Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 855A – Brothers for Life

Chapter 855A – Brothers for Life

Qin Yu suddenly turned around and a scene that could be called horrifying started to unfold before his eyes.

There was a coffin the size of a ruler. It floated in the air and its surface was mounted with countless gems. Qin Yu didn’t recognize what sort of gems they were, but from the fluctuations of strength emanating from them, he could feel how precious they were.

As Qin Yu turned, all of the gems atop this overly opulent coffin suddenly shattered. In the next moment a rich blood red light erupted from the coffin, wrapping it within. Then, the entire coffin seemed to melt like ice, forming a thick and viscous crimson liquid.

Bang –

It was like a black hole suddenly appeared, wildly drawing in power from the world. Rumbling sounds filled the air as if a dam had been broken and waters were rushing out. The target of all of this world strength was actually the crimson mass that had formed from the melted coffin. After a massive amount of world strength fused with it, the slurry seemed to be stretched out by invisible hands, quickly into the shape of a human form.

This was where the frightening scene occurred. Qin Yu watched helplessly as a skull appeared and grinned at him. Flesh and blood quickly regrew within its hollow eye sockets, condensing into a pair of round eyes. Without the covering of flesh and blood, of skin and lips, this scene was simply heart-stopping!

Then, beneath the skull there started to form a spine and ribs. As the blood red light tumbled around, organs grew followed by limbs and more bones and muscle and then skin.

Simply put, in a short several breaths of time, Qin Yu had witnessed the ‘formation’ of a living person. The entire process had appeared out of nothing, with only that overly opulent coffin being there.

A pair of eyes slowly opened. Then, two gazes met each other. One was inconspicuous, calm and unhurried, like a great bird soaring in the skies, and the other had a solemn expression. They stared at each other without talking for a long time, causing a strange atmosphere to appear.

“Cough!” In the end, it was the naked man who lost. He raised a hand and pulled out a black robe from the void, covering himself in it. His eyebrows furrowed together and he had a dignified appearance. His eyes shined with pressure as he looked at Qin Yu and slowly said, “Although my Myriad Saint Body is astonishingly captivating, you must firmly keep in mind the reality that you are a hot-blooded male. While I have lived for many years, my orientation has never wavered or become lost. I will never be interested in you. So if you ever give birth to any disrespectful thoughts, you should put those away as soon as possible. This is so that I don’t send you away on the road just after I rescued you.”

There was a loud ‘boom’ in Qi Yu’s mind. He clearly heard every word the man was saying but he couldn’t control the expression on his face. As the man’s frown deepened and as it seemed that his patience was about to run out, Qin Yu finally regained control of himself. He cupped his hands together and bowed deeply, “Junior Qin Yu thanks senior for the life saving graciousness.”

His eyes locked onto the naked man…no, it should be black robed man now. As Qin Yu saw his face, he sighed inwardly. It really wasn’t him. But, could there be people born in this world that appeared so similar to each other? This was no longer similar either, rather, it was completely alike, as if they had both been formed from the same mold.

In fact, even though the black robed man’s aura was as deep as the abyss and Qin Yu couldn’t touch it at all, everything else was familiar. This was what truly shocked Qin Yu. While the eyes could lie, the flavor of the soul wouldn’t!

The black robed man was exactly the same as the seafolk Xue Zheng!

The black robed man seemed to relax a little. He paced around a little and said, “Boy, the look you gave me just now wasn’t right. I am going to give you a stern warning. Do not be tempted by my beauty. If you think about capturing me so you can reach the peak of your life, that won’t work at all!”

Qin Yu’s complexion darkened. But facing such a great god it was obviously a bad idea to argue back. He cupped his hands together and said, “Senior, rest assured that I was simply taken aback just now. I absolutely do not dare…I do not dare have any improper ambitions towards you.”

He sighed inwardly. Was this the so-called Origin God boundary? The aura was as vast as a sea of stars, but what was this weird and funny feeling? Or could it be said that when a person’s cultivation reached a shockingly deep realm and they lived for countless years, the tastes of mighty beings began to change?

