Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1141: Netherworld Royal Bloodline

Chapter 1141: Netherworld Royal Bloodline

Controlling the Abyssal Gaze and possessing a part of the King boundary’s might ahead of time…it was unknown how Qin Yu managed to achieve this, but he undoubtedly became an existence that dominated above all other competitors.

At this time, even if Blackwhite Visage and Seven Wounds Clan Elder didn’t hesitate to pay any price to kill Cloud Boundless, they wouldn’t necessarily be able to stop Qin Yu from entering the ancestral land.

No one dared to underestimate the strength of the Abyssal Gaze. And the channel was rapidly condensing; it could open at any moment.

For today’s situation, those lurking in the shadows had spent endless time and effort to finally reach this step.

How could they be willing to watch all of their work go to waste and fall short?

Even if this would initiate a series of consequences, they couldn’t care about it anymore.

Opportunity was fleeting. When it was time to make a move, there could be no hesitation!

Bang –

Outside the Chosen Platform, distorted space violently shook. Tiny cracks began to appear.

Then, these cracks rapidly fused together, forming the outline of a gateway.

A hand stretched out from this gateway phantom. The distorted space started to shake several times more fiercely.

Creak –

Grating sounds spread out. It was like countless knives had stabbed into one’s brain and were maliciously stirred around. The gateway began to open.

A tall figure stepped out. His blue and gold robe was covered in complex demonic runes and fluttered around him. A powerful strength lingered around him, isolating out the tearing space.

The pupils of the Ancient King Patriarch and Old King Patriarch both shrank. “Nether Royal Bloodline!”

The tall figure had a light expression, “Nether Mystery greets the Ancient King and Old King Patriarchs.”

His manner was calm and unflustered.

If he had this attitude, it meant he was sufficiently strong. Like the Ancient King Patriarch and Old King Patriarch, they were all people who had stepped onto the path of the Nameless True King.

Of course, an even more important reason was that he possessed a formidable enough background. He could be even fearless when facing the Nightmare Clan. This background was the ‘Nether Royal Bloodline’ that the two old demons both shouted out in unison.

When the abyss formed, countless formidable beings were born. The Nether Royal Bloodline had risen up during these ancient times.

For countless years after, the Nether Royal Bloodline was one of the peak influences of the abyss. They ruled innumerable layers of the abyss and could decide the fate of trillions of lives with just a thought.

But for an unknown reason, at some point in time, the Nether Royal Lineage when into hiding and no longer appeared before others. Even the whereabouts of this entire royal bloodline became a riddle.

But when it came to the great strength of the Nether Royal Bloodline, no one dared to doubt it!

“King Mystery, today is the birth of my tribe’s new King, why have you come here?” The Ancient King Patriarch asked in a booming voice.

Nether Mystery had a light expression, “You and I are both aware, so why waste words arguing.”

The Ancient King Patriarch sneered, “King Mystery, you are too confident in yourself. Do you think that my Nightmare Clan is a place where you can act recklessly?”

“Act recklessly?” Nether Mystery lifted his lips in a mocking smile, “Stop acting. Don’t you two want to know what secret is hidden in the Nightmare Ancestral Land?”

The Old King Patriarch coughed and his face reddened even further. His eyes shined brightly as he looked at Nether Mystery. “King Mystery seems to know a great deal about my tribe’s secrets. I am curious about just where you learned them.”

Then, another voice rang out, “I am the one who invited King Mystery to come today. You two should have been able to guess it, so why pretend to know nothing?”

Space twisted and a woman in a red dress emerged. That’s right, it was a woman who was tall and slender. While she couldn’t be considered especially beautiful, she had a particular presence to her.

Although one couldn’t tell her age through her appearance, her eyes were filled with the vicissitudes of time.

The Nightmare Clan’s three great factions were the Old King’s Lineage, Ancient King’s Lineage, and the New Faction. This red-dressed woman was the leader of the New Faction. Her nickname was…Red Fringe!

