Monster Integration

Chapter 3763 Price

Chapter 3763 Price

?Rose Valley, Razaal.

Of course, I declined his request. No matter, how polite he is, he doesn't belong to the organization, and we do not trust him.

However, the satisfaction of rejection remained in my heart only for a moment before I saw a smile appear on his face; I didn't like that smile at all.

"It is your artifact and since you didn't want me, there is nothing I could do, but here is the news." "The part your artificer had forged won't work; he hadn't been able to understand some complexities and thus ended up making a mistake while forging it," he said, shocking me.

"Lie! I had seen the part; it is perfect," said Kandan beside me.

Ardo was his student, and he studied the blueprint with him. We all did and offered our insight.

When we looked at took earlier; it was perfect. We had seen no flaws in it.

"Try it if you don't believe me," he replied, without change in that smug smile.

'Irim, we shouldn't fall for this intruder's words. I say we take him in custody and try to locate his body through the puppet,' said Kandan telepathically.

I so much want to do that, but I have to be rational. I cannot take any action before being completely sure. He knows about the artifact and if spreads the news; it will be the end of us.

"Kandan, Garis. Go and look, if the part works," I said to them.

Kandam looked unwilling, but followed behind the old man, while I and Ikesh, stayed with the puppeteer outside.

The puppet's methods are rare and the Sky Sovereigns with enough grasp of soul arts could do it, but his method is something else. I could not see the string or even the faintest aura.

It is like. He is Hriren, a Sovereign, who isn't controlled by anyone.

"What will you do with Hriren after you finish?" I asked after seconds of silence. I care about him as I care about every member of my organization.

I pulled up the file and knew everything about him. Including the disease, that will kill him in a few months; many of our healers have tried, but no-one could heal what he has.

It made me glad, that he had used Hriren as a puppet and not someone who has a bright future ahead.

"Nothing. I will leave him, and for using his body, I healed his affliction and gave him the slight boost, that he won't have any problem in reaching the peak of the Sovereign," I replied.

It was a struggle to keep my expression unchanged, but he noticed the shock as the smile on his face brightened.

The next second, I felt the energies moving in him and prepared for anything, but saw a meta scan appearing in front of me. It is clearer than any of our medical artifacts could produce.

"I have to say, it was quite a problem, but I dabble a little in the healing arts and was able to deal with the affliction with some effort," he said, and the meta-scan changed.

Showing what it was before and what it is now.


I was looking at it when I noticed the movement behind me, and the meta-scan disappeared. I turned to them and seeing their expressions; I didn't need to ask what happened inside.

"Did you do something during forging?" asked Kandan, with his eyes blazing in anger.

The man didn't seem scared and instead, the smile on his face became bigger. "I didn't need to. Your artificer is good and has enough skills to forge it, but he didn't have the view of things,"

"You should let him work on different things. It will widen his knowledge and provide him with a wide view of things. Which is very important for the artificer," he said, and I could feel Kandan shaking.

He opened his mouth, but stopped, feeling my hand on his shoulder.

"You are right; the tool didn't work," I said and looked at him. "This one will," he replied as a small and similar tool came out of his storage and floated in front of us.

It looked the same as the Ardo forged.

"I hope, this will be enough to convince you to let me use the artifact. Of course, I won't be using it for free; I will offer you something, that is extremely useful to you all," he said and immediately, my focus sharpened.

"What do you plan on offering?" I asked, and his smile turned mischievous.

"First, let's see the artifact; I want to see if it is the only part the artifact needs. I don't want to pay, without knowing the artifact works," he said, and I wanted to curse the bastard.

I looked at him for a moment, before turning to others.

Kandan immediately shook his head, but Ikesh and the old man nodded gently. "Come in," I said and walked inside with him.

It is not because of the tool or promised payment, we are letting him inside, but because of what he knows. He is aware of the disk and if he spreads the news, it will be the end of us, and we will have to make sure with everything we have that he doesn't do that.

"It is magnificent," he said as he looked at the disc.


"Let's see, if the one you have forged works or not," said Kandan and walked into the disk.

"Teacher, can I look at look at a tool for a minute?" asked Ardo, and he handed it to his student without hesitation.

Ardo took the tool in his hand and looked. For nearly a minute, he kept looking at it, before his eyes lit up.

"I understand where I made a mistake," he whispered.

"Can you forge it successfully?" asked Kandan. "At my current skills, no, but I am confident that I will be able to do it, in a few years," replied Ardo as he handed the tool back to his teacher.

Kandan didn't say anything to that and walked in the disk, before stopping and putting into the small space.


As he did, the whole disk lit up, seeing that a big smile couldn't help but appear on my face. I had waited for this moment for a century, and it finally came.

The disk had activated.

This disc will be the important key to the door that will make us a Sky Grade organization. It might take us even further than that if we are intelligent in its uses.

"Now, what were you were you offering?" asked Kandan. The man didn't reply and instead turned to Ardo.

"Do you want me to show him in front of him. Let me tell you, it is something you won't want many people to know about?" he asked with a smile.

The bastard was playing, and it made Kandan angry.

"Ardo, wait outside," I said. I am also angry, but I bore it, till I see what he is offering us in exchange.

Ardo bowed without saying anything and walked out.

As he did, he took out a thing. Seeing that, I opened my mouth, with my aura boiling, when I suddenly stopped with shock on my face.

"O.. origin soil," I stuttered.

I had never seen the origin soil before, but I know enough to recognize it immediately.

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