Monster Integration

3375 Coward

Puch Puch Puch

It had been an hour since the battle begin and I have killed the seven Peak Sovereigns and hundreds of cultists.

Lots of people are dying every minute and making the cultist stronger. 

Thankfully, they were not able to get the edge they had thought they would get. There are some seriously strong people here who are stopping these cultists.

Still, it is also a truth that cultists have grown stronger, and they are getting stronger.

If we didn’t stop them soon, they will win.

It is not in the hands of people like me but on Earth Sovereigns fighting above. The blond hair woman is still fighting the Governor without an apparent winner.

From what I could see, they are equally matched.

The condition of the Sovereigns, on the other hand, same as ours. Our side had lost two, while cultists have lost one, increasing the edge they have further.

They already have more Sovereigns than us. Each dying had a great effect on us.

I wanted to do something, but I am powerless to do anything. So, I kept fighting.

Half an hour passed, and we are still fighting. They have gained the edge, but a very faint one. Everybody seemed to realize what will be the cost of giving up and fighting like hell to deny that to cultists.

I am too one of them; I am fighting with everything I have, killing as many as I could.


I was fighting against Peak-Sovereign when Nero’s voice rang out in my mind, and it was very serious.

Before I could ask him, he projected what he was seeing into my core and seeing it. 


My expressions couldn’t help but change drastically. 

Nero is seeing four people wearing Ishban robes. Three had the same aura as the Governor, while the fourth one has an aura even stronger than her.

‘When did they arrive?’ I asked. 

‘A moment ago,’ he replied, and I saw them moving toward the dome. Seeing that, I panicked with them; there is no way I would be able to survive.

Nobody could survive, even the blond-haired woman.


I was panicking when suddenly they did something surprising. They appeared by the four pillars powering the dome and placed their hands on them.

A few seconds passed, and nothing happened, but clearly, they were doing something.

‘I couldn’t stay here; I have to escape.’ 

A shame immediately filled my heart at those cowardly thoughts, but cowardly as they may be, they are rational.

With those four, there is no way we would be able to survive. If it had one or two, I would have thought we might have a chance, but with four, we don’t have any.

Even the blond-haired woman wouldn’t be their match. Unless she is hiding her strength.

I didn’t see any proof she was doing that; not that I dared to look too deeply. 

The warrior part of me is calling me a coward, asking me to fight till the last breath while the rational one is asking me to escape. So, I could survive and become strong to take revenge.

I know the rational one trying to justify it, but it is the right choice. Only by surviving will I be able to take revenge for what happened.

I have made my decision, cowardly as it may be.

I turned to Peak Grandmaster; I have been fighting for a five and half minutes. I have been searching for a chance to attack her, but now I couldn’t afford to do that.

So, I have dived toward her, wanting to take advantage of the gap she opened.

She must be feeling happy since I fell into her trap.

Her rapier changes the direction smoothly and moved toward my neck. I have felt into a trap and now going to get decapitated.

It is an extremely risky move. If I failed, she would decapitate me, but I succeeded. I will kill her.

Rip Puch!

An inch more, I would have died. I don’t think I would have been able to hold the blast of energy, her rapier holding to release inside me.

It would have porcupine my neck with those massive ice elemental energies.

I gripped my spear with my bloodied fingers and moved through the battlefield. Killing more than any cultist I have come across with more zeal than before.

I have a place to go, which will take me underground.

Since the battle started, I have been moving my soul sense around and there is a place I found which will take me deep underground, directly to the formation.

The formation covering the city may seem like a half circle, but it is a full circle, going below as much as above.

Dealing with the formation would be extremely challenging, but I will deal with it when I reached it.


I had reached close to it and there was less than a hundred meters of distance between me and it, when I sensed a Peak-Sovereign Grimm coming toward me.

It is about my size and bulky, holding a big black saber.


It shouted as it appeared in front of me and attacked, while I simply moved toward it.

Seeing his body language, I could see he was surprised. He had launched a testing move and usually, I would have launched mine to him too, but now, I don’t have any time.

I may have surprised him, but he reacted immediately and charged his attack with full power.

Still, the initial fraction of seconds gave me an edge, and my spear moved to exploit it fully.

I might get injured seriously, but it will be much better than wasting time fighting with it.


We both were moving for the kill when suddenly he did something surprising. He pulled back his saber and moved to retreat.

He seemed to have gotten scared by my suicide charge. He didn’t like the idea of mutual destruction.

The moment I saw him retreat; I flicked my wrists and changed the direction of my spear. Seeing that, he kind of froze. As if realizing, by retreating, he stopped from mutual destruction and went to self-destruction.


My spear easily avoided his saber, before piercing through his chest, killing him.

I put his body in my core and kept moving and soon; I reached the collapsed building and went inside it.

There I saw bodies. People have died, children.

It is a horrific sight.

The bodies I am seeing right now may seem a lot, but they are a fraction. These are the bodies of the weakest people that even the formation didn’t want.

If there hadn’t been a formation, there would have been a lot more bodies here than I am seeing right now.

The golden spongy layer might have stopped our energies. We are still Sovereigns, capable of doing immense damage.

Till now, around 20% people of in the city had died and every minute a thousands of more are dying, and there is nothing that could be done to save them.

This is the reality of the battle.

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