“Red Fringe!” The Ancient King Patriarch’s eyes turned sharp, “Do you know that collaborating with outsiders to plot against the ancestral land is an unpardonable crime!”

Red Fringe’s eyes were cold, “Ancient King Patriarch speaks so bravely. If you want to judge my crimes, then go ahead and do it yourself.” Before, it was said that it was impossible for women of the Nightmare Clan to obtain the approval of the ancestral land and become the new Nightmare King.

In other words, Red Fringe had no chance to ascend the throne. But even so, she became the leader of the New Faction.

What she relied on was her own absolutely formidable strength…out of the four Nameless True Kings present, Nether Mystery was an unknown. They couldn’t take action before they determined what the situation was.

But within the Nightmare Clan, out of the three Nameless True Kings, Red Fringe was the strongest…at least, this was how it seemed to be on the surface.

The Old King Patriarch said, “Red Fringe, no matter how strong you are, you are still a part of the Nightmare Clan. You should have a heart of awe and reverence towards the ancestral land.”

“Awe and reverence?” Red Fringe looked at him and suddenly laughed out loud. Although she was a woman, she still seemed heroic and daring. But if one listened carefully, they could perceive helplessness, ridicule, and even a trace of anger from her tone. “Perhaps you should call it a heart of fear instead!”

The Old King Patriarch frowned.

“Why remain silent? What you experienced in the past may be a top secret within the clan, but it cannot be hidden from our eyes and ears.” Red Fringe continued, “Old blockhead, do you really hold no grudges or hate? After all, the reason you have come to this point, suffering for countless years, is all because you and I worship the ancestral land!”

The Ancient King Patriarch shouted out loud, “Red Fringe, watch your words!”

Red Fringe flicked her sleeves and wild demonic energy erupted. It was hard to imagine that a terrifying strength comparable to a great beast was hiding in her slender body.

Bang –

With an explosion, the Ancient King Patriarch was sent flying back. Although he was enraged, he didn’t counterattack at all.


This woman was insane!

She actually dared to fight here, did she not fear…

Red Fringe cackled out loud, “Qi Heng, you must be cursing me and calling me an insane woman, thinking that I dare to attack you here, right? You are afraid that you will suffer the same fate as that old blockhead there, right? If your luck isn’t good…perhaps you will be even more pitiful.

“After all, if that old blockhead wasn’t lucky enough and ruthless enough, he would have been sucked dry into a shriveled block of wood. How could he have survived until this day?”

She turned and glared at the Chosen Platform locked within the space distortion. “Ancestral land, what a great ancestral land! My Nightmare Clan’s inheritance has continued until now, and the throne has never been severed. It grows stronger and stronger by the day, and is called one of the top ten royal bloodlines of the abyss…but is this really what you and I want to see?”

Nether Mystery said, “There’s not much time left.” As he spoke, he looked up at the rapidly condensing vortex in the sky. It was about to finish forming.

The secret within the Nightmare Ancestral Land. He couldn’t determine what it was for sure, but if it was the same as his expectations…the Nether Royal Bloodline’s future would be there!

Everything in the world had a reason. If there weren’t enough benefits to be found, who was willing to take the risk?

Red Fringe took a deep breath and said, “Go. I can at least hold someone down for you…” As she spoke, her lips curved up, “Or perhaps there is no need for me to do anything at all, because what you are going to do next is what they have been hoping for.”

Nether Mystery’s lips twitched as he helplessly looked at Red Fringe, even if he knew that was she said was likely true.

But this feeling where he clearly knew he was being used as a tool by others and still had to do things himself really was uncomfortable.

King Mystery turned and stepped forward. Terrifying strength erupted from his body, colliding with the distorted space.

He wanted to forcibly open up a channel in the distorted space and step onto the Chosen Platform!

Being able to enter the Nightmare Ancestral Land was certainly the best choice, but the possibility was too low and it was difficult to ensure there were no accidents.

Then, using the person they sent in as a medium to obtain what he wanted was the best alternative!

