Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1035 – Mysterious Feature

Chapter 1035 – Mysterious Feature

The skies were dark and the earth seemed soaked in blood. A black and violent wind roared without end, curling up massive swathes of sand that crashed back down like stone rain. Just listening to the sounds made one feel tense and nervous.

A woman sat at the entrance of a stone cave, calmly watching the scene in front of her. Her eyes shined, as if she was unexpectedly interested.

After an unknown length of time, there was the sound of something stirring from deep within the cave. Then, a young man emerged from the darkness. He looked at the back of the woman sitting at the cave entrance and he furrowed his eyebrows together. After a brief hesitation he said, “Who are you? And where is this?”

The young man who spoke was Qin Yu!

The woman turned to reveal an ordinary face. Small freckles dotted the side of her nose. She looked like an average 16 or 17 year old young girl. She couldn’t be considered beautiful, but she gave off a completely different feeling to Qin Yu. He instinctively felt close and intimate with her.

“This is the abyss, and I am your savior.”

Her answer was concise and effective.

Qin Yu’s complexion changed. “Abyss?” He never imagined that once he fell unconscious and woke up, he would have arrived here.

He looked outside the cave entrance. As he thought, what the black wind blew along was a light abyssal energy!

Legend said that the abyssal world was covered in abyssal energy, the nemesis of all flesh and blood beings. Once someone entered, they would instantly be corroded into a puddle of bloody goo!

But now as he breathed, he didn’t feel ill at all. In fact, when he breathed faint traces of abyssal energy into his body, he felt a pleasant sensation.

What was going on here?

The woman lightly said, “The reason is simple. It is because your current condition is that of an abyssal being.”

Qin Yu sucked in a deep breath and suppressed his shaking heart. He closed his eyes and probed his condition. Only after a long time did he open his eyes, a complex look on his face. It was because this woman was right; he had turned into an abyssal being.

In his chest, his two other hearts had fallen into a quiet state. Only the black heart of the abyss vigorously beat, pushing abyssal energy through his limbs and bones.

And what was more astonishing was that Qin Yu discovered that all of his strength was deeply slumbering just like his two other hearts, as if they had been sealed.

“The abyss and the world of the living have different rules governing them and different Laws revolving within. Since you’ve entered, you cannot use the strength of the other world. Of course, this correspondingly means that you can obtain gifts granted to you by the abyss’ Laws.” The woman smiled as she spoke.

Qin Yu asked in a quiet voice. “Just who are you and why did I enter the abyss?”

The woman’s smile didn’t waver. “I should have a name. From now on you can call me Feature. As for why you entered the abyss, that is because you fused with a part of the abyss’ source, so it’s natural for you to be brought here.”

Her contributions to this were completely skipped over and ignored.

She couldn’t say that she had wanted to take a look at the abyss for a long time and so she had him lead her here.

Harmony! Harmony was what mattered!

Without giving Qin Yu time to think more, Feature said, “I saved your life. You shouldn’t doubt this, so it’s about time that you repay me.”

Qin Yu looked at her. This woman didn’t have any aura at all, as if she were the most ordinary girl. But even if she had lost all her strength, it seemed that with her mortal body alone she could crush him to death with just a finger.

For some unknown reason, Qin Yu felt a trace of dread when facing her…it was completely without reason, but this feeling truly did exist in his heart.

Of course, what mattered more was that an ordinary woman would never have been able to save him and appear in the abyss. Although she appeared ordinary, it was just because his strength was insufficient to look past this woman’s concealment.

That’s right. When this woman said she was his savior, he didn’t doubt this at all.

If not for that, then with how the situation was before he fell unconscious he should have been swallowed up by the fire dragon and his soul dispersed into dust.

“What do you want?”

Feature looked around. She turned around and continued looking at the blowing wind and said, “I want to take a look around this world.”

Qin Yu: …

What sort of request was that?

At this time, there was the sound of rapid clapping from outside the cave. There was a flash of a dark shadow, followed by a hail of stones as something hurtled straight into the cave.

As it came closer, Qin Yu could see that it was an abyssal being resembling a blue wolf with scales all over. Its eyes were fixed on Feature and its mouth was wide open, its fangs dripping with noxious saliva.

“Protect me.” Feature lightly said.

As Qin Yu was stunned, the blue-scaled abyssal wolf had leapt towards her.

This woman was able to save him from the Path of 10,000 Souls and even bring the two of them into the abyss. Did she actually need his protection? As his thoughts raced, he had already moved. In fact, he didn’t even need to consider much before his body moved of its own volition.

Within his chest, the black heart of the abyss beat robustly. Tyrannical strength gushed out from his limbs and bones, causing the ground around him to shatter. Qin Yu rushed forward like a shadow, zipping in front of the scaled wolf and then smashing it with his fist.

The scaled abyssal wolf’s claws were black and shined with a metallic luster. They were the hardest part of its body and even its fangs were two levels weaker.

As it saw Qin Yu’s fist rush over, awe flashed in its eyes. But soon, this awe was replaced by the greed and desire in its eyes.

Hou –

With a deep roar, the scaled abyssal wolf sped up!

Bang –

There was a loud explosion followed by a pained howl. The cow-sized wolf was sent flying away. Its incomparably hard claws snapped at the root and its front legs broke in several places. It landed on the ground and tumbled about in pain.

Blood dripped down its face. A claw had snapped off and pierced its eye socket, stabbing through an eyebrow!

Qin Yu looked down at the faint white marks on his fist. He had a stunned expression.

