Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1145B. Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 1145B. Shadow of the Abyss

Outside the vast palace, in the endless darkness, the Abyssal Titan opened its eyes. Hiding in the depths of the pitch black pupils was the eternally glorious light of the great sun.

Qin Yu could clearly feel Old Turtle’s aura began to change through the little blue lamp – he was about to get serious!

Qi Zhen and Thousandhonor Marquis were indeed formidable, but facing the berserk Old Turtle, all that awaited them was death.

They were the same as Blue Sea and Xi Mo, both pawns to be sacrificed in the game…the only difference was that they were a bit stronger.

“Ahh!” Thousandhonor Marquis’ voice was flooded with panic and despair, but he was unable to change his ending.

“Save me! Please, save me!”

He crazily roared out loud, pleading etched on his face. But, he received no response.

Many, many years ago, a shadow of the abyss’ will had produced a thought that it shouldn’t have. It didn’t want to comply with the decision of the main body and expunge itself, so in the abyss, the powerful Nightmare Clan was born.

They were born with incomparably powerful soul powers that were able to restrain other tribes of the abyss. And these abilities were inherited until today.

As the abyss’ shadow survived for longer and longer, it grew increasingly fearful of death…so it would rather endure infinite loneliness and solitude, doing everything within its means to continue surviving.

But this was something that the abyss’ will would never allow. So this was why Thousandhonor Marquis appeared. His mission was to seek out an opportunity to destroy the shadow.

The shadow was extremely careful. Thousandhonor Marquis wasn’t able to find an opportunity, but he wasn’t willing to take risks either. Thus, the stalemate had continued until today.

Then, Qin Yu appeared. Thousandhonor Marquis cooperated with Qi Zhen and was finally forcibly dragged into the ancestral land.

In desperation, Thousandhonor Marquis pleaded for the will of the abyss to save his life. Yet it wasn’t like he didn’t know the truth of the situation. In the end, it was only a shadow. The abyss’ will wouldn’t allow a rogue shadow to continue existing, but it wouldn’t focus too much attention for this reason alone.

As for him, he was just a casual chess piece. In the endless abyss, he was no different from a single drop of water in an endless sea.

To call on the abyss’ will and have it save him from this desperate situation…the chances of this happening were so low that it could be ignored.

Bang –

With an explosion, Thousandhonor Marquis’ aura rapidly vanished.

Qi Zhen was deathly pale, but there was nothing but excitement on his face. He roared, “Come! Hurry and attack me! I’ve waited countless years for this day!”

A complex look appeared in Old Turtle’s eyes. Perhaps he was thinking that as a shadow who was so afraid of death, the little shadow he split out actually had such a personality. It was simply unbelievable.

But while his emotions were complicated, that was it. Old Turtle didn’t hesitate. He raised his hand and slammed out.

Pa –

There was a light and crisp sound, like the last sigh of an inflated bubble as it blew apart.

Qi Zhen was like this bubble. His entire body shattered into countless blocks that soon vanished from sight.

In the darkness, the great sun hidden in the depths of Qin Yu’s eyes suddenly shook. He roared out loud, then lifted a hand and grasped forward.

Bang –

Bang –

Countless tiny crushed auras howled and began to gather over, coming through the cracks of the cracked palace.

The reason he smashed the main hall was to break Old Turtle’s suppression. This was to give Qi Zhen and Thousandhonor Marquis the ability to fight, as well as give himself time to prepare.

But most importantly, in this situation, Old Turtle wasn’t able to completely block out the auras of those two after they died.

Old Turtle was a shadow of the abyss, and Qi Zhen was Old Turtle’s shadow. This relationship was a bit circular, but one thing was clear – Qi Zhen’s aura shared the same origin as the abyss. This was why he was able to perform feats in the outside world that were unbelievable in Qin Yu’s eyes.

As for Thousandhonor Marquis, he was a pawn of the abyss’ will. While this chess piece wasn’t very successful and had likely already been forgotten, the essence of his identity didn’t change. As a chess piece of the abyss, he naturally possessed the aura of the abyss.

Their two abyss auras weren’t much, and a portion was even intercepted by Old Turtle.

But by gathering the remnants, Qin Yu could barely use it. This was the turning point. Qin Yu planned to make use of this abyss aura to forcibly break through the thick shell of ‘Old Turtle’ and pull in two mighty fighters, completing the climax of the plan.

Without a doubt, Elder Ao Fa who took the initiative to come here would be one of those fighters.

As for the other…if King Mystery had known that such a matter would happen to him today, he might have regretted his initial curiosity.

Because sometimes, curiosity could kill not just a cat, but also an incomparably formidable True King.

The vortex still existed in the skies. A period of time had passed since the Chosen Platform entered it.

According to all previous records, the channel could reopen at any time. And the person who walked out would be the new Nightmare King.

Elder Ao Fa and King Mystery stood to one side. The Ancient King Patriarch, Old King Patriarch, and Red Fringe stood to another side.

Even further away, that was where Blackwhite Visage, Cloud Boundless, and the other protectors stood.

