Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1039A - Pendant of Disguise

Chapter 1039A – Pendant of Disguise

Great Deer City was a city that was built on the back of a mountain. An endless canyon was in front of it and only a bridge made of woven demon wood connected the two sides of the canyon together. The terrain was steep, so when the beast tide approached, it became the best choice for the abyssal tribes from all around to avoid this great misfortune.

Only four days had passed since news about the incoming beast tide had arrived, but the entire city was now flooded with people. Even so, a massive number of abyssal demons still rushed it, making the city environment increasingly anxious with each passing hour. The prices of all commodities and materials skyrocketed, and some businesses were able to make a killing in profit.

“An honored guest has arrived!” A blue tail demon at the front door called out loud. The noisy and crowded hall fell into silence and countless eyes gathered.

At this time, this was a complete seller’s market. Coupled with the numerous visitors, it was good enough if someone was even greeted. For someone to have such treatment, they had to be a genuinely distinguished guest.

To receive such treatment in Thousand Eye Temple, it naturally had to come from a vast amount of demon crystals. The expenditure had to be at least in the tens of millions.

What entered everyone’s eyes was a large and calm fellow. He stood almost ten feet tall and his body bulged with iron-hard muscles. He released a valiant and dangerous aura. With just one glance, everyone was able to determine that this person wasn’t someone good to provoke. They immediately withdrew their eyes.

On ordinary days, order was maintained within Great Deer City. But the approaching beast tide had caused the situation to change. If someone were to die at this time, no one would care about them.

“Mister Liu Huo, you’ve made it. The steward has already given orders for you to be directly escorted in after you arrive. Please.” Women of the fox race were known for being charming with explosive bodies that radiated sultriness. She wore a short dress that revealed her white and slender thighs and her large and abundant chest attracted everyone’s attention.

After smiling and bowing, she turned and led the way. Her flame-colored tail continuously wiggled back and forth.

Liu Huo was expressionless. Briefly nodding, he followed behind the fox woman. He didn’t care at all about the eyes that still lingered on him.

This performance caused the expressions of many demons to change. After mulling over it, they decided to toss away any thoughts of causing trouble.

Demon crystals were tempting, but one had to be alive to enjoy them. No matter how they looked at it, this Liu Huo wasn’t someone they could target.

After leaving the hall, the noise and commotion in the air vanished. At the end of a spotless passage was a large reception room.

The steward of Thousand Eye Temple was an old fox demon wearing loose black robes. He had clearly received the news ahead of time and was waiting here. “Mister Liu Huo, please come in.”

The fox woman restrained herself and put on a blank and friendly expression. She smiled and started to boil water and brew tea in front of a short table.

The tea that abyssal demons drank came from a tea tree that was rooted in the abyss and grew by absorbing demon energy. It was greatly useful to the demon races in cultivating. And because it was scarce in quantity, it was absolutely more valuable than demon crystals. It was something only high level individuals had the qualifications to enjoy.

The guest and host took a seat. The old fox reached out a hand, “Mister, please have a taste.”

Liu Huo faintly said, “I didn’t come to Thousand Eye Temple to drink tea.”

The old fox’s eyes flashed. “It seems that mister is in a hurry. Then, I won’t delay any longer.” He clapped his hands.

The fox woman laid down the tea set and cleaned her hands. Then, she went behind the reception room and came back holding a black box forged from demon crystal, placing it in front of Liu Huo.

“My Thousand Eye Temple has already prepared the things you wanted. Inside this, there is the blood of a six-eared yin monkey that is especially precious, and it was an unexpected harvest. The value of this item surpasses the demon crystals you paid, but because my Thousand Eye Temple wants to express our trust in mister, we will not ask for any extra payment. We only hope that Mister Liu Huo will continue cooperating with our Thousand Eye Temple in the future if you have need of anything.” The old fox sincerely said.

Liu Huo said, “I understand Thousand Eye Temple’s sincerity.” He opened the black demon crystal box. Inside it were eight clear and transparent tubes. There were liquids of different colors within each tube, all of them flashing with iridescent light.

After carefully picking up each one and examining them, Liu Huo closed the demon crystal box and stood up, saying, “Everything is in good condition. It was great cooperating with you.”

The old fox smiled, “Today’s transaction is the largest one that the temple has had in the past six months. With the city being so noisy and chaotic right now, if Mister Liu Huo is willing, you can rest here for a few days. That fox girl over there will take care of all your personal needs.”

The indifferent fox woman’s face flushed red. She boldly looked over, her eyes nimble and sharp like two small hooks.

But what a pity, this performance that would have caused an ordinary man’s mouth to turn parched wasn’t able to arouse Liu Huo’s interest in the least. He didn’t even glance at the fox woman before directly refusing, “I have other matters to attend to, so I will bid my farewells here first.”

He stood up and walked away.

The old fox smiled, “Very well. Men, escort this gentleman outside.”

When Liu Huo disappeared, the fox woman looked up, a curious look in her eyes. “Why did you let him leave so easily?”

