin Yu had no idea how long he could resist, because the power that resisted the shattering space all came from the little blue lamp.

If it was just himself, even if he had his Abyssal Titan True Body, he could only be considered a freakishly strong Demon Commander.

But a Demon Commander was still just a Demon Commander. No matter how abnormally strong a Demon Commander was, they would be torn apart in this shattering space.

Qin Yu had no idea how long the little blue lamp could last. Although he believed in his closest and most beloved partner, this sort of uncertainty and anxiety still left his complexion ugly.

“In fact, your strength has grown rapidly. Looking at the entire abyss and vast universe, you are a top existence amongst the countless trillions of lives.

“But this…still isn’t fast enough. You must become even stronger, because after the move I’ve made today, it will likely initiate a series of uncontrollable changes.

“You may understand this as the dark pull of fate. It will cause you to encounter even more trouble. Certainly, you can take these troubles as challenges that help you grow stronger, as long as you survive them.”

The little blue lamp’s thought fluctuations resounded in Qin Yu’s mind. It was light and without much emotion. Even so, Qin Yu could sense weariness in the voice.

Marking the little blue lamp’s words in his heart, Qin Yu didn’t say much in return. He directly asked,

“Are you fine?”

If the little blue lamp couldn’t last much longer, he would be finished and any more talk would be meaningless. This was the key point.

The little blue lamp was silent for a moment. Then it said, “I’m fine.” As if to reassure Qin Yu, it continued to say, “My weariness is because I am blocking the aura here so that it isn’t discovered…it is merely a shadow; it cannot prove to be any threat to me.”

Block the aura so that it wasn’t discovered? Discovered by who? Of course it was the abyss’ will!

Qin Yu’s heart chilled. A mere shadow that feared death to the extreme and hid itself away for countless years still possessed such terrifying power. Then, how tyrannical would the genuine abyss’ will be?

In an instant, Qin Yu’s heart surged with emotions. But just as this surge appeared, he was interrupted by the little blue lamp. “Don’t think about it too much, otherwise you might be sensed. Although the chance is almost negligible, it is better not to take the risk.”

There was a warning in its voice.

Qin Yu’s complexion changed and he hurriedly restrained his thoughts…even so, he couldn’t help but think about it. There was a chance of being discovered just by thinking about it? How terrifying of an existence was that!

The little blue lamp lightly said, “The difference between you and it is about the same as the distance between this place and the distant bright sun. But do not worry. If things go smoothly this time, perhaps you will have a chance to touch its level.”

After it finished speaking, it silently finished the rest of its words in its mind. The chance of this happening was the same as finding a grain of sand lost at the bottom of the sea.

Actually, it was about 100,000 times smaller than that!

Old Turtle was waiting. He was waiting for Qin Yu to be unable to endure the tearing power of space around him anymore. But as he waited and waited, his complexion started to change.

Because he had waited for far too long, so long that the spatial prison he formed was nearly broken by Ao Fa and King Mystery. Even so, Qin Yu was still alive and kicking.

Compared to the beginning, there was no change at all…yes, there was not even the slightest change. Not even the slightest wound was visible on the towering body of the Abyssal Titan.

How was this possible? With his Demon Commander boundary, no matter how abnormal or freakishly strong he was, there had to be a limit. He should have died by now.

If Qin Yu didn’t die, then the one to die in the end would be him.

And Old Turtle dreaded death the most. So when this thought appeared, he couldn’t help but begin to panic.

This would certainly have a negative effect that accelerated his hurtle towards death. Because when it came to a confrontation at the True King level, any mistakes would be magnified without limit.

Elder Ao Fa and King Mystery roared out loud, and their True King Forms burst forward as they erupted with their greatest strength. Old Turtle had barely been able to hold his own at the start, and now he could no longer resist. With a pitiful cry he was struck and sent flying backwards, countless cracks appearing on his giant body.

Kacha –

Kacha –

As cracks appeared on Old Turtle’s body, cracks also appeared on the towering palace above the earth.

Because they were strictly of one body. Their auras were connected, sharing in both fortune and woe.

Elder Ao Fa and King Mystery’s eyes brightened. The Shadow of Betrayal wouldn’t be able to last much longer. Once he died, the curtain to this drama would come down.

Of course, while they killed the Shadow of Betrayal, they also had to figure out a way to maintain their benefits. Qin Yu…was far more astonishing than they imagined.

When they were imprisoned in the spatial cage, the two True Kings knew that Qin Yu still survived. They also understood what sort of formidable strength this represented.

There had to be a great secret hiding in his body!

What this secret was, the two True Kings didn’t want to know. Or to be more accurate, in order for them to survive more comfortably, even if this secret was placed in front of them they wouldn’t look at it.

It had to be known that in this world, the more one knew the more danger there was for them. They had both lived long enough to understand this truth.

They glanced at each other and immediately came to an agreement: If everything went smoothly then they would all share the benefits. He would be happy, I would be happy, everyone would be happy. But if there was an accident…they would collaborate together and fight back. There was no way they would work so hard in vain!

There were certainly risks. But the harvests in front of them were enough for Elder Ao Fa and King Mystery to come to this decision.

The space where Qin Yu stood was still undergoing the process of shattering and reforming, repeating again and again. However, just like the little blue lamp said, his safety was guaranteed and he sustained no injuries at all.

And Old Turtle was finding that he couldn’t hold on anymore.

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, an earnest light in them. It was coming. This was the final link of the entire plan. It was the highest tide but also represented the most intense danger.

If there was a single misstep, everything he did before would become meaningless.

But in fact, they had all underestimated Old Turtle’s ability to survive…or to be accurate, his will to live on was so tenacious that it left one crying in admiration.

Many times, Ao Fa and King Mystery believed that the Shadow of Betrayal would collapse and fade away. But he still endured and lived.

It was just that his body shrank a great deal and became incomparably gloomy. This was a sign that his strength was nearly exhausted.

But he still lived, no matter how pitifully he was beaten up!

“Die for me!” King Mystery roared in anger. During this battle, his True King Form had suffered serious losses. Every moment for which he continued to maintain this state would require an additional massive amount of time later to heal.

In fact, once his losses surpassed a limit, the difficulty of restoring himself would rise drastically. This was a situation he wasn’t willing to see.

Bang –

With a loud bang, Old Turtle was slammed backwards. Countless cracks spread over his body, but no blood flowed from them. This was because a shadow was unreal to begin with, so of course there was no such thing as flesh and blood.

But he still lived. Even if his face was etched in pain and fiercely twisted into a puzzle, his eyes were still flooded with an intense desire to live.

The reason he desired to live was that he feared death. But what was even more important was that Old Turtle had one final trump card.

However, Old Turtle was hesitating over who to use this trump card on…because this really was his final resort.

If it worked, he would survive. If it didn’t he truly would die with nothing left behind.

Qin Yu’s cultivation was the weakest but he was also the most terrifying. Elder Ao Fa was an Abyssal Demon Dragon, and because his bloodline was beloved by the abyss’ will, he wasn’t a good choice.

That only left King Mystery.

The Nether Royal Bloodline was sufficiently strong. What was even better was that this entire tribe had committed a great sin and was thus rejected and detested by the abyss.

There was no more time!

On Old Turtle’s body that was crisscrossed with countless fissures, his eyes flashed and then he trembled.

Succeed! He had to succeed!

Bang –

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