“I’m glad you know your limitations!” The black robed man coughed. “I am Xue Zheng. From now on I’ll be covering you. If anyone dares to bully you…fuck!”

Before the man could finish bragging, he suddenly jumped three feet into the air. His expression distorted and he clenched his jaws as he said, “After ruining over 30 of my Origin of Rebirths, they actually chased me all the way here. This smelly woman, just wait for me!”

He lifted a hand and grasped forward. Before Qin Yu could respond he was already wrapped up by an incredible invisible force. Soon after, everything in his line of sight shattered. Countless fragments of reality flashed around him. Qin Yu kept his eyes wide open as he tried to determine where he was, but his mind hummed as if someone has ruthlessly struck him across the head with a brick. Then, his consciousness fell into darkness.

Outside of Great King City a meteor show suddenly appeared. According to the rumors that spread out, some holy priest had predicted that this was caused by a might being from the outside being severely wounded and crashing into the world barrier. According to the general range where the meteor shower fell, the area where that outside powerhouse landed should be within a small mountain range not too far outside the city.

Thus, in a single day, the bustling streets of Great King City suddenly became lonely and empty as countless ‘obams’ rushed out, the eyes that were on the side of their cheeks all flashing with excitement. Or, they vigorously twitched their shark noses as they flew and ran towards the small mountain range.

This was an outside powerhouse and a severely wounded one at that. This was simply perfect for a ‘treasure hunt!’ As long as they could find this wounded powerhouse then a brand new future would open up to them. They would then be able to step onto the peak of the ‘obam’ race and even have a chance to marry the incomparably beautiful Miss City Lord of Great King City.

Just thinking about this made the ‘obams’ shiver with excitement. Their thick and fate skins tumbled like waves, as if a high tide was coming.

The tallest building in Great King City was the Star Observation Pavilion at the City Lord Mansion. This was where three holy priests lived and cultivated. At this time, the three were covered in black robes, only their red eyes revealed. They kept their heads lowered as they stood to the side.

In front of them was a beautiful ‘obam’. Compared to other ‘obams’ her physique was much more thin and petite. Her skin was a kind of pure and sacred white, as if she were a moving source of light, exuding it at every moment.

Her four fair and clear hooves were an exquisite pink in color. As she stepped on the precious rug below, her long eyelashes and bright eyes were calm. They even gave off an in different feeling as they watched troops of ‘obams’ constantly rushing out of Great King City.

“Priests, I want to confirm one last time. Are your predictions accurate?”

The holy priest closest to her, the one that had the deepest red eyes, said, “Miss City Lord, we have repeatedly confirmed our findings; there is absolutely no mistake. As long as you can hunt down this outside powerhouse and absorb their life essence, you will surely be able to break through your current boundary and become an incomparably formidable sovereign.”

The pure white ‘obam’ City Lord nodded. “Very good. If I can ascend smoothly then you will all be rewarded. You will become the most honored great priests within my territory. Now, have these ignorant fools help me to force this powerhouse out of hiding. Then I will personally bring them back to the City Lord Mansion!”

Qin Yu lay against a haystack. His eyes were closed as he shook his head. Slowly, he was forced to accept reality – he had travelled to another world yet again. Moreover, it was in an unconscious state where no one had ever asked if he was willing or not.

And the person who did this was lying down right beside him with a pale complexion and tightly shut eyes. If it weren’t for the slight heaving of his chest, he wouldn’t be much different from a corpse.

This man was even called Xue Zheng…was that a coincidence? Hoho, yes, there was a possibility but if Qin Yu really believed this to be true then he would have been a true fool. He was 10,000% positive that this Xue Zheng and the Xue Zheng he knew shared some kind of astonishingly close relationship.

But now was not the time to care about such things. Qin Yu carefully examined Xue Zheng’s condition; he didn’t seem to be in a good state. For instance, the sounds of his breathing were over half slower than his own when he woke up. And his body temperature was falling lower and lower. It seemed that he would take his final breath at any time.

If Qin Yu couldn’t find treatment then he would be able to personally bear witness, and at close range, to the fall of a terrifying Origin God realm being…

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