The old fox frowned, “That person isn’t good to provoke. With the beast tide coming, it’s best to have as little trouble as possible. So be it.”

When Liu Huo left Thousand Eye Temple he disappeared into the billowing streams of people on the street, soon vanishing without a trace.

Moments later, several abyssal demons came to a stop, their complexions pale. The person they had been tracking had disappeared under their watch.

How hateful! A fat sheep had managed to escape!

Creak –

The courtyard doors were pushed open and Liu Huo walked in. After carefully inspecting his surroundings and seeing that no one had touched his arrangements, he turned and gently closed the door.

“You’ve returned?” Feature walked over. When her eyes fell on Qin Yu she couldn’t help but reveal a strange expression. “Your Manifestation bloodline ability is quite useful when used for disguises and escaping.”

She didn’t think that Qin Yu would awaken his second bloodline inheritance so soon. But this time, his luck didn’t seem to be that good.

Manifestation. As long as he obtained a part of the other party’s body, whether it was their blood, hair, scales, or anything else, he could transform his appearance into theirs. From the current testing, there was no limit to the races he could copy. After manifestation, he could even obtain a part of their abilities…

If it was just this, it could be considered a decent bloodline ability. After all, if he obtained a part of a tyrannical creature to use as the medium for this ability, he would be able to burst out with a terrifying power for a brief period of time.

But what a pity, after Qin Yu transformed, everything was fine only when he didn’t make a move, otherwise the medium he used would crazily burn away.

The stronger the erupting force, the faster it burned. In Feature’s judgment, this was a very weak and discounted ability.

However, if this were purely used to disguise himself as she said, it was a fierce ability. All in all, it could be considered a comfort prize.

Qin Yu had a calm expression. When fusing with the abyssal source, the bloodline abilities that accompanied it were only accidental harvests.

It was good if they were strong, but if the abilities were weak he didn’t mind much either way.

“These are the things you wanted. Take a look.”

He had only put on an act when he checked them in Thousand Eye Temple; in truth he had no idea what was inside.

Feature’s eyes brightened. She turned and took the demon crystal box away. Soon, her voice sounded out from within the room, “There’s no problem. I’ll give it a try.”

Qin Yu called out in response and returned to the courtyard to take a seat. He calmly looked around.

He had no idea who Liu Huo actually was. When he was bringing Feature with him on the road to Great Deer City, this fellow had jumped out of nowhere, completely blind to death or danger. He wanted to purchase the dirty maid next to Qin Yu but was sternly refused. However, he refused to give up and finally tried to steal her.

Qin Yu had no other choice. He expended a considerable amount of effort and eliminated Liu Huo as well as his subordinates. This was how he received his rich resources here.

Only when he was looking through the goods did he discover that Liu Huo was a fierce demonic refining master.

This was an occupation that only existed in the abyss. The general scope of the work was to use various foreign objects to help the demon race strengthen their bloodline.

The abyssal tribes, strictly speaking, were built on various bloodlines. The stronger the bloodline, the greater the strength.

A demonic refining master was a considerably high-end occupation. In addition to Liu Huo being someone of passable talent, he had an immense amount of demon crystals with him.

Feature got her hands on a book. It was unknown how she managed to read it, but she really did understand it and found a way to hide her aura.

The items in the demon crystal box he picked up from Thousand Eye Temple were all materials he needed to use.

While he had no idea what the effect would be like, the value was astonishing. He had used up nearly all the demon crystals he took from Liu Huo.

And it was because of this that he was announced by Thousand Eye Temple as an honored guest…

After all, even for the superior demons who spent great deals of money, spending tens of millions of demon crystals was still an astonishing show of wealth.

Although it didn’t take much effort to obtain them, it still hurt to give them away. But he had wasted two days for this matter, so it had better have some effect.

Otherwise, Qin Yu would have to think of another way to conceal Feature’s aura.

A massive number of demons had gathered here in Great Deer City, and many of them were tyrannically strong. At the very least, in these last few days he had sensed some auras that left him feeling dread.

If these people discovered Feature’s existence, then even if Qin Yu lived up to his words and fled alone, he still might not be able to escape Great Deer City.

He had inexplicably entered the abyss and even fused with a part of the abyss’ source. But no matter what he tried, he couldn’t figure out a way to undo the Path of 10,000 Souls.

So right now, Feature was his only chance. He had to do everything in his power to ensure her safety.

All sorts of thoughts raced through Qin Yu’s head. A long time later, there was a long bang. He stood up and rushed toward Feature’s room.

Bang –

Pulling open the doors, smoke gushed out into his face. Feature laughed out loud, “Hahaha, I really am a genius; I succeeded on my first try!”

Qin Yu relaxed. As the smoke dispersed, the room cleared up to reveal Feature’s figure. He glanced at her and stiffened, slowly backing away, “Since you’ve succeeded, go and test the effect.”

He walked away as he spoke.

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