Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 879 - Abandoned

Chapter 879 - Abandoned

Valiant Tomb Castle was located in the southwestern region of Great King City. It was 4000 miles away and located in a relatively remote area, just at the edge of the area of jurisdiction. Moreover, the terrain here was mostly sand fields and hills. From the surface, it was an extremely barren land.

But 3000 years ago, the first master of Valiant Tomb Castle, a retired black armored obam called Radow, led his family to start excavating an underground cellar for food storage. During this process, they happened to discover an incomparably large and deep adamant stone mine in the depths.

As a treasure that could help the obam awaken their bloodline, adamant stones had always been considered one of the most precious materials circulating in the obam world.

As a result Valiant Tomb Castle was established and hundreds of years later it became a powerful place that could not be underestimated within Great King City and its surrounding territories. They could be called a powerful local overlord of their own region.

When City Lord Sophia issued her decree, the obam within Valiant Tomb Castle started to boil over with excitement. They dispatched a large number of experts towards the Little Sweet Mountains, vowing to kill the human array master and create a brighter future for Valiant Tomb Castle.

Because of this, the normally sternly guarded adamant stone mine was now somewhat vacant in their defenses. But, the protections of the area where the high-level figures lived hadn’t been weakened at all. In particular, after the news of the crazy assassinations at Great King City, the defenses here were strengthened repeatedly.

On this day, the adamant stone mining district had purchased a new batch of human slaves. They would be sent into the underground mine until they died and they would never have another chance to see the sun.

A group of trembling and terrified human slaves entered the dark and dirty mines underneath the cracking whips and curses of their obam masters.

But at this time, the obam guards at Valiant Tomb Castle didn’t discover that two people had gone missing from their human slaves.

Borrowing the status of slaves, Wistful Deer and Silent Kite smoothly entered Valiant Tomb Castle. Now they were hidden underground, a bead that emitted a halo of brown light floated above their heads. It turned the mud and stone into soft liquid, expanding outwards and opening up a space where the two could take shelter.

At this time, Silent Kite sat down cross-legged. She raised a hand and pointed out a finger. A ray of light stretched out, fusing into the brown bead.

An hour later she opened her eyes and said, “Found it.”

Wistful Deer nodded. “Valiant Tomb Castle has heavy defenses and there are still many obam experts that have remained. It should be a precaution in case someone decided to move against the adamant stone mind. Our goal is only the heir of Valiant Tomb Castle, Taiga. Once we kill him we will immediately leave.”

Silent Kite hesitated for a moment. “Senior-apprentice brother, I don’t know why but I have a bad premonition about this.”

Wistful Deer smiled and comforted here. “There is no need to be so anxious. We randomly chose Valiant Tomb Castle so how would the obam know? With this earth spirit bead helping us, we can easily sneak in. Once we kill our target we will escape below the earth. There absolutely won’t be any problem.”

Silent Kite nodded, “When do we strike?”

“Since we found the location of our target, the sooner the better. Let’s begin now!” Wistful Deer lifted his hand. There was a flash of light as a spear appeared.

Silent Kite mobilized the earth spirit bead. The brown light wrapped around the two people, allowing them to quietly make their way through the ground.

“It’s here.” Before Silent Kite’s voice well, Wistful Deer shot out like an arrow.

The spear in his hand thrust out. All of the stone and mud was instantly pierced through.

Bang –

The earth broke apart. Wistful Deer rushed out from the opening, his eyes flashing around like lightning.

Some of the obam guards here were caught unaware. A horrifying cutting strength swept past them, leaving them covered in wounds, blood billowing down their bodies.

The ground was instantly dyed red, the smell of blood flooding the senses!

“It’s a human assassin! Kill him!”

“Protect the young master!”

“Eliminate him!”

With loud roars, obam guards threw themselves over.

Silent Kite’s voice rang out in Wistful Deer’s ears. “To the room on the left – the target is in there. Senior-apprentice brother, don’t waste any more time!”

Hum –

Hum –

The ground shook and hummed. Brown light surged out and mud and stone opened up from below, swallowing the obam guards!

Wistful Deer and Silent Kite were able to coordinate with each other without speaking. His figure hurtled forwards like lightning and with his spear as the tip, he crashed into the room.

In the next moment there was a heaven-shaking erupting as a visible shockwave exploded outwards. It pierced through the room, blasting apart everything inside. Countless small fragments filled the air. As they tumbled around they were wrapped up in powerful forces and eventually reduced to dust.

Wistful Deer was sent flying back at an even faster speed. The long spear in his hand bent wide as his palm shook and split apart, blood splattering in all directions.

His face paled and his eyes widened in anger. He landed on the floor, the ground shattering as he did, sending countless stones shooting out in all directions.

“Junior-apprentice sister, it’s an ambush! Hurry and flee!”

Bang –

Brown light shot upwards, wrapping around Wistful Deer and about to drag him underground.

“Humph, you cannot escape!” With a cold sneer, the brown light shooting into the skies suddenly froze. Like water that was rapidly freezing over, it was about to turn into a giant block of ice.

Shua –

Shua –

With sounds of breaking air, six obam appeared in the air. In the eyes of humans, they looked like little pigs that stood upright. But, they each emitted a terrifying aura that shook the heart.

These were true powerhouses of the obam race that had thoroughly activated their bloodline. They possessed incredible strength.

“Kill them!” One of the obam coldly said. He lifted a hoof and pressed down. There was a thunderous sound from the skies as space distorted and the phantom of a giant hoof appeared, bringing with it destruction and doom!

At almost the exact same time, the other five obam attacked together. None of them had any intention of capturing the two alive.