Right now, all of them looked at the vortex with a dignified light.

But while they all had dignified looks, the meanings behind them weren’t the same.

Ao Fa and King Mystery were worried about whether they could obtain that thing in the Nightmare Ancestral Land.

The Ancient King Patriarch, Old King Patriarch, and Red Fringe all wanted to know whether they could learn the secrets of the ancestral land this time…as for who the new King was, that didn’t seem to be important…

As for the others, Blackwhite Visage might know some inside information, but the rest were ignorant. Naturally, what concerned them the most was ownership of the throne.

The atmosphere was deathly silent.

From silence to movement. This transition happened without the slightest pause, so abrupt that everyone’s eyes widened.

Their breathing quickened!

The vortex spun once again…just who was the new Nightmare King?

At this time, Elder Ao Fa furrowed his eyebrows. The Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan was known as the favored children of the abyss, and had obtained the high recognition of the abyss.

Faintly, through the dark unknown, they all had an extremely keen sense of danger.

For instance, as the vortex in the skies started to spin, he felt the sudden threat of attack.

To his side, King Mystery revealed a surprised look. He didn’t feel what Ao Fa felt with the same clarity, but his heart also became restless.

Could another accident have occurred in the Nightmare Ancestral Land?

Without giving the two True Kings more time to ponder this, the channel within the vortex reappeared. The road to the ancestral land was opened once again.

Everyone’s eyes widened to their limits. Then, a scene occurred that surpassed their imagination.

The channel opened but no one came out. Rather, an incomparable suction strength suddenly erupted from it.

And the targets of this suction strength were obvious – it was Ao Fa and King Mystery!

The Ancient King Patriarch, Old King Patriarch, and Red Fringe, three Nameless True Kings, all stormed backwards.

They looked at the channel within the vortex and a thought popped into their minds – that one hiding in the ancestral land was finally fighting back against Ao Fa and King Mystery’s arrival!

And this was exactly what they had anticipated.

Perhaps through this, they could confirm the true secret of the ancestral land. They wanted to know, what was the ancestral land? And how was the existence of the Nightmare Clan related to the ancestral land?

Bang –

Bang –

Ao Fa and King Mystery both erupted with their auras. The two Abyssal True Kings frowned, their eyes shining with dignity.

The Nightmare Ancestral Land had finally moved against them!

Shock and anger were inevitable. But, they didn’t feel much panic.

The suction force coming from the vortex was tyrannical, but those at the True King boundary could resist it.

With this, it wanted to drag the two of them into the ancestral land?

Hum hum, that was just laughable!

Moreover, through this, it seemed to have exposed the reality of the Nightmare Ancestral Land.

If it only possessed this level of strength…then taking advantage of this opportunity to make their way into the ancestral land didn’t seem like a bad idea.

They only feared that it might be bait…

Elder Ao Fa glanced at King Mystery, his lips moving as if he wanted to say something. Then, his complexion changed.

“Qin Yu!”

With a roar, terrifying demonic energy fluctuations erupted from his body.

Billowing black demonic energy shook the air. Elder Ao Fa reappeared in his Abyssal Demon Dragon form. He flew into the skies, firing directly into the channel. Then, as countless widened eyes watched, he was stiffly squeezed in and vanished without a trace.

King Mystery’s eyes widened. When did this old dragon become so aggressive? He actually broke in just like that!

No, no, this wasn’t right. Before he left he roared out the name ‘Qin Yu’. Could this matter be related to that junior?

Elder Ao Fa’s entry wasn’t voluntary, but for some reason he entered the ancestral land…if this was the case, he really hoped that old dragon would be buried there.

The Abyssal Demon Dragon Clan was far too terrifying. If they were weakened a little, that was something the Nether Royal Bloodline would be glad to see.

But what if this was that old demon dragon Ao Fa’s deliberate strategy? Had he suddenly discovered something that made him impatient to enter the Nightmare Ancestral Land, and because he was worried there would be competition, he played this little trick to mess with King Mystery’s judgment?

That wasn’t impossible!

King Mystery’s eyebrows furrowed together, his expression indecisive. He hesitated over and over, caught in a dilemma.

But this conundrum only lasted for a brief moment. With a loud bang, the projection of purgatory around his body appeared once again.

Within, a painful figure that was being burned by the flames of purgatory opened his eyes to reveal ecstatic joy.

This figure looked up and stubbornly glared at King Mystery, his emotions rioting like a storm, “You dare to catch this father? Do you not know that I’m someone who has a backer? Now you’ll learn just what fate awaits those who touch me!

“So what if you are a True King? If my master makes a move, you will all fall on your faces…now cower, despair, your lucky days have come to an end!”

At this moment, tears streamed from Shadowless Demon’s eyes. But what a pity, as soon as the tears gushed out they were immediately burned away by the flames of purgatory. He wasn’t able to fully express his emotions as he sobbed with happiness.

But it didn’t matter if he could fully express his emotions or not. What Shadowless Demon wanted to see now was King Mystery being forced to his knees by his master!

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