Monster Integration

Chapter 2645: Topics

Chapter 2645: Topics

Two weeks have passed since Marina and I became one physically, and since then, we have constantly been doing it at every chance we have got.

We did it this morning too, and Marina had been extremly ferocious, considering I am leaving today. She had left marks all over my body and used special energy, which stopped them from healing on their own with my body’s natural healing ability.

Unless I actively heal them, those marks will not heal, and I do not plan. I like having her marks on my body, and she likes to leave them.

“Lord Sylvian, how are the chrystals coming from the organizations,” asked Grand Commander, “It is good, Grand Commander, especially now that they are sending it with parts of realm breaking gates,” He said with a smile; the Pyramid is not only asking for crystals to run those gates but also parts of those gates to build new gates.

“and how is the training of new technicians going?” she asked, “It is slower than we like, but we are increasing the numbers steadily,” he replied.

Within a month, the teleportation gate technicians and operators became hot new jobs. Their salaries have skyrocketed, increased by at least three times within just a month, and they are continuously increasing.

It is pyramids doing, they want talented personals, and for it, they are willing to pay more; just three days ago, they hiked the salaries; I was part of that meeting. Though the meeting was called on more important topics, it was just one of the agendas.

“Grand Commander, considering the state of ruinic battlefields, we will need fifteen Grandmasters at least to be sent to the ruins in a week,” said Silus Bishop, which made the Grand Commander sigh, and she looked at me.

“Grandmaster, when we will have the new batch?” Grand Commander. “Ten days more, Grand Commander,” I said with a smile, to which she nodded and turned toward the Silus Bishop. “We will have to manage with ten; we can not send all our Grandmasters into the ruins when the battlefields of the mainland are still active,” She said.

The battles in ruins have rapidly expanded; till now, we have already sent one hundred and thirteen Grandmasters into the ruins, the highest we have ever sent.

Even in the last epoch of war, there have never been more than one hundred and ten Grandmasters into the ruins at once. The highest Grandmasters were ever present in ruins during wartime is one hundred and nine, and that was during the last epoch of war.

Forget the Grandmasters; we have already broken the record of the highest number of forces in ruins in all the levels, from the Knights to High Grandmasters; there is even one Grand Lord that went to the ruins. Though, it is said to be a personal mission and an extremly dangerous one, even for the Grand Lords.

“The battles on the ruins are challenging, but they are bringing the results,” said Lord Whitmore, and multiple graphs and charts appeared, revealing complete details of ruinic battlefields.

First, I looked at the casualty report; we have lost the Grandmasters in the past months, but those losses are manageable, considering we have also killed more than doubled, nearly triple the number of the Grimm Grandmasters.

After the casualty report, I looked at the resource report and the reason for the new phase of this war.

It is all for the resources; we are sending thousands of our forces into the ruines, fighting the bloodied battles, only for the resources. As the resources are the most important thing for producing the powerhouses at the factory pace.

The project is getting the first pick on every resource that comes out of the ruin; only after we are done will these resources will be transferred toward the other departments of the Pyramid.

Thankfully, we do not need more than 10% of the resources that came out, and the other departments would have eaten us alive. Still, these resources are helping the Pyramid fill its vaults slowly, which have been emptied by the project.

Our own vaults have also been quite filled thanks to the generous donations from the people that are still coming, thanks to the powerful campaign designed by Marie, which is always keeping the people interested and wanting for the project.

It is not as much as the first week, but still quite a large amount. We have even got a few unexpected treasures, those are the reason why I had been forced to postpone the mass breakthrough by ten days, which I usually do not, but things we have found had forced me to do.

“We are currently doing fine and would not change our strategy till we receive a new batch of Grandmasters from Grandmaster Zaar,” said the Grand Commander before her eyes became even more serious.

“Grandmaster Zaar, have you finished the plans for the High Grandmaster project?” asked the Grand Commander, which instantly made the eyes of all the councilmembers twinkle.

“Yes, thankfully, I finished yesterday, and we could begin right after I have returned from the ruin,” I said to her and touched my holowatch, and the file of my proposal flew toward Grand Commander, which she tapped a few times and copies of it spread toward all the councilman and the lone projection of the Grand Lord sitting in the corner.

The High Grandmaster project is divided into two parts; the first part involves the peak Grandmasters, preparing them to make the advancement into the High Grandmaster class. The second part involves the High Grandmasters themselves.

I have to help them reach the absolute peak of their class, which will be a little complicated.

A few minutes later, everyone closed the files. “It will be quite troublesome to make those people give the deep meta scans; they are quite zealous about their secretes, the old guys especially,” said Lord Whitmore.

“Well, they will have to bare open all their secrets if they want to improve,” said Silus Bishop, which greatly surprised me, considering he rarely spoke in my favor.

“No secret is more important than the advancement, and like lord Bishop had said, they will bare everything if they want to improve,” added Grand Commander and turned toward me.

“The ten-peak Grandmasters are feasible, but three High Grandmasters is too much; it will put great strain on us,” said the Grand Commander, making me remember the admonishment I received when I used all three Grandmaster for my sudden idea.

“I understand your concerns Grand Commander, but three is the most efficient number; using one or two will waste too much time and resources,” I said and placed the small box in front of me; I did not have to tell them what it is.

I have already gotten the meta-scans of all the peak Grandmasters and need High-Grandmasters; the council will provide me; it is their job. Though, it would not be easy considering how zealous those bastards are about their secrets.

“Fine, but if the need arises, I will pull them back into the battlefield,” she said and to which I nodded. I understand how important high Grandmasters are; every single one is important, and sometimes, we are stretched so thin that we had to deployed all of them to the battlefield.

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