The New Faction’s Xi Mo was King Mystery’s choice!

Rumble rumble –

Terrifying shaking spread through the space distortion. The movements caused by the arrival of a True King were simply unimaginable.

The entire Chosen Platform violently shook. The protectors that stood at the edge of the platform all revealed shock and anger. When they looked at Blackwhite Visage, there was ill intent in their eyes.

This even included Seven Wounds Clan Elder.

Although they were all high level figures of the Nightmare Clan, they still didn’t have the qualifications to know the true secrets of the tribe.

For instance, the mysteries of the ancestral land and all the strange things that occurred there…even the fact that its existence was an unknown hidden danger to the entire Nightmare Clan.

So in the eyes of Seven Wounds Clan Elder and the other protectors, the Nightmare Ancestral Land was the foundation of the entire tribe.

But now, the New Faction dared to collaborate with a True King from the outside to intrude onto the Chosen Platform…although they hadn’t been able to hear the words being spoken outside, it wasn’t difficult to judge the situation through the actions of both sides.

Blackwhite Visage lightly said, “A True King will soon arrive. You should calm down, otherwise if you are casually eliminated, you will just have died in vain.”

As he spoke he looked at Cloud Boundless. “Put away your little thoughts and don’t think of provoking them into attacking me, otherwise I promise you that the first one to die will be you.”

Bang –

Terrifying fluctuations of strength erupted from his body. It was like a mountain had fallen down, heavily pressing on everyone’s chests and making it difficult to breathe.

Cloud Boundless bore the brunt of it. His complexion paled and his pupils shrank as he discovered a desperate truth.

This bastard Blackwhite Visage had been hiding his strength all this time. Although his path of the Nameless True King had a flaw, the incomplete part wasn’t as large as he previously displayed.

Only an extremely small part was truly incomplete…in other words, Blackwhite Visage’s true strength was only a tiny bit less than that of a True King.

Cloud Boundless clenched his teeth and roared in anger, “Blackwhite Visage, what does your New Faction plan on doing? Do not forget that the Chosen Platform is a part of the ancestral land, and the ancestral land is the foundation of my Nightmare Clan!”

Blackwhite Visage was silent for a moment. “I know some things that you do not. I cannot say anything further.” He restrained his aura a little. “But do not forget, everything that the New Faction has done is not in betrayal of the tribe.”

Bang –

Above his head, the distorted space disintegrated and Nether Mystery stepped out, finally arriving on the Chosen Platform. Although he had a calm expression, his body was tensed and he could erupt with his greatest strength at any moment.

After all, this was the Chosen Platform. And the Nightmare Ancestral Land had a mysterious strength that even the entire Nether Royal Bloodline longed for in their dreams.

Luckily, no accidents occurred. It seemed that the Nightmare Ancestral Land had tacitly approved of his existence.

Nether Mystery let out a soft breath. His eyes swept over Qin Yu. If it weren’t for this junior, he wouldn’t have shown himself today.

He hoped that the Nether Royal Bloodline could obtain something extremely important from the Nightmare Ancestral Land.

But when he himself had to do it, feeling anxiety, hesitation, and even fear was inevitable.

Now, saying any of that was meaningless.

Since he arrived on the Chosen Platform, he had prepared himself to withstand all consequences.

But that didn’t mean that Nether Mystery was planning on letting off Qin Yu, the one who had done all of this.


He furrowed his eyebrows. Nether Mystery turned his head to the edge of the Chosen Platform and his ice-cold eyes flashed.

Blackwhite Visage looked at Cloud Boundless with admiration. Cloud Boundless stood there tall and proud, releasing a powerful aura.

He was just a thin line away from the boundary of the True King. Because of this, he could clearly feel the great power of King Mystery. This was almost a disparity in the level of life, something that represented an overwhelming difference in strength!

But facing King Mystery, Cloud Boundless dared to erupt with his own aura, indicating his hostility without hesitation…whether or not this was stupid wouldn’t be mentioned for the time being, but this courage alone surpassed countless people!

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