The Ancient race’s Undying Body was formidable but it definitely could not reach this level. When he fought the scaled wolf, he noticed that while it wasn’t too strong, its claws were horrifically sharp.

But even so, they weren’t able to damage Qin Yu’s fist at all. Was this due to the abyssal energy transforming his body?

As Qin Yu was thinking over this, the heavily wounded scaled abyssal wolf crawled up from the ground. Its pierced eye still dripped with blood. Because its forelegs were broken, they hung in the air and swayed around constantly.

After being heavily wounded, the abyssal wolf’s remaining eye revealed fear when it faced Qin Yu. But, it didn’t run away. Rather, a low and deep growl came from its throat, making it seem crazier and wilder.

Qin Yu furrowed his eyebrows. He glanced at the quietly sitting Feature behind him.

Several breaths of time, something fell to the ground. In a breath of time, the scaled abyssal wolf’s massive body had completely disappeared.

“Mm?” Qin Yu’s complexion changed. This was because as he discovered the scaled abyssal wolf dying, dots of red light had appeared in his soul space.

Feature said, “This is your mark for killing an abyssal being. The stronger they are, the brighter the spots of light become. It doesn’t have much function now, but once you return to the living world you’ll discover its benefits.”

She smiled, “This can be considered the path of balance…abyssal beings may swallow flesh and blood creatures, but that is not just because they taste good. Rather, flesh and blood is extremely vitalizing and nourishing to them. At the same time, if a flesh and blood creature were to kill an abyssal being, they would also have harvests. You will learn the specifics in the future, so I won't say anything more.”

Qin Yu turned and looked at her, “You were the target of the abyssal being?”

Feature nodded. “That’s right, there is a minor problem with my current condition. My body releases a scent that has a great enticement for abyssal beings. In short, they will stop at nothing to swallow me into their bellies. What you need to do is protect me in the abyss for as long as you can.

“Moreover, there is something else I must warn you about. As more time passes, the scent coming from my body will become increasingly intense, so it’s best if you think of some other plan. Otherwise even if you hide here and don’t do anything, more and more abyssal beings will be drawn in.”

Qin Yu frowned. If this was true, there was an explanation for what happened.

It was no wonder that the scaled abyssal wolf didn’t flee even after it was severely wounded but instead continued its desperate attack.

It seemed that Feature’s so-called ‘enticing scent’ wasn’t just enticing. It was something that made abyssal beings go crazy!

If the situation was like this, protecting her wouldn’t be simple. A slight mistake and he would fall into danger.

After all, this was the incomparably terrifying abyss!

Feature’s lips curled up in a smile. “I am still your savior. You can’t even do this for me?”

Qin Yu said without expression, “I will do everything in my power to repay a life-saving graciousness. But if there is ever a life or death moment, don’t blame me if I escape by myself.”

He was willing to repay his debts of gratitude, but this didn’t mean he was going to give his life away.

This had nothing to do with selfishness. Rather, he didn’t believe that this mysterious Feature would die so easily.

Perhaps what he needed to do was preserve his own life instead!

Feature smiled, “At least you’re honest with me. I don’t blame you. If a life or death moment arrives, you can escape by yourself. However, I will tell you something. It is in your best interest if you help me survive as long as possible, because the longer I stay in the abyss, the more likely I am to give you some help…for instance, how to undo the Path of 10,000 Souls.”

Qin Yu’s eyes exploded with light. “Are you speaking the truth?”

Feature lightly said, “I never lie.”

“Good!” Qin Yu drew in a deep breath, “I will do my best to protect you!”

Feature blinked her eyelashes, a bit surprised. “You aren’t afraid that I’m lying to you.”

“I believe in my intuition.”

“Is this a man’s sixth sense?” Feature muttered beneath her breath, curling her lips. She couldn’t believe that he even believed in something like this. Didn’t he know that this so-called intuition mostly just deceived people?

Qin Yu stepped out of the cave and arrived near the corpse of the scaled abyssal wolf. The sand and stone haphazardly crashed into his body.

He thought for a moment and grabbed the corpse of the scaled abyssal wolf before walking back into the cave.

“You said that I have to protect you to stay alive for as long as possible in the abyss?”

Feature looked at Qin Yu and then looked at the wolf corpse in his hands. “That’s right, but what are you planning on doing?”

Qin Yu tore off the wolf’s head. The corpse was still warm and a massive amount of black blood splattered in all directions. “It’s simple. Since your scent will cause abyssal beings to go crazy, we’ll cover it up first!”

Feature’s eyes widened but before she could oppose, Qin Yu grabbed her wrist. “This is the plan I thought of. If you aren’t willing, don’t blame me for going back on my promise!”

Moments later, the wolf corpse was tossed to the ground. Feature was covered in wolf blood. It was black and emitted a noxious and pungent stench.

Feature clenched her jaws, “You couldn’t think of another way?”

Qin Yu said, “There might be other ways, but this is the most direct and most effective one.” He squatted down and started skinning the wolf. Using the softest parts, he crafted a wolfskin mask.

“Take this and wear it. Without my permission, you cannot take it off.”

Feature might have ordinary looks, but there was a strangely intangible charm to her. Qin Yu didn’t want this to cause any unnecessary troubles.

After being soaked in wolf blood and covered in a horrific smell, Feature looked at the roughly made wolfskin mask and opened her mouth a few times. Finally, she accepted it, as if she had given up all resistance.

But her teeth were clenched even tighter right now. She roared in her heart: You brat Qin Yu, just you wait. The account book between us is growing increasingly thick!

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