Monster Integration

Chapter 3860 Success

Chapter 3860 Success

As he blazed, two faint phantoms appeared behind him.

The one golden site is the silhouette of the woman; she is tall and looks valiant, shimmering in the golden light. I didn't have to think about a moment to know it belonged to the titan.

The one opposite to it on the silver side belongs to Grimm. It is a Foxman; Silver Fur Foxman, to be precise.

It is not the only phantom; behind it is another phantom. Extremely faint, but could be seen when focused.

The phantom of abomination.

The blood of Grimms isn't enough to compete against Titan. Only the blood of the abomination could compete with the titans.

Every Grimm had the blood of abomination and friction, had activated that part.

A few seconds later, the energies begin to come out of the phantoms. They are powerful energies, and they are entering inside him, intensifying the clash, but also healing the damage that the other one brought.

I watched it with excitement, while the formation, that had been lying dead activated and began to absorb this power.

It is difficult to absorb this power; it resists it. It is why, the formation had not only copied the aura but also had a sample of blood and soul in it. To make it seem like entering the body.

It is happening without resistance. Only around 7% of the energies come from getting to Ven, while the rest is absorbed by the formation.

If it were for me, I would have not given even 1% to Ven, but it is necessary. The clash happening is dangerous and these energies help to heal those injuries, without them, he will die.

As for how it will end, it is simple.

The blood of Titan and the abomination didn't have unlimited energy. They will keep pulling these energies from the sources, but eventually, they will get tired, and the process will end on its own.

Till then, I will have to keep absorbing the energy.

There are also other things, like shielding the merging, which had not stopped despite these changes.

There is a powerful formation that is isolating it, but things are complex enough, they could go wrong at any moment. I am alert to my clone controlling things, but I am still worried.

The slightest mistake and I will blast him to blood and gore. I didn't want to see it happen.

Minutes passed, and I looked at every aspect.

I focused back on the energy; the two spheres in the storage that are absorbing the energy. Those two storages were very expensive to forge; I needed twelve elements and a few more precious resources to craft them.

The gold and silver spheres absorb a massive amount of energy. One of my clones is responsible for that and it is showing me the data observation it is making.

These energies have tremendous research value. I could already tell, how they would deepen my understanding of Grimms and Titans, and reveal the mysteries that a person of my level has no right to know.

This knowledge will help in my advancement.

Every bit of knowledge helps in their own way. I learned that long ago; it was why, I was so interested in helping him with his breakthrough.

It was the right decision and I hope, I will be able to save him.

"Brother," said the young girl, with tears dripping from her eyes. His state is terrible, but he is holding on.

"Don't worry. Your brother will be fine," I said with the confidence, I don't feel in my heart.

A minute passed and then another; the energies kept coming, but merging was also progressing. He is still absorbing the residue of merging, more than before, since the energies came.

There is a lot more.

Soon, 75% of the merging is finished. The last quarter had remained. It was going smoothly, thanks to my clone and formation, but I am vigilant; the energies had tried to mess things up.

He kind of reminded me of Marina. She has two bloodlines, and those bloodlines hated each other.

When she ate that unripe bloodline fruit, they tore through her. It had also destroyed that poison Grimms had afflicted her. It was the hardest moment of her life, and I wasn't with her.

The fact still eats me; the same as the thought of me not going to be with her at the birth of my child.

The progress reached 90%, and there was no change.

I am starting to get worried. I could see, both bloods losing most of their power, but their still pulling the energy. If they don't stop soon, they will start damaging themselves and it would be bad for Ven.

They should stop before the merging is complete. If they kept pulling, a second more after that, they would kill him.

It is why; I had prepared a nuclear option. It is damaging, but it will save him. I had already discussed that with him, but I really hope; I don't need to use that.

The side effects of it are too heavy.

Soon, the progress reached 95% and the energy coming. It is making me really worried. I had made all the preparations and if in the next three minutes, it didn't stop, I will pull the trigger.

Two and a half minutes passed, and I was ready to pull the trigger when the change occurred.

The bloods rapidly begin to cool down as if finally noticing the damage they had suffered. As it happened, the energies began to lessen before their connection broke with the sources.

Seeing that, the relief flooded into my heart. For a while, I really thought, I would need to use that option.

A few minutes passed, and the merging was finally over. I could see the relief appearing in the eyes of his girlfriend and sister seeing it.

It took over ten minutes before the consolidation began.

I sat down, for there was nothing I could do about this process. I had done everything I could and now just watch.

Minutes passed as the core began to solidify.

His core is really powerful. The most powerful core, I had seen for the Sky Sovereign and it hadn't even fully consolidated yet.

It took over twenty minutes for that to happen and after that, the energies flooded in, while the girls hugged each other.

He had succeeded in the breakthrough. There is nothing, that could derail the entire process.

He absorbed every drop of energies released from the core and opened his eyes. Immediately, the two girls hugged him.

"Congratulations," I said after he let go of the hug. "Thank you. I wouldn't have been able to succeed without your help," he replied.

"You do not have to thank me. The data, I had got is more than enough for the appreciation," I said.

"Still, thank you," he said. To that, I smiled and focused on the meta-scan.

"From what I could see; there is no problem with your breakthrough. Everything you had suffered had been healed. It could be said you had a perfect breakthrough," I said, and he smiled mirthlessly.

It is far from a perfect breakthrough, but it had provided the perfect results.

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