Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1055 – Peak of the Abyss

Chapter 1055 – Peak of the Abyss

Qin Yu looked at her back and frowned. But, the negative emotions on his face gradually faded away.

He could feel that Feature was hiding something. The current situation shouldn’t be as bad as he imagined.

But Qin Yu wasn’t used to facing so many unknown factors. He felt as if he was wrapped in an underground current and sent blasting forward.

He had no idea where his destination was, nor did he know which way to go.


Letting out a light breath, Qin Yu revealed a decisive expression. If Feature had decided to conceal something at this time, then he could only take things one step at a time.

But no matter what, it was impossible for him to give up…so what if this was the will of the abyss? Hadn’t he also fused together with a part of the abyss’ source? He wouldn’t necessarily die.

When City Lord Blackpool verified the authenticity of the super mighty invincibility pill, he agreed to Old Fox’s plan without hesitation. The exact reason had been mentioned before. This could be called Great Deer City’s final chance.

If the three Demon Commander level demon beasts outside were slain, then this disaster could be averted. Otherwise, this great city that had stood tall in the abyss for ten million years would become a stretch of ruins.

City Lord Mansion, Merry Forest, Thousand Eye Temple, Three Lives Pavilion.

These were Great Deer City’s four peak influences. All of them mobilized their peak, complete strength.

A fully 40 armed Demon Generals would follow them out of the city and slaughter their way through the beast tide!

“Everyone, the life and death of Great Deer City is in your hands…set out!” City Lord Blackpool roared, his voice cracking the air.

Shadowless Demon took a step back and vanished from sight. Using his super concealment ability he acted as the eyes of Great Deer City. Once they locked onto the position of the three Demon Commander level demon beasts, they would encircle them and kill them all in one fell swoop.

As the last trace of demon energy vanished, Old Fox turned and glanced at Yin Hanxin, “Until they return, you and I are responsible for transferring Great Deer City’s remaining strength to resist the beast tide.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t allow the Three Lives Pavilion branch division to be destroyed here.” Yin Hanxin turned and left.

It was just that at this moment, Old Fox didn’t sense the light shining in Yin Hanxin’s eyes. Three Lives Pavilion did have a supreme status in Yin Hanxin’s life, because it was the final achievement that he had gained after struggling for his entire life.

But if he could obtain something that was even more important than this Three Lives Pavilion branch division, then abandoning it wasn’t impossible.

After all, everything in this world had value, they were just at different values. If there were enough gains, exchanging and abandoning was a logical process.

Right now, Yin Hanxin had grasped nearly unprecedented authority within Great Deer City. Relying on this authority, then as long as Great Deer City wasn’t broken through, he was nearly omnipotent.

He licked his lips and slowly said, “Then let me see just what secret you are hiding…after all, there has to be a reason for why the beast tide changed!”

Things progressed far more smoothly than expected. Yin Hanxin who controlled half of Great Deer City soon obtained some key information.

Then, his eyes landed on an incomparably ordinary and small courtyard just outside the City Lord Mansion.

Old Fox was still in Great Deer City. Once he sensed Yin Hanxin’s actions he would absolutely stop him. So, he had to move as fast as possible, not giving him any time to react.

A last trace of hesitation flashed in Yin Hanxin’s eyes before vanishing. Riches and danger came hand in hand. Since he had discovered this secret, how could he pretend not to know?

And there was something even more important. If Black Astral succeeded, would he allow Yin Hanxin to continue establishing himself in Great Deer City?

In this world, there were no people that took risks without reason. He was forced to do this.


Yin Hanxin coldly shouted.

A squad of demon guards broke through the front doors of the courtyard, rushing in like a pack of wolves.

Then…there was nothing after that. The deathly silence caused the surrounding demons to widen their eyes.

At the same time, everything that happened here was transmitted at the fastest possible speed.

Yin Hanxin raised an eyebrow before composing himself. Since he had made his move, he wouldn’t hesitate anymore.

Old Fox would soon catch up to him, so he couldn’t wait at all. He took a breath and moved towards the open courtyard door.

When he entered, he saw Qin Yu standing in the courtyard as well as the demon guards who were lying on the ground. It was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

“Tell me everything you know…or die!”