A cold sweat appeared all over Wistful Deer as unconstrained fear erupted within his heart. At this moment, all of his arrogance, confidence, and absolute belief in his strength had been thoroughly crushed to nothing.

If he faced just one of these six obam then he might be able to fight them, but to face a joint attack from all six at once…he couldn’t block them, he definitely couldn’t block them!

If he couldn’t fight back then all that remained was death.

Wistful Deer never imagined he would be so close to death. In his despair, he wished he could grow a pair of wings and fly away.

It turned out that unlike what he thought, he wasn’t able to gather the determination to fight until his death when facing the obam.

“Senior-apprentice brother, wake up!” Silent Kite’s voice echoed in his ears. The power of the earth spirit bead and finally broken past its imprisonment, transforming into a formidable protection that wrapped around Wistful Deer.

In the next moment, thunderous explosions rang out one after another. The attacks of the six obam experts fell down in an endless barrage.

Even with the protection of the earth spirit bead, Wistful Deer was ruthlessly smashed into the ground. He plummeted through the ground, forming a terrifying pit.

Silent Kite appeared not too far away. Blood gushed out from her nose and mouth. In just one clash, she had been severely wounded.

And this was only because the earth spirit bead was formidable enough. Otherwise she would have been twisted to pieces by the waves of strength.

“Junior-apprentice sister!” Wistful Deer cried out in alarm, a look of shame on his face. He couldn’t believe that he had lost his ability to think and move just now. If it hadn’t been for Silent Kite saving him, he feared he would have been killed where he stood.

Dread, gratitude, embarrassment…all sorts of feelings wove together. But soon, it was all suppressed by overwhelming fear.

The shadow of death hadn’t disappeared. Rather, it would truly arrive now.

What to do? What to do?

Wistful Deer wasn’t resigned to dying in such a way. He indeed had a hidden card that he could use to save his life in a critical moment. But, this card could at most guarantee his life alone. If he used it, it meant abandoning Silent Kite.

As he thought of this, Wistful Deer felt shame once more. When he faced the joint attack of the six obam experts his mind had completely blanked out. He only thought of his own horror and despair, completely forgetting that he had a life-maintaining card.

Fortunately, Silent Kite had saved him!

Did he have to abandon her and run away by himself? If he did that, how would he explain this to the commander? And by doing that he wouldn’t have the face to keep his head held high in the Light Guard.

No, it’s not like that. If I don’t run away then we will both die here.

Right. Even if I stay here there is nothing I can do.

And if I survive, I can bring back information on the obam that killed junior-apprentice sister. There will come a day when Celestial Retribution takes revenge.

At this time, the profusely bleeding Silent Kite never would have imagined that Wistful Deer, who she had gone all-out to save, had already found a reason to abandon her here.

“Senior-apprentice brother, don’t worry…” Silent Kite’s words caught in her throat. Her eyes widened with disbelief as she saw a sudden burst of powerful aura wrap around Wistful Deer.

Then, space warped around him and he vanished from sight.

He ran away…he ran away just like that…

In Silent Kite’s mind, her senior-apprentice brother had the image of a glorious and honorable Light Guard. Now, that image had completely collapsed! Her eyes darkened and a bitter smile crossed her face. As she thought about how she had been somewhat moved by him before, she felt sick and disgusted at herself.

If the situation was completely ruined and it was impossible to recover, she would not have allowed herself to become a burden. She would have even taken the initiative to tell him to leave.

But….that wasn’t what happened!

Silent Kite also had a card. Although she couldn’t vanish directly like Wistful Deer, this card could thoroughly stimulate the powerful defensive capabilities of the earth spirit bead. Even the six obam powerhouses wouldn’t be able to break through for a time.

Originally, with such a potent defense and in addition to Wistful Deer’s ultra-strong offensive powers, they had a chance to kill their way out.

But now, all had become nothing.

She had been abandoned….like this…the senior-apprentice brother she had grown up with since childhood, who she considered a great friend, had abandoned her without hesitation.

It was truly laughable!

She took a deep breath and suppressed the bitterness in her chest. She took out a brown jade talisman, and with a bit of strength, crushed it.

Pa –

The dark brown earth spirit bead suddenly erupted with a blinding light. Ripples of light overlapped upon each other, forming an incomparably potent defense.

After finishing all of this, Silent Kite suppressed the pain wracking her body. She took a deep breath, pushing down her fear and despair as she began to restore her strength.

Even if she knew it was almost impossible to escape here today, even if she knew she would die, she would fight until her last dying breath. She would not shame the honor of her father!

In the chaos at Valiant Tomb Castle, no one noticed an obam dazedly looking at the battlefield from afar. There was only shock in his eyes, without any of the fear that a low-level obam should have.

Qin Yu really never imagined that Wistful Deer would react so quickly, so quickly that he didn’t even have time to do anything before he ran away. He looked at Silent Kite who was doing her best to restore her strength. For a moment, he felt sympathy for her. It was truly sad for her to be given such a teammate.

The six obams weren’t weak. When they attacked their bloodlines were able to resonate with each other, increasing their overall strength. But if Wistful Deer chose to fight until the end, then with the powerful defense of the earth spirit bead and with Qin Yu’s surprise attack, he was sure they could slay all of them.

But now…he could only do his best to save her. In this situation, the difficulty of fighting his way out of an encirclement while carrying a severely wounded woman was so high it was scary.

In his obam form, Qin Yu’s eyes flashed. He swept his eyes around and then quietly approached. The strength of the earth spirit bead could still last for a moment. There was no need to be in a hurry. If he looked around a bit more, perhaps a better opportunity might appear.

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