Yin Hanxin slowly said. His words were cold and severe. He was pushed for time and didn’t mind killing right now.

Qin Yu looked at him. His pupils suddenly turned pitch black. They were like the infinite abyss. It was impossible to see how far they went, but they were capable of swallowing all!

Old Fox soon arrived. To be exact, it was extremely fast. When he received the message he nearly fell to the floor before he leapt up a dozen feet and cursed out loud, “Yin Hanxin, you bastard!”

He didn’t dare to think about what the consequences would be once Liu Huo was angered.

Perhaps…even if Great Deer City could withstand the beast tide, the city would still be burnt to ashes beneath the flames of his anger.

Old Fox gasped for breath as he landed outside the courtyard. Everything was quiet in his ears. In fact, in his eyes there was no change to the courtyard from before, as if all of this was some kind of trick that someone was playing on him.

Without time to think any further, Old Fox shouted out, “Mister!” to indicate his arrival. He hurried into the courtyard, and what he saw next left him stunned with fear.

Yin Hanxin was right in front of him, but he didn’t sense his arrival at all.

In fact, it was impossible for him to ever respond again, because his aura had completely vanished.

As if he were a statue.

Qin Yu casually glanced over from his seat beside a stone table.

His body shaking, Old Fox hurriedly bowed, his face deathly pale. “Mister, I was neglectful and didn’t think that in this current situation Yin Hanxin would dare to come to your residence and cause trouble, resulting in you being disturbed. I am willing to withstand any punishment. I only ask that mister not be angry!”

Since things had already happened it was no longer time to shift responsibility. Taking the initiative to accept his mistake was the most correct choice.

“It’s nothing. But I’ll have to bother you with cleaning up these corpses.”

Hu –

Old Fox let out a long breath. Only now did he realize that his back was drenched in a cold sweat. He respectfully bowed.

Without allowing anyone to come in, Old Fox personally dragged out the corpses of Yin Hanxin and all the other demon guards. Once he was finished, he bowed and closed the doors.

Only when he left did he truly relax. He lifted a hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Black Astral said that Liu Huo had the strength of a Demon Commander. This had caused Old Fox to be even more certain of his status as an Abyss Walker.

But after what he saw today, Old Fox’s understanding of Qin Yu went through another heaven-turning change.

He was well aware of how strong Yin Hanxin was. After all, others might not know about his battle with Black Astral, but Old Fox did.

By relying on Three Lives Pavilion’s secret treasure and his formidable pit viper demon bloodline, he could erupt with a strength worthy of a Demon Commander.

Black Astral had paid a huge price, causing his bloodline to continually wither away through the years. But all he had managed to do was blind Yin Hanxin in one eye.

Yet now, without any sound, Yin Hanxin intruded into the courtyard and completely lost his aura.

This included not just his soul but also his formidable demon bloodline.

Old Fox closed his eyes and gently shivered. He seemed to envision the threatening Yin Hanxin breaking into the courtyard. Then, the sitting Liu Huo casually glanced at him. This casual glance froze him in place, completely erasing his aura!

While Yin Hanxin wasn’t a true Demon Commander, when he broke into the courtyard his condition was comparable to that of a Demon Commander.

In other words, Liu Huo was able to easily erase a Demon Commander level existence.

Was this strength that someone at the Demon Commander boundary could have?

Hoho, in the abyss there were certain clans with astonishing bloodlines that could give birth to Demon Commander powerhouses that were known as the strongest beneath a Demon King. They had the ability to crush all others at their boundary.

But if they wanted to kill another Demon Commander with just a glance, not even giving them the chance to respond…this was impossible!

Could it be that from the very start he had been mistaken? His Excellency Liu Huo wasn’t a Demon Commander, but was a true…Abyssal Demon King!

Hu –

Old Fox opened his eyes and glanced at the courtyard once again. There was nothing but endless awe and veneration in his eyes.

To have the status of an Abyssal King and Abyss Walker…if so, then perhaps he was facing one of the peak existences of the entire abyss.

There was even a chance he could attack the legendary boundary of a Ruler of the abyss, becoming an unsurpassed existence that dominated the abyss.

Even if he was doomed to be nothing but a passerby in his life, appearing at the side of such a great existence was still an unbelievable honor.

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